11 research outputs found

    Pemarkah Diatesis Bahasa Bima

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    Bahasa Bima adalah bahasa yang digunakan oleh penduduk yang bermukim di bbagian Timur Pulau Sumbawa (Syamsudin, 1996:13). Umumnya, Bahasa Bima disebut Nggahi Mbojo oleh penuturnya. Berdasarkan pengamatan, Di Bima, selain Bahasa Bima juga terdapat bahasa bahasa Sambori dan bahasa Kolo. Meskipun, digunakan pula bahasa Sambori dan Kolo, Bahasa Bima tetap menjadi pilihan utama dalam komunikasi karena dipahami oleh seluruh masyarakat Bima. Sementara itu, bahasa Sambori dan Kolo hanya dipahami oleh masyarakat penuturnya dan beberapa orang yang sering berhubungan dengan penutur bahasa-bahasa tersebut. Keunikan yang dimiliki Bahasa Bima dalam mengungkapkan informasi melalui bahasa menjadi alasan utama penyusunan tulisan ini sehingga linguis lain dapat menjadikan tulisan ini sebagai bahan acuan. Tulisan ini mengungkapkan pemarkah-pemarkah diatesis yang digunakan dalam Bahasa Bima dengan mengunakan teori operator dari teori Role and Reference Grammar (Van Valin dan La Polla, 1997). Melalui teori ini dengan mudah diketahui operator-operator yang ikut berperan dalam membangun struktur sintaksis sebuah bahasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah metode penelitian lapangan yang melibatkan peneliti, pengelisitasi, dan pengobservasi. Untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Metode dibantu dengan teknik catat dan rekam. Dengan menggunakan teori dan metode di atas, ditemukan bahwa untuk menyatakan diatesis dalam bahasa dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemarkah berupa klitik dan preposisi. Mengapa demikian? Jawabannya dapat dibaca dalam tulisan yang lengkap

    Konstruksi Keaspekan Imperfektif Progresifbahasa Kodi, Sumba Barat Daya

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    Kodi language falls into a category of head-marking language and its predicate is attached by pronominal clitic consisting of information on morphological cases. Pronominal clitic has two different forms namely proclitic and enclitic which cross-reference with the core arguments of predicate. Aspectual construction requires a specific form of aspectual clitic which shows an agreement with the type and number of person or noun phrase in the subject slot.Imperfective aspect construction marked by progressive marker tengera triggers the existence of aspectual clitic cross-referencing to subject argument. In addition to canonical construction of SVO, this imperfective construction can also be seen in a marked construction. The marked construction is syntactically signified by aspectual clitic attached to a host (PRED) while pronominal clitic in the form of genitive case is attached to the imperfective marker tengera. This marker gives information about internal and temporal structure of a particular situation without a reference to other aspects. Aspectual feature is a part of the nuclear operators which have scope over the nucleus. It modifies the action, event or state itself without reference to the participants

    Mekanisme Penaikan Valensi Bahasa Bali Dialek Nusa Penida (Bbdnp)

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    This article will be concerned with verbal construction in BBDNP. The construction discussed about causatives verb formation. Causativation is related to valency changes of verb. The concept of valence referes to the number of argument that a head may take, in this case the head is the predicate of a clause. Causativation can increase the valence of a verb. Causative processes involve affixes which will be attached on a particular verb. According to this article, affixes of valenecy changes are causative suffix {-ang} and causative suffix {-in}. Both of them mark the BBDNP base, such as a verb, an adjective, a precategorial even state verb. In other side, suffix {-a} can decrease valence of the verb

    Penerapan Metode PPP (Presentation, Practice, And Production) dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Deskriptif Kelas VII SMP PGRI 4 Denpasar

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    The journal aimed at finding out whether the use of presentation, practice, and production method could improve the writing skill of descriptive essay. The data were collected by observation and documentation methods by giving assignments, questionnaires, interviews, direct record and student\u27s descriptive essay. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The data were presented in the table, as well as in description sentences. The main theory used in this research is the theory of learning and teaching from Doughlas Brown. The supporting theories were taken by Jeremy Harmer entitled The Practice of English Language and Teaching and English grammar theory by Yule. The results of quantitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice, and production) method could improve the writing skill of the students. It could be seen from the result of the students\u27 achievement test and observation analysis which improve continuously during the aplication of the model. The mean score of the students was 61.33, which was categorized intofair level. After having treatment in the first cycle, the students\u27 mean inprove to 76.67 categorized into good level, the second cycle, the students\u27 mean score improve to 81categorized to good level. This improvement was also supported by the qualitative data. The result of the qualitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice and production) method could improve the learning motivation of the students. It could be seen from the result of questionnaire analysis and interview showed that from 18 students, 65% of students admitted that they could easy to understand about the lesson after applying PPP (presentation, practice and production)

