23 research outputs found

    Discrete Midpoint Convexity

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    For a function defined on a convex set in a Euclidean space, midpoint convexity is the property requiring that the value of the function at the midpoint of any line segment is not greater than the average of its values at the endpoints of the line segment. Midpoint convexity is a well-known characterization of ordinary convexity under very mild assumptions. For a function defined on the integer lattice, we consider the analogous notion of discrete midpoint convexity, a discrete version of midpoint convexity where the value of the function at the (possibly noninteger) midpoint is replaced by the average of the function values at the integer round-up and round-down of the midpoint. It is known that discrete midpoint convexity on all line segments with integer endpoints characterizes L^{\natural}-convexity, and that it characterizes submodularity if we restrict the endpoints of the line segments to be at \ell_\infty-distance one. By considering discrete midpoint convexity for all pairs at \ell_\infty-distance equal to two or not smaller than two, we identify new classes of discrete convex functions, called local and global discrete midpoint convex functions, which are strictly between the classes of L^{\natural}-convex and integrally convex functions, and are shown to be stable under scaling and addition. Furthermore, a proximity theorem, with the same small proximity bound as that for L^{\natural}-convex functions, is established for discrete midpoint convex functions. Relevant examples of classes of local and global discrete midpoint convex functions are provided.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Mathematics of Operations Researc

    Scaling and Proximity Properties of Integrally Convex Functions

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    In discrete convex analysis, the scaling and proximity properties for the class of L^natural-convex functions were established more than a decade ago and have been used to design efficient minimization algorithms. For the larger class of integrally convex functions of n variables, we show here that the scaling property only holds when n leq 2, while a proximity theorem can be established for any n, but only with an exponential bound. This is, however, sufficient to extend the classical logarithmic complexity result for minimizing a discretely convex function in one dimension to the case of integrally convex functions in two dimensions. Furthermore, we identified a new class of discrete convex functions, called directed integrally convex functions, which is strictly between the classes of L^natural -convex and integrally convex functions but enjoys the same scaling and proximity properties that hold for L^natural -convex functions

    Competitive Equilibrium and Trading Networks: A Network Flow Approach

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    Under full substitutability of preferences, it has been shown that a competitive equilibrium exists in trading networks, and is equivalent (after a restriction to equilibrium trades) to (chain) stable outcomes. In this paper, we formulate the problem of finding an efficient outcome as a generalized submodular flow problem on a suitable network. Equivalence with seemingly weaker notions of stability follows directly from the optimality conditions, in particular the absence of improvement cycles in the flow problem. Our formulation yields strongly polynomial algorithms for finding competitive equilibria in trading networks, and testing (chain) stability

    Discrete Hessian Matrix for L-convex Functions

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    L-convex functions are nonlinear discrete functions on integer points that are computationally tractable in optimization. In this paper, a discrete Hessian matrix and a local quadratic expansion are defined for L-convex functions. We characterize L-convex functions in terms of the discrete Hessian matrix and the local quadratic expansion. Key words. discrete optimization; discrete convex function; Hessian matrix