93 research outputs found


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    Schizencephaly is a cerebral malformation characterized by a cleft lined with gray matter crossing the entire hemisphere, from the lateral ventricle to the outer surface of the cortex; it would be due to a defect in cell migration during cerebral embryogenesis. Its association with epilepsy is frequent, as well as motor and language disorders and mental retardation. We report the case of a 3-year-old girl who had two open schizencephalic clefts which were objectified on cerebral computed tomography. She also had behavioral and mood disorders, probably related to temporal lobe seizures, which were much improved by sodium valproate

    BiodiversitĂ© Et Structure Des Ligneux De La ForĂȘt ClassĂ©e De Maka Diama Dans Le Delta Du Fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal

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    Le barrage anti-sel de Diama, Ă©rigĂ© dans la zone centrale du delta du fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal, a crĂ©Ă© de profondes mutations au niveau de l’environnement de la vallĂ©e. La ForĂȘt ClassĂ©e de Maka Diama (FCMD), amĂ©nagĂ©e au niveau de ce delta en 1934 par l’administration coloniale n’est pas Ă©pargnĂ©e. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude fait l’état de lieux de la forĂȘt, elle dĂ©crit la composition floristique et la structure des ligneux. La base de sondage a Ă©tĂ© des images satellitaires indiquant les diffĂ©rentes entitĂ©s Ă©cologiques de cette forĂȘt. La vĂ©gĂ©tation ligneuse a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e par inventaire suivant une approche dendromĂ©trique. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que la FCMD prĂ©sente une biodiversitĂ© relativement faible avec 13 espĂšces appartenant Ă  11 genres et 9 familles. L’espĂšce Acacia tortilis var.raddiana (Savi) Brenan (39,67 %) est la plus abondante, elle est suivie de Salvadora persica L. (16,99%) et de Tamarix senegalensis DC (12,13 %), Euphorbia balsamifera Ait. (11,21 %) et Prosopis juliflora (SW.) (10,38 %). La prĂ©sence de T. senegalensis considĂ©rĂ© comme un indicateur de salinitĂ©, pourrait aussi expliquer cette faible biodiversitĂ© des ligneux. La FCMD est globalement arbustif. C’est un bassin versant constituĂ© d’une relique de savane arborĂ©e au centre du bassin qui constitue son noyau (F1) et qui Ă©volue en une steppe arbustive vers la pĂ©riphĂ©rie (F3). Avec la diversitĂ© des activitĂ©s menĂ©es autour de la forĂȘt, il semble indispensable de prendre des mesures appropriĂ©es de limitation ou d’interdiction d’accĂšs, dans l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la protection de la biodiversitĂ©. The Diama anti-salt dam, built in the central zone of the Senegal River delta, has created profound changes in the environment of the entire valley. The Maka Diama Classified Forest (FCMD), developed at the level of this delta in 1934 by the colonial administration is not spared. This study presents an inventory of the forest, describing the floristic composition and structure of ligneous trees. The sampling frame was satellite images showing the different ecological features of this forest. Woody vegetation was characterized by inventory using a dendrometric approach. The results of this study show that the FCMD has a relatively low biodiversity with only 13 species belonging to 11 genera and 9 families. Acacia tortilis var.raddiana (Savi) Brenan (39.67%) is more abundant, followed by Salvadora persica L. (16.99%), Tamarix senegalensis DC (12.13%), Euphorbia balsamifera Ait. (11.21%) and Prosopis juliflora (SW.) (10.38%). The presence of T. senegalensis, considered as an indicator of salinity, could also explain the low plant biodiversity observed on ligneous trees. The FCMD is generally shrubby. It is a catchment area made up of a relic of savannah trees in the centre of the basin which constitutes its nucleus (F1) and which evolves towards a shrub steppe towards the periphery (F3). With the diversity of activities carried out around the forest, it seems essential to take appropriate measures to limit or prohibit access, in the interestn of protecting biodiversity

