7 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Administrative Data Management Using an Elicitation Approach (Case Study: LKP Putra Putri Indonesia)

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    This research aims to analyze and design an administrative data management information system in LKP3I, which currently manages it is still manual, namely using Ms. Excel office tools, so it often experiences problems such as accumulation of documents, difficulty finding data, and scattered data of course participants. The application development process using the waterfall model includes collecting data and information, at the analysis stage using the elicitation approach technique which is represented by system modeling, namely flow maps, context diagrams, and data flow diagrams. Construction of web-based application systems using the programming languages VB.Net and Ms. Access as database management system, testing and evaluating the feasibility of the system using the BlackBox and group discussions. Based on the results of the research and system evaluation conducted, the prototype of the LKP3I administrative data management system that was built through the elicitation approach received a fairly good assessment, which proves that the hypothesis in this study has been tested. Respondents can receive the results of the information system prototype that will be implemented with the provision of improved specifications and functions of user requirements

    Perencanaan Arsitektur Enterprise Perseroan Terbatas Arcon Reality Menggunakan Pendekatan Spewak

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    Abstract: This research aims to produce a prototype by making an enterprise architecture planning model at PT. Arcon Realitindo (Reality Group), where currently not all business processes in each unit are supported by information systems. Based on these problems, it is necessary to have an information system development guide that can integrate all business processes in the company. The research stages were carried out based on the Spewak method approach, namely conducting business modeling, reviewing current systems and technology, creating architectural, architectural, and technology data. This research produces 12 prototypes of information systems for the realization of business activities at PT. Arcon Realty.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan prototipe dengan membuat model perencanaan arsitektur enterprise pada PT. Arcon Realitindo (Reality Group), dimana saat ini tidak semua proses bisnis pada setiap unit mendapatkan dukungan sistem informasi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya panduan pengembangan sistem informasi yang mampu mengintegrasikan semua proses bisnis pada perusahaan. Tahapan penelitian dilaksanakan berdasarkan pendekatan metode spewak yaitu melakukan pemodelan bisnis, peninjauan sistem dan teknologi saat ini, pembuatan arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, dan arsitektur teknologi. Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan 12 prototipe sistem informasi untuk realisasi aktivitas bisnis pada perusahaan PT. Arcon Realty

    Learning Management System Design Course And Training Institutions (Case Study: Earth Creative Institute)

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    Abstract: This research aims to design a learning management system application at LKP Bumi Kreatif Institute where the learning process in the institution is still classically carried out and does not have system support for online learning so that learning will be hampered in the event of natural disasters such as the Current Covid-19 pandemic because it requires all learning activities to be carried out at home and there is no direct interaction between students and instructors in the classroom. The process in developing applications using waterfall models includes observation studies, system modeling using UML, application construction using PHP and MySQL programming languages as database management, system testing using BlackBox, and to test application feasibility, usability testing is used by distributing questionnaires and weighting through Likert scales. Based on the results of research conducted that the application built can be implemented and able to facilitate online learning activities at the LKP Bumi Kreatif Institute, starting from the registration process, payment calculation, course administration management, students, and instructors. The results of the usability value recap show the overall attribute has an average user acceptance value of 4.27 so it can be said that the application implementation of Learning Management System in LKP Bumi Kreatif Institute has a good value of usability aspect, namely: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi sistem manajemen pembelajaran di Lembaga LKP Bumi Kreatif dimana proses pembelajaran di lembaga tersebut masih dilakukan secara klasikal dan belum memiliki dukungan sistem pembelajaran daring sehingga pembelajaran akan terhambat jika terjadi bencana alam seperti pandemi Covid-19 saat ini karena mengharuskan semua kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan di rumah dan tidak ada interaksi langsung antara siswa dan instruktur di dalam kelas. Proses dalam pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan model waterfall meliputi studi observasi, pemodelan sistem menggunakan UML, pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai pengelolaan database, pengujian sistem menggunakan BlackBox, dan untuk menguji kelayakan aplikasi digunakan pengujian usability dengan menyebarkan kuisioner dan pembobotan melalui Skala likert. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa aplikasi yang dibangun dapat diimplementasikan dan mampu memfasilitasi kegiatan pembelajaran daring di lembaga LKP Bumi Kreatif, mulai dari proses pendaftaran, perhitungan pembayaran, pengelolaan administrasi kursus, mahasiswa, dan instruktur. Hasil rekap nilai usability menunjukkan secara keseluruhan atribut memiliki rata-rata nilai penerimaan pengguna sebesar 4.27 sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa penerapan sistem manajemen pembelajaran di LKP Bumi Kreatif Institute memiliki nilai aspek usability yang baik yaitu: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction

    Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Absensi dan Penggajian Menggunakan Framework Zachman: Studi Kasus: PT. XYZ Realty

