590 research outputs found

    The Manifestation of Indonesian Democracy; Between Pancasila State of Law and Islamic Nomocracy

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    The state of Pancasila law is a tool for people who have the power to regulate human relations in society and regulate the symptoms of power in society. As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia does not make Islam its legal basis. The Islamic Nomocracy and its values are embedded in the state of Pancasila law, as well as manifestation of democracy itself. Through these hyphoteses, the writer tries to find a common flateform between Pancasila and the Islamic Nomocracy in the formation of Indonesian democracy. This classic problem requires special attention, because the debate always triggers reactions and actions. Islam as a religion with complex system of living is believed to be a powerful mechanism in dealing with various life problems encountered. The Shari’ah consists of a combination of pre-Islamic customs and habits with principles and laws originated from the Qur’an and authentic prophetic tradition. Islamic scholars try to form Islamic teachings as ethical and national policies. Even so, the principle of the Pancasila state was accepted as final, at least there were Islamic nomocracy values embedded in the Pancasila while at the same time they contributed to build Indonesia’s democracy as a modern country. The theological values in the Pancasila and islamic nomocracy should not be a mere formal rule, but should address the substance of democracy in Indonesia. The rule of law must be supported by a democratic system because there is a clear correlation between the rule of law which relies on the constitution, and the sovereignty of the people which is carried out through a democratic system. In a democratic system, people’s participation is the essence of this system. However, democracy without legal regulation will lose form and direction, while law without democracy will lose meaning

    The Identity Politics of the Minority in Knitting the Constitutionality (The Legal review of Sunda Wiwitan Community of Cigugur, Kuningan, West Java)

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    The Identity Politics of Sunda Wiwitan community, which nowadays is rated as a form of self-preservation to meet the economic needs of families, has been considered to get restraints from the state. The economic needs make the identity politics as a means to save oneself. The Identification card, which is known as KTP and in which there is a religion column, has created discrimination of the identity for the Sunda Wiwitan Community (KSW). The KSW still runs the obedience to the teachings of the ancestors but to save the economy, the status of the religion is willingly written to be recognized as other religions by the state. There is no other way to save the economic life for the sake of the family survival than to fill in the religion column with the state-recognized religions. The situation is certainly influential for the KSW against other identities such as marriage and education cards. The discussion uses the result that comes from the interviews and some literature. Then the result becomes something ideal for KSW to save themselves in the economic field by changing the identity on the ID card. It is the way from KSW in passing the identity politics to meet the economic needs while the other side becomes the weakness of the Indonesian national law that does not provide any space for KSW in order to have equal opportunity as the Indonesian citizen.  Keywords: The Identity Politics, KSW, Constitutionality

    Peran Teori Keadulatan Tuhan pada Perang Kediri dan Tumapel pada Pembentukan Hukum di Indonesia

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    The sovereignty of God in the state administration of the Kingdom of Indonesia can be seen from the words of Ken Arok attacking the kingdom of Kediri, "O Pastors who adhere to Shiva and Buddhism. Please bless me to have the title Bhatara Guru ”. The study of God's sovereignty can be clearly seen from the history of Ken Arok, who was the king of Tumapel, who succeeded in using God's sovereignty to gain power over Kediri. So the question is the extent to which the existence of the struggle for God's sovereignty in Indonesia which underlies divine values. Ken Arok as the ruler of Tumapel who is a subordinate of Kediri has committed an offense of royal state order. What was done by Ken Arok in terms of International Law as "belligerent". Ken Arok's movement to gain power by committing offenses on the state administration of the kingdom, legalized by the laws of the royal state at that time, as well as international law today. In addition to evidence of the theory of God's sovereignty which was applied by Ken Arok to strengthen his power, in modern times too, the theory of God's sovereignty was practiced by Soekarno during the Old Order. As proof of the theory of God's Sovereignty during the Soekarno era came from the minister of religion of the Republic of Indonesia who at that time was held by Wahid Hasyim, who considered it important to build a magnificent mosque as gratitude for Indonesia's independence in the struggle against the invaders.Keywords: sovereignty, God, struggle, kingdo

    Legal Antropology Approach on The Application of Village Website in Digital Economic Era in Indonesia

