413 research outputs found

    Dynamic Location Modelling in 3D Beamforming for 5G Mobile Communications

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    Mobile communication system is designed to provide reliable communication with more number of services and with low cost among multiple users. Due to limited frequency spectrum and resources, mobile communication requires more development in case of both establishing communication and maintenance in service quality. To fulfill these requirements, 5G mobile communication is being developed to provide high quality reliable communication and quality of service, by using beamforming model. As the trend of next generation mobile communication, 3D directional transmission is considered to give enhanced coverage model and reusability of frequency. Phase arrayed antenna is used in this beamforming model to give orthogonal communication among users. In this paper, a new modeling of beamforming is applied to give a new dimension by considering altitude with potential field strategy. Here phase arrayed antenna is replaced by 3-D smart antenna to improve the performance of 5G mobile communications. Performance evaluation outcomes 3D beamforming leads 2D beamforming in terms of communication delay, and uplink downlink throughput

    The Correlation Study Between Learning Style and Learning Outcome of the First-year Students in Structure Analysis Class at Study Program of English

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    Keywords: Learning Style, VAK Learning Style Model, VAK Learning Style SelfAssessment QuestionnaireLanguage is one of communication device which is used to deliver feeling message, or opinion within society. In learning language, many people are not aware of their own way in learning. Whereas, knowing the style of learning is useful which also influences the learning outcome. Therefore, this study is conducted to investigate learning style used by the students and its correlation on the students\u27 learning outcome. There are two objectives in this study, (1) to find out the learning style used by the first-year students at Study Program of English, and (2) to observe the correlation between learning style and learning outcome of the first-year students at Study Program of English. The writer also states two hypotheses, namely: (1) visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style are found and used by the students of Study Program of English in structure analysis class, and (2) there is a correlation between learning style and learning outcome in the first-year students of Study Program of English.This study uses quantitative approach because the data are in form of number. It is also a correlation study since it tries to find out the correlation between learning style and learning outcome. The writer applies VAK model that divides learning style into visual (V), auditory (A) and kinesthetic (K). VAK Learning Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire is used as the instrument. It is regarded as the most appropriate questionnaire since the writer uses VAK model to find out the students\u27 learning style.The result shows that the students of English Study Program in structure analysis class use three types of learning style. The first type is auditory which is mostly used by the students and it is followed by kinesthetic and visual. Moreover, the writer also finds that the students\u27 learning style influences the final test score. It can be concluded that there is a correlation between learning style on learning outcome. Based on the finding, the first and second hypotheses are accepted.To complete this study, the writer suggests the next researcher to use the different theory, participants and other parameters such as age, gender or personality. The writer also suggests the readers and the students to find out their learning style surely. Besides, the writer suggests the lecturer to give suitable treatment based on the students\u27 learning style

    Validation of a new spectrometer for noninvasive measurement of cardiac output

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    Acetylene is a blood-soluble gas and for many years its uptake rate during rebreathing tests has been used to calculate the flow rate of blood through the lungs (normally equal to cardiac output) as well as the volume of lung tissue. A new, portable, noninvasive instrument for cardiac output determination using the acetylene uptake method is described. The analyzer relies on nondispersive IR absorption spectroscopy as its principle of operation and is configured for extractive (side-stream) sampling. The instrument affords exceptionally fast (30 ms, 10%–90%, 90%–10%, at 500 mL min–1 flow rates), interference-free, simultaneous measurement of acetylene, sulfur hexafluoride (an insoluble reference gas used in the cardiac output calculation), and carbon dioxide (to determine alveolar ventilation), with good (typically ±2% full-scale) signal-to-noise ratios. Comparison tests with a mass spectrometer using serially diluted calibration gas samples gave excellent (R2>0.99) correlation for all three gases, validating the IR system's linearity and accuracy. A similar level of agreement between the devices also was observed during human subject C2H2 uptake tests (at rest and under incremental levels of exercise), with the instruments sampling a common extracted gas stream. Cardiac output measurements by both instruments were statistically equivalent from rest to 90% of maximal oxygen consumption; the physiological validity of the measurements was confirmed by the expected linear relationship between cardiac output and oxygen consumption, with both the slope and intercept in the published range. These results indicate that the portable, low-cost, rugged prototype analyzer discussed here is suitable for measuring cardiac output noninvasively in a point-of-care setting

