26 research outputs found


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    Penelitian farmakokinetik doksisiklin pada ular sanca (Phyton reticulatus) ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui profil fannakokinetik obat pemberian intravena dan intramuskuler serta untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitasnya melalui perbandingan kadar dengan nilai MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) beberapa agen infeksi yang penting.Hewan yang digunakan adalah 6 ekor ular sanca dewasa yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok 1 diberi doksisiklin dosis 25 mg/kg bb lewat vena palatina dorsalis dan kelompok 2 melalui muskulus bagian sepertiga anterior.Darah diambil secara intrakardia pada menit ke 30,jam ke-I, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 72, 96 dan 120 setelahpemberianobat. Plasma dikoleksi secara sentrifugasi dan diekstraksi menggunakan asam trikloroasetat. Selanjutnya plasma dianalisis dan dilakukan pengukuran kadar obat secara HPLC (High Peiformance Liquid Chromatography), menggunakan fase gerak larutan asam oxalat : metanol: asetonitril (6:3:I) dan kolom C18. Parameter farmakokinetikyang dihasilkan untuk intravena adalah AUC 7135,155 uglmL.menit, Clearence 3,5 mLimenit/kg, Cmax 95,465 uglmL,Tmax 30menit,Tl/2 44,42 jam dan Vd 13477,1mL/kg bb dan untuk intramuskuler AUC 1185,56f.lglmL.menit, Clearence 3,49mL/menit/kg, Tmax 24 jam, Cmax 0,191 ug, T1/220,6 jam, Vd 62500 mL /kg bb. Kadar rata-rata obathinggajam ke 120 (5 hari) masih di atas minimum inhibory concentration (MIC) beberapa agen infeksi yang penting pada reptilia.Untuk selanjutnya, diperlukan penelitian untuk mengetahui MIC agen-agen infeksi pada ular sanca untuk dapat secara tepat mengetahui efikasi doksisiklin.Kata kunci: profil farmakokinetik, doksisiklin, ular sanc


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    Penelitian farmakokinetik doksisiklin pada ular sanca (Phyton reticulatus) ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui profil fannakokinetik obat pemberian intravena dan intramuskuler serta untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitasnya melalui perbandingan kadar dengan nilai MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) beberapa agen infeksi yang penting. Hewan yang digunakan adalah 6 ekor ular sanca dewasa yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok 1 diberi doksisiklin dosis 25 mg/kg bb lewat vena palatina dorsalis dan kelompok 2 melalui muskulus bagian sepertiga anterior.Darah diambil secara intrakardia pada menit ke 30,jam ke-I, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 72, 96 dan 120setelahpemberian obat. Plasma dikoleksi secara sentrifugasi dan diekstraksi menggunakan asam trikloroasetat. Selanjutnya plasma dianalisis dan dilakukan pengukuran kadar obat secara HPLC (High Peiformance Liquid Chromatography), menggunakan fase gerak larutan asam oxalat : metanol: asetonitril (6:3:I) dan kolom C18. Parameter farmakokinetik yang dihasilkan untuk intravena adalah AUC 7135,155 uglmL.menit, Clearence 3,5 mLimenit/kg, Cmax 95,465 uglmL,Tmax 30menit,Tl/2 44,42jamdan Vd 13477,1mL/kgbbdan untuk intramuskulerAUC 1185,56f.lglmL.menit, Clearence 3,49mL/menit/kg, Tmax 24 jam, Cmax 0,191 ug, T1/220,6jam, Vd 62500 mL /kg bb. Kadar rata-rata obat hinggajam ke 120 (5 hari) masih di atas minimum inhibory concentration (MIC) beberapa agen infeksi yang penting pada reptilia.Untuk selanjutnya, diperlukan penelitian untuk mengetahui MIC agen-agen infeksi pada ular sanca untuk dapat secara tepat mengetahui efikasi doksisiklin

    Validasi Metode Analisis Tetrasiklin pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis sp.) menggunakan Alat Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT)

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    Antibiotics are substances that capable of inhibiting the growth of or killing microorganisms. The presence of residues in the tissues are associated with continuous use of antibiotics for long periods of time. The antibiotic residue that is often detected in freshwater fishery products is tetracycline. One method of analysis of tetracycline residues in fish meat is widely developed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This research was aimed to validate the method of analysis of tetracycline content in tilapia meat by using HPLC Shimadzu 6.1. The mobile phase consisting of methanol: acetonitrile: oxalic acid (5:15:80) with 1 ml / min flow rate, detector UV Vis with wavelength 355 nm, and C18Shim-pack column size 150 L x 4,6 mm at temperature of 30oC. The result of this research showed values corresponding to validation criteria based on parameters of specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, limit of detection, and limit of quantification. Tetracycline analysis using HPLC tool has good and acurate validity as the first step in detecting the tetracycline level in tilapia meat


