8 research outputs found

    Carnet de voyage: A Ruskin's legacy on capture and transmission the architectural travel experience

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    Travel notebook (carnet de voyage) is one of the most invaluable legacies of Ruskin from the didactic and formative point of view of architecture. It has remained the preferred medium by which architectural experiences are gathered into memoirs, subsequently finding their way into projects. Travel experiences captured in notebooks are made up by references that have a strong and important impact on the architectural training. This Ruskin’s legacy gives the opportunity to study how architects learn to observe geographic, chromatic, pictorial, perceptual, and sensory phenomena. Collecting experiences and references in a carnet de voyage also involves reflections and analysis of the sites visited, where architects produce an instrument of knowledge for composition, conceptualization and critical reflection, and the learning of architecture today. Through the notebooks of the first formation travels of an English gentleman, it is possible to achieve a lesson of democratization of the journey as it is expanded and diffused for those who possibly do not have the possibility to travel in the same way


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    Il diagramma è uno strumento di ‘mediazione’ del progetto orientato a mettere in scena le modifiche e i cambiamenti sostanziali che si verificano nel corso del processo progettuale. Come parte di un processo analitico, è uno strumento utile a rappresentare il movimento diacronico del progetto in cui convergono fattori di diversa entità: fatti fisici, concettuali e sociali. A fronte di tale complessità il diagramma ha il pregio di presentarsi come una rappresentazione grafica mirata a ridurre la complessità dei fenomeni in figure di immediata comprensibilità. In ambito architettonico il diagramma mostra uno sviluppo storico che lo vede in primo piano nell’architettura modernista e, in particolare, a servizio di quegli orientamenti progettuali che sostengono il primato della funzione sulla forma

    La incidencia del itinerario en el procedimiento proyectual. La experiencia del viaje al África en la composición de la obra de Rogelio Salmona

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    La presente investigación se desarrolla en tres capítulos. El primer capítulo: Viaje y experiencia, expone, desde planteamientos filosóficos, la generalidad de los conceptos de viaje y experiencia para comprenderlos desde la Literatura y la Pintura, hasta profundizar en la Arquitectura. El segundo capítulo: El viaje interior, una experiencia íntima y personal, retoma la relevancia que tiene la experiencia del viaje para el arquitecto Rogelio Salmona hasta llegar a concebir la experiencia de su vida como su propio viaje interior. El tercer y último capítulo: El viaje como experiencia colectiva y compartida, explora, por una parte, la sutil y delicada diferencia que existe entre la experiencia particular del viaje de Rogelio Salmona al norte de África y cómo esa experiencia puede ser colectiva.Maestrí

    Memories of places. Creativity and Reality through the travel experience

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    The travel experience and the idea of collecting places, customs, habits and architectural references through travel notebooks may be one of the oldest (and current) ways in which architects assume the reality of cities, their present-day needs, requirements and contexts. How to store memories of places? How can be useful instruments in the construction of contemporary cities? Beyond technological innovations, how do memories collected in travel notebooks contribute in the way in which cities are constructed within today’s realities and particularities, without losing sight of its geographical, political, social and human context? In most urban places it is possible to recognize distinctive characteristics, and dynamics that inhabitants have established (eating sites, groceries, local businesses, emblematic spots), as well as the way to use collective and urban spaces. These urban transformations can constantly change and must be intertwined with people’ reality, their formal/informal context, habits and customs, but agreed and shared interventions are necessary for a proper guideline of the boundaries encompassing the community. Urban spaces are continuously developed by inhabitants, so their function is not only construction of buildings or public spaces generically, but is based on particular people’s needs, making collective spaces more accessible, proper and social: the reorganization of the barrio, as a living ecosystem. How are memories of places retrieve and re-interpreted in the comprehension of contemporary cities? An attempt to respond is through a comparative case study of two barrios: San Salvario (Torino, Italia), San Antonio (Cali, Colombia). The didactic travel is an opportunity to study how to capture, represent and transmit memories: travel notebooks are the medium by which places are gathered into memoirs. These memoirs are architectural ones, taken from public spaces, cultures and histories of the built environment, but also implies to learn and observe ethnographic, geographic, chromatic, pictorial, perceptual, and sensory phenomena. Collecting places in memories involves reflections and analysis of sites and cities. This paper argues that travel as a didactic experience and formative instrument, manages to transcend subjectivity. Besides creating awareness to appreciate architecture, cities and cultures, travel’s role is its restitution, written or drawn, in the construction of a critical and pedagogical view of the cit

    Il primo viaggio dell'architetto: un taccuino macchina

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    Un protagonista che si ritrova con alcuni autori letterari nel confino causato da un virus inaspettato, mentre rivede i disegni di un quaderno di viaggio che è, a sua volta, il suo viaggio