65 research outputs found


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    O que um elenco infantil aporta a uma peça de temática adulta? O presente artigo reflete sobre a presença das crianças no espetáculo Matéria Prima, da companhia espanhola La Tristura. Focamos na teatralidade que emerge do deslocamento de temas adultos ao serem tratados por crianças, destacando este traço como um dos elementos do conceito de teatro performativo desenvolvido por Josette Féral.What does a child cast bring to an adult-themed play? This article reflects on the presence of children on the scene in Materia Prima, from the Spanish company La Tristura. We focus on the theatricality that emerges from the displacement of adult themes to be handled by children, highlighting this trait as one of the elements of the concept of performative theater developed by Josette Féral.¿Lo que un elenco infantil trae a un pieza de temática adulta? En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la presencia de niños en la escena en el espectáculo Materia Prima, de la compañía española La Tristura. Nos centramos en la teatralidad que surge a partir del desplazamiento de temas adultos a ser manipulados por los niños, destacando este rasgo como uno de los elementos del concepto de teatro performativo desarrollado por Josette Féral

    Eu/Público, Eu/Cena: o espectador em ação através dos dispositivos tecnológicos

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    The contributions of new technologies in the contemporary scene invite us to rethink the stage presence, as real as mediated, in the viewpoint of perception and appropriation by the public. This article focuses on the performances that involve public participation through technological tools without having the actors on stage, especially Situation Rooms, by the Rimini Protokoll collective, and Pendente de Voto, by Roger Bernat. It reflects on the question of the specificity of these emerging theatrical writings, which, on the one hand, brings the director himself back to the heart of the creative work, and, on the other, makes the audience active subject in the construction of the script.As contribuições das novas tecnologias à cena contemporânea nos convidam a repensar a questão da presença cênica, tanto real como mediatizada, na perspectiva da percepção e também de apropriação do público. Este artigo aborda espetáculos que convocam o público à participação por via de ferramentas tecnológicas, especialmente Situation Rooms, do coletivo Rimini Protokoll, e Pendente de Voto, de Roger Bernat. Trata-se de refletir sobre a questão da especificidade dessas escrituras teatrais emergentes, que por um lado trazem de volta o próprio diretor ao cerne do trabalho criativo e, por outro, torna o público sujeito ativo na construção dos espetáculos

    The Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI) for assessing stress of seafarers on board merchant ships

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    Background: In their working activity, seafarers are exposed to high levels of stress that should be accuratelyinvestigated, measured, followed up and, if possible, countered. This is also required by regulations recently entered into force such as the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, recommending to consider special physiological or psychological problems created by the shipboard environment. The choice of the tools for this evaluation is challenging, and a common basic standard usable in a large scale should be identified.Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate: 1) the suitability of the Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI) questionnaire conducted on board for assessing stress in the sailing seafarers, 2) The presenceof stress in seafarers of different categories (deck officers, engine officers, deck crew, engine crew, chiefstewards/catering staff) monitored by the PGWBI.Materials and methods: 162 male seafarers on board of 7 tankers belonging to the same shipping companywere evaluated through the PGWB questionnaire. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse thedifferences in the scores of the questionnaire.Results: Engine officers exhibited significantly higher anxiety levels than the deck or engine crew, andshowed lower satisfaction than the deck crew. Deck and engine officers revealed higher self-control levelsthan the engine crew. Chief stewards/catering staff showed lower vitality levels than the deck crew.Conclusions: Deck or engine officers should achieve a greater self-control than the crew and this is documentedby the present study. Our findings support the view that management responsibility is more often associated with higher levels of stress. In our opinion, the PGWB questionnaire is a reasonable compromise forobtaining a global evaluation of psychological conditions, including stress of seafarers. It should be therefore considered as a large scale tool for assessing the well-being and eventual stress levels of sailing seafarers

