67 research outputs found

    Harpócrates y la iconografía del poder imperial en las acuñaciones nomaicas de Trajano y Antonino Pío

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    Egipto presenta en época de los emperadores Antoninos unas series monetales excepcionales de tipo provincial, o mejor «subprovincial», pues están batidas en los nomos o distritos egipcios, apareciendo sus nombres geográficos escritos en los reversos; y junto a las leyendas se muestran las imágenes de las divinidades tutelares, Isis, Horus-Harpócrates, etc. Así pues, anversos y reversos se complementan en las monedas ofreciendo una iconografía religiosa local egipcia en apoyo de la ideología imperial romana, a la que se adapta, y a la que se integra en las acuñaciones de la primera mitad del siglo II d.C. El presente trabajo estudia y comenta a modo de ejemplo la iconografía de algunas de estas emisiones, concretamente las que se centran en la figura de Harpócrates, y como se complementan con el ejercicio propagandístico llevado a cabo en Egipto por los principales emperadores del siglo II d.C.In the Antonine Period Egypt presents an exceptional provincial or rather subprovincial coinage, as they were made in the so called nomes or Egyptian districts. On their reverses we find the geographical names and, together with the legends, images from the provincial gods such as Isis, Horus-Harpokrates, etc. Hence, obverses and reverses complement each other offering an Egyptian, local and religious iconography supporting imperial Roman ideology, to which it adapts and integrates on the coins minted in the first half of the second century AD. Here we study and comment as an example the iconography on some of these coins, especially those focused on the figure of Harpokrates, and how they served as a complement to the propaganda exercise carried out by the main emperors in the second century AD in Egypt

    Los eulogia de San Menas y las representaciones de Horus en las estelas mágicas: coincidencias y disidencias iconográficas. Puesta a punto de un viejo debate

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    This article rescues an old debate originated in the nineteenth century which aimed to derive the origin of the iconography of the Egyptian martyr St. Menas pilgrimflasks, from the image-type in the so called “Horus-on-the-crocodiles” magical stelae. Taking this controversy as a starting point, my aim is to examine more closely the iconography from the eulogia of the Egyptian saint for discerning possible iconographical and functional agreements and differences between both images.El presente artículo rescata un antiguo debate originado en el siglo XIX, que hacía derivar el origen de la iconografía de las ampollas de peregrino del mártir egipcio San Menas, de la imagen-tipo de las estelas mágicas de “Horus sobre los cocodrilos”. Tomando como punto de partida dicha controversia, analizo más detenidamente la iconografía de los eulogia del santo egipcio, con el objeto de explicar posibles coincidencias y disidencias iconográficas y funcionales entre ambas imágenes

    Setting Privacy "by Default" in Social IoT: Theorizing the Challenges and Directions in Big Data Research

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    [EN] The social Internet of Things (SIoT) shares large amounts of data that are then processed by other Internet of Thing (IoT) devices, which results in the generation, collection, and treatment of databases to be analyzed afterwards with Big Data techniques. This paradigm has given rise to users' concerns about their privacy, particularly with regard to whether users have to use a smart handling (self-establishment and self-management) in order to correctly install the SIoT, ensuring the privacy of the SIot-generated content and data. In this context, the present study aims to identify and explore the main perspectives that define user privacy in the SIoT; our ultimate goal is to accumulate new knowledge on the adoption and use of the concept of privacy "by default" in the scientific literature. To this end, we undertake a literature review of the main contributions on the topic of privacy in SIoT and Big Data processing. Based on the results, we formulate the following five areas of application of SIoT, including 29 key points relative to the concept of privacy "by default": (i) SIoT data collection and privacy; (ii) SIoT security; (iii) threats for SIoT devices; (iv) SIoT devices mandatory functions; and (v) SIoT and Big Data processing and analytics. In addition, we outline six research propositions and discuss six challenges for the SIoT industry. The results are theorized for the future development of research on SIoT privacy by "default" and Big Data processing.In gratitude to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Uni-versities and the European Regional Development Fund: RTI2018-096295-B-C22.Saura, JR.; Ribeiro-Soriano, D.; Palacios Marqués, D. (2021). Setting Privacy "by Default" in Social IoT: Theorizing the Challenges and Directions in Big Data Research. Big Data Research. 25:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bdr.2021.100245S1122

