1,930 research outputs found

    Virtual photon structure functions and positivity constraints

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    We study the three positivity constraints among the eight virtual photon structure functions, derived from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and which are hence model-independent. The photon structure functions obtained from the simple parton model show quite different behaviors in a massive quark or a massless quark case, but they satisfy, in both cases, the three positivity constraints. We then discuss an inequality which holds among the unpolarized and polarized photon structure functions F1ÎłF_1^\gamma, g1Îłg_1^\gamma and WTTτW_{TT}^\tau, in the kinematic region Λ2â‰ȘP2â‰ȘQ2\Lambda^2\ll P^2 \ll Q^2, where −Q2(−P2)-Q^2 (-P^2) is the mass squared of the probe (target) photon, and we examine whether this inequality is satisfied by the perturbative QCD results.Comment: 24 pages, 13 eps figure

    Security of quantum cryptography using balanced homodyne detection

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    In this paper we investigate the security of a quantum cryptographic scheme which utilizes balanced homodyne detection and weak coherent pulse (WCP). The performance of the system is mainly characterized by the intensity of the WCP and postselected threshold. Two of the simplest intercept/resend eavesdropping attacks are analyzed. The secure key gain for a given loss is also discussed in terms of the pulse intensity and threshold.Comment: RevTeX4, 8pages, 7 figure

    Reduction of the Superfluid Density in the Vortex-Liquid Phase of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy

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    In-plane complex surface impedance of a Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy single crystal was measured in the mixed state at 40.8 GHz.The surface reactance, which is proportional to the real part of the effective penetration depth, increased rapidly just above the first-order vortex-lattice melting transition field and the second magnetization peak field.This increase is ascribed to the decrease in the superfluid density rather than the loss of pinning.This result indicates that the vortex melting transition changes the electronic structure as well as the vortex structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Attacks on quantum key distribution protocols that employ non-ITS authentication

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    We demonstrate how adversaries with unbounded computing resources can break Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols which employ a particular message authentication code suggested previously. This authentication code, featuring low key consumption, is not Information-Theoretically Secure (ITS) since for each message the eavesdropper has intercepted she is able to send a different message from a set of messages that she can calculate by finding collisions of a cryptographic hash function. However, when this authentication code was introduced it was shown to prevent straightforward Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks against QKD protocols. In this paper, we prove that the set of messages that collide with any given message under this authentication code contains with high probability a message that has small Hamming distance to any other given message. Based on this fact we present extended MITM attacks against different versions of BB84 QKD protocols using the addressed authentication code; for three protocols we describe every single action taken by the adversary. For all protocols the adversary can obtain complete knowledge of the key, and for most protocols her success probability in doing so approaches unity. Since the attacks work against all authentication methods which allow to calculate colliding messages, the underlying building blocks of the presented attacks expose the potential pitfalls arising as a consequence of non-ITS authentication in QKD-postprocessing. We propose countermeasures, increasing the eavesdroppers demand for computational power, and also prove necessary and sufficient conditions for upgrading the discussed authentication code to the ITS level.Comment: 34 page

    Complete Next to Leading Order QCD Corrections to the Photon Structure Functions F2Îł(x,Q2)F^\gamma_2(x,Q^2) and FLÎł(x,Q2)F_L^\gamma(x,Q^2)

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    We present the complete NLO QCD analysis of the photon structure functions F2Îł(x,Q2)F_2^\gamma(x,Q^2) and FLÎł(x,Q2)F_L^\gamma(x,Q^2) for a real photon target. In particular we study the heavy flavor content of the structure functions which is due to two different production mechanisms, namely collisions of a virtual photon with a real photon, and with a parton. We observe that the charm contributions are noticeable for F2Îł(x,Q2)F_2^\gamma(x,Q^2) as well as FLÎł(x,Q2)F_L^\gamma(x,Q^2) in the x-region studied.Comment: Latex 34 pages, 24 figures, uuencoded, attached at end, ITP-SB-93-46, FERMILAB-Pub-93/240-T, SMU HEP 93-1

    Aspects of Two-Photon Physics at Linear e+e- Colliders

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    We discuss various reactions at future e+e- and gamma-gamma colliders involving real (beamstrahlung or backscattered laser) or quasi--real (bremsstrahlung) photons in the initial state and hadrons in the final state. The production of two central jets with large pT is described in some detail; we give distributions for the rapidity and pT of the jets as well as the di--jet invariant mass, and discuss the relative importance of various initial state configurations and the uncertainties in our predictions. We also present results for `mono--jet' production where one jet goes down a beam pipe, for the production of charm, bottom and top quarks, and for single production of W and Z bosons. Where appropriate, the two--photon processes are compared with annihilation reactions leading to similar final states. We also argue that the behaviour of the total inelastic gamma-gamma cross section at high energies will probably have little impact on the severity of background problems caused by soft and semi--hard (`minijet') two--photon reactions. We find very large differences in cross sections for all two--photon processes between existing designs for future e+e- colliders, due to the different beamstrahlung spectra; in particular, both designs with >1 events per bunch crossing exist.Comment: 51 pages, 13 figures(not included

