30 research outputs found

    Fried food intake estimated by the multiple source method is associated with gestational weight gain

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    AbstractThis present study aimed to test the association between fried food intake estimated by a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), multiple 24-hour dietary recalls (24hRs), and the application of the multiple source method (MSM) in relation to gestational weight gain at the second and third trimesters and weight gain ratio (observed weight gain/expected weight gain). We hypothesized that distinct relationships with weight gain would be found given the measurement errors of self-reported dietary approaches. A prospective study was conducted with 88 adult pregnant women. Fried food intake during pregnancy was assessed using a validated 85-item FFQ, two to six 24hRs per woman, and the MSM with and without frequency of food intake as covariate. Linear regression models were used to evaluate the relationship between fried food estimated by the methods and weight gain. For every 100-g increment of fried food intake, the β (95% confidence interval) for weight gain was β 1.87 (0.34, 3.40) and β 2.00 0.55, 3.45) for estimates using MSM with and without the frequency of intake as covariate, respectively, after multiple adjustments. We found that fried food intake estimated by the FFQ and 24hRs β 0.40 (−0.68, 1.48) and β 0.49 (−0.53, 1.52), respectively, was unrelated to weight gain. In relation to weight gain ratio, a positive association was found for estimates using the MSM with [β 0.29 (0.03, 0.54)] and without the frequency of intake as covariate [β 0.31 (0.07, 0.55)]; and no associations were found for estimates by the FFQ or 24hRs. The data showed that fried food intake estimated the MSM, but not by the FFQ and 24hRs, is associated with excessive weight gain during pregnancy

    Daily meal frequency and associated variables in children and adolescents

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    Objective: To investigate the frequency distribution of daily meals and its relation to demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, anthropometric and biochemical factors in children and adolescents. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 708 schoolchildren aged 7---14 years. Data on personal information, socioeconomic status, physical activity and number of meals were obtained through semi-structured questionnaire and consumption by 24-h recall and food record. Weight and height measurements were also performed to calculate the body mass index. Finally, blood samples were collected for analysis of total cholesterol, high- and low density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and glucose levels. Descriptive statistics, the Mann---Whitney test, and Poisson regression were used in statistical analysis. Results: Meal frequency 2 (PR = 1.53; 95% CI: 1.11---2.11; p = 0.010). Even in the age group of 10---14 years, 2 (RP = 1,53; IC 95%: 1,11- 2,11; p = 0,010). Ainda na faixa etária de 10 a 14 anos, < 4 refeiçõesse relacionou a maior prevalência de índice de massa corporal (RP = 1,33; IC 95%: 1,02-1,74;p = 0,032) e lipoproteína de baixa densidade (RP = 1,39; IC 95%: 1,03- 1,87; p = 0,030) elevados após ajustes.Conclusão: Menor frequência de refeições se associou a menor renda em crianças e em adolescentes a maior número de filhos na família e valores aumentados de índice de massa corporal e lipoproteína de baixa densidade

    Composição de ácidos graxos do leite materno em mulheres residentes em área distante da costa litorânea brasileira

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    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a composição de ácidos graxos do leite humano maduro de mulheres residentes em área distante da costa litorânea brasileira. MÉTODOS: Amostras de leite materno maduro foram obtidas de 47 mulheres lactantes com idade entre 18 e 35 anos, que tiveram partos a termo e em aleitamento exclusivo ou predominante. A coleta de leite se deu a partir da 5ª semana pós-parto, por meio de ordenha manual. A composição de ácidos graxos do leite foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a concentração de eicosapentaenoico (0,08%) foi superior ao observado em estudos brasileiros prévios. Entretanto, o teor de docosahexaenoico (0,09%) encontrado no leite humano foi um dos menores já verificados no mundo. O teor de ácidos graxos trans (2,05%) foi similar ao relatado em estudos nacionais prévios à obrigatoriedade de declaração do teor deste em rótulos de alimentos, sugerindo que esta medida não surtiu efeito na redução de seu teor na dieta habitual das mulheres. CONCLUSÕES: Baixo teor de docosahexaenoico e elevada concentração de ácidos graxos trans foram verificados no leite materno maduro de mulheres residentes em área distante da costa litorânea brasileira

    Differential effects of coffee on the risk of type 2 diabetes according to meal consumption in a French cohort of women: the E3N/EPIC cohort study

