23 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT TNBNW is included in the Wallacea Region which is a transitional zone between Oriental and Australian zoogeography which is estimated to have many unique and endemic flora and fauna species, including fish species that have not been fully disclosed. This study aims to inventory the diversity of ichthyofauna that live in the fresh waters of the TNBNW area and its surroundings. Sampling was carried out by making 11 research stations from the waters that flow from the Matabulawa peak to the Bone River. Samples were collected by electrofishing then identified and preserved using formalin solution. The species of fish obtained were analyzed on the index of diversity, evenness, and species richness. To complete the data, tabulation of data on fish species in the TNBNW area from previous studies as well as specimens that already have catalog numbers deposited in MZB was carried out. This study found 13 species of fish consisting of 6 families and 10 genera. The total ichthyofauna in the TNBNW area and its surroundings is 32 species consisting of 15 families. Stiphodon sp. is the species that has the highest relative abundance (48.80), followed by Poecilia reticulata (11.00). The species with the highest local distribution was Belobranchus belobranchs (90.91%). The rivers that have the highest index of species diversity, evenness, and species richness are Pilolode River, Pilohampaa River, and Loji River, respectively. Two species are classified as introduced fish, namely Poecilia reticulata and Oreochromis niloticus. Several species of fish have potential as ornamental fish as well as consumption fish. Key words: Species diversity, ichthyofauna, TNBNW ABSTRAKTNBNW termasuk ke dalam Kawasan Wallacea yang merupakan zona peralihan antara zoogeografi Oriental dan Australia yang diperkirakan memiliki banyak jenis flora dan fauna yang unik dan endemik, termasuk jenis-jenis ikan yang belum semua dapat diungkapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi keragaman iktiofauna yang hidup di perairan tawar kawasan TNBNW dan sekitarnya. Sampling dilakukan dengan membuat 11 stasiun penelitian dari perairan yang mengalir dari puncak Matabulawa menuju Sungai Bone. Sampel dikoleksi dengan elektrofishing kemudian diidentifikasi dan dipreservasi menggunakan larutan formalin. Jenis ikan yang diperoleh dianalisis indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan dan kekayaan jenisnya. Untuk melengkapi data, dilakukan tabulasi data jenis-jenis ikan di kawasan TNBNW dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya serta spesimen yang telah terkatalog yang terdeposit di MZB. Penelitian ini menemukan 13 jenis ikan yang terdiri dari 6 famili dan 10 genus. Total iktiofauna di kawasan TNBNW dan sekitarnya adalah 32 jenis, terdiri dari 15 famili. Stiphodon sp. merupakan jenis yang memiliki kelimpahan relatif tertinggi (48,80) diikuti Poecilia reticulata (11,00). Jenis yang memiliki distribusi lokal tertinggi adalah Belobranchus belobranchus (90,91%). Sungai yang memiliki indeks keanekaragaman jenis, kemerataan dan kekayaan jenis paling tinggi masing-masing adalah Sungai Pilolode, Sungai Pilohampaa dan Sungai Loji. Dua jenis ikan tergolong ikan introduksi yaitu Poecilia reticulata dan Oreochromis niloticus. Beberapa jenis ikan memiliki potensi sebagai ikan hias dan juga ikan konsumsi. Kata Kunci: Keragaman jenis, iktiofauna, TNBN

    Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membentuk Perilaku Jujur Siswa SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah Kecamatan Hamparan Perak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Untuk mengetahui peran guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di sekolah SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah, 2) Untuk mengetahui peran guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam membentuk perilaku jujur siswa SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah, 3) Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menghambat guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam membentuk perilaku jujur siswa SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah Kecamatan Hamparan Perak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis, dan pengumpulan data yaitu menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi data, sajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Peran guru PAI di sekolah SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah ini sudahlah berjalan dengan baik, karena aktivitas guru yang dilakukan dalam rangka membimbing, mendidik, mengajar, dan melakukan transfer knowledge dalam proses pembelajaran yang disertai dengan kemampuan keprofesionalannya, (2) Peran guru PAI dalam membentuk perilaku jujur siswa SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah, juga berjalan dengan baik karena guru melakukan berbagai bentuk yakni, menasehati, keteladanan dalam berperilaku, memberikan hukuman jika bersalah ketika anak berprilaku yang tidak jujur, memberikan penghargaan jika anak berperilaku jujur, dan kerjasama guru dengan orang tua, (3) Faktor yang menghambat guru PAI dalam membentuk perilaku jujur siswa SMP Tarbiyah Islamiyah yaitu: masih ada anak yang terdapat tidak mau mendengarkan nasehat dari gurunya, masih ada anak yang tidak perduli dengan apa dampak negatif dengan berperiku yang tidak jujur

