41 research outputs found

    Multiscale modelling and experimentation of hydrogen embrittlement in aerospace materials.

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    Pulse plated nickel and nickel based superalloys have been used extensively in the Ariane 5 space launcher engines. Large structural Ariane 5 space launcher engine components such as combustion chambers with complex microstructures have usually been manufactured using electrodeposited nickel with advanced pulse plating techniques with smaller parts made of nickel based superalloys joined or welded to the structure to fabricate Ariane 5 space launcher engines. One of the major challenges in manufacturing these space launcher components using newly developed materials is a fundamental understanding of how different materials and microstructures react with hydrogen during welding which can lead to hydrogen induced cracking. The main objective of this research has been to examine and interpret the effects of microstructure on hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement in (i) nickel based superalloy 718, (ii) established and (iii) newly developed grades of pulse plated nickel used in the Ariane 5 space launcher engine combustion chamber. Also, the effect of microstructures on hydrogen induced hot and cold cracking and weldability of three different grades of pulse plated nickel were investigated. Multiscale modelling and experimental methods have been used throughout. The effect of microstructure on hydrogen embrittlement was explored using an original multiscale numerical model (exploiting synthetic and real microstructures) and a wide range of material characterization techniques including scanning electron microscopy, 2D and 3D electron back scattering diffraction, in-situ and ex-situ hydrogen charged slow strain rate tests, thermal spectroscopy analysis and the Varestraint weldability test. This research shows that combined multiscale modelling and experimentation is required for a fundamental understanding of microstructural effects in hydrogen embrittlement in these materials. Methods to control the susceptibility to hydrogen induced hot and cold cracking and to improve the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement in aerospace materials are also suggested. This knowledge can play an important role in the development of new hydrogen embrittlement resistant materials. A novel micro/macro-scale coupled finite element method incorporating multi-scale experimental data is presented with which it is possible to perform full scale component analyses in order to investigate hydrogen embrittlement at the design stage. Finally, some preliminary and very encouraging results of grain boundary engineering based techniques to develop alloys that are resistant to hydrogen induced failure are presented. Keywords: Hydrogen embrittlement; Aerospace materials; Ariane 5 combustion chamber; Pulse plated nickel; Nickel based super alloy 718; SSRT test; Weldability test; TDA; SEM/EBSD; Hydrogen induced hot and cold cracking; Multiscale modelling and experimental methods

    Artificial neural network to predict the degraded mechanical properties of metallic materials due to the presence of hydrogen

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    Machine learning models were introduced to develop a relationship between the elemental composition and degraded mechanical properties in metallic materials due to the presence of hydrogen. Single layer and multilayer feed forward back propagation algorithm was developed as artificial neural network based machine learning models to predict the mechanical properties of hydrogen charged metallic materials. Multilayer feed forward back propagation model was used to predicts the tensile strength, had a network topology of 12-13-3-2. And the single layer feed forward back propagation model was employed to predict the percentage of elongation, has a network topology of 12-11-1. The developed models were validated and tested with unknown inputs and their capability was studied. The models were evaluated using Mean Absolute (MAE) value and represented the scatter diagram to demonstrate the efficiency of the models. The R-value for both the models seems to prove that the models are ready to be used in the practical applications

    Prediction of surface roughness and material removal rate in wire electrical discharge machining on aluminum based alloys/composites using Taguchi coupled Grey Relational Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks

