69 research outputs found


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    This article aims to find out the problems of supervision and accountability, as well as the strategy of the Cianjur Regency Government in carrying out supervision and accountability in ethical perspectives. This research was conducted using descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The ethical perspective on supervision and public accountability within the Cianjur Regency Government is actually an "oasis" in the midst of weakening public confidence in the government apparatus. Through effective supervision, the Cianjur Regency Government will be able to anticipate and overcome various deviations that have so far remained a concern of the community. Whereas through good and right public accountability a professional, transparent, accountable, credible and corruption-free, collusion and nepotism administration can be obtained

    Infrastructure Funding Strategy for Strengthening of Patterns in the Rural Support Reforming, and Border Region Left Behind (Case Study in West Kalimantan)

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    Rural, borders and underdeveloped regions is one area that is still a concern of various circles, especially the government. The strengthening of the attention was inspired by the emergence of a very serious issue, among others; poverty, underdevelopment and low levels of social welfare. One of the root causes that can lead to this condition is the infrastructure of the area is less support to settlement of rural areas, borders and underdeveloped areas. Therefore, in the context of this study to examine how strategies to strengthen the implementation of infrastructure funding patterns in favor of the arrangement of rural areas, borders and underdeveloped areas. Keywords : Funding, Infrastructure, Budgeting


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    Penelitian ini diilhami oleh adanya problem krusial terkait dengan pelayanan publik di kawasan perbatasan yang belum efektif, khususnya yang bersentuhan dengan pelayanan administrative. Performa pelayanan pemerintahan yang ditampilkan saat ini masih terkesan berbasis provider, ketimbang mempertimbangkan kebutuhan dan kepentingan masyarakat perbatasan. Pada sisi lain, lemahnya kerjasama yang dibangun juga menjadi salah satu kendala dalam mewujudkan kualitas pelayanan pemerintahan. Menguatnya problem tersebut kemudian berimplikasi pada rendahnya tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat yang ada diperbatasan, khususnya yang ada di Kabupaten Bengkayang. Beranjak dari peta permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain sebuah model kerjasama pelayanan pemerintahan yang berbasis customer service. Sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis, melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian telah mengungkap bahwa pelayanan pemerintahan di kawasan perbatasan, khususnya pelayanan yang bersifat administrative belum sepenuhnya mampu memberikan penguatan terhadap peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh masih lemahnya integrasi pelayanan yang dilaksanakan aparat serta terbatasnya aksesibilitas kawasan perbatasan. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan fakta bahwa kerjasama pelayanan pemerintahan, baik dalam lingkup satuan kerja perangkat daerah, maupun kerjasama dengan negara tetangga, khususnya Malaysia dinilai belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan efektif. Oleh karena itu, hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa untuk mendukung peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang ada dikawasan perbatasan dibutuhkan adanya model kerjasama pelayanan pemerintahan secara terintegratif, yang tidak hanya dilakukan secara internal (baca: satuan kerja perangkat daerah), tetapi juga membutuhkan kerjasama antar kawasan dengan negera tetangga. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pemerintahan di Kawasan Perbatasan sangat ditentukan oleh adanya pergeseran paradigma berpikir (mind set) dari semua pemangku kepentingan untuk menempatkan kawasan perbatasan sebagai “garda terdepan” atau etalase yang mencerminkan performa bangsa ini dimata negara lain, bahkan dunia internasional. Dengan demikian, kawasan perbatasan tidak lagi diposisikan sebagai “halaman belakang” yang dinilai kurang strategis, tetapi benar-benar mendapatkan perhatian yang serius dari semua pemangku kepentingan, khususnya pemerintah

    Charting the Course for Bureaucratic Reform: The Path to Progress in Purwakarta Regency

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    The policy of preparing a bureaucratic reform road map for the Government of Purwakarta Regency is a strategic decision in line with the strengthening demands and needs of the community. The presence of an institutional bureaucratic reform road map has provided an opportunity for regional governments, including the Purwakarta Regency Government, to ensure the creation of improved governance. Comprehensively, the focus of changes in bureaucratic reform within the Purwakarta Regency Government includes 8 areas of bureaucratic reform, namely apparatus mentality, supervision, accountability, governance institutions, human resources for the state civil apparatus, laws and regulations, and public services. The results of the study found that in order to improve the quality of the policy road map for bureaucratic reform to be designed, there are three main things that must be updated, including; first, the road map for bureaucratic reform must project more on matters that are implementative in nature rather than matters that are merely formalities. Second, programs and activities that are designed must be realistic, so that they can be implemented up to work units. Third, policy analysis related to governance must be carried out in a more holistic, comprehensive and anticipatory manner so as to be able to capture real progress, challenges and problems of bureaucratic reform


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    This study aims to determine the strategy of poverty reduction policies in the City of Tasikmalaya by using a benchmarking model. This study uses the mix methods, which combine qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results of the study found that the implementation of poverty reduction policies in the City of Tasikmalaya, had not yet been fully effective. Therefore, a strategy is needed to streamline the implementation of poverty reduction policies that refer to the results of benchmarking. The results cover two main things, namely the need for the pollitical will of the regional head and the establishment of a special institution that handles poverty. Keywords: policy implementation, political will, poverty reduction