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang arsitektur sistem informasi dengan pendekatan model enterprise architecture menggunakan metode Framework Zachman dengan mengadopsi 4 baris (Planner, Owner, Designer, Builder) dan 5 kolom (What, How, Where, Who, When) di PT. XYZ Realty Kabupaten Sukabumi. Teknik dan sumber pengumpulan data adalah melalui proses observasi, wawancara, dan penyebaran angket terhadap pihak-pihak terkait pada PT. XYZ Realty. Hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan hasil temuan yang menunjukan bahwa kondisi saat ini khususnya pada bagian keuangan, dalam pengelolaan absensi dan penggajian karyawan masih menggunakan alat bantu aplikasi Ms. Excel, serta belum terintegrasinya antara data absensi dan data penggajian. Dari penelitian ini menghasilkan prototipe aplikasi dengan hasil analisis dan pengujian korelasi yang menunjukan bahwa penerapan metode Framework Zachman yang diimplementasikan pada sistem informasi absensi dan penggajian berbasis web memilki korelasi yang sangat kuat

    Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi Penjualan Menggunakan Pendekatan Togaf Adm (Studi Kasus : Three SisterĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s House Of Beauty)

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    Three SisterĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s House Of Beauty is one of the several business located at karangtengah cibadak sukabumi. This Business offers all things about skincare, makeup and fashion for youngest to the oldest especially for a man. In the process business activity, Three Sister's has implement strategic planning, but in this prospect the planning has a missed targeted so that it cannot be realized properly, the problems regarding data collection process of sold product and ordering data for customers sometimes just written, input into Ms.Word and Ms.Excel. In odd moment, Three SisterĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s share and promotion product on social media, the community of beauty have every rules if want post on group. So that, Three Sister's House of Beauty must planning of ISand IT strategies to be good business proces in future. The conclusion, strategic planning for implementing Enterprise Architecture is one of the best solutions for supports a business or organization. So with this, the author conducts research with the study of the Togaf ADM to support Sales Information Systems that are integrated, right on target, and support business processes in Three Sisters' House of Beauty.Three SisterĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s House Of Beauty is one of the several business located at karangtengah cibadak sukabumi. This Business offers all things about skincare, makeup and fashion for youngest to the oldest especially for a man. In the process business activity, Three Sister's has implement strategic planning, but in this prospect the planning has a missed targeted so that it cannot be realized properly, the problems regarding data collection process of sold product and ordering data for customers sometimes just written, input into Ms.Word and Ms.Excel. In odd moment, Three SisterĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s share and promotion product on social media, the community of beauty have every rules if want post on group. So that, Three Sister's House of Beauty must planning of ISand IT strategies to be good business proces in future. The conclusion, strategic planning for implementing Enterprise Architecture is one of the best solutions for supports a business or organization. So with this, the author conducts research with the study of the Togaf ADM to support Sales Information Systems that are integrated, right on target, and support business processes in Three Sisters' House of Beauty

    Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Kepuasan Klien Berdasarkan Model Servqual (Studi Kasus: PT. Longvin Indonesia)

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    This research aims to analyze and develop service quality information systems on client satisfaction at PT. Longvin. This is because of PT. Longvin in processing service evaluations, assessing and distributing questionnaires which were still carried out manually so that in general it allowed for limitations and shortcomings such as piling up of files, incomplete questionnaire data filling, slow data processing, and could result in inaccurate decisions.The process of developing information systems using the waterfall model includes requirements analysis, system analysis, system modeling through defining context diagrams, data flow diagrams and entity relationship diagram. At the implementation stage, the system is oriented to the web environment using the programming languages PHP and MySQL as database management. For the analysis of service quality measurement using the servqual model. In the system, testing is carried out using BlackBox testing, while end-user testing is based on the results of questionnaire data processing using the Likert scale model.Based on the observation that the system can display the results of service quality calculations quickly and depicted through detailed graphs, total tables, average tables, and automatic suggestions. The results of system testing on end users show that the application built is very good with a percentage of 82% giving an agreed assessment


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    SMK BIM Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan kejuruan yang memberikan layanan pemanfaatan SI kepada para siswa terhadap disiplin ilmu yang digeluti dan juga sebagai bentuk layanan kepada orang tua siswa dan stakeholder. Berdasarkan penelitian dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya pemanfaatan SI saat ini masih minim dalam mendukung bisnis di lingkungan SMK BIM Kota Bandung yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya sumber daya. Disamping itu pemanfaatan SI dilakukan dengan perencanaan yang berdasarkan pada kebutuhan sesaat, hal ini dibuktikan dengan SI sekolah yang ada saat ini belum sepenuhnya dapat menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan karena hanya terbatas pada informasi yang bersifat umum, serta pengolahan data pendidik, peserta didik, evaluasi proses belajar mengajar, pengolahan prakerin, pendistribusian lulusan dengan dunia usaha dan dunia industri (DU/DI) masih dilakukan secara manual dan tidak terintegrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan enterprise architecture SI untuk sekolah menengah kejuruan menggunakan Framework TOGAF-ADM (The Open Group Architecture Framework Technique-Architecture Development Method), studi kasus di SMK BIM Kota Bandung. Metodologi penelitian mengadopsi 6 tahapan TOGAF-ADM, yaitu Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solutions, Migration Planning. Dari penelitian ini menghasilkan dokumentasi sistem teknologi dan aplikasi yang mampu mendukung fungsi bisnis organisasi, dan rancangan model arsitektur yang sesuai dan dapat diterapkan di SMK BIM Kota Bandung sebagai pedoman dalam mengembangkan SI