992 research outputs found

    El almendro en Baleares

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    Biomasa y agroenergia

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    La ciencia ¿neutra?

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    Caracteres morfológicos y constitución química de variedades de almendra de Mallorca

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    Significance of respiratory diseases in the health management of sheep

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    Objectives of the present article are to review the financial significance of respiratory diseases and to indicate their relevance within the health management of sheep. In lambs, the principal adverse effects of the diseases are related to mortality, reduced carcass quality, veterinary expenses, decrease of average daily bodyweight gain and poor quality of lambs produced. In adult animals, financial losses are related to reduced production of affected sheep, need for early culling and death. Given the multi-faceted nature of these diseases, management practices (e.g., housing improvements, implementation of biosecurity provisions) need to be considered for their prevention; as environmental conditions also play a role in development of these diseases, they should be taken into account. Appropriate health measures (e.g., vaccinations) that improve animal immune response also will help control of the diseases

    Almidón resistente: una fracción indigestible en los alimentos

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    Resistant starch (RS), the dietary starch that scape digestion in the small intestine, can yields up to 20% of the starch in cereal and legume products. Several fractions contribute to the total RS of foods: retrograded amylose, starch inaccessible to digestive enzymes because of mechanical barriers, chemically modified starch fragments, undigested starch due to α-amylase inhibitors and starch complexed with other food components. RS is formed in products processed following heat treatments (baking, extrusion, autoclaving, etc.). RS produces significant fecal bulking and is partially fermentable by anaerobic bacteria of the colon. On the other hand, the relation of resistant starch with the glucose and insulin response in human subjects is an important nutritional effect. RS analytical methods are reported.El almidón resistente (RS), fracción de almidón de la dieta que no es digerido en el intestino delgado, puede alcanzar hasta un 20% del almidón en productos derivados de cereales y legumbres. Varias fracciones contribuyen al contenido total de almidón resistente: amilosa retrogradada, almidón inaccesible físicamente a los enzimas digestivos, almidón indigestible debido a inhibición de α-amilasas y almidón complejado con otros constituyentes de los alimentos. El almidón resistente se forma en productos que han sufrido tratamientos térmicos (panificación, extrusión, autoclave, etc.) El RS aumenta el volumen de heces y es fermentado parcialmente en el colon por bacterias anaeróbicas. Igualmente, está relacionado con los niveles de glucosa en sangre y la respuesta de insulina en humanos. Se describen los métodos analíticos para su determinación

    Characterisation and impact of non-uniformity on multi-junction solar cells (MJSC) caused by concentrator optics

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    In this work, it has been developed a method to generate non-homogeneous light patterns on multi-junction solar cells. These patterns have been generated modifying the distance between the CPV receiver and the primary optics, which is based on a Fresnel lens. In order to diminish the impact of other variables, the incident spectrum, laboratory temperature and effective concentration have been kept constant: SMRtop-mid = 1 ± 0.02, 25 ± 0.5ºC and 380 ± 3 suns, respectively. The light patterns on the top and middle subcells are measured using a CCD camera and band-pass filters. Results show that the electrical performance of the solar cells depends on the spatial and spectral profiles. The present work introduces a procedure to characterise and evaluate the impact of non-uniformities on the output of multi-junction solar cells. Nevertheless, this work is not intended to predict the actual output of the cell as a function of the light profiles, but to provide indications for possible underlying mechanisms.This work is partially funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Spanish Economy Ministry, grant number ENE2016-78251-

    The Impact of Specific Viruses on Clinical Outcome in Children Presenting with Acute Heart Failure

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    Abstract: The presence and type of viral genomes have been suggested as the main etiology for inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy. Information on the clinical implication of this finding in a large population of children is lacking. We evaluated the prevalence, type, and clinical impact of specific viral genomes in endomyocardial biopsies (EMB) collected between 2001 and 2013 among 63 children admitted to our hospital for acute heart failure (median age 2.8 years). Viral genome was searched by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Patients underwent a complete two-dimensional echocardiographic examination at hospital admission and at discharge and were followed-up for 10 years. Twenty-seven adverse events (7 deaths and 20 cardiac transplantations) occurred during the follow-up. Viral genome was amplified in 19/63 biopsies (35%); PVB19 was the most commonly isolated virus. Presence of specific viral genome was associated with a significant recovery in ejection fraction, compared to patients without viral evidence (p < 0.05). In Cox-regression analysis, higher survival rate was related to virus-positive biopsies (p < 0.05). When comparing long-term prognosis among different viral groups, a trend towards better prognosis was observed in the presence of isolated Parvovirus B19 (PVB19) (p = 0.07). In our series, presence of a virus-positive EMB (mainly PVB19) was associated with improvement over time in cardiac function and better long-term prognosis
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