9 research outputs found

    Developing Strategies for an Integrated Ecotourism Business: Study Case in Olele Village, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    The marine ecotourism of Olele Village is one of Indonesia's tourist destinations with business potential. However, it has not been developed optimally, especially in the fields of facilities and infrastructure, also community empowerment programs. This study aimed to design policy strategies and analyzed integrated ecotourism management policies for local economic development. This study used primary and secondary data. The sampling techniques used snowball and purposive sampling. The data analysis used SWOT, BOS (Blue Ocean Strategy), and BMC (Business Model Canvas) analyses. The SWOT analysis results showed several formulations of ecotourism development strategies related to integrated ecotourism management, the collaboration between stakeholders, and the training and development of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). The results of the BOS analysis recommended strategic innovations to make it easier to compete with competitors. Strategic innovations such creating new demand and supply, increasing tourist facilities, lowering prices, and creating markets. The results of the BMC analysis showed the perspective of opportunities and investment strategies in ecotourism-based local economic programs. It can be concluded that policies and strategies to optimize marine ecotourism utilize coral reefs as regional icons for snorkeling and diving activities. Keywords: blue ocean strategy, business, ecotourism, local economy, SWO

    Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Makanan Olahan Pada Pesantren Peserta Program OPOP di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Islamic boarding school in Indonesia have enormous potentials and roles in terms of numbers, students and resources. This reality is the background for the implementation of the One Islamic Boarding School One Product (OPOP) program for the West Java Provincial Government. This study aims to formulate a strategy for the development of the food industry in Islamic boarding schools participating in the OPOP program in Bogor Regency. The data source for this study comes from primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews and filling out questionnaires by Islamic boarding school business managers, similar business actors, OPOP program assistants and expert respondents. Secondary data was obtained from BPS, related agencies and other related literature. The data obtained was then analyzed using SWOT analysis and blue ocean strategy. The results of the research show that the pesantren business has many weaknesses but has various opportunities to be developed. The blue ocean analysis illustrates that the pesantren business is still in tight business competition (red ocean). Therefore, pesantren are recommended to make strategic changes through market penetration and product development strategies. Market penetration strategy through increasing product branding, Islamic boarding school business networks and utilizing e-commerce technology. The product development strategy is carried out through product innovations typical of Islamic boarding schools. Keywords: blue ocean strategy, economic independence, OPOP, pesantre

    The Effect of Interaction and Website Environment Qualities Towards E-Loyalty: A Case Study of Online Hotel Booking in Indonesia and Thailand

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    Online hotel booking is a method of renting a place through the internet. Today, people are becoming users of online rental properties as a necessity and lifestyle. Indonesia and Thailand as tourist destinations indicates a large population that have potential for the online property rental business. This study will analyze the effect of interaction quality, website environment quality that have an impact on customer loyalty toward this product. In this study, data was collected by a questionnaire that has been given, the authors used Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) for analysis method. This method is used to determine the number of online hotel booking users so that it will be seen how the effect of interaction quality and website environment quality has an impact on e-Loyalty. In both countries, the quality of interaction has a positive and significant effect on e-loyalty. The coefficient value of the interaction quality parameter in the Indonesian model has a value of 0.544. The results of the significance test showed that the website environment quality variable had a positive and significant effect in both countries with T-statistical test results > 1.96 and P-values less than 0.05. This study examines the direct relationship between the interaction quality and website environment quality variables on e-Loyalty. This research can be additional knowledge related to the determinants of loyalty found in online businesses. In addition, the research also provides a new picture of the online lodging service business in two countries, namely Indonesia and Thailan

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Pembaca dalam Memperoleh Informasi Gaya Hidup Sehat (Studi Kasus Pembaca Tabloid Senior di Kecamatan Bogor Utara)

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    Healthy behavior is an important physical and psychological needs for human beings. Therefore, to attain good healthy behavior results, it is essential to study of the process to obtain information oh healthy life style in the Senior tabloid. Objectives of this research are to analyze individual characteristic (internal factors) and external factors (physical environment, social environment, and cultural environment), and to analyze the relationship between the internal factors and external factors and reader behavior. This study is a correlational description research, consists of 40 respondens of Senior tabloid reader were taken as sample. The sampling method was Sensus, and the technique of analysis were Spearman correlation method.The important results are : (1) reader behavior classified of five parts: exertion obtain an information source, reading frequency, reading schedule, exertion to store the information source, and information application, (2) internal factors that have significantly correlate to reder behavior are: job, healthy life style experience, family quantity, and cosmopolit, and (3) external factors that have significantly correlate to reader behavior are: packaging, content (topic and language), self concept, group effect, value system, and social process


