18 research outputs found

    Analisis Usahatani Kopi Libtukom (Liberika Tungkal Komposit) Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat

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      Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mendeskripsikan gambaran usahatani kopi Libtukom (Liberika Tungkal Komposit) di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat.  2) Menganalisis Pendapatan secara finansial usahatani kopi Libtukom (Liberika Tungkal Komposit) di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan untuk tujuan pertama dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif yaitu analisis yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu nilai-nilai yang memiliki makna dari suatu data yang dikumpulkan. Untuk menjawab tujuan kedua dilakukan dengan analisis finansial menggunakan Revenue Cost Ratio (RCR) yaitu analisis pendapatan usahatani kopi Libtukom (Liberika Tungkal Komposit) yang dihitung dengan cara perbandingan antara total penerimaan dengan total biaya dengan kriterianya RCR > 1 maka usahatani yang dijalankan menguntungkan dan sebaliknya jika RCR < 1 maka usahatani yang dijalankan tidak menguntungkan kemudian jika RCR = 1 maka usahatani yang dijalankan berada pada titik impas

    Cultural intermediary in higher education based on ethical relation

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    Preliminary studies on cultural intermediaries focused on social classes that mediate the production and consumption of culture. Therefore, this study determined the importance of the cultural intermediaries of migrant worker university students who popularize the values of higher education for the working class. Habitus and replication of meaning were used as analytical tools, with an alternative perspective proposed on cultural intermediaries using an ethical approach. The results showed that the cultural intermediary based on ethical relationships produces a new individual involvement of marginalized groups. Meanwhile, community relations with a similar social context are strengthened, enabling individuals to combine their allegiances and continuously generate values to suit certain social situations

    Dialectics of Transnational Mobility, Class, and Cultural Intermediary among Indonesian Migrant Worker-Students in South Korea

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    Cosmopolitanism among migrant workers may present the result of interpretations between transnational mobility, class, and cultural intermediary. The purposes of this study describe the dynamics of travel and immigration, and higher education experiences that have let Indonesian migrant workers at work in any place both in and out of campus areas and how the transformational processes of the migrant worker from transnational into cosmopolitan. Applying the ethnographic method this research was carried out during 2018-2019, which took Indonesian migrant worker-students aged 20-35 years in South Korea as informants. This research found that the broader social, cultural, and individual agendas are one way of recognizing a new cosmopolitanism. There are two factors that influence the cosmopolitanism process of Indonesian migrant workers; first, the transnational migration process. Second, the process of cultural intermediation in universities. This study reveals significant differences in how Indonesian migrant workers respond to the possibilities and opportunities of transnational mobility, from developing the cultural acceptance skills needed in their life trajectories to building network relationships with other transnational actors. Higher education for migrant workers has introduced another form of work, namely cultural intermediation, which can be seen as a cosmopolitan process._________The original draft of this article has been presented on the International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) UNSOED, 2020


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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada jejaring sosial pemulung di TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) Sukawanitan, Palembang. Jaringan sosial ini termasuk jaringan sosial di antara sesama pemulung, dan jejaring sosial antara pemulung dan agen (toke). Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara mendalam, focus group discussion (FGD), observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui pengurangan, tampilan data dan kesimpulan. TPA Sukawinatan adalah pembuangan akhir terbesar di provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Jejaring sosial di antara sesama pemulung terbentuk melalui hubungan kekerabatan (affinity brother) dan berdasarkan kedekatan wilayah, baik karena lingkungan dan persahabatan. Jejaring sosial antara pemulung dan "toke" (kolektor), dibentuk oleh kepercayaan atau keyakinan, dan ikatan "pelindung"

    Ketersediaan dan Pemanfaatan Ruang Sosial di SDN 179 Kecamatan Kemuning Kota Palembang