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    Legal anthropology approach is a scientific discipline which explicitly focuses on normative complexity in society and on the relationship between human behavior and its complexity and changes in both human behavior and normative complexity. The application of modern technology in villages has shown the central governments support, especially in the acceleration of village economy. On the other hand, there are not many people in the village who understand the application of the technology itself. Villages, that are vulnerable to changes, require special attention especially with regard to technology. The aim of legal anthropology in accelerating the digital economy is expected to provide a balance in the acceleration of village economy. Thus, the issue raised in this research is how the novelty and renewal of law on digital economy acceleration through the village website viewed from legal anthropology. This research used a normative legal research method which was done by describing views related to the subject matter. In terms of anthropological tendency, there is a tendency adjusted to the dynamics of the societys culture including the acceleration of digital economy for the village. Anthropology sees only law as an aspect of culture, namely an aspect used by public authority in regulating behavior and society, so that there are no deviations and irregularities of the determined social norms. Legal anthropology looks at possible differences or even conflicts in order to assess the modernization culture with the level of understanding in the village. The legal novelty and renewal in the village with regard to digital economic acceleration is considered as a channel, means, and a type of membrane that can be penetrated without disturbing or damaging the membrane.Pendekatan Antropologi hukum merupakan disiplin ilmiah yang paling eksplisit memusatkan perhatian pada ke-kompleksitasan normatif dalam masyarakat dan pada hubungan antara prilaku manusia dengan ke-kompleksitasan, perubahan-perubahan baik dalam prilaku manusia maupun dalam kekompleksitasan normatif. Penerapan teknologi modern di desa- desa telah menunjukan dukungan pemerintah pusat terutama dalam percepatan ekonomi desa. Di sisi lain masyarakat desa masih belum banyak yang mengerti akan penerapan teknologi itu sendiri. Desa yang rentan akan perubahan memerlukan perhatian yang khusus apalagi berkenaan dengan teknologi. Tujuan antropologi hukum dalam percepatan ekonomi digital diharapkan memberikan keseimbangan dalam percepatan ekonomi desa. Maka yang menjadi pertanyaan yakni bagaimana kebaruan dan pembaharuan hukum percepatan ekonomi digital melalui website desa dilihat dari sisi antropologi hukum. Penelitian sendiri menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan pemikiran yang berkenaan dengan pokok bahasan. Kecenderungan antropologis, terdapat kecenderungan yang disesuaikan dengan dinamika budaya masyarakat termasuk didalamnya percepatan ekonomi digital bagi desa. Antropologi melihat hukum sebagai aspek dari kebudayaan, yaitu suatu aspek yang digunakan oleh kekuasaan masyarakat yang teratur dalam mengatur perilaku dan masyarakat, agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan dan penyimpangan yang terjadi dari norma-norma sosial yang ditentukan dapat diperbaiki.Antropologi hukum dengan melihat kemungkinan perbedaan atau bahkan pertentangan masyarakat desa dalam rangka menilai budaya modernisasi dengan tingkat pemahaman di desa.Kebaruan dan pembaharuan hukum di desa berkenaan dengan percepatan ekonomi digital dianggap sebagai saluran, sarana, sejenis selaput yang bisa ditembus tanpa mengganggu atau merusak selaput

    Design development of lightweight disc brake for regenerative braking finite element analysis

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    The automotive industry has for many years identified weight reduction as a way of improving product competitiveness and thus the ability to make profits. One area that has been examined for weight reduction is vehicle with regenerative braking system (RBS). The greatest advantages of electric vehicles (EVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) is their ability to recover significant amounts of braking energy using a RBS. Regenerative braking is an effective method to extend brake disc life, minimise disc rotor weight, minimise brake pad wear and to extend the working range of an EV or HEV. Regenerative braking would extend the working range of an EV or HEV provided that any extra energy consumption e.g. from increased vehicle mass and system losses did not outweigh the saving from energy recuperation, also reduce duty levels on the brakes themselves, giving advantages including extended brake rotor and friction material life, but more importantly reduced brake mass, minimise brake pad wear. The objective of this research is to define thermal performance on lightweight disc brake models. Thermal performance was a key factor which was studied using the 3D model in Finite Element Analysis simulations. Ultimately a design method for lightweight brakes suitable for use on any car-sized hybrid vehicle was used from previous analysis. The design requirement, including reducing the thickness, would affect the temperature distribution and increase stress at the critical area. Based on the relationship obtained between rotor weight, thickness, undercut effect and offset between hat and friction ring, criteria have been established for designing lightweight brake discs in a vehicle with regenerative braking


