39 research outputs found


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    Food self-sufficiency mainly for rice has been known since the old order regime by the implementation of five efforts to agricultural technology, seven, ten and suprainsus ones. In that condition Indonesia has been succeeded in rice self-sufficiency, therefore Indonesia got appreciation from FAO in 1984. In the reformation era, there was a new paradigm namely food security and in President Joko Widodo's regime known as food-sovereignty. In the first step to realized food security and sovereignty, Indonesia has to be able to food self-sufficiency, especially for rice. In that condition Indonesia has been succeeded in rice self-sufficiency in 1984, therefore Indonesia got appreciation from FAO. The main factors affected these paradigms as mentioned above were technical as agricultural technology and now technically ones as socially, economically and behavioral culture of farmer or community. The first factor easily to be solved because so many technologies have been resulted by the research institute, university and private, but the adoption of technology, which has been resulted in the farmer still not yet optimum. The second ones were more difficult to be solved due to the behavior of the farmer or community. Other than three aspects of food, food safety also necessary to be interested, because healthy food has to be free from bacteria and dangerous chemical substances. The success of all paradigms mentioned before not only need cooperation between agriculture and trade departments, but also other sides concern with all paradigms


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    ABSTRAKKajian model stabilitas hasil dilakukan untuk uji multi lokasi musimpada galur tembakau Virginia rajangan Bojonegoro di tigs lokasi,Kedungadem, Pekuwon dan Sugihwaras, Jawa Timur pada empat musimtanam 1997, 1998, 1999, dan 2001. Tiga lokasi yang dipilih merupakandaerah pengembangan tembakau Virginia Bojonegoro, masing - masingberjarak antara 15 - 20 km satu sama lain. Empat belas galur yang diujimerupakan hasil seleksi sejak tahun 1990. Rancangan percobaan yangdigunakan di setiap lokasi adalah rancangan kelompok dengan tigaulangan. Ukuran petak percobaan 8,6 m x 6,75 m, jarak tanam 90 x 45cm, dengan satu tanaman per lubang. Penentuan stabilitas hasil denganmenggunakan model kualitatif YAU dan HAMBLIN (1994) dan modelkuantitatif menurut PERKINS dan JINKS (1968). Hasil analisismenunjukkan dengan model kualitatif galur nomor 13, 7, 10, 6, dan 5merupakan galur yang stabil dengan hasil rajangan kering di atas hasil rata-ratanya, sedang dengan model kuantitatif galur nomor 9,11,14, 6, dan 10merupakan galur yang stabil dengan hasil ranjangan kering di atas rata-ratanya. Pengukuran stabilitas hasil dengan model kuantitatif lebihinformatif dibandingkan dengan model kualitatif.Kata kunci : Tembakau, Nicotiana tabacum, tembakau Virginia, ujimultilokasi, stabilitas hasil, Jawa TimurABSTRACTStudy of qualitative and quantitative yield stability modelfor season muUilocation test of Bojonegoro sliced VirginiatobaccoStudy of quantitative and qualitative stability model for multi-location-season test of Bojonegoro sliced Virginia tobacco conducted inthree locations: Kedungadem, Pekuwon and Sugihwaras, East Java in1997; 1998; 1999, and 2001. The selected locations were the area of theVirginia tobacco development. The locations were 15-20 km apart fromone another. Fourteen lines of sliced Virginia tibacco tested were the resultof selection since 1990, tested in three locations and four growing seasons.The experiment used a randomized blok design with three replications ineach location. Plot size was 8,6 m x 6,75 m, plant distance was 90 cm x45 cm, one plant per hole. The stability parameters were measured byqualitative model according to YAU and HAMBLIN (1994) andquantitative ones were measured according to PERKINS and JINKS(1968). The result of the analysis using qualitative model showed that linesNo 13, 10, 6, dan 5 were stable genotypes with the yield above its averagewhile based on quantitative model and lines No 9,11,14, 6, dan 10 werestable genotypes with the yield above its average. Measurement of yieldstability using quantitative model was more informative compared toqualitative model.Key words: Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, virgina tobacco, multi-locationtest, yield stability. East Jav

    Kajian Model Stabilitas Basil secara Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif untuk Uji Multilokasi Musim pada Tembakau Virginia Rajangan Bojonegoro

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    Study of qualitative and quantitative yield stability modelfor season muUilocation test of Bojonegoro sliced VirginiatobaccoStudy of quantitative and qualitative stability model for multi-location-season test of Bojonegoro sliced Virginia tobacco conducted inthree locations: Kedungadem, Pekuwon and Sugihwaras, East Java in1997; 1998; 1999, and 2001. The selected locations were the area of theVirginia tobacco development. The locations were 15-20 km apart fromone another. Fourteen lines of sliced Virginia tibacco tested were the resultof selection since 1990, tested in three locations and four growing seasons.The experiment used a randomized blok design with three replications ineach location. Plot size was 8,6 m x 6,75 m, plant distance was 90 cm x45 cm, one plant per hole. The stability parameters were measured byqualitative model according to YAU and HAMBLIN (1994) andquantitative ones were measured according to PERKINS and JINKS(1968). The result of the analysis using qualitative model showed that linesNo 13, 10, 6, dan 5 were stable genotypes with the yield above its averagewhile based on quantitative model and lines No 9,11,14, 6, dan 10 werestable genotypes with the yield above its average. Measurement of yieldstability using quantitative model was more informative compared toqualitative model

    Rancangan percobaan praktis untuk bidang pertanian /

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    Indeks276 hlm . : il. ; 21 cm

    Rancanagan percobaan praktis bidang pertanian

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    --.275 hal.;ill.;26 cm

    Rancangan percobaan praktis untuk bidang pertanian

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    Indeks Bibliografi hlm. : 190224 hlm. : il. : 21 cm

    Rancangan percobaan praktis untuk bidang pertanian, ed. revisi/ Sastrosupadi

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    224 hal. : ill. ; 22 cm

    Rancangan Percobaaan Praktis Bidang Pertanian

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    276 Ha