11 research outputs found

    Study of deuterium plasma interaction with a tungsten target within RPI-IBIS facility

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    The paper presents results of experimental research on the interaction of a pulsed plasma-ion stream with a tungsten (W) target. The pulsed deuterium plasma was produced within the RPI-IBIS (Multi-Rod Plasma Injector) facility at IPJ in Swierk. Measurements were carried out by means of optical spectroscopy and corpuscular diagnostic techniques. Structural changes in the irradiated targets were investigated with a SEM. Before experiments with the W-target there were determined operational conditions, when clean deuterium plasma streams can be generated. For that purpose a so-called “slow or PID (Plasma Ion Deposition) mode” of the RPI-IBIS operation was chosen. Particular attention was paid to the identification of spectral lines from WI and WII species. The obtained results, i.e. optical spectra and other characteristics have demonstrated applicability of the RPI-IBIS facility for research on the interaction of plasma streams with W-targets, e.g. those constituting some internal parts of fusion facilities.Представлено результати експериментальних досліджень по взаємодії імпульсного плазмово-іонного потоку з вольфрамовою мішенню. Імпульсні дейтерієві потоки плазми генерувались в СПІ-ІБІС (стержневий плазмовий інжектор), який знаходиться в ІЯП у Шверку. Виміри проводились за допомогою оптичної спектроскопії та корпускулярної діагностики. Структурні зміни облучаємої мішені досліджувались за допомогою SEM. Перед експериментами з вольфрамовою мішенню визначались робочі умови, коли генерувались чисті дейтерієві плазмові потоки. Був вибраний так званий режим “повільний або PID-моди” (плазмового іонного осадження). Частична увага приділялась ідентифікації спектральних ліній WI та WII. Отримані результати, оптичні спектри та інші характеристики, продемонстрували можливість застосовувати установку СПІ-ІБІС для досліджень взаємодії плазмових потоків з W-мішенню, які складають деякі внутрішні частини термоядерного реактору.Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований по взаимодействию импульсного плазменно-ионного потока с вольфрамовой мишенью. Импульсные дейтериевые потоки плазмы генерировались внутри СПИ-ИБИС (стержневой плазменный инжектор), который расположен в ИЯП в Шверке. Измерения проводились с помощью оптической спектроскопии и корпускулярной диагностики. Структурные изменения облучаемой мишени исследовались с помощью SEM. Перед экспериментами с вольфрамовой мишенью определялись рабочие условия, когда генерировались чистые дейтериевые плазменные потоки. Для этой цели был выбран так называемый режим “медленной или PID-моды” (плазменного ионного осаждения). Частичное внимание уделялось идентификации спектральных линий WI и WII. Полученные результаты, оптические спектры и другие характеристики, продемонстрировали применимость установки СПИ-ИБИС для исследований взаимодействия плазменных потоков с W-мишенью, которые составляют некоторые внутренние части термоядерного реактора

    Radiation synthesis of silver nano- and microparticles in cellulose fibers

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    Polymer nanocomposites containing metal nanoparticles have attracted a great interest due to their unique chemical and physical properties. “Green” chemistry promotes application of natural fibers in such structures, among them cellulose is one of the most frequently used. However, cellulose fabric have ability to absorb moisture, so under certain conditions of humidity and temperature they can be subjected to microbial attack. One of the most popular and best known antibacterial agents is silver, which serves as a potential antibacterial material acting against an exceptionally broad spectrum of bacteria including activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were grown at the cellulose fibers surface by direct reduction of AgNO3 with electron beam (EB) application. Nanocomposites obtained according to the method described in the text were investigated with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope with back-scattered electrons detector (SEM-BSE) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) as well as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in order to determine influence of different size silver particles on fibers thermal properties

    Studies on magnetron-sputtered zirconium-silicide coatings deposited on zirconium alloy for the enhancement of their high-temperature oxidation resistance

