541 research outputs found

    Analisis Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja Di Perusahaan Redrying Tembakau

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    Planning of labour is activity of determination of amount and labours types required by an organizations for aperiod of which will come. Therefore planning of labour is with refer to activity related to forecasting of requirement oflabour in a period of to come at one particular organization, cover new labour preparation and utilization which haveis available. Or equally determine the labour movement from position in this time towards position which wanted in aperiod of to come. In this research done by analysis and enumeration concerning planning of labour at company ofredrying tobacco which will make a change is internal that is doing installation of new machine by paying attention tosome policies and purpose of specified by companies. Method which applied is programming linear, while processingwhich implemented is determine and define decision variable then expressed in mathematical symbol, develop(buildaimed at mathematical model is programming linear formulation then calculate objective function for each purpose ofthat is minimizing redundancy and minimize expense where in this enumeration applied by computer software aid QMor windows version 2.2, software for quantitative method, management science or operational research. From resultcalculation and analysis seen that planning of labour with policy for minimizing redundancy and policy for minimizingexpense yield difference of result calculation enough signifikan

    Pendekatan Linear Programming Untuk Persoalan Pemotongan Stok (Pola Pemotongan Satu Dimensi)

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    In this study, one-dimensional cutting pattern is discussed. This includes fulfilling demands for some items with different lengths by cutting some stocks of standard length available. In this problem, the patterns – the way the standard length is cut – is obtained in such an optimal ways that the trim loss becomes as minimum as possible. The decision variables are the amount of the standard lengths cut according to certain patterns. Then the problem is formulated into a linear programming model. Due to very large number of the variables and restriction to integers, the problem is the type of large scale linear integer programming. For simplicity, restriction to integer is dropped. Then the very large number of the variables is handled by considering only the favorable cutting patterns; list of all possibleways in which a standard stock may be cut is not needed. The favorable cutting pattern is then generated by using column generation technique by solving auxiliary problem in the form of a knapsack problem. The integer optimal solution is obtained by rounding it upwar

    The Trowbridge Gang, 1842

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    counterfeiting is the unlawful production of any article in imitation of another, especially the imitation of money. Many states encountered problems with counterfeiters during the 1830s and 1840s. Arkansas was not without her ganges of counterfeiters who worked in the cities of Little Rock, Van Buren and Lewisburg. These gangs copied not only paper money but coins, corporation notes and bank notes

    Les horaires flexibles

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    L'auteur présente les horaires flexibles, leurs avantages pour l'employeur et pour l'employé, leurs modalités d'application et les réactions de différentes parties à cette forme d'aménagement du temps de travail.For the last five years rigid working schedules have increasingly been under attack and many new experiences have been tried in many European countries, particularly in Germany and Switzeriand. The essence of these experiences has been to adapt working schedules to each worker through a flexible hour system. The basic principle of such a system is the free and individual choice of entry and exit time within certain limits. The flexible working hours system generally distinguishes three separate components to a working day : a core time when all employees must be at their job and two flexible time periods, at the beginning and at the end of the working day. Such a system has advantages for both the employer and the employee. As for the employer, such a system facilitates time Computing, encourages a decrease of short term absenteism and turnover, a reduction of internal traffic, a decrease of accidents on the way to work, a reduction of overtime, greater hiring advantages, and a longer service to the consumer. Moreover management workers may work in a more peaceful atmosphere, the social climate is ameliorated and internal conflicts are reduced. As for the employees, a reduction of transportation time has been noted, family and personal needs are given a better chance to be satisfied, and a change of attitude towards work was underlined.There is no best way to design and install such a system. There are many variations to it and adaptation is surely favorized under such a system. Experience, however, teaches some ground rules. First such a system much be progressively introduced. Experimentation is greatly encouraged. Second, it takes time for the system to give good results. Third, trial and error is often the best method. Fourth, rules must be established to avoid misunderstandings. Fifth, pragmatism is the golden rule. Sixth, a clear distinction must be made between exceeding hours and overtime. Seventh, a lot of information is necessary before and during the introduction of the system. Flexible working hours practically require a form of control. This control, however, should itself be as flexible and as discreet as possible. Self control is to be aimed at. Such a control can be made by a time card, posted or not, by a punch clock, by special individual meter or by computer. To the same extent that flexible working hour system is well accepted by employees, to the same extent does it find obstruction at the middle management level. That the system is applied to middle management is perceived as a move to put them on the same level as blue collar workers. But the basic reluctance of white collars comes from the revised notion of authority required by a flexible hour system. If one group needs particular attention when flexible hours are introduced, it is middle management. Eventhough early reluctance of unions has been greatly dissipated, they still feel that such a system decreases the possibility of human contacts and that the greater responsibility left to the workers is subtle moral constraint. Up to now, flexible hours have been very successful. This is not to say that they are a panacea nor that they will settle all personnel problems

