151 research outputs found

    Effects of direct drilling on Fusarium DNA levels

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    We have found a highly significant correlation between Fusarium graminearum DNA and deoxynivalenol (DON) levels in Finnish oats, barle and spring wheat. Fusarium poae DNA levels were higher in plots with tillage (including ploughing) as compared to those without tillage (direct drilling) in 2005 and 2006 in both oats and barley; the difference was greater a few weeks before harvesting than during it

    Hometoksiinien pikamÀÀritysmenetelmÀt

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    voktat ks

    Development and Validation of a UHPLC-MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Onion

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    Fusarium basal rot (FBR) of onion is a serious disease problem worldwide. The Fusarium species causing FBR can also produce mycotoxins that are potentially harmful to humans and animals. In this study, a multiple reaction monitoring technique with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MRM UHPLC-MS/MS) was developed and validated for onion matrix to study Fusarium mycotoxins in the harvested onions. This study was focused on fumonisins B-1, B-2, and B-3 (FB1, FB2, and FB3), beauvericin (BEA), and moniliformin (MON), which are the main mycotoxins produced by Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium proliferatum. In the in-house validated protocol, the onion samples were extracted with methanol:water (3:1) using magnetic stirring for 15 min. FBs and BEA were determined directly from the filtered extracts, whereas MON required sample concentration prior to analysis. No cleanup of extracts was needed prior to analysis. The target mycotoxins were separated on an Acquity UPLC system BEH C18 column with gradient elution. Mycotoxins were identified and quantified using C-13-FB1 as internal standard. Minor matrix effect was compensated using multi-point matrix-matched calibration curves with uninfected onion sample. For the mycotoxins studied, a good linearity was obtained (R-2 >= 0.99) and the recoveries were in the range of 67-122%, with the highest standard deviation for MON, 22%. The limits of quantification were from 2.5 to 10 ng g(-1) in onion matrix. The method was successfully employed for the analysis of mycotoxins in harvested onions showing FBR symptoms and found to be infected with F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum.Peer reviewe

    Fusarium toxins in oats in Finland since 1999

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    Contents of trichothecenes in oats during official variety, organic cultivation and nitrogen fertilization trials in Finland

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    Natural toxins, such as mycotoxins, have emerged as a significant factor affecting the safety image of cereal grains as a raw material for the food and feed industry. The aim of the present study was to investigate the contents of trichothecenes in representative samples of oats during official variety, nitrogen fertilization and organic farming trials in Finland, 1997–1999. Further objectives were to promote industry and commerce by selection of high-quality oat varieties for various applications. The official variety trials conducted at 8–10 locations were managed following standard protocol. There were 2 types of agronomy trial, the first included comparison of oat cultivars grown in conventional and organic farming systems at 6 locations, and the second used 5 nitrogen rates (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha-1) at 2 locations. Regardless of wet cold summer occurring in Finland during 1998, the concentrations of Fusarium toxins were lowest during this 3 year monitoring period. More mycotoxins were produced during the warm, dry summers of 1997 and 1999 than in 1998. In all, 55% of the oat samples in the official variety trials contained deoxynivalenol (DON) within the range of 50– 896 ” g kg-1. The differences in DON concentrations between organic and conventional cultivation were small. The results showed also that the use of various nitrogen fertilization levels only slightly affected the trichothecene concentrations. The contents of trichothecenes in Finnish grains appeared to be similar to or lower than those reported earlier in the Northern Hemisphere

    Do Fusarium fungi produce mycotoxins in onion crop?

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    Suorakylvö vaikuttaa viljasadon sienilajistoon

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    Suorakylvö ei ole kahden vuoden tutkimusjakson aikana lisÀnnyt kauran ja ohran punahomeita ja mykotoksiinimÀÀriÀ. Sen sijaan maan muokkauksesta luopuminen on muuttanut punahomeita aiheuttavien Fusarium-sienten lajistoa sadossa. Ohra- ja kauralajikkeiden vÀlillÀ on kuitenkin suuria eroja homeiden ja toksiinien esiintymisessÀ.vo

    The effect of reduced tillage on mycotoxin contents of oat and barley grain

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    These results, although from a short period of time, indicate thet direct drilling may have effects on mycotoxins contents of cereal grain. To avoid these effects proper crop rotation should be practiced. More information is still needed of the Fusarium infections and mycotoxins in different cereal cultivars under reduced tillage

