173 research outputs found

    Model Manajemen Pendidikan Nilai Berbasis Sekolah, Keluarga, Dan Masyarakat

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    Kehidupan anak dalam lingkungan sekolah, keluarga dan masyarakat yang berlangsung setiap hari tidak dapat menghindar dari kondisi pergeseran dan pergolakan nilai yang berlangsung dan terjadi saat ini. Dalam menghadapi banyaknya pergeseran dan distorsi nilai, ketiga lingkungan pendidikan itu merupakan lingkungan yang efektif dalam proses pembinaan nilai-nilai yang positif bagi anak. Lingkungan sekolah merupakan media yang dinamis dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan melalui keteladanan para guru di sekolah. Keluarga merupakan ujung tombak pendidikan sebagai agen kebudayaan di mana anak menerima nilai budaya yang membina kepribadiannya melalui keteladanan orang tua. Dalam lingkungan masyarakat pendidikan nilai ditumbuhkembangkan melalui berbagai kegiatan sosial keagamaan oleh tokoh masyarakat.The life of a child in an environment of schools, families and communities that take place every day cannot shy away from conditions shifts and upheavals which took place and the place value of the current. In the face of widespread shift and distortion of values, environmental education is the third environment is effective in the process offostering positive values for children, he school environment is a dynamic medium in instilling values education through example the teachers at school. The family is the cutting edge of education as an agent of culture where children receive the cultural values that foster a personality through the example ofparents. In an environment of community education value is grow up and developed through various social activities ofreligious by community leaders

    Nilai Kearifan Lokal Pesantren Dalam Upaya Pembinaan Karakter Santri

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    The oldest Indonesia Islamic educational institutions until todayhas a strategic role as one of the institutions of education transformation. This paper attempts to describe the character of the development efforts of the students among the students. Pesantren which is identical with the yellow book in their work have given the considerable influence for Indonesian. Even boarding in method always apply wisdom value lokn applies traditional education pattern surrounding communities.In Indonesia, there are so many boarding schools, which number in the thousands. In general, the existing boarding schools to implement a traditional education and modern education pattern. However, despite the different patterns of educational learning patterns, but in substance likely to have similarity. One thing that does not seem to be separated from the school that the educational pattern using yellow book as a study.This research method is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. There are several local moral values that can be used as a boarding school a learning model that can be adopted by our education today, one of which is a pattern of education that emphasizes the moral values of learners. Such as : courtesy, discipline, exemplary, manners, patience and gratitude, cooperation, faith, responsibility, wisdom, faith. If these values can be applied in all lines of education in Indonesia, then bunalah an impossible thing if the country of Indonesia will experience a period of glory in the future

    Penilaian Tingkat Kerentanan Menggunakan Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation di Sebagian Daerah Rawan Longsor, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kerentanan dan kapasitas terhadap bahaya longsor. Unit analisis penelitian adalah 16 desa rawan bencana longsor yang terletak di bagian timur Kabupaten Bogor. Metode Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) digunakan untuk menganalisis tingkat kerentanan. Hasil tingkat kerentanan kemudian diskenariokan kedalam lima jenis skenario yaitu skenario fisik, sosial, ekonomi, lingkungan dan equal. Hasil skenario menunjukan perbedaan zonasi tingkat kerentanan pada setiap skenarionya. Desa Sumurbatu tergolong sangat tidak rentan pada hampir semua skenario, Berbeda dengan Desa Sukamakmur, Pabuaran dan Wargajaya yang tergolong sangat rentan pada hampir semua skenario. Tingkat kapasitas dianalisis secara deskriptif sesuai data yang diperoleh dari informan kunci pada setiap desa di lapangan. Hasil penilaian tingkat kapasitas menunjukan semua desa memiliki sistem peringatan dini sederhana dalam bentuk kentungan/sirine. Tidak semua desa memiliki organisasi bencana serta jalur dan tempat evakuasi khusus. Disamping itu, masih terdapat pula desa yang belum pernah mendapatkan sosialisasi bencana

    Fauna Ikan Di Sungai Cimadur, Ciujung Dan Ciberangdi Sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten*[fish Fauna of Cimadur, Ciujung and Ciberang River, Gunung Halimun National Park, Lebak, Banten]

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    Fish fauna survey were conducted in Cimadur, Ciujung and Ciberang Rivers. From these studies six fishes species were found as additional record for fishes living in Gunung Halimun National Park and its adjacent area. This finding brings the fish species living at this park to be sixty.In this record, it includes Cypriniid fishes that attain large size: Barbodes balleroides and Osteochilus hasseltii, found in the segment of the middle of R. Ciujung (18.3 m asl)


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    Fish fauna survey were conducted in Cimadur, Ciujung and Ciberang Rivers. From these studies six fishes species were found as additional record for fishes living in Gunung Halimun National Park and its adjacent area. This finding brings the fish species living at this park to be sixty.In this record, it includes Cypriniid fishes that attain large size: Barbodes balleroides and Osteochilus hasseltii, found in the segment of the middle of R. Ciujung (18.3 m asl)

    A Constrained Fuzzy Knowledge-Based System for the Management of Container Yard Operations

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    The management of container yard operations is considered by yard operators to be a very challenging task due to the many uncertainties inherent in such operations. The storage of the containers is one of those operations that require proper management for the efficient utilisation of the yard, requiring rapid retrieval time and a minimum number of re-handlings. The main challenge is when containers of a different size, type, or weight need to be stored in a yard that holds a number of pre-existing containers. This challenge becomes even more complex when the date and time for the departure of the containers are unknown, as is the case when the container is collected by a third-party logistics company without any prior notice being given. The aim of this study is to develop a new system for the management of container yard operations that takes into consideration a number of factors and constraints that occur in a real-life situation. One of these factors is the duration of stay for the topmost containers of each stack, when the containers are stored. Because the duration of stay for containers in a yard varies dynamically over time, an ‘ON/OFF’ strategy is proposed to activate/deactivate the duration of stay factor constraint if the length of stay for these containers varies significantly over time. A number of tools and techniques are utilised for developing the proposed system including: discrete event simulation for the modelling of container storage and retrieval operations, a fuzzy know ledge-based model for the stack allocation of containers, and a heuristic algorithm called ‘neighbourhood’ for the container retrieval operation. Results show that by adopting the proposed ‘ON/OFF’ strategy, 5% of the number of re-handlings, 2.5% of the total retrieval time, 6.6% of the total re-handling time and 42% of the average waiting time per truck are reduced

    Serpin Induced Antiviral Activity of Prostaglandin Synthetase-2 against HIV-1 Replication

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    The serine protease inhibitors (serpins) are anti-inflammatory proteins that have various functions. By screening a diverse panel of viruses, we demonstrate that the serpin antithrombin III (ATIII) has a broad-spectrum anti-viral activity for HIV-1, HCV and HSV. To investigate the mechanism of action in more detail we investigated the HIV-1 inhibition. Using gene-expression arrays we found that multiple host cell signal transduction pathways were activated by ATIII in HIV-1 infected cells but not in uninfected controls. Moreover, the signal pathways initiated by ATIII treatment, were more than 200-fold increased by the use of heparin-activated ATIII. The most up-regulated transcript in HIV-1 infected cells was prostaglandin synthetase-2 (PTGS2). Furthermore, we found that over-expression of PTGS2 reduced levels of HIV-1 replication in human PBMC. These findings suggest a central role for serpins in the host innate anti-viral response. Host factors such as PTGS2 elicited by ATIII treatment could be exploited in the development of novel anti-viral interventions