19 research outputs found


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    Mutu campuran aspal sangat dipengaruhi kualitas material asal. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji kelaikan gradasi material yang tersedia dipasar. Perancangan gradasi aspal porus dilakukan dengan Metode Pemampatan Maksimum (MPK) menggunakan material lokal: Agregat A (12,7 s/d 9,5 mm) Agregat B (9,5 s/d 4,75 mm) Agregat C (4,75 s/d 2,8 mm), Agregat D (2,8 s/d 0,5 mm) dan Filler 4%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Gradasi Lab Jalan Raya-Sebelas Maret (LJR-Semar) dengan proporsi agregat (%) A: 16,32; B: 16,32; C: 48,96 dan D: 14,40 serta filler: 4. Validasi campuran menggunakan metode Marshall didapatkan nilai kadar aspal optimum 4%, nilai porositas 30,30%, nilai Stabilitas 453,82 kg, Nilai Flow 2,67mm, Unconfined Compressive Strength 2007,50 kPa, Cantabriant Test 58,71%. Kata kunci : densitas,Metode Pemampatan Maksimum, porosita

    Ubahan Indlkator Dan Regresi Linter

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    Penyehatan rumah

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    Kesehatan - Ruma

    Perencanaan Gradasi Aspal Porus Menggunakan Material Lokal Dengan Metode Pemampatan Kering

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    The quality of asphalt mixture is strongly influenced by its row materials. This study was carried out in order to assess the suitability of material gradation which was ready in market. The gradation design of the porous asphalt with maximum compression method\ (MCM), applies local material : aggregate A(9 to 12,7 mm); aggregate B (4,75 to 9 mm); aggregate C ( 2,8 to 4,75mm) aggregate D(0,5 to 2,8 mm) and filler. The research resulted that the gradation called “LJR-Semar” with proportion of aggregate (%) A: 16,32; B: 16,32; C: 48,96 and D:14,40 and Filler: 4. Validation of mixture with Marshall Test, obtained 453,83 kg of mixture stability with 4% of optimum asphalt content, 30,30% of mixture porosity; 2,67 mm of flow; 2007,50 kPa of unconfined compressive strength and 58,71 % of Cantabrian test


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    Abstrak Beberapa riset di luar negeri menghasilkan model-model yang menunjukkan ketika konsistensi desain geometri diperhatikan maka keselamatan lalu lintas akan meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi ketidakkonsistenan desain alinyemen horisontal pada daerah blackspot di tikungan dan mengembangkan model yang menjelaskan hubungan salah satu aspek kon- sistensi desain geometri jalan raya yaitu alinyemen horizontal dan kecepatan operasional dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalulintas. Pembentukan model dimaksudkan lebih sesuai untuk kondisi geometri jalan dan kecepatan operasional kendaraan di Indo- nesia. Akuisisi data sekunder kecelakaan akan dievaluasi untuk melihat interaksinya dengan kondisi alinyemen horizontal daerah blackspot. Data kecelakaan sebagai variable terikat, volume lalulintas harian rata-rata; panjang dan radius lengkung sebagai variabel bebas, didapat dari instansi yang berwenang. Sementara itu, karena keterbatasan data sekunder, data panjang dan radius pada beberapa tikungan perlu diukur secara langsung dengan survei geodesi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ketidak konsistenan desain geometri khususnya desain alinyemen horisontal segmen jalan yang ditinjau. Model yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecelakaan akan turun jika radius tikungan lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata radius tikungan dari segmen jalan tinjauan. Kata kunci: Keamanan, konsistensi desain geometri, panjang tikungan, sudut tikungan Abstract Geometric design consistency studies can be used to identify inconsistent section on highway, which can be targeted for improvement. The objectives of this study are to identify inconsistency of design of horizontal alignment and to develop relationship between design consistency of horizontal alignment and road safety. Accidents data, average annual daily traffic, length and curve radii were extracted from the government database. Some of curves in Semarang – Solo km 59 - 86, however, had to be field investigated by on site measuring because the lack of geometric data. The results show that most of the sections in the location studied is classified as inconsistence. It is also shown that accident frequency decreases when the radius of a given section is significantly higher than the average radius. Keywords: Geometric design consistency, length of curve, radius of curve, safet