    Viljan Fusarium-tartunta ja -toksiinit 2005-2006

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    Tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ vuosina 2005-2006 suomalaista viljaa tartuttava Fusarium-lajisto sekĂ€ senmuodostamat mykotoksiinit. Edellinen kattavampi Fusarium-tutkimus suomalaisesta viljasta onperĂ€isin 1970-luvun lopulta ja viljelyssĂ€ on tapahtunut sen jĂ€lkeen voimakkaita muutoksia, myösolosuhteet vaikuttavat muuttuneen jonkin verran. Kuivattuja, lajittelemattomia viljanĂ€ytteitĂ€ hankittiinjoka puolelta maata 2005 224 ja 2006 164, joista kaikista tehtiin Fusarium-mÀÀrityksetmaljakasvatuksin. Trikotekeeni- ja tsearalenonimÀÀrityksiĂ€ ei tehty kaikista nĂ€ytteistĂ€.Tutkimusvuodet olivat hyvin erilaisia sÀÀoloiltaan ja olosuhteet suosivat eri Fusarium-lajeja.Fusarium- tartunta oli 2005 vuoden nĂ€ytteissĂ€ homeiden kasvulle suotuisien olojen takia runsas.Deoksinivalenolin (DON) muodostajat Fusarium culmorum ja F. graminearum olivat yleisempiĂ€ohralla ja kauralla, kevĂ€tvehnĂ€llĂ€ tartuntaa oli vĂ€hemmĂ€n. SyysviljanĂ€ytteitĂ€ tutkittiin vĂ€hĂ€n ja niissĂ€myös Fusarium-tartunta oli alhaisin. T2/HT-2 muodostajia F. sporotrichioides ja F. langsethiaetavattiin runsaimmin kauranĂ€ytteistĂ€, mutta myös jonkin verran ohralta. Alueellisesti lajit nĂ€yttivĂ€tolevan runsaimpia ItĂ€-Suomesta kerĂ€tyissĂ€ nĂ€ytteissĂ€.Vuoden 2006 kuivan kesĂ€n sadossa DON-muodostajiaoli niukemmin, sensijaan T2/HT-2 muodostajia ja F. poae-lajia oli runsaammin kuin2005. Viimemainittuja, erityisesti F. langsethiae-lajia esiintyi varsin runsaana erĂ€illĂ€ kauralajikkeilla.Lajia voidaan tavata kaikilta viljoilta ja kaikilta viljanviljelyalueilta, mutta tartunta on yleisin jarunsain kauralla. F. langsethiae on todettu pÀÀasialliseksi trikotekeenitoksiinien tuottajaksi Norjassa jalaji nĂ€yttÀÀ myös olevan tĂ€rkein T2/HT-2 toksiinien tuottaja suomalaisessa viljassa, ohralla esiintyymyös samoja toksiineja tuottavaa F. sporotrichioides-lajia. Deoksinivalenolin tuottajista F. culmorumon yleisempi ja runsaampi kuin F. graminearum. Nivalenolia (NIV) muodostava F. poae viihtyylĂ€mpimĂ€ssĂ€ ja kuivassa, lajia esiintyy eniten kauralla.EU on asettanut raja-arvoja DON:lle ja tsearalenonille prosessoimattomassa viljassa. Suurin sallittuDON-pitoisuus prosessoimattomassa kaurassa on 1750 ÎŒg/kg ja muissa viljoissa 1250 ÎŒg/kg. Suurinsallittu tsearalenonipitoisuus prosessoimattomassa viljassa on 100 ÎŒg/kg. Vuoden 2006 nĂ€ytteistĂ€ eimitattu raja-arvon ylittĂ€viĂ€ pitoisuuksia. Vuonna 2005 sekĂ€ ohrasta ettĂ€ syysvehnĂ€stĂ€ mitattiinmuutamia yli 1250 ÎŒg/kg ja kauralla yli 1750 ÎŒg/kg olevia DON-pitoisuuksia. LisĂ€ksi yhdenrehuohranĂ€ytteen tsearalenonipitoisuus oli yli 100 ÎŒg/kg. NIV-pitoisuudet jĂ€ivĂ€t pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti alle200 ÎŒg/kg tai sitĂ€ ei havaittu lainkaan. Molempina vuosina sekĂ€ ohrasta ettĂ€ kaurasta mitattiin yli 200ÎŒg/kg ja kauralla muutamia yli 500 ÎŒg/kg olevia T-2/HT-2-pitoisuuksia. Positiivista oli se, ettĂ€ nĂ€itĂ€toksiineja ei havaittu lainkaan tai niiden yhteenlaskettu pitoisuus jĂ€i alle 200 ÎŒg/kg n.75 %analysoiduista nĂ€ytteistĂ€