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan prosedur atau metode kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) yang valid dan optimal dalam analisis deltamethrin sebagai senyawa yang berpotensi menjadi residu dalam produk hewan. Alat utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah satu set KCKT Shimadzu 6.1, dengan kolom C-18 (30° C), panjang gelombang detektor UV-vis 236 nm. Fase gerak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah asetonitril 80% dalam akuabides yang dialirkan dengan laju 1,25 ml/menit. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan kromatogram yang terlihat menunjukkan peak area yang nyata terpisah dari senyawa lain. Batas deteksi diketahui pada konsentrasi 0,1 μg/ml, sedangkan batas kuantifikasi pada konsentrasi 0,5 μg/ml. Rerata luas area untuk konsentrasi 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; 5; dan 10 μg/ml masing-masing adalah 18.255,33; 47.142,00; 55.587,00; 64.181,33; 204.269,00; dan 395.918,00 dengan persamaan garis linier y= 39.866x-1.719,5 (R= 0,99). Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan presisi dan akurasi hasil yang baik. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini mempunyai validitas yang baik dan optimal untuk analisis deltamethrin, yang merupakan senyawa potensial menjadi residu pada produk asal hewan

    Kadar Malondialdehid Tikus Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dengan Terapi Ekstrak Media Penumbuh Sel Punca Mesenkimal

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    Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak media penumbuh sel punca mesenkimal (EMPSPM), tanpa sel punca itu sendiri, telah ditemukan terdapat berbagai faktor tropik hasil sekresi sel punca mesenkimal di dalam media kultur yang dapat meregenerasi jaringan yang rusak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kadar malondialdehid (MDA) dalam plasma dan ginjal tikus diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DMT2) dengan terapi EMPSPM. Dua puluh lima ekor tikus wistar digunakan dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok DMT2 + 0,05 ml/kg BB EMPSPM (0,05); kelompok DMT2 + 0,1 ml/kg BB EMPSPM (0,1); kelompok DMT2 + 0,2 ml/kg BB EMPSPM (0,2), kelompok kontrol DMT2 (DMT2), dan kelompok sehat (KS). Induksi DMT2 dengan menggunakan streptozotosin nikotinamid (STZ-NA). Terapi mulai dilakukan pada hari ke 7 setelah kondisi DM tercapai, diberikan 4 kali dengan selang waktu 7 hari secara intraperitoneal. Data kadar glukosa darah dan MDA dianalisi secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induksi DMT2 dengan STZ-NA dapat menaikkan kadar glukosa dan MDA dalam darah (P<0,05). Terapi 0,05; 0,1; dan 0,2 ml/kg BB EMPSPM menunjukkan dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah, kadar MDA plasma dan ginjal (P<0,05). Kadar 0,2 ml/kg BB EMPSPM menunjukkan aktifitas lebih baik dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah dan MDA. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, EMPSPM dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah serta kadar MDA dalam darah dan ginjal tikus DMT2

    Hipotermia dan Waktu Pemulihannya dalam Anestesi Gas Isofluran dengan Induksi Ketamin-Xylazin pada Anjing (HYPOTHERMIA AND ITS RECOVERY IN GAS ISOFLURANE ANESTHESIA WITH KETAMINE-XYLAZINE INDUCTION ON DOGS)

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    The most common effect occurred during anaesthesia is the decrease of body temperature. Technologicaldevelopment has enabled the used the latest innovations in order to to increase the efficacy and the safetyof anaesthesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ketamine-xylazine injection onhypothermia and its recovery at dog which anesthetized with isoflurane. Ten healthy dogs were dividedinto two groups with each group consisted offive dogs. In Group A, dogs were given premedication (atropinesulfate 0.04 mg/kg) and then anaesthetized with isoflurane gas (4% for induction dose and 1% for themaintenance dose). In Group B dogs were given premedication atropine sulfate (0.04 mg/kg) and ketamineHCl induction solution (10 mg/kg) mixed with xylazine HCl (2 mg/kg), and anaesthetized with isofluranegas (maintenance dose of 1%). Adaptation period was conducted in one week. Body temperature wasmeasured before, during, and after the duration of anaesthesia. The data was analyzed statistically by arepeated Anova test. This study found that the mean body temperature of dogs in Group A decreased from37,88±0,51 oC to 34,64±0,95 oC over a period of anaesthesia, and the recovery time was over 40 minutespost-anaesthesia. In Group B, body temperature decreased from 38.06±0.42 oC to 34.96±1.23 oC, and therecovery time was 90 minutes. In conclusion, the use of ketamine-xylazine in isoflurane anaesthesiaprocedures on dogs, would need post-anaesthesia preparation procedure regarding with hypothermia andits recovery

    PROSEDUR ANALISIS VALIDASI DELTAMETHRIN PADA PAKAN AYAM MENGGUNAKAN ALAT KROMATOGRAFI CAIR KINERJA TINGGI Penggunaan Kolom C 18, Fase Gerak Asetonitril 80% dalam Akuabides, Laju Alir Fase Gerak 1,25 ml/menit, Panjang Gelombang 236 nm dan Suhu 30 0 C

