58 research outputs found

    Serum Neopterin and Procalcitonin Levels in Relationship with Pediatric Burn Wound Infections

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    Infection and septic complications in burn patients can be monitored by procalcitonin (PCT) and neopterin plasma values. The aim of the study was to investigate serum neopterin and PCT levels with WBC (white blood cell) and CRP (C-reactive protein) levels in patient group (PG) and healthy control group (HCG) and to investigate the relationship of these markers with burn wound infections (BWI). As the PG, 23 patients between 0–12 ages and up to 30% Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) burned and 15 HCG were included. PCT, neopterin, WBC, and CRP results on the first, the seventh, the fourteenth and the 21st day have been compared. During the follow-up period, 11 patients with BWI and 12 patients without BWI were classified as infected and non-infected patients, respectively. PCT and neopterin levels were detected higher in patients with BWI but no significant difference were present. Also, PCT and neopterin levels within the first 24 hours following the burn were detected higher in PG than HCG. CRP and WBC levels were detected high due to burn trauma. PCT and neopterin levels were increased in patients with BWI. PCT levels were increased during the pre-infectious period, while neopterin levels increased during the post-infectious period

    Problems encountered in conventional HIV 1/2 Algorithms: lack of necessity for immunoblot assays to confirm repeated ELISA reactive results

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    Background: The use of conventional (serologically based) HIV 1/2 diagnostic algorithms has become controversial in recent years.Objectives: Sera from patients who underwent verification tests were evaluated because repeated ELISA-reactive results demonstrated a HIV1+HIV2 positive band pattern.Methods: The line immunoassay (LIA) test was used for repeated HIV enzyme immunoassays (EIA)-reactive sera in patients at three centers. The Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV 1/2 and the HIV-1 RNA tests were used. HIV-1 and RNA HIV-2 were investigated using PCR.Results: LIA was used to evaluate 3,224 out of 10,591 samples with repeated ELISA reactivity (30%). We found that 32 (1%) of the sera, along with HIV1 bands and HIV2 gp36 bands, were positive. Only 28 of the 32 verified serum samples with gp36 bands were repeated, and no gp36 band positivity was detected using the Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV-1/2 confirmatory assay in these serum samples. The HIV-2 proviral DNAs were also negative. Therefore, we excluded the possibility of HIV1+2 co-infection. All samples from the 32 patients were positive for HIV-1 RNA.Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need to exclude confirmatory tests like the LIA test from the current diagnostic HIV algorithm and replace it with rapid HIV-1 and HIV-2 confirmatory immunochromotographic tests.Keywords: HIV, AIDS, HIV-2

    Problems encountered in conventional HIV 1/2 Algorithms: lack of necessity for immunoblot assays to confirm repeated ELISA reactive results

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    Background: The use of conventional (serologically based) HIV 1/2 diagnostic algorithms has become controversial in recent years. Objectives: Sera from patients who underwent verification tests were evaluated because repeated ELISA-reactive results demonstrated a HIV1+HIV2 positive band pattern. Methods: The line immunoassay (LIA) test was used for repeated HIV enzyme immunoassays (EIA)-reactive sera in patients at three centers. The Bio-Rad Geenius\u2122 HIV 1/2 and the HIV-1 RNA tests were used. HIV-1 and RNA HIV-2 were investigated using PCR. Results: LIA was used to evaluate 3,224 out of 10,591 samples with repeated ELISA reactivity (30%). We found that 32 (1%) of the sera, along with HIV1 bands and HIV2 gp36 bands, were positive. Only 28 of the 32 verified serum samples with gp36 bands were repeated, and no gp36 band positivity was detected using the Bio-Rad Geenius\u2122 HIV-1/2 confirmatory assay in these serum samples. The HIV-2 proviral DNAs were also negative. Therefore, we excluded the possibility of HIV1+2 co-infection. All samples from the 32 patients were positive for HIV-1 RNA. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need to exclude confirmatory tests like the LIA test from the current diagnostic HIV algorithm and replace it with rapid HIV-1 and HIV-2 confirmatory immunochromotographic tests

    The role of Ad-36 as a risk factor in males with gynecomastia

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    Gynecomastia is highly prevalent worldwide and Adenovirus-36 (Ad-36), recently implicated in increased adipose tissue deposition due to its affinity for adipose tissue, is a potential etiological agent in the development of obesity and therefore we hypothesized that Ad-36 may also play a role in the development of gynecomastia by possibly accompanying increased regional adiposity

