7 research outputs found

    Le communalisme ou l’avenir de la Commune de 1871

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    La rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la Commune de 1871 revient comme une rĂ©fĂ©rence des mouvements contemporains, mais suivant un usage qui tranche avec ceux qui en ont Ă©tĂ© faits par la gauche au 20e siĂšcle. Il ne s’agit plus de dĂ©passer les faiblesses de la Commune, mais de demander Ă  la Commune comment aller au-delĂ  de certaines impasses des traditions de gauche, comme le rĂ©publicanisme de gauche, le marxisme ou l’anarchisme. C’est le sens de la construction en cours d’un mouvement communaliste, qui peut trouver dans la Commune de 1871 un ensemble d’inspirations – sur la substitution d’une confĂ©dĂ©ration de communes Ă  l’État, l’auto-institution d’une commune Ă  la fois dĂ©mocratique et sociale et l’émancipation des femmes – et dans l’Ɠuvre de Murray Bookchin un apport thĂ©orique pour dĂ©finir les rapports entre communalisme et Ă©cologie. Avec le dĂ©veloppement partout dans le monde des mouvements d’assemblĂ©es populaires et des communs, c’est une nouvelle gauche communaliste qui se dessine.The reference to the Commune of 1871 comes back as a reference to contemporary movements, but following a usage that contrasts with those made by the left in the twentieth century. It is no longer a question of overcoming the weaknesses of the Commune, but of asking the Commune how to go beyond certain dead-ends in left-wing traditions such as left-wing republicanism, Marxism or anarchism. This is the meaning of the ongoing construction of a communalist movement, which can find in the Commune of 1871 a set of inspirations – on the substitution of a confederation of communes for the state, the self-institution of a commune which is both democratic and social, and the emancipation of women – and in the work of Murray Bookchin a theoretical contribution to define the relationship between communalism and ecology. With the worldwide development of popular assembly movements and the commons, a new communalist left is taking shape

    Partially saturated vertical surface flow constructed wetland for emerging contaminants and antibiotic resistance genes removal from wastewater: The effect of bioaugmentation with Trichoderma.

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    International audienceThe scientific significance of this work involved in investigating the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) at pilot-scale with partially saturated vertical flow constructed wetland either bioaugmented or not with the Trichoderma asperellum (strain T34) by means of the non-target liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry and SmartChipℱ Real-Time PCR methodological approaches. Bioaugmentation testing was successful as Trichoderma was able to grow in competitive conditions resulting from the use of secondary treated domestic wastewater. There was a clear relationship between the removal efficiency (RE) and the biodegradability as well as the sorption capacity of the identified compounds. The most easily eliminated compounds were those which are known to be readily biodegradable (e.g., nicotine). Interestingly, from 22 compounds with RE > 65%, 17 compounds have a log Dow between 0 and 3 (optimal plant uptake). The most significant beneficial effect was observed with benzotriazole and diclofenac. The most difficult compounds to be eliminated were the most polar ones (log Dow < 0) such as melamine. High variability in removal efficiency over the course of a four-week experiment remained the chief constraint for the proper assessment of treatment performances. Transformation products (TPs) were also investigated. N-oxide TPs and 14-hydroxyclarithromycin were formed in wetland treatment while TPs which were prone to undergo further N-dealkylation or hydroxylation reactions were partly eliminated. Bioaugmented wetland treatments caused a shift in the composition of ARGs but there was no statistical difference in average rates of ARGs removal

    Cartographie de la contamination des eaux superficielles du bassin versant du Galion, Martinique, par échantillonnage intégratif passif

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    International audienceLe bassin versant (BV) du Galion en Martinique s’établit sur 45 kmÂČ, et est traversĂ© par le fleuve Ă©ponyme qui se jette dans l’ocĂ©an Atlantique via la baie du Galion, l’exutoire du BV. Ce fleuve est alimentĂ© par trois affluents : Petit Galion, La TracĂ©e et La Digue. Ce BV a Ă©tĂ© historiquement soumis Ă  des expositions de chlordĂ©cone en culture de banane. Ce BV pilote est suivi dans le cadre de l’Observatoire de la Pollution Agricole aux antilLEs (OPALE) dans lequel s’inscrivent Ă©galement ces travaux. Dans le cadre d’OPALE, une surveillance hebdomadaire de la contamination multi-rĂ©sidus par les pesticides des eaux du rĂ©seau hydrographique est effectuĂ©e. Cependant, cette surveillance prĂ©sente des limitations et des contraintes importantes car les Ă©chantillons composites d’eaux restent sur le terrain pendant plusieurs jours et doivent ensuite ĂȘtre envoyĂ©s en Hexagone pour analyse. Par consĂ©quent, des outils alternatifs d’échantillonnage des eaux, des Ă©chantillonneurs intĂ©gratifs passifs (EIP), qui permettent d’obtenir une reprĂ©sentation moyennĂ©e des contaminants lors de la durĂ©e d’exposition et une potentielle meilleure stabilitĂ© des Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s.Afin de cartographier la contamination des eaux superficielles de ce bassin versant, des EIP de types POCIS (Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ployĂ©s pendant trois semaines en dix sites stratĂ©giques pour la mesure d’un large Ă©ventail de contaminants organiques comprenant la chlordĂ©cone et ses principaux produits de dĂ©gradation ainsi que d’autres produits phytosanitaires et des rĂ©sidus mĂ©dicamenteux. Ils ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s par chromatographie en phase liquide couplĂ©e Ă  de la spectromĂ©trie de masse en tandem (LC/MSMS).La rĂ©alisation de cette campagne en dix sites a permis d’obtenir une visualisation globale de la contamination du BV. Ainsi, certains sites particuliĂšrement critiques ont pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©s, tels que La Digue ou La TracĂ©e, deux affluents du Galion. Les pressions agricoles identifiĂ©es s’exercent en particulier Ă  partir du tronçon central du BV avec une accentuation graduelle de la contamination d’amont vers l’aval. La chlordĂ©cone a Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©e sur les huit sites en aval avec des taux maximums sur le site de La Digue. L’utilisation de POCIS a permis de constater la prĂ©sence d’autres molĂ©cules, jusqu’alors non quantifiĂ©es, qui contaminent de façon globale le BV – c’est notamment le cas du tolyltriazole, utilisĂ© comme agent anticorrosif dans les liquides de refroidissement. Les rejets de station d’épuration d’eau potable pourraient Ă©galement ĂȘtre responsables de la prĂ©sence de molĂ©cules pharmaceutiques retrouvĂ©s lors de ces analysĂ©s (carbamazĂ©pine, oxazĂ©pam, 
) et destinĂ©es Ă  la santĂ© humaine. Ces rejets devront ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©s Ă  l’avenir afin de pouvoir minimiser leurs impacts sur l’environnement.L’étude a permis de montrer que l’utilisation d’EIP de type POCIS constitut un substitut pertinent Ă  l’échantillonnage composite hebdomadaire d’eaux du BV, car il permet de rĂ©aliser des Ă©chantillons intĂ©gratifs stables, facile Ă  stocker et Ă  exporter, avec des limites de dĂ©tection analytiques in fine plus basses en raison de leur caractĂšre intĂ©gratif dans le temps. Les perspectives envisagĂ©es seraient d’amĂ©liorer la dĂ©marche de l’utilisation de l’outil au niveau local pour des mesures quantitatives et l’application Ă  d’autres BV