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    Issues raised is how the availability and utilization of school facilities as an arena of social space and the types of activities that can form a social space. This study was a descriptive qualitative study. The results showed that school facilities are available at SDN 179 include adequate and can support the activities of both students and teachers at school. Availability of school facilities as an arena of social space that includes a field school, 'canteen honest', and the mosque which became the arena of social space for students to interact, play and set up in cooperation with the other students. In addition to school facilities, types of activities in this school can also shape the social space. This school has two types of activities, namely academic activities such as learning and courses, as well as extracurricular activities that include Scouts, Sports, Drum Band and Karate. However, activities that can form a social space is Scout activities and sports in which this activity is the most widely followed by students. In the lead this activity, students can mingle and interact directly with other students and teachers. Students make this activity as a social space as a place to establish interaction, cooperation and familiarity with other students


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    Kulit buah kakao adalah produk sampingan dari produksi kakao, terhitung sekitar 74-76% dari kulit buahkakao biasanya dibuang sebagai limbah. Jika dibiarkan di lingkungan, limbah buah kakao ini dapat menimbulkan masalah lingkungan, seperti penyebaran penyakit tanaman busuk buah dan bau tidak sedap. Salah satu solusinya adalah dengan memanfaatkan ekstrak kulit kakao untuk membuat sediaan antibakteri berupa gel hand sanitizer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan formulasi terbaik dari produk gel hand sanitizer ekstrak kulit buah kakao yang disukai dan dapat diterima oleh konsumen. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan uji homogenitas, organoleptik dan tingkat penerimaan dari beberapa panelis. Sampel dibedakan berdasarkan konsentrasi ekstrak kulit kakao yang ditambahkan kedalam hand sanitizer. Berdasarkan uji hedonik (kesukaan) diketahui formulasi hand sanitizer yang paling disuka yaitu F3 dimana dalam formulasi tersebut terdiri dari kombinasi 1,5g ekstrak pektin kulit kakao dan 0,36g ekstrak kulit kakao, TEA 1g, akuadest 30mL

    NIKAH MUDA DALAM PANDANGAN MASYARAKAT DESA KEPULAUAN SIMEULUE (Studi Kasus di Desa Lubuk Baik, Kec. Alafan, Simeulue, Aceh)

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    Young marriage, in the view of the Simeulue community, is a new fact that is present today in a society that aims to avoid violence among teenagers. Young marriage is a sacred bond performed by a pair of teenage men and women who should not be married yet. The purpose of this study is to explain the views of the Simeulue community about the factors that influence the rise of young marriage and the social impact of young marriage. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the factors that influence parents to allow children to marry young are economic factors and environmental factors. Meanwhile, the impact that occurs due to young marriage is the disconnection of children's education and the family's economic conditions that are far from sufficient to meet family needs and cause disharmonious households, even divorce

    Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa

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    The aims of this research is to analyze the women’s participation in village development, and to determine the motivations of this in Pulai Gading area, Bayung Lencir, Musi Banyuasin region. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative research method and case study research used for the design. The primary and secondary data were used in this research. Selecting the informant using the purposive method. Analysis unit used is on individual level. This theory used social action from Talcott Parsons. Deep interviewing on the subjected parties; women and men, religious leader, officials, and documentation study used in collecting the data. Triangulation source used for the data validity check. Data analysis tehnique used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Low participation rate comes out as the result of this research as shown from participation types; mind, energy, mind and energy, and expertise. Two kinds of motivations; internal and external. The internal includes the willingness and ability in participating. Meanwhile the external includes surrounding’s opinion and government policy. The low education and economy background are the main internal inhibitions, in the other hand, the poor access of information, socio-culture factor, and geographical factor


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    This research focused on social networking scavengers in TPA (Final Disposal) Sukawanitan, Palembang. These social networks include social networks among fellow scavengers, and social networking between scavengers and agencies (toke). This is a qualitative research. The techniques of collecting the data are in-depth interview, focus group discussion (FGD), observation and documentation. Data analysis is conducted through reduction, data display and conclusion. TPA Sukawinatan is the largest final disposal in South Sumatra province. Social networking among fellow scavengers are formed through kinship (affinity brother) and based on the proximity of the territory, whether due neighborhood and friendship. Social networking between scavengers and "toke" (collectors), formed by the trust or confidence, and bonding "patron- clien"