    Comparison of the VersaTrek and BACTEC MGIT 960 systems for the contamination rate, time of detection and recovery of mycobacteria from clinical specimens

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    The most commonly used conventional Lowenstein Jensen (L.J) culture method requires at least 6 to 10 weeks of incubation due to the slow growth rate of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Today, there are liquid automated systems to detect mycobacteria than faster conventional LJ culture method. In this study, we aimed to compare of the VersaTrek system and BACTEC MGIT 960 system for the contamination rate and recovery of mycobacteria from clinical specimens. The recovery rates of mycobacteria were detected as 4% (2/50) for both of the VersaTrek and MGIT 960 systems. No statistically significant difference was detected for the recovery rates of mycobacteria in both of the systems (p>0.05). Two strains were detected on 12 and 15 day in MGIT 960 system. Two strains were detected on 15 and 20 day in VersaTrek system. No statistically significant difference was detected for the time of detection of mycobacteria in both of the systems (p>0.05). The contamination rates were found as 10% (5/50) and 6% (3/50) in MGIT 960 and VersaTrek, systems respectively (p>0.05). No statistically significant difference was detected for the contamination rates for both of the systems. Antituberculosis resistance tests were performed using with antituberculosis agents in MGIT 960 and VersaTrek systems. The two strains were found sensitive against to streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol in MGIT 960 system. The two strains were found sensitive against to isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol in VersaTrek system. Streptomycin was not used in VersaTrek system because there is no standardization for streptomycin. We also examined the time of detection of 5 confirmed M. tuberculosis complex members in MGIT 960 and VersaTrek systems. When the time of detection in MGIT 960 and VersaTrek systems were compared, no statistically significant difference was found (p>0.05). In conclusion, no substantial difference has been observed between MGIT 960 and VersaTrek systems for M. tuberculosis isolation and contamination rate. We believe that VersaTrek media, which is going to be put into use in Turkey, is easy for application and follow up, gives rapid and sensitive results and that it can be used in routine alike MGIT media

    Investigation of Cronobacter sakazakii (Enterobacter sakazakii) Presence in Cereal Infant Foods

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    C. sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that may cause serious infections. Infant formulas are frequently reported as the source of infections caused by C. sakazakii. In spite of all of the taken precautions, there are recently published studies related to the isolation of C. sakazakii in formula and small children foods. In this study, we aimed to investigate the presence of C. sakazakii in cereal based infant formulas and complementary foods sold in the markets of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). We also aimed to determine the infection risk in these products. This research was carried out between May - December 2017 with the cereal-based continuing formulas and small child complementary foods of the brands offered for sale at T. R. N. C. In a total of 265 samples, including 36 varieties of cereal-based infant formula and 17 varieties of cereal-based infants and small children foods were analysed. Analysis of samples were carried out according to; ISO / TS 22964: 2006 method. C. sakazakii was not detected in any of the study samples. In conclusion, C. sakazakii was not detected in any of the cereal-based foods despite the reported detection of C. sakazakii in most of the microbiological analysis of baby foods in both the world and Turkey

    Investigation of human DNA profiles in house dust mites: Implications in forensic acarology

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    House dust mites are microscopic arthropods commonly found in many households. Since they feed on the flakes of shed human skin, human genetic material is expected to be present in these creatures. We conducted a study to find out if house dust mites can carry the DNA of the house occupants. If this were true, could human DNA isolated from the mites, obtained from a crime scene, be used as evidence in court

    The effects of albendazole and povidone iodine for hydatid cysts protoscoleces, in-vitro and -vivo

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    The aim of using chemotherapy for inactivating protoscoleces is to prevent dissemination. The most suitable way to apply chemotherapy is to inject killing substances directly to the hydatid cysts protoscoleces. We performed our experiments with 95% live hydatid cyst protoscoleces. In in-vivo experiments, in survey group mice, no hydatid cyst was observed in the first and second group which 1 g/L and 100 mu g/ml albendazole was added to their waters, respectively and in the third group, 1/10 povidone-iodine was added for 30 min during the 6 months. All of the above groups were given 4 - 6 live hydatid cyst protoscoleces. However, hydatid cysts were developed in the control group mice in the 87th day. In in-vitro studies; all of the hydatid cysts pre-treated with 1/10 povidone-iodine and 100 mu g/ml albendazole lost their viability after 15 min and the viability of the hydatid cysts, which were kept at room temperature were not lost