10 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Nemunas River delta front during the period 1910-2005

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    Abstract An analysis of changes in the coastline of the Nemunas River delta front was undertaken with GIS based on cartographic material representing a 95 year period. Delta development was analysed comparing two time periods : 1910-1958 and 1958-2005. Quantitative indicators of land area determined during the study indicate that land in the northern part of the Nemunas delta front decreased more than 2.1 times in the 1958-2005 period, compared to the previous 1910-1958 period. The main reasons for the decrease of sediment accumulation are a decrease Nemunas River runoff, and a similar decrease of sediment particulates, due to anthropogenic activity and natural factors a rise in the water levels of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon, as well as land subsidence in the Nemunas delta region

    The influence of coastal morphology on wind dynamics

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    An analysis of the dynamics of wind velocity along the Baltic coast of Lithuania is presented, based on data collected during field experiments in the summer, fall and winter of 1999–2001 and 2007–2009 at several sites (Būtingė, Šaipiai, Smiltynė, Juodkrantė, Pervalka and Nida). The locations were chosen in order to encompass a wide spectrum of beach and dune ridge morphology. The relationship between wind velocity dynamics and coastal morphology was established, based on measurements of the slope angle, height and shape of the dune crest, as well as measurements of the morphology of the area behind the foredune ridge. On the basis of a comparison of near-surface wind velocity patterns, shear velocity (U*) and surface roughness length (z0) were calculated. It was determined that U* decreases from the middle of the beach towards the foredune toe, then increases towards the crest of the foredune and decreases down the lee slope. A direct correlation exists between U* and the stoss slope inclination, and the relative height of the foredune. Surface roughness length also increases from the beach towards the foredune crest

    Morphotectonic implication of the Paleoproterozoic Mid-Lithuanian Suture Zone

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    The Paleoproterozoic Mid-Lithuanian Suture Zone represents one of the major structures of the crystalline basement of Lithuania, separati ng the West Lithuanian and the East Lithuanian domains. This zone has shown persistently low tectonic activity during the Phanerozoic. The Mid-Lithuanian Suture Zone is marked by a distinct Middle Lithuanian topographic low underlain by a trough in the sub-Quaternary surface that suggests the morphotectonic nature of this depression. This is supported by high-precision geodetic level l ing data that has unravelled the subsidence trend of the Middle Lithuanian trough. The zone is also distinct in its pattern of topographic lineaments. The persistence of the tectonic activity of the Mid-Lithuanian Suture Zone suggests that it represents a large-scale mechanical boundary of the Earth's crust, resulting in increased accumulation of tectonic strain

    Heavy metal contamination in surface runoff sediments of the urban area of Vilnius, Lithuania

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    Surface runoff from urbanized territories carries a wide range of pollutants. Sediments in untreated runoff from direct discharge stormwater systems significantly contribute to urban waterway pollution. In this study, heavy metal (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ba, As and Fe) contamination in surface runoff sediments of the urban area of the city of Vilnius was investigated. The surface runoff sediment samples were collected from seven dischargers with the highest volume rate of water flow and concentrations of suspended solids. The geospatial analysis of the distribution of heavy metals shows that there are several active pollution sources supplying the dischargers with contaminated sediments. Most of these areas are located in the central part of the city and in old town with intense traffic. Principal components analysis and t-test results clearly depicted the significantly different chemical compositions of winter and autumn surface sediment samples. The sampling approach and assessment of results provide a useful tool to examine the contamination that is generated in urban areas, distinguish pollution sources and give a better understanding of the importance of permeable surfaces and green areas

    The Cathedral of Vilnius: problems and features of natural conditions

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    The Cathedral of Vilnius is one of the main architectural monuments in Lithuania. This structure was built in unfavorable geological conditions. Due to this reason, the foundation of the building subsides; there occur wall deformations and cracks. Preservation of the building is today’s urgent problem. When evaluating the geologic environment from the perspective of engineering, construction works require deep analysis of the following key environment components and discuss them: relief, soils of geologic structure and their geotechnical properties, conditions of underground water occurrence and geological processes, and condition of the foundation. The article provides the brief history of construction and reconstruction of the Cathedral based on archival studies, the description of engineering geological conditions, and the archeologic and historic material of the evaluation of the foundation


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    The article tells the history of reconstruction images of the Vilnius Upper Castle. The rapid decay of the defences constructions in 19th century have encouraged not only the first heritage protection practices but also artistic inspirations to visually recreate the majestic spirit of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Artists, architects, art critics, and later archaeologists, investigated first construction forms by analysing the remains of architectural elements and by referring to iconographic, archaeological data and analogues. Images, schemes and models from the second half of 20th century had a particularly large influence on today’s’ understanding of historic visualisation of architectural forms of the castle. The purpose of this article is to examine the origin of reconstructive images and the grounds of the visual playback of architectural forms. Santrauka Straipsnyje atskleidžiama Vilniaus Aukštutinės pilies rekonstrukcinių vaizdų istorija. XIX amžius, prasidėjęs sparčiu gynybinio komplekso nykimu, paskatino ne tik pirmąsias paveldosaugines praktikas, bet ir menines inspiracijas atvaizduose atkurti didingą Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės dvasią. Menininkai, architektai, menotyrininkai, vėliau archeologai nagrinėdami pilies architektūrinių elementų liekanas bei remdamiesi ikonografija, archeologiniais duomenimis, analogijomis tyrė ir analizavo pirmines statinių formas. Ypač XX a. antrosios pusės piešiniai / brėžiniai, maketai suformavo ir šiandieninį pilies istorinio vaizdo suvokimą. Straipsnyje siekiama išnagrinėti rekonstrukcinių vaizdų kilmę ir atskleisti, kuo grįstas architektūrinių formų vizualinis atkūrimas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilniaus Aukštutinė pilis, paveldas, vaizdinė rekonstrukcija, vaizdinys, architektūros tyrimai, ikonografija, kartografija

    The last Eurasian ice sheets – a chronological database and time‐slice reconstruction, DATED‐1

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