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    Zirconium alloys used widely in nuclear industry as fuel claddings are prone to violent oxidation in water steam atmosphere in the case of loss of coolant accident (LOCA). Accompanying generation of large quantities of heat and explosive gaseous hydrogen may lead to destruction of nuclear core. As the safety of nuclear installations is of primary importance, intensive research works are conducted on the development of so-called accident tolerant fuels much less prone to oxidation. In this paper, the application of external zirconium-silicide coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering is proposed. The preliminary results of their synthesis and studies of air oxidation properties at elevated temperatures are presented

    Studies on magnetron-sputtered zirconium-silicide coatings deposited on zirconium alloy for the enhancement of their high-temperature oxidation resistance

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    Zirconium alloys used widely in nuclear industry as fuel claddings are prone to violent oxidation in water steam atmosphere in the case of loss of coolant accident (LOCA). Accompanying generation of large quantities of heat and explosive gaseous hydrogen may lead to destruction of nuclear core. As the safety of nuclear installations is of primary importance, intensive research works are conducted on the development of so-called accident tolerant fuels much less prone to oxidation. In this paper, the application of external zirconium-silicide coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering is proposed. The preliminary results of their synthesis and studies of air oxidation properties at elevated temperatures are presented

    Structure and Composition of Scales Formed on AISI 316 L Steel Alloyed with Ce/La Using High Intensity Plasma Pulses after Oxidation in 1000°C

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    It is well documented that the high oxygen affinity elements such as Y, Ce, La, Er and other rare earth elements added to steel in small amounts can improve their high temperature oxidation resistance. Rare earth elements can be either alloyed during the steel making process or introduced through surface treatment techniques. Improvement of high temperature oxidation resistance of AISI 316 L steel by incorporation Ce and La elements into its near surface region using high intensity pulsed plasma beams in so-called deposition by the pulse erosion mode was investigated in the present work. The samples were irradiated with 3 short (μs scale) intense (energy density 3J//cm23 J//cm^2) plasma pulses. Heating and cooling processes occur under non-equilibrium conditions. In all samples the near surface layer of the thickness in μm range was melted and simultaneously doped with cerium and lanthanum. The modified samples were oxidized at 1000°C for 100 h in air. The obtained effects were: oxide scales formed on the treated samples were more fine-grained, compact and adhering better that those formed on the un-treated samples

    Metabolic and immune response of young turkeys originating from parent flocks fed diets with inorganic or organic selenium

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    The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis that the health and growth of turkey poults may be improved by supplementing diets fed to parent flocks with available selenium. Experimental poults originated from parent flocks fed with diets containing 0.3 mg/kg inorganic selenium (control group SeM) and organic selenium (experimental group SeO). Egg yolk selenium content was comparable in both flocks (0.72 and 0.70 mg/kg d.m., respectively). Eggs from the SeO flock had a significantly lower content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS (31.13 vs. 53.10 nmol/g, p > 0.001). SeO group poults were characterized by higher activity of glutathione peroxidase (7.54 vs. 5.92 U/mL, P = 0.001) and superoxide dismutase (89.30 vs. 79.23 U/mL, P = 0.026). The thigh muscles of SeO group birds had significantly higher selenium concentrations (0.74 vs. 0.57, p = 0.045) and a significantly lower TBARS content (38.42 vs. 65.01, p = 0.001). No differences were found between the groups with respect to the content of total protein, albumins and uric acid, and the activites of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (DLH) in day-old poults. On day 28, groups SeO and SeM differed in the activity of ALT (20.50 vs. 26.33, p = 0.05) and SOD (87.29 vs. 100.02 U/mL, p = 0.035). There were no differences between the groups regarding the percentages of T lymphocyte subpopulations CD4+, CD8+, CD4+CD8+ and B lymphocyte subpopulations (IgM+) at 1 and 28 days of age. Over the experimental period, mortality rates were similar in both groups (7.32 and 8.87%), and so were the final body weights of birds (1108 vs. 1135 g). The results of the study show that the dietary supplementation of organic selenium in turkey parent flocks reduces the rate of oxidation processes in the egg and in the tissues of newly-hatched poults, yet it has no effect on the analyzed parameters of cell-mediated immunity and the growth performance of birds during the first five weeks of their life


