24 research outputs found

    Using Artificial Neural Network Model to Forecast the Electricity Consumption in Algeria

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    تعتبر الطاقة بشكل عام من أهم العناصر الأساسية للاقتصاديات العالمية وتصنف كعنصر استراتيجي للتنمية الاقتصادية، اذ أظهرت الأحداث الأخيرة وبالخصوص (الحرب الروسية الأكرانية) وهذا ما يدل على أهمية هذا المورد الأساسي. في هذه الدراسة تطرقنا إلى دراسة التنبؤ بإستهلاك الطاقة الكهربائية في الجزائر خلال الفترة 1980 إلى 2022 باستخدام الشبكات العصبية الاصطناعية. تم تطرق الى منهجية ذه الطريقة ومرحلة التشخيص وبعدها تم اختيار النموذج الشبكات العصبية الاصطناعية متعددة الطبقات (MLP) تم التوصل إلى أن النموذج الأفضل هو MLP 3-1-1 والقيم المتنبأ بها لسنة 2023 هي 76,83 مليار TWh وشهدت زيادة استهلاك الطاقة بنسبة 3.434% في سنة 2024 بقيمة 79,47 مليار TWhRecent events, especially the Russian-Ukrainian War have demonstrated the significance of energy resource, which is generally regarded as one of the most fundamental components of global economies and is classified as a strategic component of economic development. In this study, we employed the artificial neural networks to predict the electricity consumption of Algeria using annual data 1980 to 2022. After discussing this method's methodology and the diagnostic phase, the model's Multi-Layer Perceptron neural networks (MLP) were chosen. MLP 3-1-1 was found to be the most effective model. In the forecasting phase, the electricity consumption energy in Algeria was predicted to be 76,83 billion TWh in 2023 and 79,47 billion TWh in 2024, an increase of 3,434%

    Impact of plant extracts of Algerian desert on cytoskeleton and cell division

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    Citrillus colocynthis, plante de la famille des Cucurbitaceae, est utilisée en médecine traditionnelle en Afrique et en Asie pour traiter diverses affections. Elle contient comme principes actifs majoritaires des cucurbitacines. Sur les cellules mammifères en culture, les cucurbitacines provoquent, à dose nanomolaire, des changements morphologiques spectaculaires dans les minutes qui suivent leur application (blebbing, effondrement du volume cellulaire), accompagnés d’une agrégation massive de l’actine qui conduit dans les 24 heures à un défaut de cytokinèse avec multinucléation. Dans ce contexte, je me suis attachée à apporter des éléments pour mieux comprendre comment les cucurbitacines conduisent à l’agrégation de l’actine. Ce faisant, j’ai découvert que les agrégats formés sous l’effet des cucurbitacines ne sont pas de simples amas d’actine mais en fait des co-agrégats constitués d’un mélange d’actine et de phospho-myosine II. En analysant les voies de signalisation, j’ai pu montrer que la cucurbitacine I : I - Inhibe la phosphorylation de la cofiline par la LIMkinase, II - Active de façon très forte la voie RhoA/ROCK, III - Ne provoque pas de stress oxydant significatif et présente in vitro une réelle capacité à capturer le radical ˙OH, IV - Ne peut inhiber dans la cellule en culture la voie JAK2/STAT3 qu’à des concentrations micromolaires, V - Que les effets cyto-morphologiques de la cucurbitacine I ne sont neutralisés que par les antioxydants comportant des fonctions thiol dû à sa capacité à se conjuguer directement avec ces molécules, VI - La glycosylation supprime l’activité de ces molécules. La démonstration que ces molécules n’agissent pas en se couplant à des protéines cibles, ouvrent l’espoir raisonnable de les utiliser dans le futur pour créer des dérivés d’intérêt pour la pharmacologie du cancer.Citrillus colocynthis, a plant from the Cucurbitaceae family, is used in traditional medicine in Africa and Asia to treat various diseases. It contains as major active molecules, cucurbitacins. On mammalian cells in culture, cucurbitacins at nanomolar dose, cause dramatic cyto-morphological changes in the minutes of their application (blebbing, collapse of the cell volume), accompanied by a massive aggregation of actin which leads within 24 hours to a defect of cytokinesis with multinucleation. In this context, I committed, to provide data to better understand how cucurbitacins lead to the aggregation of actin. In doing so, I discovered that the aggregates resulting from cucurbitacins are not simple actin clusters but in fact co-aggregates consisting of a mixture of actin and phospho-myosin II. By analyzing the signaling pathways, I was able to show that cucurbitacin I: I - Inhibits cofilin phosphorylation by LIMkinase, II -Very strongly activates the RhoA/ROCK pathway, III - Does not cause a significant and sustained oxidative stress in cultured cells, and presents in vitro a real ability to capture the OH radical. IV - Can inhibit in cultured cells the JAK2/STAT3 pathway only at micromolar concentrations, V - That the cyto-morphological effects of cucurbitacin I in mammalian cell are neutralized only by thiol-rich antioxidants, due of to the ability to combine directly with this molecule, VI - Glycosylation suppresses the activity of these molecules. The demonstration that these molecules do not act by coupling to target proteins, open the reasonable hope of using them to elaborate in the future derivatives of interest for the pharmacology of cancer