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    The purposes of this study are to analyze the business performance and the ability of the tofu industry to become economic base, analyze the factors that affect the performance, and formulate strategies for the development of tofu small scale industry. The data of this study was collected through field survey, in-depth interviews with related experts, questionnaire technique and study documents. The data was analyized using the business feasibility, Hayami added value, regression, LQ, IFE and EFE, and SWOT. The business feasibility analysis of the tofu small scale industry has met all requirements. The production inputs and labour are significantly influence for the performance of tofu small scale industry. The tofu small scale industry becomes an economic base commodity in Adiwerna, Pangkah, and Tarub Subdistricts. Strategies on the development of tofu small scale industry in Tegal District among others are improving: the image of tofu to the higher level of consumer by packaging and brand design, the regional branding, the market penetration of the supply chain and control of soybean prices, and using alternative tofu raw material, optimizing the economic value of waste.Keywords: Development strategy, process food industry, Tegal District, small scale industry ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis kinerja usaha dan kemampuan industri kecil tahu menjadi basis ekonomi, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan industri kecil tahu. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui survei lapangan, wawancara mendalam dengan pakar, kuesioner dan studi dokumen. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan analisis kelayakan usaha, nilai tambah Hayami, regresi, LQ, IFE dan EFE, dan SWOT. Analisa kelayakan usaha industri kecil tahu telah memenuhi semua persyaratan. Input produksi dan tenaga kerja merupakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja industri kecil tahu. Industri kecil tahu mampu menjadi komoditas basis ekonomi di Kecamatan Adiwerna, Kecamatan Pangkah dan Kecamatan Tarub. Alternatif strategi pengembangan industri kecil tahu di Kabupaten Tegal antara lain adalah meningkatkan: citra produk guna membidik kelas konsumen yang lebih tinggi melalui desain kemasan dan merek, regional branding, penetrasi terhadap rantai suplai dan pengendalian harga kedelai, dan memanfaatkan bahan baku tahu alternatif, optimalisasi nilai ekonomi limbah industri tahu.Kata kunci : Industri kecil, industri makanan olahan, Kabupaten Tegal, strategi pengembanga

    Kompetensi Fasilitator Pelatihan Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan, Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pertanian (P4TK Pertanian) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

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    The success of the training execution one other is determined by facilitator competency. Therefore facilitator is strived to havecompetency in implementing learning task suitable with the wish and need of training participants. The aims of this researchis to analyse factors dominantly influencing competency of facilitators of P4TK Pertanian Cianjur. This research is conductedin P4TK Pertanian Cianjur, using P4TK fasilitators as respondents. The research is carried out in P4TK Pertanian Cianjurusing 121 facilitators by census. Reserch result showed that most part of the facilitators master the competence in the level ofmedium. Factors that significantly influencing positively the competence of the facilitators are involvement of facilitators inlearning process, motivation, and working environment. Meanwhile the individual characteristics does not significantly influencefacilitator competency

    Asessing Biosecurity Management Practice Along Layer Chicken Chain in Bogor and Sukabumi

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    Biosecurity is one of the government's recommended risk management to limit the exposure of disease agents, but the implementation of biosecurity in supply chain is reportedly still not optimal. This study aims to identify supply chain of layers especially live chicken chain in Bogor and Sukabumi and to analyze the level of application of biosecurity in the chicken chain. Survey method with checklist questionnaire was used to obtain the required data. The results show that the chicken chain of layer involves the farmers and selllers of layers including collectors, poultry market sellers, and butchers, and end consumers. Culled layers are distributed in the form of live birds that can increase the risk of disease due to the accommodation time and market system which are mostly not first in first out (FIFO). The application of layer farmer biosecurity is at a moderate level (score 33.4 in Bogor and 40 in Sukabumi from a maximum score of 60). In the sellers of layers, the application of biosecurity is at a low level (score 21.9 in Bogor and 25 in Sukabumi from a maximum score of 69). Differences in biosecurity practices of farmers in Bogor and Sukabumi areas lie in the protection of wild birds. The differences in the biosecurity practices of layer bird sellers in the areas of Bogor and Sukabumi lie in the action against new poultry and action on transportation equipment. Biosecurity scores that have not been optimal indicate that the implementation of biosecurity still needs to be improved at each point of the chicken chain. Increasing biosecurity in each chicken chain point will help reduce the risk of exposure to AI viruses in layer birds through the chicken chain so that losses can be minimized

    Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Bahari Di Pulau Pramuka Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis respon wisatawan terhadap kualitas atribut destinasi wisata (Atrrcation, Accessibility, Amenity, Ancillary Services) yang ditawarkan Pulau Pramuka, menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal yaitu kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman bagi pengembangan kelautan. wisata di Pulau Pramuka. dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan wisata bahari di Pulau Pramuka Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Analisis yang digunakan adalah IFE, EFE, IE dan SWOT Matrix and Strategy Architecture. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi wisata Pulau Pramuka sangat beragam, antara lain atraksi wisata alam dan buatan berupa diving, snorkeling, fishing, mangrove tracking, penangkaran penyu, kuliner dan makanan khas daerah, memiliki aksesibilitas dan transportasi yang relatif mudah. , fasilitas lengkap. , serta peran pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Strategi pengembangan wisata bahari di Pulau Pramuka adalah pengembangan wisata yang berwawasan lingkungan, budaya dan pendidikan dengan memanfaatkan potensi wisata bahari dan mengintensifkan koordinasi antara pemerintah dan masyarakat setempat. Kata kunci : partisipasi masyarakat, strategi pembangunan, SWOT, wisata bahar