    The urban park Bangr-WĂ©oogo : an area of the conservation of the floristic diversity in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Les rĂ©sultats de 227 relevĂ©s phytosociologiques selon l’approche phytosociologique effectuĂ©es au Parc Urbain Bangr-WĂ©oogo de Braun-Blanquet (1932) montrent que malgrĂ© son contexte de forte pression anthropique avec plus dÂŽun million d’habitants aux alentours, cette forĂȘt urbaine conserve encore de nos jours une diversitĂ© floristique apprĂ©ciable avec 327 espĂšces inventoriĂ©es comprenant 117 espĂšces ligneuses et 210 espĂšces herbacĂ©es. Cette flore qui est rĂ©partie dans 11 groupements individualisĂ©s grĂące aux espĂšces diffĂ©rentielles, est constituĂ©e essentiellement de phanĂ©rophytes et de thĂ©rophytes. La rĂ©partition phytogĂ©ographique des espĂšces montre leur appartenance Ă  plusieurs empires phytogĂ©ographiques dominĂ©s par les espĂšces Soudano-Zambeziennes et Pantropicales. La richesse floristique du parc qui contraste avec son environnement, est le rĂ©sultat d’une politique d’amĂ©nagement et de conservation efficace de la biodiversitĂ© initiĂ©e par l'État et ses partenaires depuis 1936. Mots clĂ©s: Flore, conservation, amĂ©nagement, spectre biologique, Parc Urbain, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, groupements vĂ©gĂ©tauxThe results of 227 relevĂ©s taken in the urban park of Bangr-weoogo by applying the phytosociological approach of Braun-Blanquet (1932) show that the park, consisting mainly of forest formations, still has an important species richness in spite of the high human pressure caused by more than 1 million habitants in the surroundings. The total number of species is 327 comprising 117 woody species and 210 herbaceous species. The flora forms 11 plant communities and is mostly constituted by phanerophytes and therophytes. The phytogeographical distribution of species shows that Soudano-Zambesian and pantropical species are dominating. Key words: Flora, conservation, management, biological spectrum, urban park, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, plant communitie

    Biochemical composition and nutritional value of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del fruit pulps from Northern Ferlo in Senegal

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    Balanites aegyptiaca, a forest species of socio-economic interest for rural people, was chosen to be planted in the frame-work of the Great Green Wall project in Senegal. Although in vastly demand during food scarcity period before crops harvest, the species’ fruit is poorly valued despite its important production. In this study, the fruit pulps were harvested at maturity and the biochemical characteristics were accessed in order to better understand the fruit’s nutritional value. The moisture, sugars, proteins, amino acids, ash, fat, minerals and some vitamins were determined by standard methods of analysis. The results indicated that the fruits are a good alimentary source of sugar, minerals (mainly potassium) and ascorbic acid. The pulp proteins were qualitatively balanced, but were present only in weak quantities. Its caloric value is high due to the high concentration of sugars. Low humidity should allow a fairly good postharvest fruit conservation. The dietary intake of this fruit for local people is very valuable especially in terms of nutrition.Keywords: Balanites aegyptiaca, pulp, biochemical, nutritional valueAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(2), pp. 336-342, 8 January, 201

    Right-heart infective endocarditis: apropos of 10 cases

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    The prevalence and characteristics of right heart endocarditis in Africa are not well known. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and laboratory profiles of patients with right-heart infective endocarditis. This was a 10-year retrospective study conducted in 2 cardiology departments in Dakar, Senegal. All patients who met the diagnosis of right heart infective endocarditis according to the Duke's criteria were included. We studied the epidemiological, clinical as well as their laboratory profiles. There were 10 cases of right-heart infective endocarditis representing 3.04% of cases of infective endocarditis. There was a valvulopathy in 3 patients, an atrial septal defect in 1 patient, parturiency in 2 patients and the presence of a pacemaker in one patient. Anaemia was present in 9 patients whilst leukocytosis in 6 patients. The port of entry was found to be oral in three cases, ENT in one case and urogenital in two cases. Apart from one patient with vegetations in the tricuspid and pulmonary valves, the rest had localized vegetation only at the tricuspid valve. However, blood culture was positive in only three patients. There was a favorable outcome after antibiotic treatment in 4 patients with others having complications; three cases of renal impairment, two cases of heart failure and one case of pulmonary embolism. There was one mortality. Right heart infective endocarditis is rare but associated with potentially fatal complications.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Infestation degree of weed communities in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) crop in Upper Casamance, Senegal