    Analisis Semantik Bahasa Teleks PT Garuda Indonesia Kantor Cabang Denpasar

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    Telex language is a language uses many abbreviations in its making. It is certainly interesting to be searched as in communicating to avoid misunderstandings between the message giver and the message recipient. The purpose of this research is to find out the semantic analysis of telex language used in PT.Garuda Indonesia branch office Denpasar. Method used to analyze the data in this research was metode padan/equivalent (Sudaryanto, 1985:15). The main theory used to analyze this problem is Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Van Dijk (1997).The findings show that semantic analysis of telex language in PT.Garuda Indonesia branch office Denpasar consists of background on telex language is stated that the telex writer received complaints from passengers; details on telex language are stated with a chronological sequence of events that cause problems both in terms of the documents and procedures that passengers should not be experienced; the purpose of telex language is stated with requests or orders from the writer to the relevant parties to clarify or follow up on existing problems so they will not experience the same problems in the future. The result of the second analysis is there are no presuppositions and nominalization elements occur in telex language in the data

    Penerapan Metode PPP (Presentation, Practice, And Production) dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Deskriptif Kelas VII SMP PGRI 4 Denpasar

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    The journal aimed at finding out whether the use of presentation, practice, and production method could improve the writing skill of descriptive essay. The data were collected by observation and documentation methods by giving assignments, questionnaires, interviews, direct record and student\u27s descriptive essay. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The data were presented in the table, as well as in description sentences. The main theory used in this research is the theory of learning and teaching from Doughlas Brown. The supporting theories were taken by Jeremy Harmer entitled The Practice of English Language and Teaching and English grammar theory by Yule. The results of quantitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice, and production) method could improve the writing skill of the students. It could be seen from the result of the students\u27 achievement test and observation analysis which improve continuously during the aplication of the model. The mean score of the students was 61.33, which was categorized intofair level. After having treatment in the first cycle, the students\u27 mean inprove to 76.67 categorized into good level, the second cycle, the students\u27 mean score improve to 81categorized to good level. This improvement was also supported by the qualitative data. The result of the qualitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice and production) method could improve the learning motivation of the students. It could be seen from the result of questionnaire analysis and interview showed that from 18 students, 65% of students admitted that they could easy to understand about the lesson after applying PPP (presentation, practice and production)

    The Illocutionary Acts of the Characters in Wonder a Novel by R.J. Palacio

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    This research discusses the use of illocutionary acts uttered by the characters in Wonder a novel by R.J. Palacio. It explores how the acts of illocutionary are conveyed by the characters in the whole novel. The purpose of this study is to find the type of illocutionary acts uttered by the main characters, the intended meaning of utterances, and the character's purposes in using such assertive. This research applies the pragmatics theory about speech acts to analyze the use of illocutionary acts in conversations. This study is qualitative research and it uses document as the source of the data that is Wonder a novel by R.J. Palacio. The result of this study shows that there are four types of illocutionary uttered by the characters. The types of illocutionary acts are assertive, commissive, directive, and expressive. Those utterances have the intended meanings that are influenced by the context of the situation in every phenomenon

    English Reading Texts Model Using the Ecoliteracy Lexicons Approach

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    This article discusses the English reading texts model using the Ecoliteracy Lexicons. The study aims to design and develop an example of English reading text by using the ecological or environment lexicons. This study applied the Educational Research and Development (R & D) method. It was conducted in Sumbawa District, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The instruments of this study were the validation sheet, a questionnaire sheet and a documentation instrument. The result of the study revealed that there are four types of English reading texts based on the ecoliteracy lexicons. The first is the English reading text-based-beaches marine lexicons, which have developed and designed the text using ecological lexicon Jempol Beach and Goa Beach lexicon. The second is the English reading text-based-historical architecture environment lexicons constructed the text by applying two ecological lexicons of Dalam Loka palace and Bala Puti Palace. The third is the English reading text-based-marine archipelagos environment lexicons, which used the Moyo Island and Ngali Island's ecological lexicons in developing and designing the English reading text.  The last one is the English reading text-based- traditional farmland environment lexicons, which was developed and designed using the ecological lexicons of Orong and Uma