18 research outputs found

    Siderophores as an iron source for picocyanobacteria in deep chlorophyll maximum layers of the oligotrophic ocean

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    Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are the most abundant photosynthesizing organisms in the oceans. Gene content variation among picocyanobacterial populations in separate ocean basins often mirrors the selective pressures imposed by the region's distinct biogeochemistry. By pairing genomic datasets with trace metal concentrations from across the global ocean, we show that the genomic capacity for siderophore-mediated iron uptake is widespread in Synechococcus and low-light adapted Prochlorococcus populations from deep chlorophyll maximum layers of iron-depleted regions of the oligotrophic Pacific and S. Atlantic oceans: Prochlorococcus siderophore consumers were absent in the N. Atlantic ocean (higher new iron flux) but constituted up to half of all Prochlorococcus genomes from metagenomes in the N. Pacific (lower new iron flux). Picocyanobacterial siderophore consumers, like many other bacteria with this trait, also lack siderophore biosynthesis genes indicating that they scavenge exogenous siderophores from seawater. Statistical modeling suggests that the capacity for siderophore uptake is endemic to remote ocean regions where atmospheric iron fluxes are the smallest, especially at deep chlorophyll maximum and primary nitrite maximum layers. We argue that abundant siderophore consumers at these two common oceanographic features could be a symptom of wider community iron stress, consistent with prior hypotheses. Our results provide a clear example of iron as a selective force driving the evolution of marine picocyanobacteria

    Siderophores as an iron source for picocyanobacteria in deep chlorophyll maximum layers of the oligotrophic ocean

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    Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are the most abundant photosynthesizing organisms in the oceans. Gene content variation among picocyanobacterial populations in separate ocean basins often mirrors the selective pressures imposed by the region’s distinct biogeochemistry. By pairing genomic datasets with trace metal concentrations from across the global ocean, we show that the genomic capacity for siderophore-mediated iron uptake is widespread in Synechococcus and low-light adapted Prochlorococcus populations from deep chlorophyll maximum layers of iron-depleted regions of the oligotrophic Pacific and S. Atlantic oceans: Prochlorococcus siderophore consumers were absent in the N. Atlantic ocean (higher new iron flux) but constituted up to half of all Prochlorococcus genomes from metagenomes in the N. Pacific (lower new iron flux). Picocyanobacterial siderophore consumers, like many other bacteria with this trait, also lack siderophore biosynthesis genes indicating that they scavenge exogenous siderophores from seawater. Statistical modeling suggests that the capacity for siderophore uptake is endemic to remote ocean regions where atmospheric iron fluxes are the smallest, especially at deep chlorophyll maximum and primary nitrite maximum layers. We argue that abundant siderophore consumers at these two common oceanographic features could be a symptom of wider community iron stress, consistent with prior hypotheses. Our results provide a clear example of iron as a selective force driving the evolution of marine picocyanobacteria.</p

    Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time

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    Recent advances in understanding the ecology of marine systems have been greatly facilitated by the growing availability of metagenomic data, which provide information on the identity, diversity and functional potential of the microbial community in a particular place and time. Here we present a dataset comprising over 5 terabases of metagenomic data from 610 samples spanning diverse regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. One set of metagenomes, collected on GEOTRACES cruises, captures large geographic transects at multiple depths per station. The second set represents two years of time-series data, collected at roughly monthly intervals from 3 depths at two long-term ocean sampling sites, Station ALOHA and BATS. These metagenomes contain genomic information from a diverse range of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes and viruses. The data's utility is strengthened by the availability of extensive physical, chemical, and biological measurements associated with each sample. We expect that these metagenomes will facilitate a wide range of comparative studies that seek to illuminate new aspects of marine microbial ecosystems

    Single cell genomes of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and sympatric microbes from diverse marine environments