    Setting B2B digital marketing in artificial intelligence-based CRMs: A review and directions for future research

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    [EN] The new business challenges in the B2B sector are determined by connected ecosystems, where data-driven decision making is crucial for successful strategies. At the same time, the use of digital marketing as a communication and sales channel has led to the need and use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to correctly manage company information. The understanding of B2B traditional Marketing strategies that use CRMs that work with Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been studied, however, research focused on the understanding and application of these technologies in B2B digital marketing is scarce. To cover this gap in the literature, this study develops a literature review on the main academic contributions in this area. To visualize the outcomes of the literature review, the results are then analyzed using a statistical approach known as Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) under the homogeneity analysis of variance by means of alternating least squares (HOMALS) framework programmed in the R language. The research results classify the types of CRMs and their typologies and explore the main techniques and uses of AI-based CRMs in B2B digital marketing. In addition, a discussion, directions and propositions for future research are presented.In gratitude to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund: RTI2018-096295-BC22.Saura, JR.; Ribeiro-Soriano, D.; Palacios Marqués, D. (2021). Setting B2B digital marketing in artificial intelligence-based CRMs: A review and directions for future research. Industrial Marketing Management. 98:161-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.08.006S1611789

    From user-generated data to data-driven innovation: A research agenda to understand user privacy in digital markets

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    [EN] In recent years, strategies focused on data-driven innovation (DDI) have led to the emergence and development of new products and business models in the digital market. However, these advances have given rise to the development of sophisticated strategies for data management, predicting user behavior, or analyzing their actions. Accordingly, the large-scale analysis of user-generated data (UGD) has led to the emergence of user privacy concerns about how companies manage user data. Although there are some studies on data security, privacy protection, and data-driven strategies, a systematic review on the subject that would focus on both UGD and DDI as main concepts is lacking. Therefore, the present study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the main challenges related to user privacy that affect DDI. The methodology used in the present study unfolds in the following three phases; (i) a systematic literature review (SLR); (ii) in-depth interviews framed in the perspectives of UGD and DDI on user privacy concerns, and finally, (iii) topic-modeling using a Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model to extract insights related to the object of study. Based on the results, we identify 14 topics related to the study of DDI and UGD strategies. In addition, 14 future research questions and 7 research propositions are presented that should be consider for the study of UGD, DDI and user privacy in digital markets. The paper concludes with an important discussion regarding the role of user privacy in DDI in digital markets.Saura, JR.; Ribeiro-Soriano, D.; Palacios Marqués, D. (2021). From user-generated data to data-driven innovation: A research agenda to understand user privacy in digital markets. International Journal of Information Management. 60:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102331S1136

    Exploiting hybrid parallelism in the kinematic analysis of multibody systems based on group equations

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    Computational kinematics is a fundamental tool for the design, simulation, control, optimization and dynamic analysis of multibody systems. The analysis of complex multibody systems and the need for real time solutions requires the development of kinematic and dynamic formulations that reduces computational cost, the selection and efficient use of the most appropriated solvers and the exploiting of all the computer resources using parallel computing techniques. The topological approach based on group equations and natural coordinates reduces the computation time in comparison with well-known global formulations and enables the use of parallelism techniques which can be applied at different levels: simultaneous solution of equations, use of multithreading routines, or a combination of both. This paper studies and compares these topological formulation and parallel techniques to ascertain which combination performs better in two applications. The first application uses dedicated systems for the real time control of small multibody systems, defined by a few number of equations and small linear systems, so shared-memory parallelism in combination with linear algebra routines is analyzed in a small multicore and in Raspberry Pi. The control of a Stewart platform is used as a case study. The second application studies large multibody systems in which the kinematic analysis must be performed several times during the design of multibody systems. A simulator which allows us to control the formulation, the solver, the parallel techniques and size of the problem has been developed and tested in more powerful computational systems with larger multicores and GPU.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under grant TIN2015-66972-C5-3-

