640 research outputs found

    The M_BH-M_star relation of obscured AGNs at high redshift

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    We report the detection of broad Halpha emission in three X-ray selected obscured AGNs at z=1-2. By exploiting the Halpha width and the intrinsic X-ray luminosity, we estimate their black hole masses, which are in the range 0.1-3x10^9 Msun. By means of multi-band photometric data, we measure the stellar mass of their host galaxy and, therefore, infer their M_BH/M_star ratio. These are the first obscured AGNs at high-z, selected based on their black hole accretion (i.e. on the basis of their X-ray luminosity), that can be located on the M_BH-M_star relation at high-z. All of these obscured high-z AGNs are fully consistent with the local M_BH-M_star relation. This result conflicts with those for other samples of AGNs in the same redshift range, whose M_BH/M_star ratio departs significantly from the value observed in local galaxies. We suggest that the obscured AGNs in our sample are in an advanced evolutionary stage, have already settled onto the local M_BH-M_star relation, and whose nuclear activity has been temporarily revived by recent galaxy interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letters, slightly revised discussion on SMG

    Parasite-related genetic and epigenetic aspects and host factors influencing plasmodium falciparum invasion of erythrocytes

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    Malaria, a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, is widespread throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide; it mostly affects children and pregnant woman. Eradication has stalled despite effective prevention measures and medication being available for this disease; this has mainly been due to the parasite's resistance to medical treatment and the mosquito vector's resistance to insecticides. Tackling such resistance involves using renewed approaches and techniques for accruing a deep understanding of the parasite's biology, and developing new drugs and vaccines. Studying the parasite's invasion of erythrocytes should shed light on its ability to switch between invasion phenotypes related to the expression of gene sets encoding proteins acting as ligands during target cell invasion, thereby conferring mechanisms for evading a particular host's immune response and adapting to changes in target cell surface receptors. This review considers some factors influencing the expression of such phenotypes, such as Plasmodium's genetic, transcriptional and epigenetic characteristics, and explores some host-related aspects which could affect parasite phenotypes, aiming at integrating knowledge regarding this topic and the possible relationship between the parasite's biology and host factors playing a role in erythrocyte invasion. © 2019 Ararat-Sarria, Patarroyo and Curtidor. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms

    Estudio de mercado y diseño de un programa de aseguramiento de la calidad e inocuidad en la planta pulpas del Ariari del municipio granada-Meta

