202 research outputs found


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    We present a new method that integrates intensity features and a local fractal-dimension feature into a region growing algorithm for the segmentation of natural images. A fuzzy rule is used to integrate different types of features into a segmentation algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, intensity features are used to produce an accurate segmentation, while the fractal-dimension feature is used to yield a rough segmentation in a natural image. The effective combination of the different features provides the segmented results similar to the ones by a human visual system. Experimental results demonstrates the capabilities of the proposed method to execute the segmentation of natural images using the fuzzy region-growing algorithm.特集 : 「産業におけるソフトコンピューティングに関する国際会議\u2799」発表論文選

    The impact of contour maps on estimating the risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumor recurrence: indications for adjuvant therapy: an analysis of the Kinki GIST registry

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    The version of record of this article, first published in Gastric Cancer, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10120-023-01444-8Introduction: Contour maps enable risk classification of GIST recurrence in individual patients within 10 postoperative years. Although contour maps have been referred to in Japanese guidelines, their usefulness and role in determining indications for adjuvant therapy is still unclear in Japanese patients. The aims of this study are to investigate the validity of contour maps in Japanese patients with GIST and explore the new strategy for adjuvant therapy. Materials and methods: A total of 1426 Japanese GIST patients who were registered to the registry by the Kinki GIST Study Group between 2003 and 2012 were analyzed. Patients who had R0 surgery without perioperative therapy were included in this study. The accuracy of contour maps was validated. Results: Overall, 994 patients have concluded this study. Using contour maps, we validated the patients. The 5-year recurrence-free survival rates of patients within the GIST classification groups of 0–10%, 10–20%, 20–40%, 40–60%, 60–80%, 80–90%, and 90–100% were 98.1%, 96.6%, 92.3%, 48.0%, 37.3%, 41.0% and 42.4%, respectively. We confirmed that this classification by contour maps was well reflected recurrence prediction. Further, in the high-risk group stratified by the modified National Institutes of Health consensus criteria (m-NIHC), the 10-year RFS rate was remarkably changed at a cutoff of 40% (0–40% group vs. 40–100% group: 88.7% vs. 50.3%, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Contour maps are effective in predicting individual recurrence rates. And it may be useful for the decision of individual strategy for high-risk patients combined with m-NIHC

    Variants at HLA-A , HLA-C , and HLA-DQB1 Confer Risk of Psoriasis Vulgaris in Japanese

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    Psoriasis vulgaris (PsV) is an autoimmune disease of skin and joints with heterogeneity in epidemiologic and genetic landscapes of global populations. We conducted an initial genome-wide association study and a replication study of PsV in the Japanese population (606 PsV cases and 2,052 controls). We identified significant associations of the single nucleotide polymorphisms with PsV risk at TNFAIP3-interacting protein 1and the major histocompatibility complex region (P = 3.7 × 10−10 and 6.6 × 10−15, respectively). By updating the HLA imputation reference panel of Japanese (n = 908) to expand HLA gene coverage, we fine-mapped the HLA variants associated with PsV risk. Although we confirmed the PsV risk of HLA-C*06:02 (odds ratio = 6.36, P = 0.0015), its impact was relatively small compared with those in other populations due to rare allele frequency in Japanese (0.4% in controls). Alternatively, HLA-A*02:07, which corresponds to the cysteine residue at HLA-A amino acid position 99 (HLA-A Cys99), demonstrated the most significant association with PsV (odds ratio = 4.61, P = 1.2 × 10–10). In addition to HLA-A*02:07 and HLA-C*06:02, stepwise conditional analysis identified an independent PsV risk of HLA-DQβ1 Asp57 (odds ratio = 2.19, P = 1.9 × 10–6). Our PsV genome-wide association study in Japanese highlighted the genetic architecture of PsV, including the identification of HLA risk variants

    Data Literacy Perceptions and Research Data Management Practices by Researchers in Japan

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    European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) 2017 Date: 18-21 September 2017 Place: Saint-Malo, Franc

    Reevaluation for clinical manifestations of HTLV-I-seropositive patients with Sjogren’s syndrome