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    In this research, a novel aluminum alloy and metal matrix composite was designed and developed for self healing purpose. Tin at varying weight percentages (5, 10, 15 & 20 wt %) was alloyed into aluminum along with other alloying elements to form a new set of metal alloy and 5 wt% of SiC particles was dispersed to the above said combinations to develop new sets of composite materials. Optical microscope of the developed set of samples reveals a modification in the grain structure with dispersion of tin element and with respect to increment of tin content the hardness value tends to decrease. Investigated the effect of wire electric discharge machining (WEDM) process parameters such as Pulse On time (PON), Pulse Off time (POFF), wire feed rate (WFR) along with the material elemental composition parameters Sn wt% and SiC wt% using Taguchi coupled Grey Relational Analysis. On behalf of the above said parameters a L32 orthogonal array based experimental design was finalized and based on the experimental studies single and multi criteria based optimization was conceded. Significance of each processing parameters over the output responses Material Removal Rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra) was examined through ANOVA method. Machine learning techniques was used and Neural Network models was developed to predict the MRR and Ra values and the experimental confirmations identified the effectiveness of the developed models

    Electro deposition of r-GO/SiC nano-composites on Magnesium and its Corrosion Behavior in Aqueous Electrolyte

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    In this paper a detailed investigation for corrosion behavior of magnesium substrate electrodeposited differently by nanoparticles like Reduced Graphene Oxide (r-GO synthesized through Modified Hummer’s Method), Silicon Carbide (SiCsingle bond mechanically alloyed) and also r-GO/SiC nanocomposites (dispersed through ultrasonication process) as coating materials for varying time period was done. Synthesized nanocomposite was characterized through various physio-chemical techniques and confirmation of the same was carried out. Surface morphology of the developed set of specimens was scrutinized through SEM and EDAX which establishes a clean surface coating with minimal defects attainment through electro deposition technique. Electrochemical corrosion behavior for the magnesium substrates coated with r-GO, SiC, r-GO/SiC for 5 and 10 minute coating time period was conceded over in 0.1 M of NaCl and Na2SO4 aqueous solution using Tafel polarization and then compared with a pure magnesium substrate. r-GO/SiC nanocomposite coated magnesium substrate showcased a drastic breakthrough in corrosion resistance when compared with other set of specimens in aqueous medium. Delamination behavior for the same set of specimens was carried and the r-GO/SiC nanocomposite coated magnesium exposed a minimum delamination area accounting to the hydrophobic property of graphene and the binding effect of SiC nano particles

    Effects of Additives on Kinetics, Morphologies and Lead-Sensing Property of Electrodeposited Bismuth Films

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    This study presents a systematic examination of the effects of bath additives and deposition conditions on the rates of electrodeposition of bismuth, obtained morphologies, and the ability of the bismuth films to detect trace concentrations of lead. Novel morphologies of bismuth are reported for the first time. The bath comprises bismuth nitrate, nitric acid, and a set of additives, viz., citric acid (complexant), polyvinyl alcohol (surface inhibitor), and betaine (grain refiner). Rotating disk electrode voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry have been used to determine the mechanism and rates of bismuth electrodeposition. Scanning electron microscopy is used to study deposit morphologies, while X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been used to examine crystallinity and composition of the deposited thin films. Even in the presence of additives, it is seen that bismuth deposition is diffusion-controlled process with progressive nucleation-growth of crystallites, and the reduction is a single-step, three-electron-transfer, quasi-reversible reaction. The films deposited from the bath without additives comprise micron-sized, hexagonal rods with controlled aspect ratios (1.83 to 2.05). Baths containing citric acid produce films with flower-like structures and cracked grains, but with poor adhesion to copper substrate. Introducing polyvinyl alcohol significantly slows down bismuth deposition, increases the number of nuclei, produces cauliflower-like crystallites, and promotes adhesion to copper. Betaine smoothens these crystallites while retaining good adhesion. Pulsing the deposition current promotes growth of existing nuclei. In the absence of additives, fused flat disk-type spindles are seen. In the presence of additives, pulsed deposition results in sea-urchin-like morphologies. Adhesion of bismuth onto copper impacts the ability of the film to detect trace concentration of Pb2+ ions in aqueous solutions using anodic stripping voltammetry. The films obtained from baths with additives through direct current plating show the best sensor response for 50 ppb Pb2+

    Influence of grain boundary misorientation on hydrogen embrittlement in bi-crystal nickel