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    Background: Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of diabetes, but little is known about the mechanisms responsible for this association, especially related to the time when coffee is consumed. Objective: We examined the long-term effect of coffee, globally and according to the accompanying meal, and of tea, chicory, and caffeine on type 2 diabetes risk. Design: This was a prospective cohort study including 69,532 French women, aged 41-72 y from the E3N/EPIC (Etude Epidemiologique aupres de Femmes de la Mutuelle Generale de l`Education Nationale/European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) cohort study, without diabetes at baseline. Food and drink intakes per meal were assessed by using a validated diet-history questionnaire in 1993-1995. Results: During a mean follow-up of 11 y, 1415 new cases of diabetes were identified. In multivariable Cox regression models, the hazard ratio in the highest category of coffee consumption [>= 3 cups (375 mL)/d] was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.61, 0.87; P for trend < 0.001), in comparison with no coffee consumption. This inverse association was restricted to coffee consumed at lunchtime (hazard ratio: 0.66; 95% CI: 0.57, 0.76) when comparing >1.1 cup (125 mL)/meal with no intake. At lunchtime, this inverse association was observed for both regular and decaffeinated coffee and for filtered and black coffee, with no effect of sweetening. Total caffeine intake was also associated with a statistically significantly lower risk of diabetes. Neither tea nor chicory consumption was associated with diabetes risk. Conclusions: Our data support an inverse association between coffee consumption and diabetes and suggest that the time of drinking coffee plays a distinct role in glucose metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr 2010; 91: 1002-12.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo, FAPESP, Brazil[2008/56557-5]French Ministry of ResearchLigue Nationale Contre le CancerEuropean CommunityMutuelle Generale de l`Education NationaleInstitut de Cancerologie Gustave-RoussyEuropean Union[LSHM-CT-2006-037197

    Validity of a questionnaire to estimate vitamin A intake in pregnant women

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    The objective was to assess the relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to estimate daily vitamin A intake in pregnant women using two biomarkers as references, maternal serum retinol and breast milk retinol. This is an observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study. FFQ was applied to 161 pregnant women at the largest public maternity hospital in Ribeir&atilde;o Preto, Brazil. The FFQ recall period was the last 30 days before childbirth. The mother was asked if she had consumed or not each food item over the last 30 days, how often and which portion size. Samples of maternal blood and breast milk for determination of retinol concentrations were collected. Partial Pearson correlation test, agreement by kappa quadratic statistics, cross-classification into quartiles and the method of triads with two biomarkers were performed. The mean FFQ intake of vitamin A was 875 &micro;g/day and the frequency of inadequate intake was 52.8%. Low correlation coefficients were observed between the FFQ and both biomarkers. In cross-classification, considering foods sources with or without provitamin A, 63.6% to 68.3% of the results fell into the same or adjacent quartiles, respectively; less than 10% of all results were classified into opposite quartiles. The validity coefficient of the FFQ was 0.484. FFQ performed better when considering only food sources of preformed vitamin A and both biomarkers (&rho;=0.554). As a conclusion, FFQ provided an estimate of vitamin A intake with moderate accuracy, being suitable to rank pregnant women according to categories of intake.O objetivo foi avaliar a validade relativa de um Question&aacute;rio de Frequ&ecirc;ncia Alimentar (QFA) para estimar o consumo de vitamina A em mulheres gr&aacute;vidas usando dois biomarcadores como refer&ecirc;ncia, retinol s&eacute;rico materno e retinol de leite materno. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo, anal&iacute;tico e transversal. O QFA foi aplicado a 161 gestantes na maior maternidade p&uacute;blica de Ribeir&atilde;o Preto. O per&iacute;odo de abrang&ecirc;ncia do QFA foi de 30 dias antes do parto. Questionava-se &agrave; m&atilde;e se ela havia ingerido ou n&atilde;o cada item de alimento contido em um &aacute;lbum fotogr&aacute;fico nos &uacute;ltimos 30 dias e qual era a frequ&ecirc;ncia e o tamanho da por&ccedil;&atilde;o consumida. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue materno e leite materno para determina&ccedil;&atilde;o das concentra&ccedil;&otilde;es de retinol. Foi realizado o teste de correla&ccedil;&atilde;o parcial de Pearson, concord&acirc;ncia de kappa, classifica&ccedil;&atilde;o cruzada em quartis e o m&eacute;todo de tr&iacute;ades com dois biomarcadores. A ingest&atilde;o m&eacute;dia pelo QFA de vitamina A foi de 875mg / dia e a frequ&ecirc;ncia de ingest&atilde;o inadequada foi de 52,8%. Baixos coeficientes de correla&ccedil;&atilde;o foram observados entre o QFA e ambos os biomarcadores. Na classifica&ccedil;&atilde;o cruzada, considerando fontes de alimentos com ou sem provitamina A, 63,6% a 68,3% dos resultados ca&iacute;ram no mesmo quartil ou adjacentes, respectivamente; Menos de 10% de todos os resultados foram classificados em quartis opostos. O coeficiente de validade do QFA foi de 0,484. O QFA apresentou melhor desempenho quando considerou apenas fontes alimentares de vitamina A pr&eacute;-formada e ambos os biomarcadores (&rho; = 0,554). A acur&aacute;cia do QFA para a estimativa de vitamina A foi considerada moderada, sendo adequado para categorizar as gestantes em categorias de consumo