    Fonction rénale après uninéphrectomie (déterminants et paramètres biologiques des donneurs sains)

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparative study of two types of mini chicanes concentrators implanted in solar collector

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    Saving energy and protecting the environment are the cornerstones of the modern concept of energy consumption. Following the Algerian program on renewable energies and energy consumption, dictated by Algeria's new energy transition policy, 40% of electricity production should come from renewable energies by the year 2030. The present article accompanies this policy and makes an attempt to improve the energy efficiency. This work presents a comparative experimental study of two models of flat plate air solar collectors, namely a solar collector with black mini solar concentrators (BMSC) and another model, similar to the first one, with the same geometry and dimensions, and supplied with mini solar concentrators and mirrors (MSCMR) instead of black mini solar concentrators. A comparison of the temperature profiles for these two models of solar collectors is performed in this work, in the two cases of free convection and forced convection. Comments on this innovative design are presented and the results obtained are found encouraging

    RENEWABLE ENERGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: EVIDENCE FROM 17 OECD COUNTRIES / Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development: Evidence from 17 OECD Countries

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    The achievement of sustainable development goals is depending on different factors. The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between the renewable energy and the sustainable development. We employed the endogenous variable the adjusted net savings as the sustainable development factor, the renewable energy consumption as the exogenous variable, following by the control variables the gross fixed capital formation and the labour force. This work is done for 17 OECD countries during the period of 1990-2017. We assumed a balanced panel model, and we employed a panel random effect model and a panel ARDL cointegration model. The outcomes showed that the renewable energy consumption has a negative and significant impact on the adjusted net saving in the short-run, but in the long-term the renewable energy consumption has a positive influence on the sustainable development factor. Also, a bidirectional panel Granger causality was established between both variables

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation of a turbulent flow around an obstacle

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    In this work we study the influence of the inclined shape of the lover and downstream edge of a rectangular obstacle. We analyze the dimensions of the recirculation zones, the velocity field, the kinetic energy and the pressure. A three-dimensional study was conducted using the ansys cfx calculation code. The turbulence model k-ԑ is used to model turbulence, and the governing equations are resolved by the finite volume method

    Simulation and Modeling of Structural Stability, Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of ZnO

