91 research outputs found

    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) after bevacizumab therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer.

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    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is an increasingly recognizable neuro-clinical syndrome. Clinical and neurological manifestations of PRES include hypertension, headache, encephalopathy, seizures, and symmetrical white matter changes on brain MRI. Most common precipitants of PRES are acute medical illness, hypertensive crisis, eclampsia, immunosuppressive therapy, and chemotherapy. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that halts angiogenesis by inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor. It has gained widespread popularity in oncology world especially for metastatic and recurrent cancers due to its inherent ability to stop angiogenesis; a vital step for tumor growth. Bevacizumab has also been implicated as the cause of PRES due to dysregulation of the blood-brain barrier. We are reporting a case of PRES induced by Bevacizumab in a patient of colorectal cancer

    Exploring Correlation between Highway Intersection Capacity and Traffic Parameters

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    The key role of this research is a comparison between traditional strategic transport modelling of intersections of a road network with the real-time observed and calculated data. The significance of this research is to evaluate the traditional strategic transport modelling on mesoscopic level, which able to study the network level impacts of smaller traffic engineering and traffic management interventions in a precise way. This research attempts to quantify the correlation between highway intersection capacity and traffic parameters, for this there is a need to determine the capacity values of different node types. This situation gives rise to a question that is dealt with in this research. "How different traffic parameters can be interrelated with the capacity of intersections by using different simulations?". This paper used assignment procedure, and usage of real-time data set with the calibration of Budapest Transport Model. Five contiguous intersections are selected on a small section of road network and traffic data was collected on them. The intersections are simulated by the assignment of intersection capacity analysis (ICA) method. During analysis of traffic parameters, the actual values of saturation flow rate are quite different from the base model value, which results in different capacities of all nodes. Comparisons have been made between the travel times at zones, links, and nodes' levels while each comparison demonstrates a huge difference in actual traffic survey data model and base model. It has been concluded from the analysis that Budapest base transport model is very far from reality

    Language and communication patterns in Universities in Pakistan: creating some sort of differentiation and division among people

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    This research paper looks at the language and communication patterns followed in different universities of Pakistan. What the paper aimed to explore and found answers to. Every country happens to have a distinct language culture which is represented by the majority of its population. Although, it is not possible to claim that University students form the largest chunk of Pakistan's population. Nonetheless, it would not be incorrect that these are the members of society who have been fully initiated in to the secondary level of language socialisation. They therefore, rightly depict the present-day association with language. The linguistic dilemma as faced by a country whose constitution declares that Urdu is the National language but, has several regional languages. On top of those indigenous tongues is English which, is propagated by the global need for its acceptance and to great extent by Elite of Pakistan. Hence, in this brewing hotpot of culture and linguistic heritage deciphering which language truly prevails becomes, an eminent question. The researchers have tried to provide insights and solution concerning the observation they have made regarding, the linguistic loophole in a multilingual society

    Incivility Within and Beyond Classrooms: Exploring the Perceptions of Targets, Instigators, and Observers

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    This study aimed at understanding the perceptions of female students who had experienced or witnessed incivility by faculty, and instigated incivility in or out of the classroom and how it affected them. Through the application of a phenomenological and qualitative approach, data were collected from eight (8) female business administration students from public sector universities of Quetta, Pakistan. The findings of the study revealed that female students experienced and witnessed faculty incivility within and beyond the classrooms, which included harassment, character assassination, and humiliation characterized as intense behaviors of faculty. These encounters of faculty incivility resulted in psychological distress like depression, interrupted sleeping patterns, and fear. Furthermore, the findings concerning instigated incivility exhibited that those female students who misbehaved with their instructors were distressed and wanted to quit their studies. The results of this study would be helpful for the university administration to develop policies to combat incivility in educational institutions

    Bank Specific and Macroeconomic Determinants Impact on Banks Profitability: Evidence from Asian Countries

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    Purpose: The study purpose is to check the bank-specific and macroeconomic determinants impact on commercial banks of Asian countries and also study explore the areas need to be focused by bank management to improve management efficiency

    Tolerance of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Genotypes to Drought Stress at Vegetative Stage

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    Background: Hibiscus sabdariffa L. is an important medicinal and fiber plant in Sudan. Among other stresses, drought extremely limits the growth, quality and net yield of the crop. The drought effects the crop plants by imposing certain morphological, physiological and biochemical changes at different periods of growth.Methods: Current study was carried out in greenhouse settings at Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB) to investigate the effects of drought stress. Five (5) different genotypes of Hibiscus Sabdariffa L., namely Baladimostadir (H1), Um shiak (H2), Abu shankal (H3), Rahad mix (H4) and Abu Najma (H5) were studied. Thirty (30) days old Roselle seedlings were drought stressed for 10 days and its implications on plant growth, gas exchange, water relation, chlorophyll content and proline accumulation were estimated. Substantial genotypic differences in their adaptive response to drought were observed.Results: Drought stress significantly affected the plant height; lowered the relative gas exchange efficiency and altered the physiological and biochemical responses.  In comparison with others, H2 and H4 genotypes tolerated the osmotic stress well with lower osmotic potential and higher osmotic adjustment, better water content, higher stomatal conductance, photosynthetic efficiency and chlorophyll content. Accumulation of osmoprotectant and gas exchange indicators clearly distinguished the responses of different genotypes towards water stress.Conclusion: Our results can be used for evaluation, screening, and manipulations of Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. genotypes for improvement of drought tolerance through conventional breeding or drought responsive gene isolation

    Characterization of cypermethrin degrading bacteria: A hidden micro flora for biogeochemical cycling of xenobiotics