    Spline and Kernel Mixed Nonparametric Regression for Malnourished Children Model in West Nusa Tenggara

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    Health sector development is essential to improve human life quality, especially in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. Based on data from the NTB Provincial Health Office from 2011 to 2016, children under five suffering from malnutrition continued to increase, caused by several factors that affected the incident. Therefore, appropriate analysis is needed to model children who suffer from malnutrition in NTB Province in 2016, consisting of 10 districts based on the variables that influence it. The analysis in this study was carried out using a nonparametric regression mixed-model spline truncated and kernel. The estimation of the nonparametric regression curve depends on the optimal knot points and bandwidths parameter. Therefore, in determining the optimal knot points and bandwidths obtained from Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV). Based on the analysis that has been done, we obtained a nonparametric regression mixed-model spline truncated and kernel optimal knot points, such as  for each variable and optimum bandwidths, such as  and , with  the value of GCV. The mixed model acquired has a good model by considering the values of  and MSE. Besides, the MAPE value indicated a high degree of accuracy, so that the model obtained has an excellent forecast

    Une espĂšce nouvelle de Sicyopterus (Gobiidae) d’IndonĂ©sie.

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    International audienceA new species of Sicyopterus, freshwater goby, is described from Sumatra and Java, Indonesia. It differs from other species belonging to the genus by a combination of characters including two lateral clefts on the crenulated upper lip, a second dorsal fin with one spine and 10 segmented rays, second and third rays of the first dorsal fin filamentous, more lateral, predorsal and transverse back scales, and a reddish caudal fin in male with a slight blue line on the upper and lower parts.Une espĂšce nouvelle de Sicyopterus, gobie dulçaquicole, est dĂ©crite sur la base de spĂ©cimens collectĂ©s Ă  Sumatra et Java (IndonĂ©sie). Elle diffĂšre des autres espĂšces du genre par plusieurs caractĂšres incluant deux encoches latĂ©rales sur la lĂšvre supĂ©rieure crĂ©nelĂ©e, une seconde nageoire dorsale avec un rayon Ă©pineux et 10 rayons mous, les deuxiĂšme et troisiĂšme rayons de la premiĂšre dorsale filamenteux, un plus grand nombre d’écailles en ligne longitudinale, en sĂ©rie prĂ©dorsale et transverse postĂ©rieure, ainsi qu’une nageoire caudale rouge bordĂ©e d’une ligne bleue chez le mĂąle


