9 research outputs found

    Development of TPACK and EQ-based 21st century learning through the teacher certification programme in Indonesia

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    The aim of the research reported on here was to identify teachers’ comprehension of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) integrated with emotional quotient (EQ). We used mixed-method research with an explanatory model. The subjects of this research were 30 teachers who participated in the teacher certification programme and 30 who did not participate in the programme. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. We used descriptive statistics and t-tests of the quantitative data analysis, while qualitative data analysis was  carried out by reduction. The findings of the research point out that programme comprehension had an  effect on TPACK  integrated with EQ. These findings were supported by the average score of the teachers who participated in the programme,  which was higher than those who did not participate in programme. In this regard, the factor was not only the experience of  teachers at school but  also the interactions between teachers in the process of the programme. Based on the research  findings, the authors recommend all teachers to  participate in programme.&nbsp

    Optimizing Inquiry-based Learning Activity in Improving Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills

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    The application of inquiry learning is one of the ways to improve the students' ability of scientific literacy. The difficulty of applying inquiry-based learning in physics learning gave a negative effect on scientific literacy skills. One way to optimize inquiry-based learning activities was to combine learning with the use of technology. The purpose of this research was to optimize inquiry learning through Edmodo in improving students’ ability of scientific literacy on the material of Newton's Law. The method used was pre-post control design with 96 students of SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci as the research subjects. They were divided into three groups: experimental class 1 was given guided inquiry assisted by Edmodo, experiment class 2 was given guided inquiry learning and control class was given conventional learning. Instrument used was multiple choice questions and questionnaire. The data gathered were analyzed using Anova Mixed Design technique using significance level of 0.05 and effect size (ES). The results of the analysis show that guided inquiry learning assisted by Edmodo was more effective in improving scientific literacy of cognitive aspect (SLC) compared with inquiry and conventional models with t-testα = 0,05 = 0.000 and contributed an improve of 0.847 with 'Big' category. In the scientific literacy of affective aspect (SLA) Edmodo-assisted inquiry study contributed an improve of 0.097 categorized as 'Small' with t-testα = 0.05 = 0.003. It means that guided-inquiry assisted by Edmodo is effective to improve SLA, but contribute to small improvement

    Pendidikan Holistik Berbasis Kecerdasan Ruhiologi di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    The Era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution has affected a significant change in the educational world, especially the technological influence on human life, has also resulted in a multidimensional crisis that stems from the modern human spritual crisis, the spritual values that became the main cornerstone of the moral formation to be neglected. Holistic education through integrating human intelligence that includes IQ, EQ, and SQ with RQ is a must. Ruhiology Intelligence (RQ) is the intelligence that originates from the human side of the science of the spirit. This intelligence is the earliest human-owned intelligence that is the source of the three intelligence of IQ, EQ, and SQ. The Ruhiology Intelligence (RQ) is intelligence derived from a vertical (human-spirit) relationship through religious knowledge of nonphysical material. It is certainly different from many other intelligences such as IQ, EQ, and SQ which are often free of value (physical material) so as to make people lose the peace of life. The purpose of this research is to build intelligence (IQ, EQ, and SQ) through integrating holistically with Ruhiology intelligence (RQ). This research uses a descriptive-analytical approach through a research library research with data analysis techniques conducted only to the extent of the description, namely analyzing and presenting the facts systematically so that it can be easier to understand and conclude. The results of the study showed that there was a side in the human (non physical material) that came from God as the main mover in character formation. The inside side is the spirit. Ruh plays a big role in the formation of one's sprituality compared to the intelligence of IQ, EQ, and SQ which is still a material spirit. To achieve this ruhiology intelligence required a vertical relationship between human beings with the creator of the spirit that is Allah SWT through the means of prayer worship. The implications of Ruhiology Intelligence (RQ) can solidly strengthen this intelligence (IQ, EQ, SQ) will be evident from the changes in sexual behaviour.

    Development of TPACK and EQ-based 21st century learning through the teacher certification programme in Indonesia

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    The aim of the research reported on here was to identify teachers’ comprehension of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) integrated with emotional quotient (EQ). We used mixed-method research with an explanatory model. The subjects of this research were 30 teachers who participated in the teacher certification programme and 30 who did not participate in the programme. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. We used descriptive statistics and t-tests of the quantitative data analysis, while qualitative data analysis was carried out by reduction. The findings of the research point out that programme comprehension had an effect on TPACK integrated with EQ. These findings were supported by the average score of the teachers who participated in the programme, which was higher than those who did not participate in programme. In this regard, the factor was not only the experience of teachers at school but also the interactions between teachers in the process of the programme. Based on the research findings, the authors recommend all teachers to participate in programme

    Development of animation-based learning media to increase student’s motivation in learning physics