    How to implement medical and patient associations in low‐income countries: A proposition from the African French Alliance for the Treatment of Haemophilia (AFATH)

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    International audienceIntroduction: There is a lack of joint recommendations by healthcare professionals (HCP) and patient organizations when a partnership between high and low-income countries in the field of haemophilia is planned.Aim: To draft recommendations to clarify the methodology when a partnership between low- and high-income countries is planned with the objective of a long-term implication. This methodology is to be implemented for fulfilling both medical and associative aims.Methods: Based on the available literature, a first document was written, then diffused to AFATH (Alliance Franco-Africaine pour le Traitement de l'HĂ©mophilie) members, and after a one-day meeting and further amendments, a second draft was approved by all members before submission for publication.Results: Based on 6 years experience, several recommendations regarding the joint and separate roles of patient association and HCP for a first mission in French-speaking sub-Saharan African countries have been established. The proposed methodology for establishing preliminary contacts, the first visit and the key points for diagnostic action, medical follow-up, patient education and advocacy strategy outlines a model of partnership between patients and HCP.Conclusion: This paper written jointly by patients and physicians underlines the importance of reciprocal expert guidance and a partnership based on complementary inputs

    Characterisation of a high-risk profile for maternal thrombotic and severe haemorrhagic complications in pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome in France (GR2): a multicentre, prospective, observational study

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    International audienceBackgroundProspective data about the risks of thrombotic and severe haemorrhagic complications during pregnancy and post partum are unavailable for women with antiphospholipid syndrome. We aimed to assess thrombotic and haemorrhagic events in a prospective cohort of pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome.MethodsThis multicentre, prospective, observational study was done at 76 centres in France. To be eligible for this study, women had to have diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome; have conceived before April 17, 2020; have an ongoing pregnancy that had reached 12 weeks of gestation; and be included in the study before 18 weeks of gestation. Exclusion criteria were active systemic lupus erythematosus nephropathy, or a multifetal pregnancy. Severe haemorrhage was defined as the need for red blood cell transfusion or maternal intensive care unit admission because of bleeding or invasive procedures, defined as interventional radiology or surgery, to control bleeding. The GR2 study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02450396.FindingsBetween May 26, 2014, and April 17, 2020, 168 pregnancies in 27 centres met the inclusion criteria for the study. 89 (53%) of 168 women had a history of thrombosis. The median term at inclusion was 8 weeks gestation. 16 (10%) of 168 women (95%CI 5–15) had a thrombotic (six [4%] women; 95% CI 1–8) or severe haemorrhagic event (12 [7%] women; 95% CI 4–12). There were no deaths during the study. The main risk factors for thrombotic events were lupus anticoagulant positivity at inclusion (six [100%] of six women with thrombosis vs 78 [51%] of 152 of those with no thrombosis; p=0·030) and placental insufficiency (four [67%] of six women vs 28 [17%] of 162 women; p=0·013). The main risk factors for severe haemorrhagic events were pre-existing maternal hypertension (four [33%] of 12 women vs 11 [7%] of 156 women; p=0·014), lupus anticoagulant positivity at inclusion (12 [100%] of 12 women vs 72 [49%] of 146 women; p<0·0001) and during antiphospholipid history (12 [100%] of 12 women vs 104 [67%] of 156 women; p=0·019), triple antiphospholipid antibody positivity (eight [67%] of 12 women vs 36 [24%] of 147 women; p=0·0040), placental insufficiency (five [42%] of 12 women vs 27 [17%] of 156 women; p=0·038), and preterm delivery at 34 weeks or earlier (five [45%] of 11 women vs 12 [8%] of 145 women; p=0·0030).InterpretationDespite treatment adhering to international recommendations, a proportion of women with antiphospholipid syndrome developed a thrombotic or severe haemorrhagic complication related to pregnancy, most frequently in the post-partum period. Lupus anticoagulant and placental insufficiency were risk factors for these life-threatening complications. These complications are difficult to prevent, but knowledge of the antenatal characteristics associated with them should increase awareness and help physicians manage these high-risk pregnancies