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    Rendahnya kapasitas guru dan kualitas guru disebabkan beberapa faktor, diantaranya yaitu rendahnya level dari pendidikan guru. Guru yang tidak memahami secara mendalam substansi ilmu keguruan, mayoritas guru menjalankan profesinya hanya sebatas dengan rutinitas mengajar biasa, tanpa memperhatikan nilai-nilai pendidikan bagi peserta didik. Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah membawa imbas terhadap kapasitas serta dapat mengembangkan kualitas guru serta meningkatkan kompetensi-kompetensi guru, sehingga berdampak positif dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu tindakan yang di implementasikan dalam memajukan pendidikan yang terdapat di Indonesia yaitu dengan membina kepala sekolah yang tak hanya berkompeten dalam satu bidang tapi berkompeten dibidang lainnya. Penelitian ini memiliki dampak kepemimpinan kepala sekolah kepada kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian korelasi fungsional. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, serta kuesioner. Teknik analisis data dibantu dengan menggunakan SPSS 21. Penelitian ini menampakkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan bagi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru. Aspek yang berperan dalam kepemimpinan kepala sekolah serta cara kerja guru yaitu dengan  keinginan serta pemahaman guru akan perbaikan kinerjanya dan gurupun siap dibimbing demi terciptanya bobot pendidikan yang berkapasitas tinggi. Kepala sekolah mendukung peran serta guru dalam aktivitas KKGKata kunci: kepemimpinan, kinerja guru, pengaruh. EFFECT OF PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP TO TEACHER PERFORMANCEABSTRACTThe low performances of teacher and the quality of teachers due to several factors, including the low level of teacher education, teachers who do not deeply understand the substance of science teacher, the majority of the teachers run the profession is limited to regular teaching routines without paying attented to the educational values for learners. Leadership of a principal can have of effect on performance as welling as to improvisation of the professionalism of teacher and then improve teacher competencies in ordered to have a positive of impact in the learning of process. One from the government's steps in advancing educations in Indonesia is by fostering principals who are nohing only competent in one field but competent in other fields. This research aims to determited the influence of principals from leadership on teacher performance. This research uses quantitative approach and type of functional correlation research. Data were collected through observation techniques, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques assisted by using SPSS21. This results showing that there is influence between principal leadership and the teacher performance. Aspects that play a roling in the leaderships of at principal and the performanced of teacher that is with the desire and awareness of teachers will improve performance and gurupun ready in guidance for the creation of quality education quality. The principal supports teacher participation in KKG activities

    Distributional mapping and impacts of invasive alien fish in Indonesia : an alert to inland waters sustainability

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    Inland water ecosystems in Indonesia face an increasing threat of alien and invasive alien fish species. Their existence have been found in Indonesian waters since before 1900, and their introduction is rapid and ongoing. In this review, we mapped the distribution of alien and invasive alien fish in different inland waters ecosystem types and islands in Indonesia, based on available literature indexed by Google Scholar. Impacts of invasive alien fish and how to control them are also discussed. This data mining exercise resulted in the successful mapping of alien and invasive alien fish in 72 lakes and 57 river systems, covering 28 provinces. A total of 50 species have spread with different compositions in each type of ecosystem and island. Oreochromis niloticus is the most commonly encountered alien species. Moreover, invasive cichlid fish are most frequently found in lakes, while Pterygoplichthys spp. are more frequently found in rivers although they can also inhabit many lakes. Java Island is a hotspot of alien and invasive alien fish distribution, with 39 species reported. Invasive alien fish harm native and endemic fish in Indonesia through competition for food, space and direct predation. The gradual reduction of established populations of invasive alien species is necessary to protect Indonesia’s freshwater ecosystems

    Disentangling the taxonomy of the subfamily Rasborinae (Cypriniformes, Danionidae) in Sundaland using DNA barcodes

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    Sundaland constitutes one of the largest and most threatened biodiversity hotspots; however, our understanding of its biodiversity is afflicted by knowledge gaps in taxonomy and distribution patterns. The subfamily Rasborinae is the most diversified group of freshwater fishes in Sundaland. Uncertainties in their taxonomy and systematics have constrained its use as a model in evolutionary studies. Here, we established a DNA barcode reference library of the Rasborinae in Sundaland to examine species boundaries and range distributions through DNA-based species delimitation methods. A checklist of the Rasborinae of Sundaland was compiled based on online catalogs and used to estimate the taxonomic coverage of the present study. We generated a total of 991 DNA barcodes from 189 sampling sites in Sundaland. Together with 106 previously published sequences, we subsequently assembled a reference library of 1097 sequences that covers 65 taxa, including 61 of the 79 known Rasborinae species of Sundaland. Our library indicates that Rasborinae species are defined by distinct molecular lineages that are captured by species delimitation methods. A large overlap between intraspecific and interspecific genetic distance is observed that can be explained by the large amounts of cryptic diversity as evidenced by the 166 Operational Taxonomic Units detected. Implications for the evolutionary dynamics of species diversification are discussed