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    The difficulty of students in understanding concepts in physics has a significant effect on students' motivation. The purpose of this study is to develop animation media that make students easier to understand the abstract concept of Newton's law and find out students' responses to the use of instructional media. The 4D framework is used to develop animation- based learning media, which consists of four-phase, namely: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The instruments used are a questionnaire and interviews. The results showed that (1) Based on expert judgment Animation-based learning media was appropriate and feasible to be implemented in the physics class; (2) used of media animation in learning physics could facilitate students in understanding the abstract concept of Newton's Law, especially in describing the direction of the force and gave opportunity to the student’s to increase their motivation to learning physics where average score of the motivation was 70% in the “High” category

    Meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika melalui penerapan pembelajaran Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

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    Pembelajaran Fisika mengalami banyak masalah karena sifat materinya yang kompleks sehingga sulit dalam melatih kemandirian siswa dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan pembelajaran Self-directed learning (SDL) dalam membangun kemandirian belajar untuk mengoptimalkan hasil belajar siswa.  Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain pre-posttest control group design, dengan melibatkan 53 orang siswa yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok.  Kelompok eksperimen diberi penerapan pembelajaran SDL dan kontrol dengan konvensional. 16 item instrumen pilihan ganda digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan analisis uji-tα=0,05  diperoleh nilai sig. sebesar 0,001. Hasil ini menunjukan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pembelajaran SDL terhadap ketercapaian hasil belajar siswa. SDL dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengoptimalkan hasil belajar fisika dan dapat melatih kemandirian belajar siswa dalam membangun pemahaman konsep fisika pada materi Gerak Melingkar

    Pengembangan SSP Fisika Model Guided Inquiry Berbantuan E-LearningUntuk Meningkatkan Literasi SainsDan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangakan SSP fisika model pembelajaran Guided Inquiryberbantuan e-learningyang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran berdasarkan penilaian ahli; (2) mengetahuikeefektifan SSP fisika model Guided Inquiryberbantuan e-learninguntukmeningkatkanliterasi sainsdan berpikir kreatifpeserta didikSMA kelas X; Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu tahap define, design, develop dan disseminate. Uji coba Luas produk SSP yang dikembangakan menggunakan Penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group. Subjek uji coba lapangan terdiri atas 96peserta didik dari tiga kelas X IPASMAN4 Kerinci. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, pengisian angket, dan pemberian test. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar respon peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran, tes literasi sains,angket literasi sains aspek afektifdan tes berpikir kreatif. Data dianalisis dengan uji manovadenganmenggunakantaraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkanbahwa (1) SSP fisika model Guided Inquiry berbantuan e-learninglayak digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains, motivasi dan kepercayaan terhadapa sainsdan berpikir kreatifberdasarkan penilaianahli terhadapapsilabus, RPP, LKPD, dan lembar penilaian peserta didik, (2) SSP fisika model Guided Inquiry berbantuan e-learning efektif untuk meningkatakan kemampuan literasi sains, motivasi dan hasil uji anava mixed design dengannilai sig. yang kurang dari 0,05 dan skor effect size0,84

    Implementation of Gasing Learning in ARCS Learning Strategy to Enhance Students’ Motivation in 9th Grade of Indonesian Junior High-School

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    The lack of motivation will affect to the students’ learning outcomes. The research was conducted to enhance the students’ motivation with the Gasing learning in the ARCS learning strategy on the static and dynamic electricity. The specific objectives of this research was to describe effect of the gasing learning on the students' learning motivation. The research consisted of 3 cycles of Hopkin’s Classroom Action Research  Model. Each cycle consists of the plan, the action/the observation, and the reflective. The data of students learning motivation obtained by questionnaires and be analyzed with method of successive interval (MSI). The findings of the research are: (1) the result of questionnaire of ARCS motivation in cycle I was 3.71, cycle II was 3,80, and cycle III was 3,99. These results indicate an increase in student learning motivation; (2) The completeness of students’ learning outcomes in cycle I was 68,18%, in cycle II was 90,90%, and in cycle III was 100%. It can be concluded that the Gasing learning in ARCS strategy can enhances students’motivation on static and dinamic electricity in 9th grade of Indonesian Junior High-School. The Gasing learning can be an alternative for the teachers to enhance students’ motivation in learning physics through the provision of comic media and calculations without formulas

    Development of creative thinking skills through STEM-based instruction in senior high school student

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    Creative thinking is one of the abilities in the 21st Century that must be mastered by students. The difficulty of developing students' creative thinking is because teachers in the school do not make a collaboration between technology and science in learning. The purpose of this study is to develop creative thinking through the application of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) based learning. This research was conducted at 1 Kerinci Public High School. the sample include 90 Students divided into three classes namely Experiment Class 1 (EC1) are given STEM-based learning, experiment Class 2 (EC 2) given Science Engineering Mathematics Learning (SEM) and Control Class (CC) given conventional learning. The method used is a quasi-experiment with pre-post control design. The instrument used was 12 essay questions validated by 7 experts. The results were analysis using Anava mixed method with the General Linear Model. The results show that STEM-based learning improves creative thinking skills by 0.663 or 66.3% in the medium category, this shows that STEM-based learning is effective in developing students' creative thinking, STEM-based learning also provides experience to students in collaborating between technological science, engineering and mathematics in optimizing learnin