    Pengaruh Tempering pada Baja St 37 yang Mengalami Karburasi dengan Bahan Padat terhadap Sifat Mekanis dan Struktur Mikro

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    Proses perlakuan panas yang diberikan pada St 37 pada penelitian ini ialah karburasi dengan bahan padat dengan temperatur 900ÂșC selama 2 jam, dilanjutkan proses quenching dengan media oli setelah itu ditemper pada temperatur 150ÂșC, 250ÂșC, 300ÂșC masing-masing selama 1jam. Kemudian dilakukan proses pengujian mekanis dan struktur mikro untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan panas yang diberikan.Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa material yang ditemper pada suhu 150ÂșC memiliki nilai kekuatan tarik tertinggi (su) sebesar 598.53 N/mmÂČ dan nilai kekerasan sebesar 294 HB, sedangkan temperatur tempering 250ÂșC menghasilkan nilai kekuatan tarik terendah (su) yaitu 542.8 N/mmÂČ serta nilai kekerasan sebesar 254.66 HB.Peningkatan mekanis juga dipengaruhi oleh kadar karbon dalam baja, baja yang mengandung unsur karbon lebih banyak menghasilkan sifat mekanis lebih tinggi.Dari hasil pengamatan metalografi masing-masing benda uji terlihat struktur –struktur ferit, pearlit dan martensit

    Pengaruh Hasil Pengelasan Gtaw dan Smaw pada Pelat Baja Sa 516 dengan Kampuh V Tunggal terhadap Kekuatan Tarik, Kekeraan dan Struktur Mikro

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    Mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh hasil pengelasan manual yang berbeda yaitu pengelasan GTAW dengan heat input 1709 J/mm ( gas tungsten arc welding ) dan pengelasan SMAW dengan heat input 1636 J/mm ( shield metal arc welding ) pada pelat baja SA 516 dengan kandungan carbon 0,17 terhadap kekuatan tarik, kekerasan dan struktur mikro. setelah mendapat hasil kekuatan tarik, kekerasan dan struktur mikro pada pengelasan GTAW dan SMAW pada pelat baja SA 516, sample hasil pengelasan GTAW lebih kuat dan lebih keras serta butiran struktur mikronya lebih kasar dibandingkan hasil pengelasan SMAW. Dari hasil pengujian sample hasil pengelasan GTAW mempunyai kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan lebih besar akan tetapi lebih getas dibandingkan sample hasil pengelasan SMAW

    Analisis Karakteristik Material Spoke Wheel Dengan Cast Wheel Pada Pelek Sepeda Motor

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    Pelek merupakan komponen yang penting pada sebuah kedaraan sepeda motor, pelek adalah bagian dari roda yang berfungsi untuk menerima berat dan semua beban (gaya) yang ditimbulkan oleh kondisi jalan. Sehingga diperlukan analisa perbandinga pelek jari jari atau dengan pelek racing. Berdasarkan pada hasil komposisi kimia pada benda uji pelek jari-jari dan pelek racing, pada material pelek jari jari tersebut diklarifikasikan termasuk baja karbon menengah jika dilihat pada nilai karbonnya, dikarenakan nilai karbonnya berkisar antara 0,35% - 0,50% C, sedangkan pada pelek racing lebih banyak menggunakan Alumunium.Pada pelek jari-jari 0,024% C dan 0,014% Si ,unsure silicon dalam baja karbon menengah dapat meningkatkan kekerasan, kemampuan diperkeras secara menyeluruh, tahan panas, tahan aus serta tahan karat, menurunkan kemampuan tempa dan las. Kemudian unsure nikel (Ni) sebesar 0,015% tidak begitu efektif dalam meningkatkan ketahanan panas saat bergesekan dengan rantai. Unsur khrom (Cr) sebesar 0,024% dapat mengontrol struktur butiran pada saat bergesekan, tapi dalam mengontrol struktur butirannya tidak sebagus pelek racing, karena unsur Cr pada pelek racing lebih rendah dari pelek jari-jari. Selanjutnya unsur Mn dan Fe dengan kandungan 0,315% Mn dan 99,48% Fe.Pada penggunaannya pelek jari-jari lebih tahan lama dibandingkan dengan pelek racing, dilihat dari hasil uji kekerasannya yang memiliki nilai lebih tinggi pelek jari-jari