    Facteurs d’ambiance, rendement et humanisation du travail

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    Malgré la mécanisation et la modernisation des moyens de production, il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour humaniser le travail.Everywhere in society efficiency has become the prevailing factor. Performance seems to be the result of a technical progress offering to everyone consumption goods formerly reserved to a minority. However those goods are too often obtained to the detriment of the moral and physical health of the workers. We are just beginning to understand that maximum performance is rarely the same as optimum performance.To soften the work and to make it more attracting materially, psychologically and moraly is basic duty and an economic necessity. The machine is indifferent to its environment. However man is strongly influenced by the psychological and material conditions prevailing in his milieu. He becomes a poor hand when insufficiently paid, badly administered, tired and not in good health.The physical environment in which man performs his tasks have a true influence on accidents, on the general climate of the firm, on the quality and on the quantity of his work. Contrary to the popular belief mecanization and modernization of the means of production have not entirely eliminated the problem of physical fatigue. On the one hand, this mecanization has often been made without even considering man's capabilities, comfort and fatigue. Many machines are not adapted to the worker especially regarding seats, signals and controls. On the other hand much work implying heavy weights still exists in industry.TEMPERATUREThe human body is particularly sensible to environmental temperature. According to physiologists the temperature should be held between 55° and 68° in ordinary industrial works while office temperature should be kept between 66° and 72°. For works performed under high temperatures longer breaks and rehydratation of the body must be favorized.NOISEThe influence of noise on the health of workers has become one of the main points in professionnal pathology. Besides hurting the ear excessively, intense noise disturbs the entire mecanism of the body. In addition to this, it has a bad influence on communications and therefore is a major cause of accidents, errors and absenteism.LIGHTINGGreat progress has been made in this field. The degree of light to be used depends upon the task to be performed. In order to be adequate it has to fulfill a few conditions:1.—sufficient intensity (1000 lux maximum for ordinary work);2.—the passing of light to shadow must not be too brutal; 3.—avoid excessive brilliancy and dazzling;4.—light must be well distributed and the installations well cleaned in order to avoid dusting.AIR COMPOSITIONThe air must be changed and purified in order to eliminate carbonic gaz. The hygrometric level must stand around 50% of normal saturation of water vapour. A few kinds of works require a filter and a vacuum-cleaning

    Problèmes posés dans l’entreprise par l’éclairage des locaux

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    L'auteur établit l'importance de l'éclairage dans la production, définit la lumière du jour comme l'idéal à atteindre et admet la nécessité de recourir aux installations artificielles pour lesquelles elle établit un certain nombre de facteurs à prendre en considération.A bad lighting system leads to supplementary tiresome eye efforts and is often in addition the cause for nervous tension. It is therefore logical to say that a better lighting system will lead to a better perception and therefore to an increase in production. However lights are not the only factor influencing eye perception such as the nature of the job, the speed and accuracy required for production and the lenght of the operation. These will vary from firm to firm and even within the different departments within a plant. It is to be remembered also that eye accuracy diminishes as a person gets older.What kind of lighting system should be used? Day light is the ideal to seek, but since it is not always possible one has to consider a few factors in using artificial systems : the intensity, the job area, the diffusion, the contrasts, the shadows, the dazzling, the reflecting areas and the maintenance of the systems.The expenses brought about by an investment in adequate lighting will easily have much much larger yields. In the U.S., an investment equal to 5% of the total wage bill yields a 35% increase improduction. Lighting is therefore a very important but often forgotten factor influencing output