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    Formatos.El Estado debe garantizar a sus habitantes que los alimentos que compran son inocuos, o sea que son seguros y que no le van a causar ningún daño ni enfermedad, es por eso que la entidad encargada de garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos el (INVIMA), se debe asegurar que todos los establecimientos se ciñan a los principios de las Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura contempladas en la resolución 2674 de Julio 2013 y el decreto 3075 de 1997. La inocuidad alimentaria implica la garantía de que el consumo de alimentos no cause daño en la salud de los consumidores, lo cual se puede alcanzar minimizando los peligros biológicos (microbiológicos, fitosanitarios y zoosanitarios); los físicos (clavos, vidrios, uñas) y los químicos (plaguicidas, metales pesados, hormonas) durante todo el proceso de producción, empaque, comercialización y consumo (Almonte, 2000). El trabajo busca en primer lugar brindar información real y confiable a través de un estudio de mercado, que ofrezca las herramientas necesarias para que la empresa pueda ofrecer otros productos a los consumidores y así poder ser más competitiva. Y en segundo lugar se diseñará un programa de calidad e inocuidad a la empresa Pulpas del Ariari con el fin de solicitar los registros sanitarios que exigen el estado, y con los cuales garantizará que los alimentos producidos son confiables. Para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos se hizo un plan de saneamiento y se determinaron los puntos críticos de control. El plan de saneamiento consta de los siguientes programas: • El programa de limpieza y desinfección: su razón principal es establecer procedimientos escritos para la estandarización de las actividades de limpieza y desinfección, con el fin de evitar la contaminación de los alimentos durante todo el proceso, de modo que estos no entren en contacto con agentes biológicos, físicos y/o químicos que puedan alterar su inocuidad. • El Programa de control integrado de plagas: su principal función radica en implantar los procedimientos operativos de prevención, corrección y control, que contribuyan a minimizar los peligros ocasionados por la presencia de plagas, garantizando así una mayor seguridad en la inocuidad de los alimentos, mejorando la calidad de los mismos. • El Programa de manejo integral de residuos: busca normalizar las operaciones para el manejo adecuado y seguro de los residuos sólidos generados, los cuales ayuden a mantener la inocuidad de los alimentos, la buena higiene de equipos, utensilios e instalaciones. Además evitar el ingreso de plagas y contribuir con la conservación del medio ambiente. • El Programa de calidad del agua: busca proporcionar todos los parámetros necesarios para garantizar la óptima calidad del agua utilizada en los diferentes procesos de producción de las industrias de alimentos, garantizando a los consumidores alimentos de alta calidad e inocuos y dando cumpliendo con todos los parámetros establecidos en el Decreto 1575 y la Resolución 2115 de 2007. • La empresa necesita abrir nuevas líneas de producción y para ello realiza un estudio de mercado, con éste se pueden conocer tanto las oportunidades como los riesgos, saber las preferencias de los consumidores, conocer la competencia, la demanda y los posibles clientes también establecer los precios sugeridos y los canales de comercialización. Palabras clave: mercadeo, comercialización, pulpa, fruta, demanda, oferta, mercados, saneamiento, limpieza, desinfección, puntos críticos de control.The State must ensure that its inhabitants that food they buy are safe, or whether they are safe and which are not going to cause any harm or illness, that is why the agency responsible for ensuring the safety of food (INVIMA), ensure that all establishments adhere to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices set out in resolution 2674 of July 2013 and Decree 3075 of 1997. Food safety involves ensuring that food consumption does not cause harm to the health of consumers , which can be achieved by minimizing biological hazards ( microbiological , plant and animal health ) physicists ( nails, glass , nails ) and chemicals (pesticides , heavy metals , hormones ) throughout the production process , packaging , marketing and consumption ( Almonte , 2000 ) . The paper first looks real and reliable provide information through market research that offers the tools necessary to allow the company to offer other products to consumers and thus be more competitive. And second will design a quality and safety program to the company Pulps Ariari order to request medical records required by the state, and which will ensure that the food produced is reliable. To ensure food safety became a reorganization plan and identified critical control points. The recovery plan consists of the following programs: • The cleaning and disinfection program: its main reason is to establish written procedures for the standardization of cleaning and disinfection activities, in order to avoid contamination of food throughout the process so that they do not come into contact with biological, physical and / or chemicals that may alter its safety. • The program of integrated pest management: its main function is to implement operating procedures for prevention, correction and control, contributing to minimizing the dangers caused by the presence of pests, thus ensuring safer food safety, improving the quality thereof. • The program of comprehensive waste management: looking standardize operations for the proper and safe management of solid wastes, which help maintain food safety, good hygiene of equipment, utensils and facilities. Also prevent the entry of pests and contribute to environmental conservation. • The Water Quality Program: seeks to provide all the necessary parameters to ensure optimum quality of water used in different production processes of the food industry, food assuring consumers high quality, safe and giving meeting all parameters established in Decree 1575 and Resolution 2115 of 2007. The company needs to open new production lines and for a study of this market, it can meet both the opportunities and the risks , know the preferences of consumers, know the competition , demand and potential customers also set prices suggested and marketing channels . Keywords: marketing, marketing, pulp, fruit, demand, supply, markets, sanitation, cleaning, disinfection, critical control point