    Implementing Dynamically Evolvable Communication with Embedded Systems through WEB Services

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    Embedded systems that monitor and control safety and mission critical system are communicated with by a HOST located at a remote location through Internet. Such kind of embedded systems are developed to be dynamically evolvable with respect to syntax, semantics, online testing and communication subsystems. All these systems are to be dynamically evolvable and the components needed for evolution are also to be added into the embedded system. Architectural  models describe  various components using which dynamically evolvable sub-systems are realised through implementation by using specific and related technologies. Implementation system describe the platform, code units and the interlacing of various processes/tasks to the elementary level of details. WEB services place an excellent platform for implementing dynamically evolvable  systems due to the use of open standards. This paper presents an implementation system that is related to dynamically evolvable communication and other sub-systems using web services technologies

    Financial And Non Financial Information Of Going-concern Audit Opinion. Informasi Keuangan dan Non Keuangan terhadap Opini Audit Going Concern

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    This study aims to examine whether financial and non financial informationis partially an effect of going-concern audit opinion. Through the method of samplewith purposive sampling technique, obtained a sample of 85 companies listed inIndonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis tools in the form of hypothesis testingis done by logistic regession. Hypothesis testing using the t test which concludedthat the variables with probability value below 0.05 was ADTR (quality audit),PRIOP (the audit opinion the previous year), Debt default, the Z68 (the financialcondition of The Altman Model), Z93 (the financial condition of The RevisedAltman) PROFIT (the financial ratios with profabilitas) significant effect ongoing-concern audit opinion, while the variables with probability value above0.05 is the U.S. (opinion shopping), ZXMIN (financial condition of The ZmijeksiModel), ZSPRINT78 (financial condition of The Spingate Model ), SALGR (growthcompanies), LQ (financial ratios of liquidity), SOL (with the solvency of financialratio), no significant effect on going-concern audit opinion. These results indicatethat the dependent variable explained by independent variables was 86% and theremaining 14% is explained by other variables outside the research model.Keywords: Financial Variables, Variable Non Finance, the Going-concer

    Implementing Syntax Evolution of Embedded Systems

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    Safety critical systems such as nuclear recator systems cannot be shutdown as restrating is a huge process and incurs heavy cost.  The embedded systems which are used for monitoring and controlling the safety critival systems cannot be shut down as well. ES systems which drives safety critical systems must be communicated from remote locations generally through a HOST connected on to Internet. Communication between the HOST and ES system is done using commnd lanaguage which has to be evolved from time to time.  The chnage to the commnd lanauage must be undertaken while the embedded system is up and running, the evolution thus must be dynamic. Many architetcuers have been propsoed in the lieteratuer for evolving  synatx of command lanaguage.The implemntaion of effcient architetcuer as such has not been found in the literatuer without which existing architetcuer as such has no menaing.The paper presntes a set of methods using which the syntax evolution of embedded systems as such can be achived. The synatx evolution methods have been applied to a safety critical system that monitors and controls tempartuers within a Nuclear recator system

    Makna Simbolis dan Nilai Historiswayang Beber Kyai Remeng

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    Kyai Remeng Puppets are a part of beber puppets in Orchard GelaranII, Bejiharjo Countryside, Karang Mojo Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul. This storytells about the incognition of pennon Asamara Bangun as Kyai RemengMangunjaya.This article analyzes the symbolic meaning and historical value oftotally dissapeared puppets. The symbolic aspects which are analyzed in thisresearch cover the activity done by the one who has the intention, role aspuppets, gamelan drummer, and sinden (woman singer with gamelanorchestra).The historical value in this story covers the comparative study of KyaiRemeng Beber Puppets in the past and in the present time. This study isimportant in showing the society participation in conserving the highlyvalued arts