    Le travail à temps partiel

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    L'auteur définit et examine la notion de travail à temps partiel et en présente les différentes implications.Part-time employment has become a considerable phenomenon in the labour market in developed countries: 11 million in the USA, 9 million in the EEC and 1.3 million in Canada. And it is constantly growing.Three definitions apply to the sort of works: half-time employment; part-time employment which may be more or less than half-time; occasional or temporary employment which is full-time but of short duration.The groups mainly affected in developed countries are women, the handicap-ped, students and young people generally, as well as the aged. The first group, how-ever, is by far the largest comprising from 70% to 90% depending on the country concerned. The areas mainly affected are those of the public and para-public sectors, but the private sector can also be included although to a much lesser extent.The rational behind part-time employment can be described as economic, social and egalitarian. In the first case, it permits a better use of available abilities. In the second, it permits a better integration of man in society and favours fuller development of personality. Finally, it permits better use of women's abilities, and makes it possible for the society to benefit from their participation.There are several advantages in this type of employment: as concerns the employer, the employee, and particularly women. To take full advantage of it, nevertheless, a series of problems must be resolved: in the law, technical and organizational aspects, and in psychological attitudes.The French experience can be useful in this regard, for both its strong and weak points. A complete solution, however may be found in the following: a clarification of the nature of part-time employment as a social objective; a clarification of its best spheres of application; the avoidance of the establishment of a System of second class labour.Liaisons sociales: supplément au no 7850 du 91/78, 18-9-78 et au no 7814 du 19-7-78. HALLAIRE, Jean,Le travail à temps partiel, Bureau international du travail et dossier de presse 8-8-80. FAVARD, E.,« Pas de miracle avec le mi-temps », L'Expansion, décembre 1978

    Le travail en équipes

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    Après avoir indiqué les raisons d'ordre technique, économique et social du travail en équipes, l’auteur en expose les formes et l’organisation. Puis, il en souligne les principales difficultés familiales, sociales, et physiologiques. Enfin, il suggère des moyens pour améliorer la situation existante.INTRODUCTIONShift work more and more appears to be an economical necessity and seems to spread into many industrial sectors — almost everybody is submitted to it. However, it is necessary to have a better knowledge of the advantages and dangers of that kind of work in order to prevent and to palliate them.ITS CAUSESThe technical reasons that are the origin of that kind of work are well known. But economical factors are much more important and determine the actual growth of shift work — Those factors are :a) the cost of equipment is higher ;b) because of progress, equipment grows older more rapidly than its real depreciation.However there are a few social reasons for shift work :a ) a few public services cannot be stopped ;b) the necessity of lenghtening opening hours of stores, etc.Shift work is thus a characteristic of an advanced period of the technical, economical and social evolution of industrial societies.ITS FORMSEven though that kind of work is quite used in large firms, note is to be taken that shift work has different forms depending of the industrial sector.The General Commisariate of the French Plan has published in its survey a graphic that clearly shows the mentioned differences.                                                                      TABLE I               THE DISTRIBUTION OF SHIFT-WORKERS IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTORS                    Percentage of firms using                    % of wage earners working on                              shift work                                      shifts in every sector          Metal production                    60.4                              55.0          Textile industry                      39.1                              37.0          Paper industry                        35.1                              29.0          Chemical industry                    26.1                              26.0          Building material                    22.0                              20.0As a general rule, let us say that in France, one wage-earner out of six works on shifts. Thus only a minority of wage-earners are implied in that kind of work ; however it is not an exception anymore limited to some industrial sectors.ITS ORGANIZATIONThat are mainly two sorts of shift work : the two team and the three team shift-work :1 ) In the two team shift work, the system is quite homogeneous : only beginning and ending hours of work vary. The most fluently practiced time table is the following :6 a.m. — 2 p.m. — morning team ;2 p.m. — 10 p.m. — afternoon team.2) In the three team shift work, in the textile industry, for example, the usual time tables are :5 a.m. — 1 p.m. — morning team ;1 p.m. — 9 p.m. — afternoon team ;9 p.m. — 5 a.m. — night team.However, in the textile industry, the percentage of women employed brings out many difficulties.Three systems of organization exist :1.—In the first system, the worker changes of shift each week.2.—In the second, the order of succession of the shifts is different : from P.M. to A.M., from A.M. to night shift and from night shift to P.M.3.—The third system officially requires three teams to cover the twenty four hours. In fact, this system needs four teams : three teams are working while the fourth is at rest.The complexity of three problems is in fact due to the difficulties and practices of each industry and is also due to the difficulties met in their application and to the preference of wage-earners to certain time tables.Those difficulties are at the same time :a ) familial— change in normal life customs.— difficulties in practicing familial responsabilities.b) social— difficulties in keeping in relations with friends.— the shift-worker feels « social dead ».— he feels on the fringe of the union, the firm and society.— he cannot take advantage of formation and leisure program.c) physiological.The dangers of shift work are quite discussed. Note is to be taken that it has been proven that workers are more inclined to work on the morning shift than on any other shift. In fact, as Menzel puts it, there is a general deficiency of blood circulation during night time.On the other hand, daily rest, in order to be as complete and refreshing as night rest, would necessitate silence and lodging facilities that are quite rare at the present time especially in France.The following table on insomnia illustrates my idea :                                                  TABLE II                        WORKERS AFFECTED BY INSOMNIA                                                                                % affected by insomnia                                                                      Living at their                    Bad lodging                                                                           place                            conditions    Day-labourer                                                    12                                  18    Shift workers                                                     15                                   75    Day-labourer having been shift-worker               84                                   97However, two points must be taken into consideration about women in the labor force :a) shift work is often imposed to them and, because of their non-unionization, it is difficult for them to resist ;b) night shift affects domestic duties of women.Note is to be taken that the major cause of physiological and nervous desiquilibrium is the frequent changes in time tables. Thus keeping the body from finding a regular life rythm so necessary.CONCLUSIONOne could solve the problem by using four teams instead of three : the night shift would not work more than four hours. To do so, it would be preferable to employ half time workers especially for those night shifts.The present situation could be ameliorated :a) by avoiding to ask workers living far from the firm or having bad lodgingconditions to work on night shifts ; b ) by increasing medical supervision of these workers ;c) by avoiding to place on work shift those who cannot medically get adapted to it or older workers used to work daily on fixed time tables ;d) by making a special effort to give medical information to employers and wage earners on the dangers of changing time-tables.It seems that we are inclined to a greater use of this kind of work. We must try to adapt it to man. The contrary is impossible. Even economies will never modify physological laws. That is why research must be continued in order to determine the dangers of shift work. In addition to this, an information campaign must be undertaken in order to eliminate changing time-tables

