18 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency of Image Transmission in Embedded Linux based Wireless Visual Sensor Network

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    Wireless Visual Sensor Network (WVSN) is a system that consists of visual sensor nodes with an embedded processor. WVSN devices have limited resources of energy, computation capability, memory, and bandwidth. Due to these limitations the implementation of WVSN for large multimedia data, such as images, become a challenging task. Therefore, it is required compressed images prior to transmission. In addition to the limited resources, the system implementation strongly affects the efficiency of the working system. The main contribution of this research is to offer a technical solution of simpler image compression on the WVSN platform. JPEG 2000 is investigated as an alternative compression method to reduce the size of data transfer on WVSN using Embedded Linux as its operating system. Compressed images are transferred to a receiver on communication of IEEE 802.15.4.. This paper shows that the energy consumption for compression and transmission will reduce to only 10.48%, 13.60%, and 17.11% compared to raw image. BER will significantly reduce by implementing image compression. Therefore, it is demonstrated that this model significantly increases energy efficiency, memory utilization efficiency, and data transfer time with acceptable PSNR, compared to uncompressed images


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    Mode baseline encoder video H.263 menerapkan teknik estimasi dan kompensasi gerak dengan satu vector gerak untuk setiap macroblock. Prosedur area pencarian menggunakan pencarian penuh dengan akurasi setengah pixel pada bidang [16,15.5] membuat prediksi di tepian frame tidak dapat diprediksi dengan baik. Peningkatan unjuk kerja pengkodean prediksi interframe encoder video H.263 dengan optimalisasi teknik estimasi dan kompensasi gerak diimplementasikan dengan penambahan area pencarian [31.5,31.5] (unrestricted motion vector, Annex D) dan 4 motion vector (advanced prediction mode, Annex F). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa advanced mode mampu meningkatkan nilai SNR sebesar 0.03 dB untuk sequence video claire, 0.2 dB untuk sequence video foreman, 0.041 dB untuk sequence video Glasgow, dan juga mampu menurunkan bit rate pengkodean sebesar 2.3 % untuk video Claire, 15.63 % untuk video Foreman,  dan 9.8% untuk video Glasgow dibandingkan dengan implementasi 1 motion vector pada pengkodean baseline mode. <br /


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    Higher Education, or tertiary education, is the final stage which is optional in formal education. It is usually organized in the form of a university, academy, seminary, high school, or institute. Every tertiary institution needs qualified and professional educators because they have an important role in the process of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Recruitment for teaching staff usually has several stages and standardization of assessment in selection proces. In order for the process of selecting educators to be carried out objectively, a support system is need to carry out the assessment process. This study applies the Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor (FK-NN) method for the classification process in determining prospective educators who pass or not. Data classification is a new data or object grouping into classes or labels based on certain attributes. The application of the FK-NN method has several stages, namely weighting the criteria, then calculating the closeness of the test data and training data, finding the value of k-nearest neighbors between the training data and testing data and determining the membership of each data. Tests were carried out using the Confusion matrix method on several variations of the k value where the highest percentage was obtained from the value of k = 5. The test results for all k values obtained an average accuracy rate of 89.22%, 89.22% precision and 82.45% recall with 114 training data and 50 test data. Based on the average value of the test results, it can be concluded that the FK-NN method is feasible and good to use for the selection of educators with the classification of pass or not

    Implementasi Algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128 Untuk Enkripsi dan Dekripsi File Dokumen

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    Keamanan data atau informasi adalah hal yang sangat penting bagi pengguna jaringan internet saat ini. Kasus penyadapan akan pesan atau informasi merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat merugikan, dengan adanya kemungkinan terjadinya kejadian ini, maka perlunya peningkatan dalam hal keamanan pertukaran informasi menjadi penting. Pada saat ini, keamanan pertukaran informasi ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus, maka penelitian ini akan membuat suatu implementasi kriptografi algoritma AES-128 untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi data yang berupa file dokumen (PDF, DOC, TXT). Algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dipilih karena memiliki suatu tingkat keamanan pertukaran informasi yang cukup bagus, dan pada penelitian ini diuji coba file dokumen untuk melihat kecepatan waktu yang dibutuhkan selama proses enkripsi dan dekripsi

    Coexisting Parallelogram Method to Handle Jump Point on Hough Transform-based Clock Skew Measurement