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    Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are the dominant primary producers in marine ecosystems and perform a significant fraction of ocean carbon fixation. These cyanobacteria interact with a diverse microbial community that coexists with them. Comparative genomics of cultivated isolates has helped address questions regarding patterns of evolution and diversity among microbes, but the fraction that can be cultivated is miniscule compared to the diversity in the wild. To further probe the diversity of these groups and extend the utility of reference sequence databases, we report a data set of single cell genomes for 489 Prochlorococcus, 50 Synechococcus, 9 extracellular virus particles, and 190 additional microorganisms from a diverse range of bacterial, archaeal, and viral groups. Many of these uncultivated single cell genomes are derived from samples obtained on GEOTRACES cruises and at well-studied oceanographic stations, each with extensive suites of physical, chemical, and biological measurements. The genomic data reported here greatly increases the number of available Prochlorococcus genomes and will facilitate studies on evolutionary biology, microbial ecology, and biological oceanography

    Metatranscriptomics of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in the Amazon River plume.

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    Biological N2 fixation is an important nitrogen source for surface ocean microbial communities. However, nearly all information on the diversity and gene expression of organisms responsible for oceanic N2 fixation in the environment has come from targeted approaches that assay only a small number of genes and organisms. Using genomes of diazotrophic cyanobacteria to extract reads from extensive meta-genomic and -transcriptomic libraries, we examined diazotroph diversity and gene expression from the Amazon River plume, an area characterized by salinity and nutrient gradients. Diazotroph genome and transcript sequences were most abundant in the transitional waters compared with lower salinity or oceanic water masses. We were able to distinguish two genetically divergent phylotypes within the Hemiaulus-associated Richelia sequences, which were the most abundant diazotroph sequences in the data set. Photosystem (PS)-II transcripts in Richelia populations were much less abundant than those in Trichodesmium, and transcripts from several Richelia PS-II genes were absent, indicating a prominent role for cyclic electron transport in Richelia. In addition, there were several abundant regulatory transcripts, including one that targets a gene involved in PS-I cyclic electron transport in Richelia. High sequence coverage of the Richelia transcripts, as well as those from Trichodesmium populations, allowed us to identify expressed regions of the genomes that had been overlooked by genome annotations. High-coverage genomic and transcription analysis enabled the characterization of distinct phylotypes within diazotrophic populations, revealed a distinction in a core process between dominant populations and provided evidence for a prominent role for noncoding RNAs in microbial communities

    Patterns of Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression through the Lower Amazon River

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    Analysis of metatranscriptomic and metagenomic datasets from the lower reaches of the Amazon River between Óbidos and the river mouth revealed microbial transcript and gene pools dominated by Actinobacteria, Thaumarchaeota, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Planctomycetes. Three mainstem stations spanning a 625 km reach had similar gene expression patterns (transcripts gene copy−1) across a diverse suite of element cycling genes, but two tributary-influenced stations at the mouth of the Tapajós River and near the Tocantins River at Belém had distinct transcriptome composition and expression ratios, particularly for genes encoding light-related energy capture (higher) and iron acquisition and ammonia oxidation (lower). Environmental parameters that were useful predictors of gene expression ratios included concentrations of lignin phenols, suspended sediments, nitrate, phosphate, and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen. Similar to the gene expression data, these chemical properties reflected highly homogeneous mainstem stations punctuated by distinct tributary-influenced stations at Tapajós and Belém. Although heterotrophic processes were expected to dominate in the lower Amazon, transcripts from photosynthetic bacteria were abundant in tributary-influenced regions, and transcripts from Thaumarcheota taxa genetically capable of chemosynthetic ammonia oxidation accounted for up to 21% of the transcriptome at others. Based on regressions of transcript numbers against gene numbers, expression ratios of Thaumarchaeota populations were largely unchanged within the mainstem, suggesting a relatively minor role for gene regulation. These quantitative gene and transcript inventories detail a diverse array of energy acquisition strategies and metabolic capabilities for bacteria and archaea populations of the world's largest river system

    Additional file 1: of Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic inventories of the lower Amazon River, May 2011

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    Detailed methods. Description of metagenome and metatranscriptome sample processing, sequencing, and data analysis, including internal standard additions and analyses. Figure S1. Hierarchical clustering of the Bray-Curtis dissimilarities in the taxonomic binning of transcripts from two microbial size fractions from 50 % water depth at each of five locations in the Amazon River and from the surface water at the Tapajós station