    Rythmes de travail… et cadences infernales

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    Dans l'industrie, le problème des rythmes de travail se pose avec acuité. Il est l'un des plus difficiles à résoudre et le chronométrage ne donne que des résultats imparfaits. La nocivité des allures élevées est encore mal connue, mais leur incidence sur la fatigue nerveuse est incontestable. Chacun a un rythme qui lui est propre. Mais ce rythme personnel est«  corrigé » par les normes du groupe et par les motivations personnelles. Il faut essayer de se dégager de la notion de rythme maximal pour aller vers celle de rythme optimal qui ménagera à la fois la santé de l'homme, son efficacité, la bonne marche de l'entreprise et l'économie générale.The work pace problem at the origin of the time study difficulties is one of the most controversial issues today. Working speeds, which workers often consider exaggerated, constitute with higher salaries the main points of union demands, and are the object of managements constant attention, since they determine the firm's profits in terms of production and efficiency.A man's output potential and work pace cannot be determined and set precisely as it is done for a machine. Efforts are being made to measure scientifically time and movements, but it is very difficult practically to measure work as such: the study of tasks is complicated by their diversity, by the fact that there are no two operations which are exactly identical; by the fact also that a simple gesture is not only a physical act but implies at the same time a merging of mental and psychological processes linked specifically to each man's personality. Not only is the best speed for each operation difficult to measure materially; so are the psychological effects of the different speeds maintained, since the danger potential of high speeds on the individual is hardly known. Finally, that capability of measuring the time of a task's execution wouldn't in any case be sufficient to determine the physiological, psychological or mental charge implied in any one man's fulfillment of that particular task.Each individual has in fact a particular work pace, a natural and spontaneous rhythm which is his alone. But in practice, this natural rhythm is corrected by a certain number of internal and external factors (group pressures, bonus enticement, etc.) which determine the final voluntary speed. This is the pace generally found at the work place. The margin between this voluntary speed and interindividual speed variations spreads from 30% to 40%. Most often work paces are set high but it is not a rare thing to observe workers stepping up the pace themselves, driven by the desire for higher bonuses or by other reasons. Workers generally do not know what their long term working potential can be without self-inflicted damage.We also witness today the paradox that the improvement of machinery and of the working environment, and even the reduction of working hours, have in-creased the nervous fatigue of the labor force: in fact heavier requirements have been placed on the work pace and the speed of work execution. The fast work pace risk is increased by the actual inability of scientifically determining criteria to measure its point of harmful speeds ... The most obvious ones are a decrease in the work's quality (and not in its quantity, since a tired worker tends to be more nervous and to work faster) and a general and repeated irregularity in the work pace among the workers.The solutions to the work pace problems consist, first, in an information effort at all firm levels. Then research should be done to discover the adaptation capacity of each individual to a requested work pace and deepen our knowledge of the physiological and psychological effects connected with accelerated work paces. Industrial policy should include measures placing a ceiling on bonuses to avoid having workers voluntarily setting harmful working speeds, and measures insuring a specific medical supervision on individuals designated for jobs involving high speeds or heavy stress conditions