    Exploring the challenges of remote work on Twitter users’ sentiments: From digital technology development to a post-pandemic era

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    The boost in the use and development of technology, spurred by COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, has sped up the adoption of new technologies and digital platforms in companies. Specifically, companies have been forced to change their organizational and work structures. In this context, the present study aims to identify the main opportunities and challenges for remote work through the use of digital technologies and platforms based on the analysis of user-generated content (UGC) in Twitter. Using computer-aided text analysis (CATA) and natural language processing (NLP), in this study, we conduct a sentiment analysis developed with Textblob, which works with machine learning. We then apply a mathematical algorithm for topic modeling known as Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model. Based on the results obtained from these data-mining techniques, we identify 11 topics, of which 3 are negative (Virtual Health, Privacy Concerns and Stress), 4 positive (Work-life balance, Less stress, Future and Engagement), and 3 neutral (New Technologies, Sustainability, and Technology Issues). In addition, we also identify and discussed 6 opportunities and 5 challenges in relation to the use and adoption of digital technologies and platforms for teleworking. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of the study are presented for companies that develop strategies based on teleworking and the adoption of new technologies in which stress management is configured as one of the most relevant indicators for further research on remote work. From the applied perspective, executives and policymakers can use the results of the present study to re-evaluate the benefits of remote work for employees

    Do cross-food allergies to propofol exist?

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    Alergia a la comida; Sensibilización alimentaria; PropofolFood allergy; Food sensitization; PropofolAl·lèrgia alimentària; Sensibilització alimentària; PropofolBackground: Propofol is a short and rapidly acting intravenous anesthetic extensively used for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. It is a lipid emulsion that contains soybean oil, purified egg phosphatide, and egg lecithin. Therefore, the package leaflet indicates that its administration is contraindicated in patients allergic to soy, eggs, or peanuts. Our study aimed to determine whether patients with proven food allergies are allergic to propofol. Methods: Patients of all ages allergic to soy, eggs, or peanuts who agreed to undergo skin testing for propofol allergies were included. The subjects first underwent a skin test to confirm food allergies. If candidates were negative, they were excluded. If the result was positive, a propofol skin test was performed. Results: Sixty-four patients with confirmed food allergies underwent a propofol skin test. Only one was positive in the propofol skin test (1.6%). The patient was allergic to peanuts and soybeans. These results reinforce the idea that there is no justification for avoiding propofol use in these subjects. Conclusions: Propofol can be safely administered to patients allergic to soy, eggs, or peanuts. We recommend caution in patients with a history of anaphylaxis after ingestion of the above-mentioned foods

    Long-term impact of deficit irrigation on the physical quality of berries in ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grapes

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    A 3-year study examined the effects of DI strategies on some physical quality attributes of ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grape following harvest, after 28 days of cold storage at 0ºC and after an additional shelf life period of 3 d at 15ºC. Control vines were irrigated to ensure non-limiting water conditions (110% of crop evapotranspiration, ETc), whereas RDI and PRD treatments received 35% less water during post-veraison. The null irrigation treatment (NI) only received natural precipitation (72 % less water than the Control). Total yield and physical quality at harvest were not significantly affected by RDI or PRD. Only the NI treatment, with the worst sensory scores, decreased berry size. After cold storage, increased berry shattering within the PRD treatment was correlated with the lower ABA at the time of harvest. Neither RDI nor PRD had a significant effect on berry quality at the end of cold storage and retail period. Sensory results were similar in RDI and PRD, both providing grapes more acceptable to consumers than the control. Thus, it is possible to decrease irrigation amount by ~30 % of table grapes without adversely affecting berry physical quality.This work was supported by the projects (AGL2010-19201-C04-04) and (FP7-KBBE-2009-3-245159). M.R. Conesa acknowledges her FPU fellowship of the MICINN