    Pengukuran Sifat Permeabilitas Campuran Porous Asphalt

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    Porous asphalt was developed to drain pavement surface flow through its pores, because of its specific properties. To measure its ability to drain the water (permeability), a special measuring device is required. This study is aimed to measure the coefficient of permeability using the fallinghead permeability test developed at Highway Laboratory, Sebelas Maret University. The results were compared with the previous study. The test included horizontal and vertical permeabilities. Three types of gradation were incorporated ie: British Gradation (BS), Non British Gradation (Black Valey Route / BVR) and Australian Gradation. The tests were carried out at optimum bitumen content. The result shows that the vertical permeability of Porous Asphalt using BS, BVR and Australian Gradation were: 0.0924, 0.2942 and 0.2918 cm/sec, respectively. Meanwhile for horizontal permeability were 0.1170, 0.3131, 0.2979 cm/sec, for BS, BVR and Australian Gradation respectively. The Marshall stabilities were at in contrary to the permeabilities, the porosity were comparable to the permeabilities. The similarity of the graph indicated that the permeability apparatus was quite sensitive to the measurement conducted

    Sabun n.n. diethyl toluamine sebagai pencegah gigitan nyamuk

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    ABSTRAK A study on the effect of N.N. Diethyl Toluamine to minimize mosquito\u27s beating has done. N.N. Diethyl Tolu amine in some special concentrations (0%, 10% and 15%) are mixed with soap. Respondent are selected among people of malaria\u27s endemic area in Yogyakarta. Respondents are advised to take a bath using N.N. Diethyl soap for Toluamine soap for three days. Mosquito\u27s landing rate, N.N. Diethyl Toluamine concentrations, and many other tools which are used to protect mosquito\u27s beatings are taken into account. Finding shows that N.N. Diethyl Toluamine tend to minimize mosquito\u27s landing rate or mosquito\u27s beating, although there are many aspects that need to take into account carefully. Key Words : NN. Diethyl Toluamine, endemic malaria, mosquito\u27s landing rate, field epidemiology, N.N. Diethyl Toluamine Soap

    Dampak Kolam Renang Terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Abstrak Ada beberapa kolam renang di Yogyakarta, terutama di wilayah urban, yang digunakan oleh anak-anak, atlet, murid-murid sekolah dan lain-lain untuk berbagai tujuan. Kondisi kolam renang- tersebut yang berkaitan dengan masalah kesehatan masyarakat adalah kualitas microbiologi. Masalah kedua adalah dampaknya terhadap kesehatan pemakai, dan ketiga adalah menajemen yang meliputi sirkulasi air, pengolahan air (baik secara kimia maupun fisik), dan sanitasi lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya perbaikan pengelolaan yang telah dilaksanakan belum berhasil dengan baik. Hal ini terbukti dengan masih dijumpainya beberapa dampak terhadap pengguna, misalnya penurunan kualitas air dan perubahan pola penyakit para perenang. Kesimpulannya ialah bahwa masih diperlukan upaya-upaya untuk menguji dan mengevaluasi dampak kegiatan kolam renang di Yogyakarta dengan tujuan akhir urituk memperbaiki tingkat kesehatan masyarakat

    Kandungan Bakteri Patogen Dalam air Cucian Dan Profil Pembeli Makanan Minuman Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kotamadya Yogyakarta tahun 1999

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    Food Comsumption in Yogyakarta is a very important aspect that need to be studied carefully. Firstly, Yogyakarta is a lourisme City and Secondly, Yogyakarta is an education city where there are many students are learning. Therefore, here food consumption and food consumer are necessary to be studied very deeply. The result of this research shows that the quality of providers habit in preparing food is quite low, for instance the use of contamination water and therefore the number of E. coil and other microbiologyâ Parameters are quite high. Key words : - Food - Environment. - Urban - Healt