    Inhomogeneous superconductivity in organic conductors: role of disorder and magnetic field

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    Several experimental studies have shown the presence of spatially inhomogeneous phase coexistence of superconducting and non superconducting domains in low dimensional organic superconductors. The superconducting properties of these systems are found to be strongly dependent on the amount of disorder introduced in the sample regardless of its origin. The suppression of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c shows clear discrepancy with the result expected from the Abrikosov-Gor'kov law giving the behavior of TcT_c with impurities. Based on the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory, we derive a model to account for the striking feature of TcT_c in organic superconductors for different types of disorder by considering the segregated texture of the system. We show that the calculated TcT_c quantitatively agrees with experiments. We also focus on the role of superconducting fluctuations on the upper critical fields Hc2H_{c2} of layered superconductors showing slab structure where superconducting domains are sandwiched by non-superconducting regions. We found that Hc2H_{c2} may be strongly enhanced by such fluctuations.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Suppression of superconductivity by non-magnetic disorder in organic superconductor Îș\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu(NCS)2_{2}

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    The suppression of superconductivity by nonmagnetic disorder is investigated systematically in the organic superconductor Îș\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu(NCS)2_2. We introduce a nonmagnetic disorder arising from molecule substitution in part with deuterated BEDT-TTF or BMDT-TTF for BEDT-TTF molecules and molecular defects introduced by X-ray irradiation. A quantitative evaluation of the scattering time τdHvA\tau_{\rm dHvA} is carried out by de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect measurement. A large reduction in TcT_{\rm c} with a linear dependence on 1/τdHvA1/\tau_{\rm dHvA} is found in the small-disorder region below 1/τdHvA≃1/\tau_{\rm dHvA} \simeq 1 ×\times 1012^{12} s−1^{-1} in both the BMDT-TTF molecule-substituted and X-ray-irradiated samples. The observed linear relation between TcT_{\rm c} and 1/τdHvA1/\tau_{\rm dHvA} is in agreement with the Abrikosov-Gorkov (AG) formula, at least in the small-disorder region. This observation is reasonably consistent with the unconventional superconductivity proposed thus far for the present organic superconductor. A deviation from the AG formula, however, is observed in the large-disorder region above 1/τdHvA≃1/\tau_{\rm dHvA} \simeq 1 ×\times 1012^{12} s−1^{-1}, which reproduces the previous transport study (J. G. Analytis {\it et al.}: Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 96} (2006) 177002). We present some interpretations of this deviation from the viewpoints of superconductivity and the inherent difficulties in the evaluation of scattering time.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Coadministration of Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Angiopoietin-1 Enhances Vascularization and Reduces Ventricular Remodeling in the Infarcted Myocardium of Type 1 Diabetic Rats

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    OBJECTIVE - Hyperglycemia impairs angiogenesis in response to ischemia, leading to ventricular remodeling. Although the effects of overexpressing angiogenic growth factors have been studied in inducing angiogenesis, the formation of functional vessels remains a challenge. The present study evaluates the reversal of diabetes-mediated impairment of angiogenesis in the infarcted diabetic rat myocardium by proangiogenic gene therapy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Ad.VEGF and Ad.Ang1 were intramyocardially administered in combination immediately after myocardial infarction to nondiabetic and diabetic rats. Ad.LacZ was similarly administered to the respective control groups. The hearts were excised for molecular and immunohistochemical analysis at predetermined time points. The myocardial function was measured by echocardiography 30 days after the intervention. RESULTS - We observed reduced fibrosis and increased capillary/arteriolar density along with reduced ventricular remodeling, as assessed by echocardiography in the treated diabetic animals compared with the nontreated diabetic controls. We also observed increased phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase-2, 2 days after the treatment and increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Flk-1, angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), Tie-2, and survivin, 4 days after treatment in the diabetic animals. Gel shift analysis revealed that the combination gene therapy stimulated the DNA binding activity of nuclear factor-ÎșB in the diabetic animals. CONCLUSIONS - Our preclinical data demonstrate the efficacy of coadministration of adenoviral VEGF and Ang-1 in increasing angiogenesis and reducing ventricular remodeling in the infarcted diabetic myocardium. These unique results call for the initiation of a clinical trial to assess the efficacy of this therapeutic strategy in the treatment of diabetes-related human heart failure