    Food safety on board tankers. Results of analysis from ‘Healthy Ship’ project

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    Background: Microbiological monitoring of surfaces used for food preparation, as required by the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan, is important in risky conditions as those observed in the kitchens of ships. Limits to introduce a classification of risk levels and methods to adopt in conditions as those occurring in tankers have not been investigated. This paper presents the results of the “Healthy Ship” project on HACCP monitoring of surfaces used in food preparation on Italian flag tankers.  Materials and methods: Microbiological monitoring was carried out on 19 tankers between 2013 and 2017. Food handlers were also trained on board ship according to HACCP standards. Contact plates (ISO 18593:2004 compliant) were used to determine the colonies and bacterial charge according to the Wirtanen and Salo’s method.  Results: A total of 1074 samples, 108 before the first course, 168 after the first course, 390 during the period of refresher (2015–2016), and 408 after the refresher training, were obtained from the three main kitchen surfaces: the worktop, cutting board, and kitchen sink. A good level of hygiene was observed in 56.9% of all samples, 0.1% were classified as adequate, and the remaining 43% as poor. The highest contamination was observed on the cutting board and kitchen sink and involved the total aerobic count. The only surface with inadequate levels of hygiene was the worktop. A reduction of contaminated samples was noted after training.  Conclusions: Our results suggest that continuous training should be provided for personnel responsible for handling foodstuffs on board ships.

    Recommendations for assessing water quality and safety on board merchant ships

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    Introduction: Health and diseases on board ships may depend on water. Interventions to improve the quality of water may bring to significant benefits to health and water stores/supply and should be controlledto protect health. This paper has reviewed the main regulations for the control of water safety and qualityon board ships and presents some practical recommendations for keeping water healthy and safe in passenger and cargo merchant ships.Methodology: The main international regulations and guidelines on the topic were analysed. Guidelines forWater Quality on Board Merchant Ships Including Passenger Vessels of Health Protection Agency, World Health Organisation (WHO) Guide to Ship Sanitation, WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, WHO Water Safety Plan and the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention Vessel Sanitation Program were examined. Recommendations for passenger and, if available, for cargo ships were collected and compared. Recommended questionnaire: A questionnaire summarising the main information to collect for assessingthe enough quality of water for the purposes it should be used on board is proposed. The need of havinga crew member with water assessment duties on board, trained for performing these activities properlyis discussed.Conclusions: Water quality on board ships should be monitored routinely. Monitoring should be directedto chemical and microbiological parameters for identifying possible contamination sources, using specifickits by a designed crew member. More detailed periodic assessments should be under the responsibility ofspecialised personnel/laboratories and should be based on sample collection from all tanks and sites of waterdistribution. It is important to select a properly trained crew member on board for monitoring water quality

    Design and evolution of the Seafarer’s Health Passport for supporting (tele)-medical assistance to seafarers

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    Background: Seafarers undergo periodic medical examination for their employment. This information in most cases is not effectively used when requesting for medical assistance during service on board ships. The medical history of an individual is important for provision of medical care and can be critical to the outcome. There is growing adoption of digital applications and electronic health records that are adding great value to the care provided. The Seafarer’s Health Passport (SHP) is an application specifically designed for improving the quality of medical assistance provided to seafarers both through telemedicine or classic medical check-ups in ports/hospitals worldwide. The SHP provides a secure and unique way to archive and retrieve the seafarer’s medical history in an electronic support.  Materials and methods: The SHP that we have developed is a product with specific hardware and software specifications. The basic features of this software are Linux operating system Debian/Ubuntu, Apache Web server 2.x, Server database MySQL/Maria DB PHP programming language 5.6.xx, and secure connection in https.  Results: The SHP represents a helpful hint to physicians providing medical advices to seafarers enabling them to make more decisions that are informed and curtailing possible complications due to misdiagnosis.  Conclusions: Provision of high quality medical assistance requires knowledge of patient’s medical history. The availability of an easy access and friendly use system of own medical history is useful for a population of travellers, such as seafarers to guarantee a reasonable level of medical care at any time.


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    O setor de varejo supermercadista está inserido em um ambiente altamente competitivo, devido ao aumento da concorrência e ao crescimento na diversidade dos produtos e serviços ofertados aos clientes. Para obter sucesso nesse mercado, as organizações necessitam compreender os aspectos que influenciam na satisfação dos seus consumidores. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os fatores influentes na satisfação do consumidor no setor supermercadista, por meio de uma análise do contraste da penalidade e recompensa (Penalty and Reward Contrast analysis - PRC). Por meio de uma pesquisa quali-quanti, foram analisados 25 atributos relacionados à satisfação dos consumidores, com uma amostra de 660 respondentes de uma rede de supermercados. Dentre os principais resultados, demonstra-se que as dimensões de Ambiente e Produto obtiveram penalidade e recompensa, o Tempo obteve penalidade, enquanto o Atendimento obteve Recompensa, em relação ao desempenho. A dimensão de segurança não obteve impacto significativo no desempenho do supermercado.

