4 research outputs found


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    Masa balita merupakan periode penting dalam proses tumbuh kembang manusia yang menentukan keberhasilan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak di periode selanjutnya dimana sistem imunitasnya masih lemah dan belum sempurna sehingga menyebabkan balita sangat rentan terkena penyakit ISPA.  Salah satu penyebab ISPA pada balita adalah pajanan asap rokok didalam rumah yang merupakan faktor utama pencemaran udara dalam ruangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku merokok orang tua dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita umur 1-4 tahun di Puskesmas Selat. Artikel ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode penelitian analitik korelatif. Sampel penelitian adalah orang tua yang mempunyai balita usia 1 - 4 tahun yang tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Selat yang 258 responden. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Instrument yang digunakan adalah perilaku merokok dan kejadian ISPA. Teknik analisa data menggunakan uji Spearman’rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden berusia antara 36 sampai dengan 45 tahun (41,9%) dengan jenis kelamin paling banyak adalah laki – laki (57,8%), pendidikan terakhir tamat SD dan Tamat SMP (22,5%) serta memiliki pekerjaan sebagai buruh (26,0%). Mayoritas perilaku merokok orang tua termasuk sedang (49,2%) ISPA balita termasuk sedang (52,3%). Hasil menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara perilaku merokok orang tua dengan kejadian ISPA Balita (p-value = 0,001) dengan korelasi positif dan kekuatan korelasi kuat (r=0,761). Adanya hubungan perilaku merokok dan kejadian ISPA pada anak, diharapkan kerja sama dari berbagai pihak untuk meningkatkan program dan pemberian KIE mengenai bahaya merokok bagi perokok aktif dan pasif serta terapi berhenti merokok kepada masyarakat sehingga orang tua dapat meningkatkan kesadaran perilaku hidup sehat dan bersih

    Philosophy of Science on The Development of Palliative Nursing Practice in The Implementation of Long-Term Care for The Elderly: A Literature Review

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    As people gets older can increase health problems due to degenerative processes, thus requiring long-term care. Nurses as providers of palliative nursing care are based on nursing philosophy as a guide for acting and behaving in providing nursing care. Provide scientific information to nurses related to the role of philosophy of science in the development of palliative nursing practice that supports the implementation of long-term care in elderly. A literature review study, using various databases from Pubmed, Google Scholar, Science Direct and Research Gate. The inclusion criteria for searching for literature sources is the year of publication of the articles used starting from 2017 to 2022, in English, Indonesian and full articles. The search keywords are, nursing philosophy, nursing theory, palliative nursing, palliative care. Article selection was carried out using PRISMA and critical appraisal with a final total of 20 articles. The provision of palliative care to patients is carried out through a philosophical approach that emphasizes optimal quality of life and function, mitigates symptoms that cause sadness and promotes the values of care that focuses on comfort so as to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of patients and families. Palliative nursing includes an understanding of the disease, pain management, and general symptoms, and follow-up care planning. Nurses are expected to make the philosophy of nursing as a basic of human as a holistic being in providing palliative nursing care

    Factors influence self-care behavior and diabetic management in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Self-care behavior and diabetic management in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) tends to be low, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various studies have found the influence of knowledge with self-care behavior diabetic management, as well as attitudes, motivation, family support and self-efficacy, but research analyzing the most dominant factors that play a role in influencing diabetic patients in self-care behavior and diabetic management is still limited. Purposes: Analyzing the factors that influence self-care behavior and diabetic management in diabetic patients. This study also analyzes the factor that play the most dominant role to influence self-care behavior and diabetic management in diabetic patients. Methods: This type of research is observational analytic with cross-sectional design. Patients of type 2 diabetes were the population in this study, with a sample size of 312 selected by convenience sampling. Factors of knowledge, attitude, motivation, family support and self-efficacy were observed in the study which were thought to be factors affecting self-care behavior diabetic management. The data were analyzed by chi square test and logistic regression. Results: The factors of knowledge, family support, and motivation significantly influence self-care behavior and diabetic management (p<0.05). The motivation factor is the most dominant factor affecting it (AOR 2.760; p<0.001). Conclusion: Good knowledge about diabetes management plus optimal family support and high motivation will improve self-care behavior and diabetic management in diabetic patients

    Menopausal symptoms in women aged 40-65 years in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the prevalence of menopausal symptoms and the factors that influence it in women aged 40-65 years in Denpasar, Indonesia. The research design used is a cross-sectional study conducted on 318 women aged 40-65 years who live in the area of community health centre in Denpasar City, Indonesia. The Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop (STRAW+10) was used to classify pre, peri and post menopause. The instrument used is a self-designed instrument to determine the respondent's characteristics such as age, number of children, age at menarche, occupation, marital status, education, exercise habits, coffee drinking habits and history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. know menopausal symptoms. Logistic regression was used to determine risk factors for severe menopausal symptoms. The most common symptoms felt by the respondents in this study were joint and muscle discomfort (52.8%) and sleep problems (51.8%). Only 32.1% of women experienced hot flushes and night sweats symptoms of moderate and severe severity. Age at menarche, history of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus are risk factors for severe menopausal symptoms. Most women when entering menopause complain of more than one menopause symptom, both somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms.&nbsp