1,263 research outputs found

    High-magnetic field phase diagram and failure of magnetic Gr\"uneisen scaling in LiFePO4_4

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    We report the magnetic phase diagram of single-crystalline LiFePO4_4 in magnetic fields up to 58~T and present a detailed study of magneto-elastic coupling by means of high-resolution capacitance dilatometry. Large anomalies at \tn\ in the thermal expansion coefficient α\alpha imply pronounced magneto-elastic coupling. Quantitative analysis yields the magnetic Gr\"uneisen parameter γmag=6.7(5)107\gamma_{\rm mag}=6.7(5)\cdot 10^{-7}~mol/J. The positive hydrostatic pressure dependence dTN/dp=1.46(11)dT_{\rm N}/dp = 1.46(11)~K/GPa is dominated by uniaxial effects along the aa-axis. Failure of Gr\"uneisen scaling below 40\approx 40~K, i.e., below the peak temperature in the magneto-electric coupling coefficient [\onlinecite{toft2015anomalous}], implies several competing degrees of freedom and indicates relevance of recently observed hybrid excitations~[\onlinecite{yiu2017hybrid}]. A broad and strongly magnetic-field-dependent anomaly in α\alpha in this temperature regime highlight the relevance of structure changes. Upon application of magnetic fields BbB||b-axis, a pronounced jump in the magnetisation implies spin-reorientation at BSF=32B_{\rm SF} = 32~T as well as a precursing phase at 29~T and T=1.5T=1.5~K. In a two-sublattice mean-field model, the saturation field Bsat,b=64(2)B_{\rm sat,b} = 64(2)~T enables the determination of the effective antiferromagnetic exchange interaction Jaf=2.68(5)J_{\rm af} = 2.68(5)~meV as well as the anisotropies Db=0.53(4)D_{\rm b} = -0.53(4)~meV and Dc=0.44(8)D_{\rm c} = 0.44(8)~meV

    Intoxicated eyewitnesses:the effect of a fully balanced placebo design on event memory and metacognitive control

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    Few studies have examined the impact of alcohol on metacognition for witnessed events. We used a 2x2 balanced placebo design, where mock-witnesses expected and drank alcohol, did not expect but drank alcohol, did not expect nor drank alcohol, or expected but did not drink alcohol. Participants watched a mock-crime in a bar-lab, followed by free recall and a cued-recall test with or without the option to reply ‘don’t know’ (DK). Intoxicated mock-witnesses’ free recall was less complete but not less accurate. During cued-recall, alcohol led to lower accuracy, and reverse placebo participants gave more erroneous and fewer correct responses. Permitting and clarifying DK responses was associated with fewer errors and more correct responses for sober individuals; and intoxicated witnesses were less likely to opt out of erroneous responding to unanswerable questions. Our findings highlight the practical and theoretical importance of examining pharmacological effects of alcohol and expectancies in real-life settings

    Error assessment of biogeochemical models by lower bound methods (NOMMA-1.0)

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    Biogeochemical models, capturing the major feedbacks of the pelagic ecosystem of the world ocean, are today often embedded into Earth system models which are increasingly used for decision making regarding climate policies. These models contain poorly constrained parameters (e.g., maximum phytoplankton growth rate), which are typically adjusted until the model shows reasonable behavior. Systematic approaches determine these parameters by minimizing the misfit between the model and observational data. In most common model approaches, however, the underlying functions mimicking the biogeochemical processes are nonlinear and non-convex. Thus, systematic optimization algorithms are likely to get trapped in local minima and might lead to non-optimal results. To judge the quality of an obtained parameter estimate, we propose determining a preferably large lower bound for the global optimum that is relatively easy to obtain and that will help to assess the quality of an optimum, generated by an optimization algorithm. Due to the unavoidable noise component in all observations, such a lower bound is typically larger than zero. We suggest deriving such lower bounds based on typical properties of biogeochemical models (e.g., a limited number of extremes and a bounded time derivative). We illustrate the applicability of the method with two real-world examples. The first example uses real-world observations of the Baltic Sea in a box model setup. The second example considers a three-dimensional coupled ocean circulation model in combination with satellite chlorophyll a

    Parameter Optimization and Validation of a Marine Biogeochemical Model using a Hybrid Algorithm

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    Sensitivity computations, parameter identification and optimization for an 1-D marine biogeochemical model of NPZDNPZD type are presented. For the optimization a hybrid algorithm combining quantum-evolutionary and local gradient-based search methods is used. It turns out to be an efficient and flexible tool for optimization and can be easily adopted for other simulation models. For the model under investigation attainable data could be exactly identified. For realistic measure ment data we argue that a certain parameter set leading to a non-optimal fit cannot be improved. Moreover we show that data uncertainty leads to a significant parameter spread. Thus we conclude that the NPZDNPZD model needs to be modified or extended, maybe including a modification of external forcings and/or initial conditions