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    AbstractWe propose a generalized gradient approximation simple and effective Engel-Vosko (GGA-EV) to calculate the structural, electronic, optical properties of ZnO phases, namely, wurtzite, zinc-blende structures using an implementation of the FP method (L) APW in the framework of the density functional theory (DFT). For Choosing a good exchange and correlation potential for effective treatment of the excited state properties such as electronic band structure is necessary density functional. To validate our approach, we compare the results to those obtained using the parameterized generalized gradient approximation of Perdew et al. (GGA-PBE). We calculated the band structure, density of states, dielectric function, reflectivity, refraction index and absorption coefficient. GGA-EV yielded a wider valence band and narrower d-band in comparison to GGA-PBE. Thus an improved the energy band gap that has been caused by repulsion between the states of Zn-d and O-p states which resulted a large separation by GGA-EV. Our calculations show that the edges of the optical absorption, refraction index and reflectivity for GGA-EV are better in comparison to GGA-PBE

    Examining the connection among national tourism expenditure and economic growth in Algeria

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    Tourism is one of the most important sectors for several researchers and decision makers, due to its influence on the world economic growth in the twenty-first century, making it as a source of competition between countries to a global industry for its effective strategic role in the development of countries. In this paper, we used two variables natural logarithm of per capita gross domestic product (GDP) and natural logarithm of per capita international and national tourism expenditure (ITE) to study the relationship between the tourism sector and economic growth in Algeria over the period of 1995-2017. We established with the unit root test with and without breakpoint that the variables are stationary in the first difference and there is a structural break in (ITE) and (GDP). Thus, with the presence of a breakpoint, we employed the methodology of Gregory-Hansen to avoid such issue, but we found that there was no evidence of cointegration with breakpoint, so then we used the vector autoregressive model (VAR). The model showed that the tourism sector has a positive and insignificant coefficient on the economic growth, while the economic growth factor has a positive and significant on the tourism sector. In the short run, there was a one-way causality from GDP to ITE at the level of 1%, confirming the economic-driven tourism growth hypothesis. Also, we found with Breitung and Candelon causality that there was same causality at the level of 10%

    ¿Cuáles son los principales factores que impulsan el déficit de cuenta corriente de los países MENA? Un análisis de enfoque de panel Logit

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    The sustained current account deficit in any country has an important implication for policy. If it continues, then it suggests that the regime ought to have no motivation to avoid or to diminish its international debt. In this paper, we test empirically the relationship among current account deficit and different macroeconomic variables by using panel Logit model. Therefore, we focus on the MENA countries during the years of 1980-2017. We built an econometric model to analyse the contribution of the real GDP, unemployment rate (UR), consumer price index (CPI), export growth rate (EGR), import growth rate (IGR), public expenditures (PE), and foreign trade rate (FTR) on current account deficit (CAD). We established that only the following exogenous variables: GDP, UR, PE and FTR have a positive and significant effect on the current account deficit. This outcome may support governments to identify the best time for investment and business strategies by observing the evolution of the performance of higher temporal hierarchy industries.El déficit sostenido de la cuenta corriente en cualquier país tiene una implicación importante para la política. Si continúa, sugiere que el régimen no debería tener motivación para evitar o disminuir su deuda internacional. En este artículo, probamos empíricamente la relación entre el déficit de cuenta corriente y las diferentes variables macroeconómicas mediante el modelo de panel Logit. Por lo tanto, nos centramos en los países MENA durante los años 1980-2017. Construimos un modelo econométrico para analizar la contribución del PIB real, la tasa de desempleo (UR), el índice de precios al consumidor (IPC), la tasa de crecimiento de las exportaciones (EGR), la tasa de crecimiento de las importaciones (IGR), el gasto público (PE) y la tasa de comercio exterior (FTR) sobre el déficit de cuenta corriente (CAD). Establecimos que solo las siguientes variables exógenas: PIB, UR, PE y FTR, tienen un efecto positivo y significativo en el déficit de cuenta corriente. Este resultado puede ayudar a los gobiernos a identificar el mejor momento para las estrategias de inversión y negocios al observar la evolución del desempeño de las industrias de mayor jerarquía temporal