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    The aim of this paper was to study the effects of the Allzyme SSF ® (ASSF) (Alltech Inc.)) in feed for broiler chickens and laying hens on the production results and economic effects. The first experiment comprised 1200 broiler chickens divided into 4 treatments: 1. Positive control; 2. Positive control with the addition of 0.02% of ASSF; 3. Negative control (containing 0.3 MJ of energy, 0.1% of adoptable P and 0.1% Ca less than in the treatment 1). 4. Negative control with the addition of 0.02% of ASSF. By the application of the enzyme the positive effects on the growth and feed conversion were obtained both in standard mixtures and the mixtures of decreased nutritive value. The economic analysis indicated that the improvement, brought about by the natural additive ASSF, exceeds the costs of its application. In the second trial with laying hens the treatments were as follows: A. Control; B. Control (as A) + 150 g/t ASSF instead of phytase; C. Reformulated feed with commercial phytase and energy reduced by 0.46 MJ; D. Reformulated feed (as C) + 150 g/t ASSF instead of phytase. The egg weight was not changed by dietary treatments but layers from both groups receiving ASSF (B and D) had a higher laying percentage. The economic analysis showed that the use of ASSF could lower the feed cost/kg of eggs in both standard and reformulated diets. Key words: broilers; laying hens; enzymes; economic effect ЕНЗИМИТЕ И НИВНОТО ВЛИЈАНИЕ ВРЗ ЕКОНОМСКИТЕ РЕЗУЛТАТИ ПРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО НА ЖИВИНСКО МЕСО И ЈАЈЦА Целта на ова истражување беше да се испита влијанието на ензимскиот комплекс Allzyme SSF ® (ASSF) (Alltech Inc.) додаден во храната за бројлерски пилиња и несилки врз производните резултати и економските ефекти во производството. Со првиот опит беа опфатени 1200 бројлерски пилиња поделени во 4 групи (третмани): 1. позитивна контролна; 2. позитивна контролна со додаток на 0,02% од ензим-скиот комплекс; 3. негативна контролна (содржеше 0,3 MJ ME, 0,1% P и 0,1% Ca помалку во однос на групата 1); 4. негативна контролна со додаток на 0,02% од ензимот. Додавањето на ензимот имаше пози-тивен ефект врз прирастот кај пилињата и врз конверзијата на храната кај двете групи пилиња. Економ-ската анализа покажа дека подобрувањата кои ги донесе примената на овој ензимски препарат во исхра-ната на пилињата ги надминуваат трошоците за неговата примена. Во опитот со несилките за консумни јајца беа вклучени следните групи: А. контролна; Б. контролна (А) +150 g/t ASSF наместо фитаза; В. хра-на чија енергетска вредност е намалена за 0,46 MJ ME и Г. храна В + 150 g/t ASSF наместо фитаза. При-менетите третмани не влијаеја на масата на јајцата, но двете групи што добиваа ензимски препарати имаа поголем процент на несивост. Економската анализа покажа дека употребата на ASSF може да ја намали цената на чинењето на храната по килограм јајцева маса при стандардната исхрана, како и при исхрана со смески со пониска енергетска вредност

    A method for production of nanoMOF and prelimiary characterization by selected analytical techniques

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    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous hybrid materials comprising metal ion-based vertices and multitopic organic ligands (linkers). The possibility of combining a wide range of metals with similarly large number of available ligands opens ways to design the structures meeting specific purposes. At present, many potential applications of MOFs may require them to be constructed at the nanometer length scale (nanoMOFs). The possibility of filling the track-etched membrane pores with MOF HKUST-1 has been demonstrated in this work