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    Currently the use of.HPLC have been widely used to determine pesticides residues due to the simple process with fast analysis time. Food safety factor becomes important as the increasing of consumer awareness to their food quality. The quality of food resources is not only measured from its high nutrient but also free from pesticide. The aim of this study is to validate the deltamethrin analysis procedure on chicken feed by using high-performance liquid chromatography. The deltamethrine concentration used in this research were 1ug/ml, 2 ug/ml, and 5 ug/ml. The main tool used in this study was HPLC Shimadzu 6.1 with a mobile phase 80% acetonitrile in distilled water, mobile phase flow rate of 1.25 ml / min, and a temperature of 30oC. In addition, C 18 column with UV-Vis detector wavelength of 236 nm was used here. Validation parameters used in this study were the specificity, precision, accuracy, detection limit, quantification limit, and linearity. The results showed deltamethrin peak area in HPLC analysis specifically appears within 8 to 9.5 minutes. The mean area of each concentration of 1ug/ml, 2ug/ml and 5ug/ml were respectively 58515.67, 87792.67 and 233404.67. Specificity of each concentration showed good results because the peak area of deltamethrin were undisturbed by other substances. The precision value have a good value due to the results of RSD � 2%. The accuracy value of each concentration fulfill the standards value that are within 80-120%. The detection limit of the instrument has a value of 0.28 ug/ml and for the non instrument does not exist because the area of standard sample can be read. The quantification limit of the instrument has a value of 0.96 ug/ml and for the non-instrument is 0.5 ug/ml. As for the linearity gives an equation y = 44814x + 7100 with a value of R = 0.99. It can be concluded that the procedures used in this study have good validity


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    Development of analysis using chromatography was shown by the appearance of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) which can classified the organic chemical compound that didn�t vaporize with speed and high efficiency. Several of delthamethrin analysis method has been conducted in Pharmacology Department of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Gadjah Mada University. This research intent on comparing and choosing delthamethrin analysis method using HPLC which has been developed by Pharmacology Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Gadjah Mada University and performing agreement analysis to the selected method by using kappa test. The instrument used as the analyzer in this research was a set of HPLC created by Shimadzu 6.1, SCL-10A VP system controled, the moving phase acetonitril Merck 80% in a sterile aquabidest, LC-10AD vP pump, collumn C18 Shim-Pack VP-ODS (150 x 4,6 mm) with temperature 300 C, injector, CTO-10C vP oven, UV-Vis SPD-10AV detector, DGU-14A degasser, and LC-10AV vP liquid chromatography. The material that used to the agreement analysis for the selected method is forty sampels of liver solution extract. The comparison result between method I and method II shows that method II gives a better result in analyzing deltamethrin. The agreement analysis result with kappa test shows a good agreement result (agreement value = 0,7)


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    Pesticide is an important material in agriculture or livestock sector, especially in eradicating insects. Non procedural pesticide usage can lead to issues such as the presence of residue in agriculture/livestock products. This study aimed to determine the effect of various concentrations of deltametrin treatment in drinking water on the residue content in the blood, liver, and meat of broilers. Nine broilers were divided into three groups. Group 1 was the control, Group 2 was group given deltametrin 5 mg/L in drinking water, and Group 3 was group given deltametrin 10 mg/L in drinking water. Broilers were kept in Education and Training Unit of Animal Health (UP2KH) cage for 35 days and residue inspection in blood, liver, and meat was conducted after the harvest. Deltametrin residue analysis was performed at the Laboratory of Pharmacology of FKH UGM. Analysis of correlation showed that there was a significant linear relationship between various deltametrin concentration and residue concentration in meat (r>0,


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    Deltamethrin as a pesticide widely used in agriculture and estate sector. Residue of pesticide in food derivate from animals (included offal) has been reported in Indonesia and it would be harmful for health if it is exceeded a predetermined threshold. It caused analysis pesticide need to do. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is one of developing technology analysis pesticide�s residue. High performance liquid chromatography instrument adequate of analyze a variety of shots both qualitatively and quantitatively, either single or mixture component of pesticide. An object of this study is validate the methods of analysis deltamethrin using HPLC instrument based on the specificity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection, limit of quantification, and linearity. The main material used is set HPLC, Shimadzu 6.1, deltamethrin, and chicken�s liver. The support materials is acetonitrile, distilled water, test tubes, spuid, parafilm, vortex mixer, ultrasonic bath, shaker, timers, scales, micropipette, and HPLC injector. Methods of study with smooth liver tissue was then added deltamethrin at a concentration of 1 mg 1 μg/ml, 2 μg/ml, dan 5 μg/ml in a test tube. Cap test tube close with parafilm, and then each in a vortex for 1 minute, put in an ultrasonic bath for 15 minute at 40 0C, then homogenization in shaker with a speed of 150-200 beat/minute during 20 minutes. Then all the tubes centrifuged during 12 minutes at speed 13,000 rpm. The supernatant was taken and injection to HPLC. Results showed the mean cup of deltamethrin separated from other compounds in the retention time between 8 to 9.5 minutes at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, 2 μg/ml, and 5 μg/ml in the test specificity. Indicated precision for each area concentration in a series are 43.01