    Cálculo de sistemas de climatización marinos con base en ahorros energéticos

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    The development of ship propulsion in the areas of Economic Operation, Environmental Protection and Ship Efficiency (Triple E - Economy, Environment, Efficiency) is the comparison standard of the manufacturers of contemporary ships. The standard is based on the application of a more modern design of the diesel engines, the wide use of waste heat and the efficient operation of the ship.In accordance with the Economic Operation, the need to evaluate the design of air conditioning systems has been identified in order to determine the possible savings, which are represented by a decrease in fuel consumption, as a result of: the significant impact of this consumption in the operation of the ship, the current high costs of this energy, the periodic increase in the price of the same, and the international policies for the reduction of emissions to the atmosphere and preservation of the environment.By means of the energy diagnosis of the air conditioning system it is possible to determine the possible opportunities of energy saving during the operation of the ship.The results indicate that the thermal load and the cooling capacity required by the air conditioned spaces have a difference between their maximum and average value of 14%. This justifies the need to use a conditioning system with a variable volume of air supplied to the air conditioned space.El desarrollo de la propulsión de los buques en los aspectos de Operación Económica, Protección del Medio Ambiente y Eficiencia de la Propulsión del buque (Triple E- Economy, Environment, Efficiency) constituye el estándar de comparación de los fabricantes de buques contemporáneos. El estándar está basado en la aplicación de un  diseño más moderno de los motores (máquinas) diésel, en la utilización amplia del calor de desecho y en la operación eficiente del barco.En correspondencia con la Operación Económica se ha identificado la necesidad de evaluar el diseño de los sistemas de aire acondicionado con el objetivo de determinar  los  posibles ahorros, que se vean representados en disminución del consumo de combustible, dado por: el significativo impacto de este consumo en la operación del buque, los altos costos de este energético en la actualidad, el incremento periódico en el precio del mismo, y las políticas internacionales para la reducción de emisiones a la atmósfera y preservación del medio ambiente.Mediante el diagnóstico energético del sistema de aire acondicionado se puede determinar  las posibles oportunidades de ahorro energético durante la operación de la embarcación.Los resultados indican que, la carga térmica y la capacidad de enfriamiento requerida por los espacios acondicionados tienen una diferencia entre su valor máximo y medio del 14 %. Esto justifica la necesidad de utilizar un sistema de acondicionamiento con volumen variable del aire suministrado al espacio acondicionado

    Indicadores para la planeación del mantenimiento basado en eficiencia energética en redes de intercambiadores de calor

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    Thanks to the asset management regulations, modern maintenance practices are rapidly getting a more managerial role, and is used to achieve savings and optimize energy use. Therefore, knowing at all times the status of the equipment allows for timely and necessary interventions that generate value to the company, and recover the initial conditions of them. Heat exchanger networks, rather than a productive asset, constitute an energy-saving strategy, to have lower fuel costs, emission control, rational use of energy, etc. in the atmospheric furnaces of the crude distillation units, and other units that perform similar processes. Thus, keeping them in their best conditions, most of the time is necessary. In this paper, we propose a methodology for the diagnosis of the equipment of the network, and the maintenance planning justified by the energy efficiency of them and the economic impact of the intervention. In addition, an indicator is presented to provide an economic justification for maintenance interventions, as well as for briefly showing the results of the application of maintenance mainly on efficiency and the use of the KPI J proposed for programming the maintenance schedule of some of the equipment (pilot test) of the heat exchanger network under study. The methodology developed uses real operation values, and its results provided savings up to USD 150,000.Gracias a las normativas de gestión de activos, Las practicas modernas de mantenimiento están asumiendo cada vez un rol más gerencial, y siendo usadas para lograr ahorros y optimizar el uso de la energía. Así las cosas, conocer en todo momento el estado de los equipos mantenidos, permite realizar las intervenciones oportunas y necesarias que generen valor a la empresa, y recuperar las condiciones iniciales de los equipos o cercanas a estas. Las redes de intercambiadores de calor, más que un activo productivo, constituyen una estrategia de ahorro energético, en pro de tener menores costos de combustible, control de emisiones, uso racional de la energía, etc. en los hornos atmosféricos de las unidades de destilación de crudo, y otras unidades que realizan procesos similares, por lo que mantenerlos en sus mejores condiciones la mayor parte del tiempo es menester. A continuación, se propone una metodología para el diagnóstico de los equipos de la red, y la planeación del mantenimiento justificada por la eficiencia energética de los equipos y el impacto económico de la intervención. Para esto se presentan a) los indicadores clave de desempeño de los intercambiadores, b) un indicador que sirve como justificación económico-energética de las intervenciones de mantenimiento, c) cronograma de mantenimiento de algunos de los equipos (prueba piloto) de la red de intercambiadores de calor en estudio. La metodología desarrollada utiliza valores reales operación y sus resultados están aplicados logrando ahorros de 150.000 USD