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    Computational techniques and tools have been developed to understand hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen induced intergranular cracking based on grain boundary (GB) engineering with the help of computational materials engineering. This study can help to optimize GB misorientation configurations by identifying the cases that would improve the material properties increasing resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. In order to understand and optimize, it is important to understand the influence of misorientation angle on the atomic clustered hydrogen distribution under the impact of dilatational stress distributions. In this study, a number of bi-crystal models with tilt grain boundary (TGB) misorientation angles (θ) ranging between 0°≤ θ ≤ 90° were developed, with rotation performed about the [001] axis, using numerical microstructural finite element analysis. Subsequently, local stress and strain concentrations generated along the TGB (due to the difference in individual neighbouring crystals elastic anisotropy response as functions of misorientation angles) were evaluated when bi-crystals were subjected to overall uniform applied traction. Finally, the hydrogen distribution and segregations as a function of misorientation angles were studied. In real nickel, as opposed to the numerical model, geometrically necessary dislocations are generated due to GB misorientation. The generated dislocation motion along TGBs in response to dilatational mismatch varies depending on the misorientation angles. These generated dislocation motions affect the stress, strain and hydrogen distribution. Hydrogen segregates along these dislocations acting as traps and since the dislocation distribution varies depending on misorientation angles the hydrogen traps are also influenced by misorientation angles. From the results of numerical modelling it has been observed that the local stress, strain and hydrogen distributions are inhomogeneous, affected by the misorientation angles, orientations of neighbouring crystal and boundary conditions. In real material, as opposed to the numerical model, the clustered atomic hydrogens are segregated in traps near to the TGB due to the influence of dislocations developed under the effects of applied mechanical stress. The numerical model predicts maximum hydrogen concentrations are accumulated on the TGB with misorientation angles ranging between 15°< θ < 45°. This investigation reinforces the importance of GB engineering for designing and optimizing these materials to decrease hydrogen segregation arising from TGB misorientation angles

    Electrodeposition of Tin-Bismuth Alloys: Additives, Morphologies and Compositions

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    Electrodeposition of tin-bismuth alloys on polycrystalline copper electrodes has been studied from an acidic bath comprising SnCl4, Bi(NO3)3, citric acid, poly(vinyl alcohol) and betaine. Using linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and chronoamperometry (CA), co-deposition of tin and bismuth from the above bath has been examined. Bismuth (III) ions get reduced in a single-step, three-electron-transfer reaction while tin (IV) ions undergo a two-step reduction through the formation of tin (II) ions. Nitric acid in the bath not only enhances solubility of the precursors but also decreases the peak potential separation between bismuth (III) and tin (II) ions. Through the introduction of various additives and variation in bath pH, co-deposition is preserved while the composition of tin in the obtained alloy is modified. The morphologies, composition and crystallinity of the deposits have been determined using scanning electron microscopy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. A wide range of alloy compositions (from 14% to 75% tin), including the eutectic Sn-Bi alloy have been deposited. Novel morphologies such as yarns-of-spool have been obtained

    Multi-phase modelling of intergranular hydrogen segregation/trapping for hydrogen embrittlement

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    Premature failure in polycrystalline materials due to hydrogen absorption affects a wide range of applications, including clean energy systems, hydrogen storage systems and rocket engines. A good understanding of the diffusion and trapping processes within such materials can inform material choices and component design to reduce the likelihood of such failures. Grain boundary segregation of hydrogen can often lead to intergranular hydrogen embrittlement (IHE). Hydrogen diffusion is affected by local microstructural features including intergranular second phase precipitates, grain boundary (GB) thicknesses and geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density. A multi-scale multi-phase model is presented here that has been developed to study GBSE with respect to hydrogen diffusion and IHE. The results of various multi-scale GBSE models with and without traps (including the effects of microstructure, intergranular precipitate phases and GB thickness) are compared and discussed, and the effects of microstructural parameters such as hydrogen segregation factor and GND trapping density on hydrogen diffusion are investigated