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     Background: Cypermethrin is a Synthetic Pyrethroid (SP) having widespread applications in agriculture and industrial sector especially in sheep dip formulations and tanneries. Rhizoremediation offers a sustainable, environment-friendly and cost-effective means to carry out remediation of contaminated soils.Methods: Six bacterial strains were screened out and characterized at various doses of cypermethrin, heavy metal salts and antibiotics. The optimum growth conditions were determined for these bacterial isolates. The degradation of cypermethrin was confirmed through the growth of bacteria on minimal media (BHB) with cypermethrin and thin layer chromatographic analysis; retention factor values (Rf) were calculated and compared with standard Rf values.Results: Growth curve experiments revealed that three bacterial isolates were able to grow in the presence of cypermethrin. Tolerance to the high concentration of heavy metal salts (300µgmL-1) and resistance towards different antibiotics was observed in all three bacterial isolates indicating a positive correlation between pesticide degradation and tolerance to metals and antibiotics. Bacterial strains A-C1 and B-B2 were identified as Xanthomonas maltophilia and B-C2 as Acinetobacter sp. Cypermethrin degradation occurred concomitant with bacterial growth reaching an optical density (OD600) up to 0.869.Conclusion: Microbes present in rhizosphere have potential to mineralize the pesticides. A significant biodegradation of the cypermethrin was observed based on above mentioned lab parameters. These results paved the way for designing a multi-resistant bacterium that can be used to reverse the altered environment

    Expectations in a Marriage Proposal: A Gender-Based Comparison in Pakistan

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    To determine the differences in expectations of males and females regarding marriage proposals. It was a cross-sectional study conducted in Karachi. Young people aged between 18 and 45 years were enrolled in the study. An online questionnaire was circulated through a convenience sampling technique. Our sample had 456 participants with n=294 64.5% females. N=387 84.9% were between 18-25 years of age. N=292 64% did not have a preference regarding spouse’s skin tone but n=269 59.0% preferred a taller spouse. Body type was a considerable factor for n=227 49.8%. N=309 67.8% preferred their partner to have a job, own a business and have a career. Love marriage was preferred by n=194 42.5%. Majority of the sample (58.1%) did not have a preference in terms of ethnicity but n=193 42.2% wanted a spouse from the same sect, denomination or caste. N=357 78.3% were against dowry. 52% of the participants said their choices were influenced by societal norms and culture to some extent. Four most important personality traits in a potential spouse were loyalty (75.7%), respect (62.7%), maturity (49.3%) and honesty (46.5%). The findings of this study are reflective of our community and culture as the majority of individuals are under societal influence. Moreover, their preference in traits emphasizes mutual understanding as opposed to physical characteristics. An adequate understanding of an individual's expectations from a marriage proposal decreases the risk of psychological distress associated with the relationship

    Pattern of Thrombocytopenia In Pregnancy At Teaching Hospital Of Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan

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    Background:  Platelet count less than 150 × 109 / L is referred to as thrombocytopenia, which is the second common blood disorder in pregnancy after anemia. Although pregnancy is related with physiological variations in platelet count, however, several pathological conditions also cause thrombocytopenia showing significant impact on health of mother and her baby. The prevalence of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy is 7 to 11%. The physiological thrombocytopenia is multifactorial, related to hemodilution, increased platelet consumption and increased platelet aggregation. Objective: To determine the pattern of thrombocytopenia during third trimester of pregnancy in Rahim Yar Khan. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was carried out at Teaching Hospital of Rahim Yar Khan with effect from May 16, 2022 to September 30, 2022. Five hundred (500) pregnant females in their third trimester were the part of this study. All the study subjects were selected from the department of gynecology and obstetrics at Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan which is a renowned teaching hospital of the region attached with Sheikh Zayed Medical College. Data collection was done on a pre-designed questionnaire. Sample of blood was taken in EDTA and Gel containing vacutainers by convenient sampling technique. Results: The frequency of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy was found 10.4%. Gestational thrombocytopenia was the most common type among thrombocytopenic pregnancies with frequency of 63.46% in comparison to pre-eclampsia 30.76%, HELLP Syndrome 3.80% and immune thrombocytopenic purpura 1.90%. The mean age of pregnant women was observed 27.53±5 years. There is no significant difference in number of thrombocytopenic patients from rural and urban areas (p=0.2). Conclusion: The frequency of thrombocytopenia during the third trimester of pregnancy is observed high, so the regular screening is necessary to avoid any adverse outcome. Specially the patients with Pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome should be monitored critically.   Key words: Platelet Count, Thrombocytopenia in Pregnancy, Types of Thrombocytopenia, Pre-Eclampsi


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    Marketing is considered to be one of the most critical tasks for minor plus medium-sized enterprises in terms of growth as well as development, but it is also considered to be the biggest challenge for SMEs. Shortage of possessions, expertise and expertise, it is hard for SMEs to carry out traditional marketing activities. As a result, working in an atmosphere of aggregate dynamics, turbulence and competitiveness means that entrepreneurs with innovative creative concepts and attitudes, such as Entrepreneurial Marketing, have to overcome and modify conventional marketing principles (EM). When conventional marketing does not support small and medium enterprises (SME) then here is A new area of exploration that initiated by combination of marketing and entrepreneurship is Entrepreneurial marketing. The main purpose of this essay is the notion that can be found in literature like types, dimensions of Entrepreneurial marketing and major differences b/w Entrepreneurial marketing and conventional marketing. It also give a brief view about the history of basis of different new fields and in the last it focuses on the significance of small and medium enterprise with reference to the modern standard. The main objective of this study is to provide guideline to small and medium enterprises and give suggestion to them about future research direction in the same field
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