    Factors influencing life satisfaction in acute myeloid leukemia survivors following allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) is the preferred option of postremission therapy for high-risk patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Therefore, monitoring life satisfaction (LS) of long-term survivors following alloSCT is becoming increasingly important for oncologists. The aim of the study was to evaluate individual survivor priority of various general and health-related domains of life and their satisfaction with these domains. Furthermore, we investigated the impact of general and health-related LS on resilience, anxiety, depression and quality of life in AML survivors following alloSCT. Methods: Forty-one AML survivors (median age at time of assessment = 49.0 years) who had undergone alloSCT (median time since transplantation = 3.1 years) were enrolled in the study. Psychosocial parameters were assessed using the following instruments: FLZM (Questions on Life Satisfaction), EORTC QLQ-C30, HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and the RS-25 (Resilience Scale-25 items). Correlation analyses were computed to reveal the associations between the different questionnaires. Results: Independence from help or care, well-regulated living conditions and financial security contributed positively to LS, whereas being off work due to health-reasons and dissatisfaction with physical aspects were negatively associated to the subjective feelings of overall satisfaction. Moreover, a high quality of life was strongly positively correlated with LS (Spearman’s rho general LS: 0.643 and health-related LS: 0.726, both p < 0.001). A high degree of resilience was also strongly positively correlated with better LS (general LS: 0.700, health-related LS: 0.675, both p < 0.001). Symptoms of anxiety and depression were associated with an impaired general LS (anxiety: −0.674, depression: −0.698, both p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our results indicate that LS should be considered an important key contributor to the survivors’ well-being following alloSCT. Thus, identifying protective psychological and physical factors that relieve stressors is of high importance in order to support long-term AML survivors with their special needs.<br

    Verb Classes and Alternations in Bangla, German, English, and Korean

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    In this report, we investigate the relationship between the semantic and syntactic properties of verbs. Our work is based on the English Verb Classes and Alternations of (Levin, 1993). We explore how these classes are manifested in other languages, in particular, in Bangla, German, and Korean. Our report includes a survey and classification of several hundred verbs from these languages into the cross-linguistic equivalents of Levin's classes. We also explore ways in which our findings may be used to enhance WordNet in two ways: making the English syntactic information of WordNet more fine-grained, and making WordNet multilingual

    Short- and Long-Term Results of Open Versus Laparoscopic Appendectomy

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    Clinical advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy have been shown in numerous trials and reviews. Most of these advantages are small and of limited clinical relevance, while laparoscopic operation costs are reported to be higher. The present study compares short- and long-term results of conventional appendectomy with or without diagnostic laparoscopy (OA), and laparoscopic appendectomy (LA). All adult patients who underwent appendectomy in our institution from 1995 to 2005 were included retrospectively. Patient data were retrieved from medical records, questionnaires sent by mail, and records of general practitioners. Primary outcome parameters were long-term complications, readmissions, and reinterventions (> 30 days postoperatively). Secondary outcome parameters were short-term complications, readmissions, and reinterventions (a parts per thousand currency sign30 days postoperatively). A total of 755 patients were included, 545 of whom underwent OA, with the remaining 210 undergoing LA. In the long term there were few complications noted, and there were no significant differences in complications between the two groups. Within 30 days postoperatively, LA was associated with a significantly higher incidence of abdominal abscesses with consequent diagnostic investigations, interventions, and readmissions. Although laparoscopic appendectomy is known to deliver clinical advantages, it is associated with a higher incidence of abdominal abscesses. Because the procedure is about to become the standard of care, future research must be directed at solving this issue. The expected lower incidence of incisional hernia and small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic appendectomy was not shown in the present stud

    Long-term follow-up of cytogenetically normal CEBPA-mutated AML

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the long-term survival of AML patients with CEBPA mutations. Patients and methods: We investigated 88 AML patients with a median age of 61 years and (1) cytogenetically normal AML (CN-AML), (2) monoallelic (moCEBPA) or biallelic (biCEBPA) CEBPA mutation, and (3) intensive induction treatment. 60/88 patients have been described previously with a shorter follow-up. Results: Median follow-up time was 9.8 years (95% CI: 9.4-10.1 years) compared to 3.2 and 5.2 years in our former analyses. Patients with biCEBPA mutations survived significantly longer compared to those with moCEBPA (median overall survival (OS) 9.6 years vs. 1.7 years, p = 0.008). Patients &lt;= 60 years and biCEBPA mutations showed a favorable prognosis with a 10-year OS rate of 81%. Both, bi- and moCEBPA-mutated groups had a low early death (d60) rate of 7% and 9%, respectively. Complete remission (CR) rates for biCEBPA and moCEBPA mutated patients were 82% vs. 70% (p = 0.17). biCEBPA mutated patients showed a longer relapse free survival (RFS) (median RFS 9.4 years vs. 1.5 years, p = 0.021) and a lower cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR) compared to moCEBPA-mutated patients. These differences in OS and RFS were confirmed after adjustment for known clinical and molecular prognostic factors. Conclusions: In this long-term observation we confirmed the favorable prognostic outcome of patients with biCEBPA mutations compared to moCEBPA-mutated CN-AML. The high probability of OS (81%) in younger patients is helpful to guide intensity of postremission therapy