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    In this paper, we improve the robustness of the Hough transform-based clock skew measurement on the occurrence of a jump point. The current Hough transform-based skew method uses angle (θ), thickness (ω), and region (β), to create a parallelogram that covers the densest part of an offset-set. However, the assumption that all offsets are considered to line up roughly in only one direction restricts the ability of the current method when handling an offset-set in which its densest part is located separately, the jump point condition. By acquiring the parallelogram from coexisting angle-region tuples at the beginning and the ending parts of the offset-set, we completed the ability of the Hough transform-based method to handle the jump point. When handling the jump point problem, the proposed coexisting parallelogram method could reach 0.35 ppm accuracy compared with tens ppm by the current methods

    A New Framework for Information System Development on Instant Messaging for Low Cost Solution

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    The increasingly inexpensive Internet has spurred the growth of online information system services in various companies. Almost all services are available in forms on web or mobile applications. For small companies, this particular system is more difficult to implement as it requires a substantial cost allocated for hosting, domain and server devices. The solution is to develop a framework for building information system services through Instant Messaging (IM) such as Telegram, Line or XMPP / Jabber using the Design Science Research Methodology. This proposed framework has the ability to transform the existing information system services into chat services with RBAC role, session, validation and natural interaction using Indonesian-language conversations. The framework that consists of Initiate layers, business process and communication, memory group and OLTP DBMS will produce low-cost solution for the development of integrated information systems service

    TAMEx framework as an alternative for e-exam implementation in wireless network

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    One of significant change in learning process is exam implementation applying a computer-based test (e-exam) rather than paper-based test. Many institutions currently use wireless network with bring your own device (BYOD) policy for their e-exam implementation, due to limitation of space and user terminals. Moreover it is hard to maintain the availability of reliable signal quality in wireless network for all users during e-exam process. Therefore, this research proposes a development of time adaptive for mobile exam (TAMEx) framework to provide all users with good quality of service of e-exam in wireless network environment when dealing with signal quality variations. The received signal strength indication (RSSI) is the main indicator of the signal quality. The framework supports e-exam implementation in wirelesslocal area network and the use of BYOD mechanism. The research shows that the framework successfully has provided time compensation for the users who experienced temporary connection loss due to bad signal quality. The result exhibits that tiny processing time has been needed for signal loss detection, user’s request of compensation time, and server’s execution. In conclusion, the TAMEx could guarantee good services for all users who doing e-exam in wireless network environment


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    Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Udayana merupakan salah satu unsur di Universitas Udayana yang berfungsi untuk mengkoordinasikan, memantau dan menilai pelaksanaan dan kegiatan penelitian yang diselenggarakan oleh pusat- pusat penelitian atau pun oleh kelompok-kelompok peneliti dari berbagai fakultas atau program studi. Selain itu, LPPM juga berperan untum memberikan pelayanan bagi para peneliti di lingkungan Universitas Udayana dalam hal penyediaan informasi penelitian, proses administrasi dan juga layanan pembinaan kemampuan para peneliti. Hingga saat ini, LPPM mengelola berbagai jenis hibah penelitian baik yang merupakan program dari DIKTI maupun penelitian yang di kelola di Universitas Udayana. Jumlah proposal penelitian yang dikelola oleh LPPM dari tahun ketahun semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya gairah para peneliti Universitas Udayana untuk melakukan penelitian pada bidang yang ditekuninya. Jumlah proposal yang dikelola oleh LPPM untuk di kompetisikan pada hibah-hibah yang ada pada tahun 2010 mencapai 765 proposal. Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Proposal Penelitian diupayakan untuk mengefektifkan kerja dari staf LPPM dan juga memberikan kemudahan bagi peneliti dan reviewer dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Pada sistem ini, para peneliti meregistrasikan proposalnya secara online. Selanjutnya, staff LPPM melakukan rekap terhadap jumlah proposal pada semua jenis hibah yang ada selanjutnya mendistribusikannya kepada reviewer untuk dinilai. Reviewer memberikan penilaian terhadap proposal yang dikompetisikan secara online. Berdasarkan skor yang diinputkan tersebut, sistem mengolah dan memberikan daftar ranking proposal yang dikompetisikan. Dengan demikian, LPPM diharapkan dapat menjamin akuntabilitas dan transparansi pengelolaan proposal penelitian disamping juga untuk meningkatkan kinerja lembaga. </div