82 research outputs found

    The impact of therapy on the quality of life in asymptomatic patients with freshly detected hypertension

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    Background: Hypertension is an commonly encountered disease which adversely affect  all aspects of quality of life (QoL). The existing studies are confounded by the presence of multiple comorbidities and inclusion of elderly, which by themselves impairs the QoL. There is thus a need to study the impact of hypertension on QoL, in isolation.Method: This is a single center, prospective, intention to treat, observation study. The aim of the study is to evaluate the change in the QoL over six months, in newly diagnosed asymptomatic patients of hypertension. The tools used to assess the QoL included World Health Organisation’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL- BREF) and Short Form-36 (SF-36).Result: A total of 232 patients (172 males and 60 females) were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 44.66 years. A total of 102 patients (43.97%) had stage-1 and 130 patients (56.03%) had stage-2 hypertension. The female gender is associated with a higher likelihood of presentation with stage-2 hypertension. The male cohort had a better baseline QoL. The desired blood pressures was achieved in 40.52%. With therapy, the QoL improved significantly; sub-hoc analysis showed, the improvement was higher in males and those with stage-1 hypertension. There is an inverse relationship between the QoL and requirement for higher number of antihypertensive mediations.Conclusions: In patients with asymptomatic primary hypertension, treatment improves all aspects of QoL. The factors adversely affecting the QoL include female gender, higher stage of hypertension, poor blood pressure control and requirement of higher numbers of antihypertensive medicine

    Trihalomethane Formation Potential in Surface Water of Kanpur, India

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    Abstract: To study the formation potential of trihalomethanes (THMs) due to anthropogenic sources and effect of various precursors on potential of THM formation, surface treated water samples were collected from Ganga Barrage Water Treatment Plant, Kanpur Trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) values in May and June were found to be three times higher than those in January. The concentration of THM species was found to increase with chlorine dosages. The higher the reaction time leads to higher chloroform concentrations which is very prominent for higher chlorine dosages. DCBM (dichlorobromomethane), BF (bromoform) and DBCM (dibromochloromethane) concentrations were nearly independent of the reaction time for more than 24 h for each considered chlorine dosage. With increase in chlorine dosages, the values of THMFP increased as the TOC (total organic carbon) increased except February

    Ensuring nutritional security in India through wheat biofortification: A review

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    Undernourishment of nutrients, also known as hidden hunger, affects over 2 billion populace globally. Even though stunting among children below five years of age has decreased in India in the last ten years, India is home to roughly thirty percent of the world's population of stunted pre-schoolers. A significant improvement has been witnessed in the targeted development and deployment of biofortified crops; approximately 20 million farm households from developing counties benefit from cultivating and consuming biofortified crops. There is ample scope for including biofortified varieties in the seed chain, ensuring nutritional security. Wheat is a dietary staple in India, typically consumed as wholemeal flour in the form of flatbreads such as chapatti and roti. Wheat contributes to nearly one fifth of global energy requirements and can also provide better amounts of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). As a result, biofortified wheat can serve as a medium for delivery of essential micronutrients such as Fe and Zn to end users. This review discusses wheat biofortification components such as Fe and Zn dynamics, its uptake and movement in plants, the genetics of their buildup, and the inclusion of biofortified wheat varieties in the seed multiplication chain concerning India

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p–Pb collisions at

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    Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at s=0.9 \sqrt {s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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    Two New Trematodes of Family Acanthocolpidae Luhe, 1906 From Marine Fish Leiognathus Daura (Cuvier) from the Coast of Puri, Orissa, India

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    Background: Genus Acanthocolpus (Trematoda: Acanthocolpiidae) is one of the most important zoonotic digenean with wide geographic distribution in the world. The purpose of the present study was to describe morphological and morphometrical characteristics of Acanthocolpus species, currently prevalent in marine fish fauna of Puri coast, Orissa, India.Methods: Gastro-intestinal organs of Leiognathus daura (Cuvier) in Puri coast, Orissa, India, were examined for infectivity with digenean trematode species. For examination and measurements of hel­minthes, acetoalum carmine staining was performed, followed by cam­era Lucida drawings of morphological characters and measure­ments of morphometrical criteria with a calibrated microscope. Us­ing valid trematode systematic keys, almost all the parasites were identi­fied at the level of species.Results: Overall, 36 marine fishes were found infected with at least one species of Acanthocolpus. Considering morphological characteris­tics of Acanthocolpus, two species were identified as new species includ­ing Acanthocolpus durghai sp.nov. and Acanthocolpus amrawatai sp.nov.Conclusion: During the survey of helminth parasites, collected six different species of the genus Acanthocolpus, out of these two are new species, another is redescribed to show certain variation, the new para­site was obtain from the intestine of marine fish Leiognathus daura (Cuvier

    Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in water samples from the Yamuna River

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) are toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative long-range atmospheric transport pollutants. These are transported worldwide affecting remote regions far from their original sources, and can transfer into food webs with a wide range of acute and chronic health effects. India ratified the Stockholm Convention with the intention of reducing and eliminating persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and encouraged the support of research on POPs. Despite the ban and restriction on the use of these chemicals in India, their contamination of air, water, sediment, biota and humans has been reported. In this study, surface water samples were collected during January 2012 from the Yamuna River in Delhi, India, and analyzed for PCBs and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). The concentrations of &Sigma;PCBs and &Sigma;OCPs ranged between 2-779 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup> and from less than 0.1 to 618 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup> (mean 99&plusmn;38 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup> and 221&plusmn;50 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup>, respectively). The PCB homolog was dominated by 3-4 chlorinated biphenyls. In calculating the toxicity equivalent of dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs)using World Health Organization toxic equivalency factors, dl-PCBs accounted for 10% of a total of 27 PCBs. The concentration of &Sigma;HCH ranged between less than 0.1 and 285 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup> (mean 151&plusmn;32 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup>). However, &Sigma;DDTs concentrations varied between less than 0.1 and 354 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup> (mean 83&plusmn;26 ng L<sup>&ndash;1</sup>). The concentrations were lower than the US guideline values; however, levels of lindane exceeded those recommended in guidelines. Further in-depth study is proposed to determine the bioaccumulation of these pollutants through aquatic biota to assess the risk of contaminants to human health

    Entrepreneurship Development in Seed Production of Rabi Crops

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    Prevalencia del consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de drogas y diagnóstico de enfermedad mental en el Centro Penitenciario de Soria

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    En el siguiente estudio se ha analizado la población reclusa del CP de Soria en tratamiento con psicofármacos. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo correlacional observacional transversal retrospectivo el cual ha permitido conocer aspectos de los reclusos como son la nacionalidad, rango de edad, tipo y cantidad de psicofármaco, consumo histórico de drogas y diagnóstico de enfermedad mental. La prevalencia del consumo de psicofármacos es de casi la mitad de la población reclusa con el 45,96%. La nacionalidad mayoritaria en tratamiento de este tipo era la española con más del 91% de los reclusos. Un 28,37% recibía algún tipo de psicofármaco, encontrándose por detrás de los internos en tratamiento con dos -36,48%- y tres -29,72%- modalidades de fármaco. Un 63,5% tenía prescritos ansiolíticos, un 50% antidepresivos y un 47,29% antipsicóticos. En cuanto a la totalidad de prescripciones diarias un 32,96% comprendían los ansiolíticos, un 24,02% antidepresivos y un 20,67% antipsicóticos. Casi un 96% de los reclusos había consumido algún tipo de droga a lo largo de su vida. Entre ellas las más consumidas eran el tabaco -75,67%- cocaína -74,32%- y heroína -70,27%-. El consumo de más de una droga (policonsumo) también es elevado: un 64,78% consumía tanto cocaína como heroína, un 39,40% consumía cocaína, heroína y cannabis y un 18,30% consumía cocaína, heroína, cannabis y alcohol. A lo que a enfermedad mental se refiere un 55,40% de los reclusos en tratamiento con psicofármacos había tenido diagnóstico de enfermedad mental. Los diagnósticos según el DSM-IV más dados fueron los trastornos de ansiedad, los trastornos de la personalidad y los trastornos por abuso de sustancias. También se encontraron casos de esquizofrenia u otros trastornos psicóticos en número considerable. La prevalencia del consumo de psicofármacos en el CP de Soria es más alta en comparación con otros estudios realizados en el estado y Europa. La población mayoritaria con este tipo de tratamiento es de nacionalidad española y de edades comprendidas entre los 31-50 años. El psicofármaco más utilizado son los ansiolíticos. Un alto porcentaje de reclusos en tratamiento de este tipo ha consumido drogas alguna vez siendo el policonsumo algo habitual. No todos los reclusos en tratamiento tienen diagnóstico de enfermedad mental.Grado en Enfermerí