120 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan USAha Penggilingan Padi Mobile di Kecamatan Pantai Labu dan Kecamatan Pantai Cermin

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    Usaha penggilingan padi mobile merupakan suatu kegiatan pascapanen dalam merubah padi menjadi beras dengan menggunakan alat penggilingan padi yang bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya. Salah satu cara untuk mengukur kelayakan USAha penggilingan padi mobile yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis R/C ratio, yaitu melakukan perbandingan antara penerimaan dengan biaya. Metode penentuan subjek penelitian ditentukan secara sensus dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 unit penggilingan padi mobile, metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif, tabulasi sederhana, serta melakukan analisis kelayakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biaya terbesar dalam USAha penggilingan padi mobile dikeluarkan untuk biaya tenaga kerja, penerimaan yang diperoleh dalam USAha penggilingan padi mobile berupa beras yaitu sebanyak 10%, USAha penggilingan padi mobile di daerah penelitian layak untuk diusahakan dimana penerimaan lebih besar dari biaya

    The Effect of Variations of Drilling Bolt Distances on Bending Strength of Composite Wood Beams

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    Wood products that are currently growing rapidly in many places in the world are laminated blocks (glulam). Laminate beam has many advantages in terms of size, strength and artistic. However, this laminated beam has a few drawbacks in terms of providing tools and materials for some areas. The laminated beam itself uses an adhesive material which is relatively expensive and requires a compression tool in its implementation. Therefore, an alternative is given in the form of composite beams. Composite beams that have developed so far use shear connectors in the form of bolts, nails, and pegs as the connecting tool. Meanwhile, shear connectors using drilling bolts have never been done. Therefore, based on this, it is necessary to research composite wood beams with an alternative, namely using drilling bolts as shear connectors in order to obtain the effect of variations in the distance of drilling bolts on the flexural strength of composite beams. The results of the flexural strength test obtained the strength of the composite beam with shear connectors with the largest distance of 3.125, followed by beams with shear connecting distances of 6.25 cm, 12.5 cm and 25 cm. This shows that the closer the shear connecting distance, the greater the strength obtained, with the percentage increase in variation of 31.5%, 38.737% and 46.072%, respectively

    Penanganan Anak Jalanan oleh Rumah Singgah Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo

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    This research aimed to describethe handling of street children through shelter Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo. The method usedis descriptive methodwith qualitative approach. Data collection techniqueswere interviews, observation and documentation. The focus in this study raised about thestreet children have become beggars and handlers provided by the shelter Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo. The results showed that treatment of street children through Compassion House shelter has a program that Solomon\u27s Porch Child Social Welfare Program where the program is to reach street children who dropped out of school in order to still be able to continue their education by providing assistance school supplies for the school as well as expected welfare is assured. The condition of street children drop out of school before ever scouted and became beggars and after being scouted is no longer a beggar and stay in school. The model used in the treatment of street children in shelter homes Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo that is the model of street-based companion visiting locations where street children live

    Medical management of cervical pregnancy following in vitro fertilization

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    Cervical ectopic gestation is a serious and potentially lethal condition encountered in patients undergoing invitro fertilization. Familiarity with these complications will allow accurate and timely diagnosis and help avert potentially disastrous consequences We report a rare case of cervical pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer successfully treated with Methotrexate

    Tingkat Adopsi Petani terhadap Penggunaan Pupuk Sesuai Dosis Anjuran pada USAhatani Padi Sawah (Studi Kasus: Desa Sidoarjo Dua Ramunia, Kecamatan Beringin, Kabupaten Deli Serdang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat adopsi petani terhadap penggunaan pupuk sesuai dosis anjuran pada USAhatani padi sawah, mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik sosial ekonomi terhadap tingkat adopsi petani terhadap penggunaan pupuk sesuai dosis anjuran pada USAhatani padi sawah. Daerah penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu.Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan MetodeSimple Random Sampling, yaitu sampel diambil secara acak sejumlah 30 orang dari 101 jumlah populasi.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Skala Likert dan Analisis Model Logit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwatingkat adopsi petani terhadap penggunaan pupuk sesuai dosis anjuran pada USAhatani padi sawah di daerah penelitian positif. Secara serempak variabel bebas (umur, tingkat pendidikan, luas lahan, pengalaman bertani dan tingkat pendapatan) berpengaruh terhadap tingkat adopsi petani terhadap penggunaan pupuk sesuai dosis anjuran, secara parsial variabel bebastingkat pendidikan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat adopsi penggunaan pupuk sesuai dosis anjuran. Sedangkan variabel bebas umur, luas lahan, pengalaman bertani dan tingkat pendapatan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat adopsi penggunaan pupuk sesuai dosis anjuran

