14 research outputs found

    Reviewing horizontalization: the challenge of analysis in Brazilian foreign policy

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    El pluralismo polarizado en los partidos políticos europeos

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    Study and implementation of adders with completion detection targeted to asynchronous circuits design

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    É contínua a procura por técnicas de construção de circuitos que ajudem a minimizar os problemas existentes no mercado de microeletrônica atual. Uma alternativa para a resolução destes problemas consiste na utilização de circuitos assíncronos. Circuitos aritméticos são alvo de um contínuo esforço na busca de melhores resultados de desempenho e área. Em especial o somador é uma das partes constituintes desta classe de circuitos que apresenta interessante campo para pesquisas. Este trabalho apresenta um método de avaliação de somadores implementados através do uso de famílias lógicas CMOS dual-rail. Esta tarefa é realizada através do uso de um circuito assíncrono que serve como base de avaliação. Este circuito obedece ao protocolo de comunicação utilizado pelos somadores e nele são desenvolvidas diversas aplicações para que seja possível avaliar o comportamento dos somadores quando expostos a diferentes padrões de vetores. Os parâmetros avaliados nas estruturas dos somadores são número de transistores, atraso e consumo de potência para topologias carry look-ahead e ripple carry adders. Na avaliação dos somadores através de simulação elétrica são utilizadas as ferramentas Pspice e Spectre da Cadence. As tecnologias utilizadas nesta caracterização são AMI 0.5 da MOSIS e AMS 0.35. Como resultados são apresentados dados que demonstram a economia no número de transistores obtida através do uso da técnica de múltiplas saídas para o CLA, que a família DCVS geralmente apresenta os menores atrasos médios quando comparada a outras estruturas e a potencialidade de famílias NCL.The search for construction techniques of circuits that helps to minimize the challenges that occurs in nowadays microelectronic market is continuous. An alternative to solve great part of these problems is the use of asynchronous circuits. Arithmetic circuits are the target of a continuous effort in the pursuit of better results in terms of performance and area. Adder circuits in special compose a subset of this class of circuits that presents an interesting research field. This work presents an evaluation method for adders that where implemented through different dual-rail logic families. This task is accomplished through the use of asynchronous circuits used as an evaluation base. The asynchronous circuits implemented obey the communication protocol adopted by the adders and implement different applications. These applications are constructed with the finality of study the adder’s behavior when they are exposed to different vector patterns. The adder’s evaluated parameters are the number of transistors, delay and power consumption of topologies like Carry Look-ahead and Ripple Carry Adders. The electrical simulations were accomplished trough the use of Pspice and Cadence’s Spectre cad tools. MOSIS AMI 0.5 and AMS 0.35 transistor technologies were utilized in the electrical characterization of the adders. Some of the results obtained trough this work that could be cited are: the low transistor count presented for the Multiple Outputs CLA structures, the performance advantage of the DCVS family in relation to the other families and the evaluation of NCL logic family potentiality

    Characterization of a Fermented Feijoa Beverage

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    This study aimed to prepare a feijoa wine and to assess its physicochemical parameters, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity. Feijoa were harvested at physiological maturation, and their pulp was fermented in a BOD device at 16 ± 2 °C for 15 days. After the fermentation process, the beverage was characterized for its physicochemical parameters, total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids by spectrophotometry, carotenoids by HPLC, and antioxidant activity by the FRAP, DPPH, and ABTS methods. These same analyses were performed on the pulp in natura for comparative and evaluation purposes of the process. The feijoa fermentation process had a high yield (82%), and the physicochemical characteristics were in accordance with this class of beverage. The beverage had high antioxidant activity, while six carotenoids were identified in the fruit in natura, with (all)-trans-lutein and β-cryptoxanthin being the major carotenoids, in addition to a phenolic content of 176.22 mg GAE 100 g-1 and a total flavonoid content of 0.11 mEq quercetin 100 g-1. The wine had a lower bioactive compound content but a higher antioxidant activity than the pulp. Feijoa wine is a viable technological product in addition to exhibiting antioxidant activity

    Electoral Participation in Pursuit of Policy Representation: Ideological Congruence and Voter Turnout

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    Published online: 07 Nov 2013In this article, we examine whether lack of ideological congruence with the viable party options discourages turnout, and under which conditions. We conceive congruence from the perspective of the individual citizen, and, drawing on policy-based arguments for non-voting, we hypothesize that: having no party in the political menu sharing similar views should especially reduce turnout of citizens holding extremist views and that this effect would be greatest in proportional electoral systems. Relying on data collected by the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES), we show that lack of congruence with the electoral menu reduces extremists’ turnout and does so particularly in PR systems

    Low health related quality of life associated with fractures in obese postmenopausal women in Santa Maria, Brazil

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    Although health-related quality of life is well studied in subjects with obesity or fractures, there are few studies approaching both diseases together. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQL) in obese postmenopausal women with fractures. A cross-sectional study was carried out at Santa Maria, Brazil. Postmenopausal women aged 55 years or older were recruited from March 1st to August 31st, 2013. Women with cognitive impairment were excluded. The Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) were applied (QM0 16,471). Height and weight were measured according to the World Health Organization protocol. Bone fractures (excluding hand, feet, and head) that occur after age 45 years were considered as the outcome. Of the 1057 women allocated to study, 975 had their weight and height measured. Obese women with fractures had significantly lower SF-36 physical component scores when compared with non-obese subjects with fracture, obese subjects without fractures, and non-obese non-fracture subjects. Both obesity and fractures were independently associated with a lower SF-36 physical component score in the regression model. In conclusion, fractures appear to have an adverse effect on quality of life which is more pronounced in obese postmenopausal women