13 research outputs found

    Relaxation-based viscosity mapping for magnetic particle imaging

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    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) has been shown to provide remarkable contrast for imaging applications such as angiography, stem cell tracking, and cancer imaging. Recently, there is growing interest in the functional imaging capabilities of MPI, where 'color MPI' techniques have explored separating different nanoparticles, which could potentially be used to distinguish nanoparticles in different states or environments. Viscosity mapping is a promising functional imaging application for MPI, as increased viscosity levels in vivo have been associated with numerous diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cancer. In this work, we propose a viscosity mapping technique for MPI through the estimation of the relaxation time constant of the nanoparticles. Importantly, the proposed time constant estimation scheme does not require any prior information regarding the nanoparticles. We validate this method with extensive experiments in an in-house magnetic particle spectroscopy (MPS) setup at four different frequencies (between 250 Hz and 10.8 kHz) and at three different field strengths (between 5 mT and 15 mT) for viscosities ranging between 0.89 mPa • s-15.33 mPa • s. Our results demonstrate the viscosity mapping ability of MPI in the biologically relevant viscosity range. © 2017 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

    Effects of pulse duration on magnetostimulation thresholds

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    Purpose: Medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic particle imaging (MPI) utilize time-varying magnetic fields that are subject to magnetostimulation limits, which often limit the speed of the imaging process. Various human-subject experiments have studied the amplitude and frequency dependence of these thresholds for gradient or homogeneous magnetic fields. Another contributing factor was shown to be number of cycles in a magnetic pulse, where the thresholds decreased with longer pulses. The latter result was demonstrated on two subjects only, at a single frequency of 1.27 kHz. Hence, whether the observed effect was due to the number of cycles or due to the pulse duration was not specified. In addition, a gradient-type field was utilized; hence, whether the same phenomenon applies to homogeneous magnetic fields remained unknown. Here, the authors investigate the pulse duration dependence of magneto stimulation limits for a 20-fold range of frequencies using homogeneous magnetic fields, such as the ones used for the drive field in MPI. Methods: Magnetostimulation thresholds were measured in the arms of six healthy subjects (age: 27±5 yr). Each experiment comprised testing the thresholds at eight different pulse durations between 2 and 125 ms at a single frequency, which took approximately 3040 min/subject. A total of 34 experiments were performed at three different frequencies: 1.2, 5.7, and 25.5 kHz. A solenoid coil providing homogeneous magnetic field was used to induce stimulation, and the field amplitude was measured in real time. A pre-emphasis based pulse shaping method was employed to accurately control the pulse durations. Subjects reported stimulation via a mouse click whenever they felt a twitching/tingling sensation. A sigmoid function was fitted to the subject responses to find the threshold at a specific frequency and duration, and the whole procedure was repeated at all relevant frequencies and pulse durations. Results: The magnetostimulation limits decreased with increasing pulse duration (Tpulse). For Tpulse Norm) vs duration curve at all three frequencies agreed almost identically, indicating that the observed effect is independent of the operating frequency. At the shortest pulse duration (Tpulse ≈ 2 ms), the thresholds were approximately 24% higher than at the asymptotes. The thresholds decreased to within 4% of their asymptotic values for Tpulse > 20 ms. These trends were well characterized (R2 = 0.78) by a stretched exponential function given by BNorm = 1+αe?(Tpulse/β)γ, where the fitted parameters were α = 0.44, β = 4.32, and γ = 0.60. Conclusions: This work shows for the first time that the magnetostimulation thresholds decrease with increasing pulse duration, and that this effect is independent of the operating frequency. Normalized threshold vs duration trends are almost identical for a 20-fold range of frequencies: the thresholds are significantly higher at short pulse durations and settle to within 4% of their asymptotic values for durations longer than 20 ms. These results emphasize the importance of matching the human-subject experiments to the imaging conditions of a particular setup. Knowing the dependence of the safety limits to all contributing factors is critical for increasing the time-efficiency of imaging systems that utilize time-varying magnetic fields. © 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine

    Susceptibility Artifacts

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    In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord is challenging due to susceptibility variations between various tissue types, air in the lungs and trachea, and in some cases surgical implants that significantly distort the applied magnetic field. These field inhomogeneities create off-resonance induced artifacts in the images, such as signal dropouts and pileups, geometric distortions, and incomplete fat suppression. Bulk physiologic motion from cardiac and respiratory cycles, cerebrospinal fluid pulsation, as well as breathing and swallowing further cause temporal variations of these field inhomogeneities. Moreover, the anatomy of the spine requires a relatively large field of view (FOV), especially in the sagittal imaging plane, while the small cross-sectional size of the spinal cord mandates high-spatial-resolution images. The resulting long readout duration, especially that of echo planar imaging (EPI), further exacerbates the artifacts. This chapter reviews susceptibility artifacts, their impact on EPI of the spinal cord, and methods to limit these artifacts. Acquisition-based methods include multishot imaging, parallel acquisitions, reduced-FOV methods, and non-EPI techniques. Reconstruction-based methods involve distortion correction, phase correction, and other advanced techniques. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Enhanced phase-sensitive SSFP reconstruction for fat-water separation in phased-array acquisitions

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    Purpose: To propose and assess a method to improve the reliability of phase-sensitive fat–water separation for phased-array balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) acquisitions. Phase-sensitive steady-state free precession (PS-SSFP) is an efficient fat–water separation technique that detects the phase difference between neighboring bands in the bSSFP magnetization profile. However, large spatial variations in the sensitivity profiles of phased-array coils can lead to noisy phase estimates away from the coil centers, compromising tissue classification. Materials and Methods: We first perform region-growing phase correction in individual coil images via unsupervised selection of a fat-voxel seed near the peak of each coil's sensitivity profile. We then use an optimal linear combination of phase-corrected images to segregate fat and water signals. The proposed method was demonstrated on noncontrast-enhanced SSFP angiograms of the thigh, lower leg, and foot acquired at 1.5T using an 8-channel coil. Individual coil PS-SSFP with a common seed selection for all coils, individual coil PS-SSFP with coil-wise seed selection, PS-SSFP after coil combination, and IDEAL reconstructions were also performed. Water images reconstructed via PS-SSFP methods were compared in terms of the level of fat suppression and the similarity to reference IDEAL images (signed-rank test). Results: While tissue misclassification was broadly evident across regular PS-SSFP images, the proposed method achieved significantly higher levels of fat suppression (P < 0.005) and increased similarity to reference IDEAL images (P < 0.005). Conclusion: The proposed method enhances fat–water separation in phased-array acquisitions by producing improved phase estimates across the imaging volume. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2016;44:148–157. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Reduced field-of-view DWI with robust fat suppression and unrestricted slice coverage using tilted 2D RF excitation

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    Purpose: Reduced field-of-view (rFOV) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) using 2D echo-planar radiofrequency (2DRF) excitation has been widely and successfully applied in clinical settings. The purpose of this work is to further improve its clinical utility by overcoming slice coverage limitations without any scan time penalty while providing robust fat suppression. Theory and Methods: During multislice imaging with 2DRF pulses, periodic sidelobes in the slice direction cause partial saturation, limiting the slice coverage. In this work, a tilting of the excitation plane is proposed to push the sidelobes out of the imaging section while preserving robust fat suppression. The 2DRF pulse is designed using Shinnar-Le Roux algorithm on a rotated excitation k-space. The performance of the method is validated via simulations, phantom experiments, and high in-plane resolution in vivo DWI of the spinal cord. Results: Results show that rFOV DWI using the tilted 2DRF pulse provides increased signal-to-noise ratio, extended coverage, and robust fat suppression, without any scan time penalty. Conclusion: Using a tilted 2DRF excitation, a high-resolution rFOV DWI method with robust fat suppression and unrestricted slice coverage is presented. This method will be beneficial in clinical applications needing large slice coverage, for example, axial imaging of the spine, prostate, or breast. Magn Reson Med 76:1668–1676, 2016. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicin

    Image reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging using an Augmented Lagrangian Method

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    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a relatively new imaging modality that images the spatial distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles administered to the body. In this study, we use a new method based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (a subset of Augmented Lagrangian Methods, ADMM) with total variation and l1 norm minimization, to reconstruct MPI images. We demonstrate this method on data simulated for a field free line MPI system, and compare its performance against the conventional Algebraic Reconstruction Technique. The ADMM improves image quality as indicated by a higher structural similarity, for low signal-to-noise ratio datasets, and it significantly reduces computation time. © 2017 IEEE

    Targeted vessel reconstruction in non-contrast-enhanced steady-state free precession angiography