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    Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en Haute Casamance dans le but d’apprĂ©cier la nuisibilitĂ© des adventices du sorgho pluvial. Des relevĂ©s phyto-sociologiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s entre 2015 et 2017 dans les champs de sorgho en zone Sud du SĂ©nĂ©gal. Une analyse de l’importance agronomique des espĂšces de la flore adventices a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  partir de deux paramĂštres que sont le degrĂ© d’infestation et l’indice partiel de nuisibilitĂ©. Le diagramme d’infestation a mis en Ă©vidence 6 groupes d’espĂšces reflĂ©tant leur potentiel d’infestation. Ensuite, le classement des adventices selon leur indice de nuisibilitĂ© a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence de 49 espĂšces potentiellement nuisibles vis–à-vis du sorgho dans la zone de l’étude. Ces espĂšces se rĂ©partissent en 3 groupes: 38 espĂšces Ă  IPN infĂ©rieur Ă  500, 7 espĂšces Ă  IPN compris entre 500 et 1000 et 4 espĂšces Ă  IPN supĂ©rieur Ă  1000. L’apprĂ©ciation de ces deux paramĂštres a permis de ressortir un pool de 15 espĂšces qui constituent un rĂ©el problĂšme d’enherbement dans les cultures de sorgho en Haute Casamance. La connaissance de ces espĂšces est un prĂ©alable Ă  l’élaboration de tout plan de gestion pour une lutte raisonnĂ©e dans le cadre de la promotion des stratĂ©gies intĂ©grĂ©es de gestion de la flore adventice. Mots clĂ©s: DegrĂ© d’infestation, Mauvaise herbes, NuisibilitĂ©, Sorgho, SĂ©nĂ©galWeed flora of grain sorghum in Upper Casamance was characterized using phyto-sociological surveys from 2015 to 2017 crop years. We analyzed the agronomic importance of these species based on the degree of infestation and the partial nuisibility index (PNI). The present study revealed that 232 plant species were growing as weeds in sorghum fields in Southern Senegal and belong to 138 genera in 43 families. Infestation diagram based on weeds abundance and frequency showed six groups of species reflecting their degree of infestation. The classification of weeds according to their partial nuisibility index revealed that 49 species were potentially harmful against grain sorghum. These species are divided into three groups: 38 species with PNI less than 500, 7 species with PNI between 500 and 1000 and 4 species with an PNI over 1000. The assessment of these two parameters showed a pool of 15 species which constitute a major constraint in sorghum fields. Indeed, knowing these target species is essential before elaboration of any integrated weed management (IWM) strategies for increasing grain sorghum yield under Sudanian conditions of Southern Senegal. Keywords: Infestation degree, injurious, Senegal, Sorghum, Weed flor

    Les pointes-ondes continues du sommeil: Aspects electro-encephalographiques au service de neurologie du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann de Dakar

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    Introduction: Les pointes-ondes continues du sommeil, constituent une entitĂ© Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographique peu frĂ©quente, mais au pronostic  neuropsychologique potentiellement pĂ©joratif.Objectif: L‘objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les aspects Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques chez des patients prĂ©sentant des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil.Patients Et Methode: Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective descriptive sur 2 ans Ă  la Clinique  Neurologique du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann Ă  Dakar, portant sur des dossiers  Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques d‘enfants prĂ©sentant des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil. Les donnĂ©es  personnelles, les caractĂ©ristiques de l‘activitĂ© Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographique de veille et de sommeil ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies.Resultats: Soixante-trois dossiers ont Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©s, soit une frĂ©quence de 1,02% de la population globale et de 2,60% de la population d‘enfants. Le sex-ratio Ă©tait de 1,42, l‘ñge moyen de 6,65 +/- 2,63 ans. Les indications prĂ©dominantes Ă©taient les crises gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es tonico-cloniques et les crises focales motrices. Presque tous (96,97%) les enregistrements de veille comportaient des anomalies paroxystiques, Ă  prĂ©dominance hĂ©misphĂ©rique gauche le plus souvent et dans les rĂ©gions pĂ©ri-sylviennes. Environ 2 enfants sur 3 (63,49%) avaient des altĂ©rations des figures physiologiques du sommeil. Les pointes-ondes prĂ©dominaient au stade II du sommeil, lĂ©gĂšrement dans l‘hĂ©misphĂšre gauche, plus frĂ©quemment dans les rĂ©gions pĂ©ri-sylviennes. Le schĂ©ma de pointes-ondes continues du sommeil antĂ©rieures prĂ©dominait. L‘index de pointes-ondes variait entre 50 et 100%.Conclusion: Le diagnostic des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil doit ĂȘtre prĂ©coce. La prĂ©cision des caractĂ©ristiques topographiques permet le diagnostic de dĂ©ficits cognitifs latents, d‘oĂč l‘intĂ©rĂȘt des Ă©tudes de corrĂ©lation clinicoĂ©lectrique.   English Title: Continuous spike-waves during slow sleep: electroencephalographic aspects in the neurological department of Fann National University Hospital of Daka