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    This study aims to investigate Self-Seeking towards Self-Knowledge which plays an essential role for the life moment of the famous and distinguished Christian mystic namely Saint Augustine. He seeks and asks about himself as a human being, both horizontally [his relationship with another man], and vertically [his relationship with God the Creator]. He also reveals the answers toward his questions and searching. It can be explored in his masterpiece entitled ‘The Confession’. This study also relies on this book, as the primary reference, to explore and analyze Self-Seeking and Self-Knowledge in Western Mysticism. Therefore, the present study addresses research questions as follow: What is the definition of true Self-Seeking in general? What kind of Self-Knowledge offered by Saint Augustine inside the circumstance of the Western Mysticism Treasury? What is the significance of the Self-Seeking and the Self-Knowledge which is relevant with the current context?     &nbsp

    Political Law of Sidawangi Society towards Customary Rights Over Oro-Oro Land

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    The study concerning political law of Sidawangi society towards customary right over “Oro-Oro” land is commonly triggered by the presence of the arbitrary village officers. Historically, “Oro-Oro” land is characterised as a communal land, but its management is initiated exclusively through an agreement and doubtful rights. The legal law concerning customary right over “Oro-Oro” land is truly expected by Sidawangi society. The action of arbitrary village officers is deemed to be one of crucial factors to realise their expectation.Furthermore, the rumour of switching “Oro-Oro” land into plantation land by the corporation also toughens the strong desire of Sidawangi society to realize their expectation. The present study aims to investigate the significance of legal law and the warranty of customary rights both in the 1945 Constitution, agrarian law and international conventions. This study is conducted through an interview to Sidawangi society and literature studies regarding customary right over “Oro-Oro” land as expected by Sidawangi society. Customary right over “Oro-Oro” land, initiated by Sidawangi Society in Sumber Sub-District, originally refers to a communal area which has been exclusively possessed. In other words, this type of land is not privately preserved. The people in Sidawangi society are only allowed to maintain and gather the result. The arbitrary of village officers seize trees in “Oro-Oro” land without any kinds of certain customary right. The phenomenon in Lampung has provided insight regarding the conflict occurs when the people expect is not fulfilled. The residents inevitably expect the existence of political law in society towards customary land. The legal protection towards customary right over “Oro-Oro” land is essentially guaranteed by 1945 constitution, Basic Agrarian Law Constitution, and international convention of indigenous community

    Design development of lightweight disc brake for regenerative braking finite element analysis

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    The automotive industry has for many years identified weight reduction as a way of improving product competitiveness and thus the ability to make profits. One area that has been examined for weight reduction is vehicle with regenerative braking system (RBS). The greatest advantages of electric vehicles (EVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) is their ability to recover significant amounts of braking energy using a RBS. Regenerative braking is an effective method to extend brake disc life, minimise disc rotor weight, minimise brake pad wear and to extend the working range of an EV or HEV. Regenerative braking would extend the working range of an EV or HEV provided that any extra energy consumption e.g. from increased vehicle mass and system losses did not outweigh the saving from energy recuperation, also reduce duty levels on the brakes themselves, giving advantages including extended brake rotor and friction material life, but more importantly reduced brake mass, minimise brake pad wear. The objective of this research is to define thermal performance on lightweight disc brake models. Thermal performance was a key factor which was studied using the 3D model in Finite Element Analysis simulations. Ultimately a design method for lightweight brakes suitable for use on any car-sized hybrid vehicle was used from previous analysis. The design requirement, including reducing the thickness, would affect the temperature distribution and increase stress at the critical area. Based on the relationship obtained between rotor weight, thickness, undercut effect and offset between hat and friction ring, criteria have been established for designing lightweight brake discs in a vehicle with regenerative braking


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    The aim of this study was to develop Arabic speaking skill by implementing Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) model at Jakarta State University. The CLIL used in the lesson emphasized the memorization of dialogues and sentence patterns as one of the main characteristics of the audiolingual method.  The research employed the mixed approach using Research and Development (R & D). The procedure of research used Borg and Gall model which has the steps; preliminary step, adevelopment step, and evaluation step.The data ware taken by observation, questionnaire, interview, documentation, and test. The research finding shows that the development of CLIL learning strategy for Arabic speaking with the material using Qur’an, Hadits, Fiqih and Tsaqofah Islamiah was an effective model for improving learning to speak Arabic. CLIL have four components that are content, cognition, communication, and culture. These are integrated with the variation of learning media