13 research outputs found

    Multiscale Processes in the Earth's Magnetosphere: From Interball to Cluster

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    Characterization of Jason-3 Spacecraft Surface Charging in LEO Polar Regions From AMBER Observations

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    International audienceWe have characterized spacecraft charging events in low Earth orbit (LEO) polar regions with the Active Monitor Box of Electrostatic Risk (AMBER) instrument onboard the Joint Altimetry Satellite Oceanography Network-3 (Jason-3) ocean topography mission for the first time for this spacecraft. AMBER data, taken at an altitude of 1336 km, over the period January 2017-March 2020, with measurements recorded close to the current solar minimum have been analyzed, using systematic filtering of ions spectrograms with selected threshold energies and time windows to detect negative spacecraft charging events; 109 spacecraft charging events were found. The events are examined visually and characterized by their spatial and temporal location, duration, and intensity (e.g., spacecraft potential). At the Jason-3 altitude (1336 km), the ion signature predominately lasts under 30 s in conjunction with auroral inverted V crossings, while intense fluxes of electrons corresponding to the encounter of the discrete auroral region last between 30 s and 1 min. Most of the detected spacecraft charging events show charging levels between −30 and −1000 V. The spacecraft charging events are located in the magnetic local time (MLT) sector 17h-05h, predominately before midnight. The distribution is equal between the northern and southern hemispheres. We found a high correlation between the charging time profile and that of the auroral electron average energy and energy flux along the satellite path. Overall statistics over three years as well as different event morphologies, electron spectra, and comparisons to worst case electron flux spectral distributions are presented and discussed

    TARANIS XGRE and IDEE detection capability of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and associated electron beams

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    International audienceWith a launch expected in 2018, the TARANIS microsatellite is dedicated to the study of transient phenomena observed in association with thunderstorms. On board the spacecraft, XGRE and IDEE are two instruments dedicated to studying terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) and associated terrestrial electron beams (TEBs). XGRE can detect electrons (energy range: 1 to 10 MeV) and X- and gamma-rays (energy range: 20 keV to 10 MeV) with a very high counting capability (about 10 million counts per second) and the ability to discriminate one type of particle from another. The IDEE instrument is focused on electrons in the 80 keV to 4 MeV energy range, with the ability to estimate their pitch angles. Monte Carlo simulations of the TARANIS instruments, using a preliminary model of the spacecraft, allow sensitive area estimates for both instruments. This leads to an averaged effective area of 425 cm2 for XGRE, used to detect X- and gamma-rays from TGFs, and the combination of XGRE and IDEE gives an average effective area of 255 cm2 which can be used to detect electrons/positrons from TEBs. We then compare these performances to RHESSI, AGILE and Fermi GBM, using data extracted from literature for the TGF case and with the help of Monte Carlo simulations of their mass models for the TEB case. Combining this data with the help of the MC-PEPTITA Monte Carlo simulations of TGF propagation in the atmosphere, we build a self-consistent model of the TGF and TEB detection rates of RHESSI, AGILE and Fermi. It can then be used to estimate that TARANIS should detect about 200 TGFs yr-1 and 25 TEBs yr-1

    TARANIS XGRE and IDEE Detection Capability of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Associated Electron Beams

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    Abstract. With a launch expected in 2018, the TARANIS microsatellite is dedicated to the study of transient phenomena observed in association with thunderstorms. On board the spacecraft, XGRE and IDEE are two instruments dedicated to studying terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) and associated terrestrial electron beams (TEBs). XGRE can detect electrons (energy range: 1 to 10 MeV) and X- and gamma-rays (energy range: 20 keV to 10 MeV) with a very high counting capability (about 10 million counts per second) and the ability to discriminate one type of particle from another. The IDEE instrument is focused on electrons in the 80 keV to 4 MeV energy range, with the ability to estimate their pitch angles. Monte Carlo simulations of the TARANIS instruments, using a preliminary model of the spacecraft, allow sensitive area estimates for both instruments. This leads to an averaged effective area of 425 cm2 for XGRE, used to detect X- and gamma-rays from TGFs, and the combination of XGRE and IDEE gives an average effective area of 255 cm2 which can be used to detect electrons/positrons from TEBs. We then compare these performances to RHESSI, AGILE and Fermi GBM, using data extracted from literature for the TGF case and with the help of Monte Carlo simulations of their mass models for the TEB case. Combining this data with the help of the MC-PEPTITA Monte Carlo simulations of TGF propagation in the atmosphere, we build a self-consistent model of the TGF and TEB detection rates of RHESSI, AGILE and Fermi. It can then be used to estimate that TARANIS should detect about 200 TGFs yr−1 and 25 TEBs yr−1. </jats:p