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    Background: The aim of the study was to reassess the prevalence and characteristics of human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I)-associated Sjogren\u27s syndrome (SS) and SS in HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM) based on the American European Consensus Group (AECG) criteria in HTLV-I endemic area, Nagasaki prefecture. Methods: The 349 patients who underwent a minor salivary gland biopsy (MSGB) for suspected SS were retrospectively classified by AECG classification criteria and divided with or without anti-HTLV-I antibody. Results: The HTLV-I data-available 294 patients were investigated. One hundred-seventy patients were classified as SS and 26.5 % were HTLV-I-seropositive. We have included 26 patients with HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM) and 38.5 % were classified as having SS. The prevalences of ANA and anti-SS-A/Ro antibody of HAM + SS were significantly low compared to the HTLV-I asymptomatic carriers (AC) with SS and the HTLV-I-seronegative SS patients, although lacrimal dysfunction tended to be high in HAM + SS and significantly high in AC + SS patients compared with the patients with HTLV-I-seronegative SS. The focus scores of MSGB in the HAM + SS patients were similar to those of the AC + SS patients and the HTLV-I-seronegative patients with SS. Among the MSGB-positive patients, there was a low prevalence of ANA in the HAM + SS patients. Similar results were obtained in case of anti-SS-A/Ro or SS-B/La antibody. Conclusion: In HTLV-I endemic area, high prevalence of anti-HTLV-I antibody among SS as well as the characteristics of HAM + SS and AC + SS was still determined by AECG classification criteria

    Seasonal level of hemoagglutinin inhibitinlt and its 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody in the sera of swine (Epidemiological Study on Japanese Encephalitis, 67)

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    Seasonal level of hemoagglutinin inhibiting and its 2 -mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody in the sera of swine were researched and the following results were obtained. 1. The positive rate of hemoagglutination inhibit reaction (HI reaction) on swine showed 100% at maximum in the middle of September. 1980. The positive rate of 2-ME sensitive antibody showed the titer of over 1 : 40 with all swine examined in the middle of August, 1980. 2. The positive rate of HI reaction of inhabitants at Mukaiyama in Kurashiki City was 76.0% (on 8th in July, 1980) indicating the rather big decrease being compared with annual value of 90.6%, in 1976. Date indicated that increase In JE virus in swine as source of infection thought to be a vector of JE, caused a genuine case of JE, in 1980, as described below. 3. Higher positive rate of HI reaction and 2-ME sensitive positive rate of swine were observed in 1980. 4. One patient who suffered from JE was found In Kurashiki City in 1980. 5. Henceforth and continuously, Japanese Encephalitis should be investigated, above all on its occurance order with the number or Ct or the positive rate of hemoagglutination inhibit reaction in inhahitants and swine, etc. considering that J.E. has a high lethality rate and often leaves the terrible J. E. residue to patients

    Work-related allergy in medical doctors: atopy, exposure to domestic animals, eczema induced by common chemicals and membership of the surgical profession as potential risk factors

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    Purpose To investigate the risk factors associated with work-related allergy-like symptoms in medical doctors. Methods Self-administered questionnaire survey and CAP test were conducted among medical school students in the 4th grade of their 6-year medical course in 1993–1996 and 1999–2001. Follow-up questionnaires were sent in 2004 to the graduates. These questionnaires enquired into personal and family history of allergic diseases, lifestyle, history of allergy-like symptoms including work-relatedness and occupational history as medical doctors. Relationships between allergy-like symptoms and relevant factors were evaluated by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results Of 261 respondents at the follow-up survey, 139 (53.3%) and 54 (20.7%) had a history of any allergy-like symptoms and any work-related allergy-like symptoms, respectively. Female gender and family history of allergic diseases were signiWcantly associated with any allergy-like symptoms. Personal history of allergic disease, exposure to domestic animals, eczema caused by rubber gloves, metallic accessories, or cosmetics during schooling days, and membership of the surgical profession were signiW- cant risk factors for work-related allergy-like symptoms. On the contrary, to work-related allergy-like symptoms, gender, age, and smoking status were not signiWcantly related, and consumption of prepared foods was inversely related. Conclusions Personal history of atopy and eczema induced by common goods and the history of keeping domestic animals may be predictors of work-related allergy-like symptoms in doctors. After graduation from medical school, physicians start with exposure to various allergens and irritants at work, which relate to work-related allergy-like symptoms, especially for surgeons