    Analisis Efektivitas Distribusi Beras Miskin (Raskin) di Kota Medan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah rumah tangga sasaran penerima manfaat Raskin di Kota Medan merupakan rumah tangga miskin, untuk menganalisis mekanisme penentuan rumah tangga miskin yang akan menjadi penerima manfaat Raskin di Kota Medan, untuk menganalisis sistem pendistribusian Raskin di Kota Medan dan untuk menganalisis keefektifan distribusi Raskin berdasarkan indikator enam tepat di Kota Medan. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis efektivitas program Raskin sesuai ketetapan Pemerintah. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa rumah tangga sasaran penerima manfaat Raskin di Kota Medan adalah rumah tangga miskin. Rumah tangga sasaran penerima manfaat Raskin di Kota Medan ditentukan oleh Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan berdasarkan data Program Perlindungan Sosial Badan Pusat Statistik tahun 2011. Sistem pendistribusian Raskin di Kota Medan adalah dimulai dari Walikota Medan menerbitkan Surat Permintaan Alokasi kepada Perum Bulog, Perum Bulog menerbitkan Surat Perintah Penyerahan Barang kecamatan dan kelurahan, Perum Bulog menyalurkan beras ke titik distribusi yaitu kantor kelurahan di masing-masing Kecamatan di kota Medan dan beras dibagikan ke penerima Raskin. Dalam pencapaian indikator keefektifan pendistribusian beras Raskin di Kota Medan dari sisi tepat sasaran, jumlah, harga, waktu, administrasi, dan kualitas belum sepenuhnya efektif

    Medical vision: web and mobile medical image retrieval system based on google cloud vision

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    The application of information technology is rapidly utilized in the medical system. There is also a massive development in the automatic method for recognizing and detecting objects in the real world. In this study, we present a system called Medical Vision which is designed for people who has no expertise in medical. Medical Vision is a web and mobile-based application to give an initial knowledge in a medical image. This system has 5 features; object detection, web detection, object labeling, safe search, and image properties. These features are run by embedding Google Vision API in the system. We evaluate this system by observing the result of some medical images which inputted into the system. The results showed that our system presents a promising performance and able to give relevant information related to the given image

    Statistical Methods Used to Test for Agreement of Medical Instruments Measuring Continuous Variables in Method Comparison Studies: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate values are a must in medicine. An important parameter in determining the quality of a medical instrument is agreement with a gold standard. Various statistical methods have been used to test for agreement. Some of these methods have been shown to be inappropriate. This can result in misleading conclusions about the validity of an instrument. The Bland-Altman method is the most popular method judging by the many citations of the article proposing this method. However, the number of citations does not necessarily mean that this method has been applied in agreement research. No previous study has been conducted to look into this. This is the first systematic review to identify statistical methods used to test for agreement of medical instruments. The proportion of various statistical methods found in this review will also reflect the proportion of medical instruments that have been validated using those particular methods in current clinical practice. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: Five electronic databases were searched between 2007 and 2009 to look for agreement studies. A total of 3,260 titles were initially identified. Only 412 titles were potentially related, and finally 210 fitted the inclusion criteria. The Bland-Altman method is the most popular method with 178 (85%) studies having used this method, followed by the correlation coefficient (27%) and means comparison (18%). Some of the inappropriate methods highlighted by Altman and Bland since the 1980s are still in use. CONCLUSIONS: This study finds that the Bland-Altman method is the most popular method used in agreement research. There are still inappropriate applications of statistical methods in some studies. It is important for a clinician or medical researcher to be aware of this issue because misleading conclusions from inappropriate analyses will jeopardize the quality of the evidence, which in turn will influence quality of care given to patients in the future