    On the temporal variability of the “strahl” and its relationship with solar wind characteristics:STEREO SWEA observations

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    The “strahl” is a specific population of the solar wind, constituted by strongly field aligned electrons flowing away from the Sun, with energies >60 eV. Using the Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) onboard STEREO, we investigate the short time scale fluctuations of this population. It is shown that its phase space density (PSD) at times presents fluctuations larger than 50% at scales of the order of minutes and less. The fluctuations are particularly strong for periods of a few tens of hours in high-speed streams, following the crossing of the corotating interaction region, when the strahl is also the most collimated in pitch angle. The amplitude of the fluctuations tends to decrease in conjunction with a broadening in pitch angle. Generally, the strongly fluctuating strahl is observed when the magnetic field is also highly perturbed. That SWEA is able to perform a very rapid 3D analysis at a given energy is essential since it can be demonstrated that the observed magnetic turbulence can only marginally perturb the PSD measurements

    LatHyS hybrid simulation of the August, 10 2021 BepiColombo Venus flyby

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    International audienceThe 2nd Venus flyby of BepiColombo has been examined and compared by the newly developed global hybrid simulation LatHyS for the Venusian environment. The LatHyS has been first validated by comparison with Venus Express observations, then using the observation from Solar Orbiter, which was located in the upstream region and both observed the same solar wind, it is applied for the Venus flyby. The simulation successfully reproduced the observed signatures and it shows that BepiColombo passed through the stagnation region of Venus, which supports the results obtained by data-analysis. In addition, we have sampled the plasma information along the trajectory and constructed the energy spectrum for three species (solar wind proton, planetary proton, and planetary oxygen ion) and possible effect due to the limited field of view is discussed. Moreover, ion escape from Venus for planetary species have been discussed and the escape rate is estimated

    Energetic charged particles above thunderclouds

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    The French government has committed to launch the satellite TARANIS to study transient coupling processes between the Earth's atmosphere and near-Earth space. The prime objective of TARANIS is to detect energetic charged particles and hard radiation emanating from thunderclouds. The British Nobel prize winner C.T.R. Wilson predicted lightning discharges from the top of thunderclouds into space almost a century ago. However, new experiments have only recently confirmed energetic discharge processes which transfer energy from the top of thunderclouds into the upper atmosphere and near-Earth space; they are now denoted as transient luminous events, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and relativistic electron beams. This meeting report builds on the current state of scientific knowledge on the physics of plasmas in the laboratory and naturally occurring plasmas in the Earth's atmosphere to propose areas of future research. The report specifically reflects presentations delivered by the members of a novel Franco-British collaboration during a meeting at the French Embassy in London held in November 2011. The scientific subjects of the report tackle ionization processes leading to electrical discharge processes, observations of transient luminous events, electromagnetic emissions, energetic charged particles and their impact on the Earth's atmosphere. The importance of future research in this area for science and society, and towards spacecraft protection, is emphasized.</p

    Forecasting Heliospheric CME Solar-Wind Parameters Using the UCSD Time-Dependent Tomography and ISEE Interplanetary Scintillation Data: The 10 March 2022 CME

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    International audienceRemotely sensed interplanetary scintillation (IPS) data from the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Japan, allows a determination of solar-wind parameters throughout the inner heliosphere. We show the 3D analysis technique developed for these data sets that forecast plasma velocity, density, and component magnetic fields at Earth, as well at the other inner heliospheric planets and spacecraft. One excellent coronal mass ejection (CME) example that occurred on the 10 March 2022 was viewed not only in the ISEE IPS analyses, but also by the spacecraft near Earth that measured the CME arrival at one AU. Solar Orbiter, that was nearly aligned along the Earth radial at 0.45 AU, also measured the CME in plasma density, velocity, and magnetic field. BepiColombo at 0.42 AU was also aligned with the STEREO A spacecraft, and viewed this CME. The instruments used here from BepiColombo include: 1) the European-Space-Agency Mercury-Planetary-Orbiter magnetic field measurements; 2) the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Mio spacecraft Solar Particle Monitor that viewed the CME Forbush decrease, and the Mercury Plasma Experiment/Mercury Electron Analyzer instruments that measured particles and solar-wind density from below the spacecraft protective sunshield covering. This article summarizes the analysis using ISEE, Japan real-time data for these forecasts: it provides a synopsis of the results and confirmation of the CME event morphology after its arrival, and discusses how future IPS analyses can augment these results