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    Image quality in non-contrast-enhanced (NCE) angiograms is often limited by scan time constraints. An effective solution is to undersample angiographic acquisitions and to recover vessel images with penalized reconstructions. However, conventional methods leverage penalty terms with uniform spatial weighting, which typically yield insufficient suppression of aliasing interference and suboptimal blood/background contrast. Here we propose a two-stage strategy where a tractographic segmentation is employed to auto-extract vasculature maps from undersampled data. These maps are then used to incur spatially adaptive sparsity penalties on vascular and background regions. In vivo steady-state free precession angiograms were acquired in the hand, lower leg and foot. Compared with regular non-adaptive compressed sensing (CS) reconstructions (CSlow), the proposed strategy improves blood/background contrast by 71.3±28.9% in the hand (mean±s.d. across acceleration factors 1-8), 30.6±11.3% in the lower leg and 28.1±7.0% in the foot (signed-rank test, P&lt; 0.05 at each acceleration). The proposed targeted reconstruction can relax trade-offs between image contrast, resolution and scan efficiency without compromising vessel depiction. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Low drive field amplitude for improved image resolution in magnetic particle imaging

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    Purpose: Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a new imaging technology that directly detects superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. The technique has potential medical applications in angiography, cell tracking, and cancer detection. In this paper, the authors explore how nanoparticle relaxation affects image resolution. Historically, researchers have analyzed nanoparticle behavior by studying the time constant of the nanoparticle physical rotation. In contrast, in this paper, the authors focus instead on how the time constant of nanoparticle rotation affects the final image resolution, and this reveals nonobvious conclusions for tailoring MPI imaging parameters for optimal spatial resolution. Methods: The authors first extend x-space systems theory to include nanoparticle relaxation. The authors then measure the spatial resolution and relative signal levels in an MPI relaxometer and a 3D MPI imager at multiple drive field amplitudes and frequencies. Finally, these image measurements are used to estimate relaxation times and nanoparticle phase lags. Results: The authors demonstrate that spatial resolution, as measured by full-width at half-maximum, improves at lower drive field amplitudes. The authors further determine that relaxation in MPI can be approximated as a frequency-independent phase lag. These results enable the authors to accurately predict MPI resolution and sensitivity across a wide range of drive field amplitudes and frequencies. Conclusions: To balance resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, specific absorption rate, and magnetostimulation requirements, the drive field can be a low amplitude and high frequency. Continued research into how the MPI drive field affects relaxation and its adverse effects will be crucial for developing new nanoparticles tailored to the unique physics of MPI. Moreover, this theory informs researchers how to design scanning sequences to minimize relaxation-induced blurring for better spatial resolution or to exploit relaxation-induced blurring for MPI with molecular contrast. © 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine

    Seeing SPIOs Directly In Vivo with Magnetic Particle Imaging

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    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a new molecular imaging technique that directly images superparamagnetic tracers with high image contrast and sensitivity approaching nuclear medicine techniques—but without ionizing radiation. Since its inception, the MPI research field has quickly progressed in imaging theory, hardware, tracer design, and biomedical applications. Here, we describe the history and field of MPI, outline pressing challenges to MPI technology and clinical translation, highlight unique applications in MPI, and describe the role of the WMIS MPI Interest Group in collaboratively advancing MPI as a molecular imaging technique. We invite interested investigators to join the MPI Interest Group and contribute new insights and innovations to the MPI field. © 2017, World Molecular Imaging Society

    DC shift based image reconstruction for magnetic particle imaging [Manyetik Parçacik Görüntüleme için DC Kayma Tabanli Görüntü Geriçatimi]

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    Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a new imaging technology that images the spatial distribution of iron oxide nanoparticles. Since the magnetic field strength that can be safely applied in MPI is limited, the field-of-view (FOV) must be divided into partial FOVs. Because the excitation magnetic field causes direct feedthrough on the receiver coil, the excitation frequency must be filtered out of the MPI signal. During this process, the nanoparticle signal at the same frequency is also lost, as a result of which each partial FOV experiences different levels of DC shift. In the standard MPI image reconstruction, these DC shifts are calculated from neighboring overlapping partial FOVs. Here, we propose a novel method that directly reconstructs the MPI image from the calculated DC shift values. Especially in the case of low bandwidth signal acquisitions, this method yields higher resolution images when compared to the standard method. The simulation results at various signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) show that the proposed method produces 6-8 dB increase in peak SNR and yields images that closely match the ideal image. © 2017 IEEE