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    The problem of the research deals largely with the low quality of public service at subdistrict government in Cianjur Regency. The problem might have to do with the ineffectiveness of implementation of policy in giving part of the Regent’s authority to subdistrict head, especially regarding authority of governmental public affairs, permission affairs and financial affairs as well as local assets. The formulation of the problem could be that how much the influence of implementation of policy in giving part of the Regent’s authority to subdistrict head upon public service quality might be. The research employed quantitative approach through explanatory survey method. The population could be 495 people from subdistrict government in Cianjur Regency. By putting forward the technique of simple random sampling, the author got 219 respondents. Then, technique of data collection was done by using observation, interview and questionnaire. Path analysis was applied for technique of data analysis. The results of the research demonstrate that implementation of policy in giving part of the Regent’s authority to subdistrict head significantly influences public service quality at subdistrict government in Cianjur Regency. The results of the study also indicate that the amount of influence of policy implementation in giving part of authority upon public service quality might not empirically be determined not only by communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure but also by the factor of authority. Key Words: Policy Implementation, Public Service Qualit


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    This article describes the importance of implementing good governance in ethical perspectives related to apparatus behavior as part of creating a government that is clean free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. Good governance is a must that can not be bargained anymore, therefore political will from various parties, especially the government to realize the concept needs encouragement and support from all elements of the nation. In another position, the nation's deterioration caused by the "rotten" behavior of the government apparatus such as the rampant acts of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), need to be addressed seriously by all parties. Therefore, various measures of anticipation and overcoming both in the perspective of the law, social structure, and morals should be carried out consistently and indiscriminately. Good governance in the administration of government will not run smoothly if the rampant cases of KKN are not dealt with professionally. Key words: Good Governance, Clean Governance, Bureaucratic Ethics


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    The Improvement of government apparatus performance is a non-negotiable compulsory . The urgency of this performance improvement can be understood in line with the increasing demands for a service of government officials that has been assessed by many experts and the result is still disappointing. One of the strategic efforts that can be done is through improving the quality of personnel resources. Therefore, the extent to which the strengthening of the policy of increasing the quality of personnel resources can make a significant contribution towards the improvement of the performance of regional-unit organization

    ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN INVESTASI DI KOTA BANJAR (Studi Pada Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perijinan Terpadu (BPMPPT) Kota Banjar Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    This study, based on the emergence of the phenomenon has not been effective in supporting the development of investment policies and economic growth in the City Banjar. But functionally, develompment and economic growth both directly and can not be pushed to increase the welfare of society. Therefore, the most important thing that should be done by the city goverment banjar is designing a series of policy packages that can encourage the growth of investment. Therefore, are expected to drive growth and further economic development improves the well being of society. Based on this thinking, the results of this study reveal three main point, namely: first, how a potential investment in the city banjar. Secondly, how the multiplier effect of investment policy for economic development in the city banjar. And third, factors-factors that influence investment policies in Cities Banjar Keywords : policy, investment and economic growt

    MODEL KERJASAMA PELAYANAN PEMERINTAHAN BERBASIS CUSTOMER SERVICE (Studi KasuS Pelayanan Administratif Di Kawasan Perbatasan Kabupaten Bengkayang Kalimantan Barat)

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    Penelitian ini diilhami oleh adanya problem krusial terkait dengan pelayanan publik di kawasan perbatasan yang belum efektif, khususnya yang bersentuhan dengan pelayanan administrative. Performa pelayanan pemerintahan yang ditampilkan saat ini masih terkesan berbasis provider, ketimbang mempertimbangkan kebutuhan dan kepentingan masyarakat perbatasan. Pada sisi lain, lemahnya kerjasama yang dibangun juga menjadi salah satu kendala dalam mewujudkan kualitas pelayanan pemerintahan. Menguatnya problem tersebut kemudian berimplikasi pada rendahnya tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat yang ada diperbatasan, khususnya yang ada di Kabupaten Bengkayang. Beranjak dari peta permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain sebuah model kerjasama pelayanan pemerintahan yang berbasis customer service. Sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis, melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian telah mengungkap bahwa pelayanan pemerintahan di kawasan perbatasan, khususnya pelayanan yang bersifat administrative belum sepenuhnya mampu memberikan penguatan terhadap peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh masih lemahnya integrasi pelayanan yang dilaksanakan aparat serta terbatasnya aksesibilitas kawasan perbatasan. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan fakta bahwa kerjasama pelayanan pemerintahan, baik dalam lingkup satuan kerja perangkat daerah, maupun kerjasama dengan negara tetangga, khususnya Malaysia dinilai belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan efektif. Oleh karena itu, hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa untuk mendukung peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang ada dikawasan perbatasan dibutuhkan adanya model kerjasama pelayanan pemerintahan secara terintegratif, yang tidak hanya dilakukan secara internal (baca: satuan kerja perangkat daerah), tetapi juga membutuhkan kerjasama antar kawasan dengan negera tetangga. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pemerintahan di Kawasan Perbatasan sangat ditentukan oleh adanya pergeseran paradigma berpikir (mind set) dari semua pemangku kepentingan untuk menempatkan kawasan perbatasan sebagai “garda terdepan” atau etalase yang mencerminkan performa bangsa ini dimata negara lain, bahkan dunia internasional. Dengan demikian, kawasan perbatasan tidak lagi diposisikan sebagai “halaman belakang” yang dinilai kurang strategis, tetapi benar-benar mendapatkan perhatian yang serius dari semua pemangku kepentingan, khususnya pemerintah. Kata kunci: pelayanan publik, provider, customer servic
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