    Relación entre oxígeno disuelto, precipitación pluvial y temperatura: río Zahuapan, Tlaxcala, México

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    La concentración de oxígeno disuelto (OD) en el río Zahuapan ha disminuido a través de los años debido a la contaminación. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la relación del OD con la precipitación pluvial y temperatura. Se realizaron mediciones de OD en dos puntos (PM1 y PM2) del río. Se utilizó la prueba de Mann-Whitney para comparar las concentraciones entre los puntos de medición y entre las de la temporada de sequía con las de lluvia. Se encontró relación entre el OD y la temperatura de la corriente. El OD fue mayor en PM1 (corriente arriba), comparado con PM2 y entre ambos hubo diferencias significativas. Antes y en la temporada de lluvia, los valores de OD tuvieron tendencias atípicas; después de las lluvias, las tendencias fueron comparables con las reportadas en la literatura. Se obtuvieron relaciones significativas entre las varianzas y promedios del OD con la lluvia acumulada. Los valores de OD de la temporada de lluvias fueron mayores y significativamente diferentes comparadas con las de sequía. Se concluye que el OD está relacionado con la temperatura y que las precipitaciones pluviales afectaron de manera positiva la concentración de OD en el río

    the psychological general well being index pgwbi for assessing stress of seafarers on board merchant ships

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    Background: In their working activity, seafarers are exposed to high levels of stress that should be accuratelyinvestigated, measured, followed up and, if possible, countered. This is also required by regulations recently entered into force such as the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, recommending to consider special physiological or psychological problems created by the shipboard environment. The choice of the tools for this evaluation is challenging, and a common basic standard usable in a large scale should be identified. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate: 1) the suitability of the Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI) questionnaire conducted on board for assessing stress in the sailing seafarers, 2) The presenceof stress in seafarers of different categories (deck officers, engine officers, deck crew, engine crew, chiefstewards/catering staff) monitored by the PGWBI. Materials and methods: 162 male seafarers on board of 7 tankers belonging to the same shipping companywere evaluated through the PGWB questionnaire. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse thedifferences in the scores of the questionnaire. Results: Engine officers exhibited significantly higher anxiety levels than the deck or engine crew, andshowed lower satisfaction than the deck crew. Deck and engine officers revealed higher self-control levelsthan the engine crew. Chief stewards/catering staff showed lower vitality levels than the deck crew. Conclusions: Deck or engine officers should achieve a greater self-control than the crew and this is documentedby the present study. Our findings support the view that management responsibility is more often associated with higher levels of stress. In our opinion, the PGWB questionnaire is a reasonable compromise forobtaining a global evaluation of psychological conditions, including stress of seafarers. It should be therefore considered as a large scale tool for assessing the well-being and eventual stress levels of sailing seafarers

    CGRP Antagonism and Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Migraine

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    The study of migraine is based on the complexity of the pathology, both at the pathophysiological and epidemiological levels. Although it affects more than a billion people worldwide, it is often underestimated and underreported by patients. Migraine must not be confused with a simple headache; it is a serious and disabling disease that causes considerable limitations in the daily life of afflicted people, including social, work, and emotional effects. Therefore, it causes a daily state of suffering and discomfort. It is important to point out that this pathology not only has a decisive impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it but also on their families and, more generally, on society as a whole. The clinical picture of migraine is complex, with debilitating unilateral or bilateral head pain, and is often associated with characteristic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia. Hormonal, environmental, psychological, dietary, or other factors can trigger it. The present review focuses on the analysis of the physiopathological and pharmacological aspects of migraine, up to the correct dietary approach, with specific nutritional interventions aimed at modulating the symptoms. Based on the symptoms that the patient experiences, targeted and specific therapy is chosen to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Specifically, the role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the pathogenesis of migraine is analyzed, along with the drugs that effectively target the corresponding receptor. Particularly, CGRP receptor antagonists (gepants) are very effective drugs in the treatment of migraine, given their high diffusion in the brain. Moreover, following a ketogenic diet for only one or two months has been demonstrated to reduce migraine attacks. In this review, we highlight the diverse facets of migraine, from its physiopathological and pharmacological aspects to prevention and therapy