    A systematic review of the use of health services by immigrants and native populations

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    Background: Changes in migration patterns that have occurred in recent decades, both quantitative, with an increase in the number of immigrants, and qualitative, due to different causes of migration (work, family reunification, asylum seekers and refugees) require constant updating of the analysis of how immigrants access health services. Understanding of the existence of changes in use patterns is necessary to adapt health services to the new socio-demographic reality. The aim of this study is to describe the scientific evidence that assess the differences in the use of health services between immigrant and native populations. Methods: A systematic review of the electronic database MEDLINE (PubMed) was conducted with a search of studies published between June 2013 and February 2016 that addressed the use of health services and compared immigrants with native populations. MeSH terms and key words comprised Health Services Needs and Demands/Accessibility/Disparities/Emigrants and Immigrants/Native/Ethnic Groups. The electronic search was supplemented by a manual search of grey literature. The following information was extracted from each publication: context of the study (place and year), characteristics of the included population (definition of immigrants and their sub-groups), methodological domains (design of the study, source of information, statistical analysis, variables of health care use assessed, measures of need, socio-economic indicators) and main results. Results: Thirty-six publications were included, 28 from Europe and 8 from other countries. Twenty-four papers analysed the use of primary care, 17 the use of specialist services (including hospitalizations or emergency care), 18 considered several levels of care and 11 assessed mental health services. The characteristics of immigrants included country of origin, legal status, reasons for migration, length of stay, different generations and socio-demographic variables and need. In general, use of health services by the immigrants was less than or equal to the native population, although some differences between immigrants were also identified. Conclusions: This review has identified that immigrants show a general tendency towards a lower use of health services than native populations and that there are significant differences within immigrant sub-groups in terms of their patterns of utilization. Further studies should include information categorizing and evaluating the diversity within the immigrant population

    In regard to Minniti et al.: "Current status and recent advances in resection cavity irradiation of brain metastases — roundup to cover all angles"

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    We read with great interest the recent review, entitled “Current status and recent advances in resection cavity irradiation of brain metastases”. It is a comprehensive summary of currently available techniques for treatment of post-resection cavity in patients with this diagnosis. We would like to complement this manuscript by including intraoperative techniques as other viable approaches in the management of these patients

    Longitudinal Remote SBRT/SRS Training in Latin America: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: Continuing medical education in stereotactic technology are scarcely accessible in developing countries. We report the results of upscaling a longitudinal telehealth training course on stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), after successfully developing a pilot course in Latin America. METHODS: Longitudinal training on SBRT and SRS was provided to radiation oncology practitioners in Peru and Colombia at no cost. The program included sixteen weekly 1-hour live conferencing sessions with interactive didactics and a cloud-based platform for case-based learning. Participant-reported confidence was measured in 16 SBRT/SRS practical domains, based on a 1-to-5 Likert scale. Pre- and post-curriculum exams were required for participation credit. Knowledge-baseline, pre- and post-curriculum surveys, overall and single professional-group confidence changes, and exam results were assessed. RESULTS: One hundred and seventy-three radiotherapy professionals participated. An average of 56 (SD ±18) attendees per session were registered. Fifty (29.7%) participants completed the pre- and post-curriculum surveys, of which 30% were radiation oncologists (RO), 26% radiation therapists (RTT), 20% residents, 18% medical physicists and 6% neurosurgeons. Significant improvements were found across all 16 domains with overall mean +0.55 (SD ±0.17, p\u3c0.001) Likert-scale points. Significant improvements in individual competences were most common among medical physicists, RTT and residents. Pre- and post-curriculum exams yielded a mean 16.15/30 (53.8 ± 20.3%) and 23.6/30 (78.7 ± 19.3%) correct answers (p\u3c0.001). CONCLUSION: Longitudinal telehealth training is an effective method for improving confidence and knowledge on SBRT/SRS amongst professionals. Remote continuing medical education should be widely adopted in lower-middle income countries