45 research outputs found
Teaching English as a foreign language has been challenging from time to time. Moreover, dealing with a big number of students in one class will add some displeasure, not to mention various backgrounds of knowledge and gap of English ability that they have. This article aims to see the effectiveness of Colaborative Learning (CL) method in improving students speaking ability and studying behaviour in general English subject in a large classroom context. A classroom action research is used as the experiment method, where post-test and observation sheets happened to be the instruments. The finding of this paper shows that CL successfully promotes an option to improve students' performances, which are spoken ability and studying behavior. Students' attainment in speaking included pronunciation, vocabulary, content accuracy and grammar. Meanwhile, students' attitude that was observed covered enthusiasm, participation, discipline and teamwork
Rectovaginal Fistulae in Post Repair Chronic Perineal Rupture: Fistula Rektovagina pada Pascarepair Ruptur Total Perienum Lama
Objective: To report and discuss the causes and management of rectovaginal fistula in post repair chronic total perineal rupture.Method: A case report, a 29-year-old female patient who came to Fatmawati General Hospital with complaints of anal incontinence 9 days after repair chronic total perineal rupture. Rectovaginal examination revealed a rectovaginal fistula 2 mm in diameter at 1.5 cm proximal to the hymenal ring.Discussion: Rectovaginal fistula is one of the complications after repair of hronic total perineal rupture which disturbs the quality of life of women. The patient was diagnosed with a rectovaginal fistula in post repair chronic total perineal rupture. Conservative management with wound care and administration of honey to the patient showed improved postoperative outcome.Conclusion: Anatomical identification of the anal sphincter complex, surgical technique and postoperative care are important in preventing complications following repair of chronic total perineal rupture repair.Keywords : obstetrics sphincter anal injury, postrepair chronic, rectovaginal fistulae .
Tujuan : Untuk melaporkan dan mendiskusikan penyebab dan tatalaksana kasus fistula rektovagina pasca repair ruptur perineum total lama.Metode: Sebuah laporan kasus, pasien perempuan 29 tahun yang datang ke RSUP Fatmawati dengan keluhan inkontinensia anal 9 hari pascarepair ruptur perineum total lama. Pemeriksaan rectovaginal menunjukkan fistula rektovagina diameter 2 mm pada 1,5 cm proksimal hymenal ring.Diskusi : Fistula rektovagina merupakan salah satu komplikasi pascarepair ruptur perineum total yang mengganggu kualitas hidup perempuan. Pasien didiagnsos fistula rektovagina pascarepair ruptur perineum total lama. Manajemen konservatif dengan perawatan luka dan pemberian madu pada pasien menunjukkan perbaikan luaran paska operasi.Kesimpulan: Identifikasi anatomis kompleks sfingter ani, teknik operasi dan perawatan pascaoperasi penting dalam mencegah komplikasi pascarepair ruptur perineum total lama.Kata kunci: cedera sfingter ani obstetri, fistula rectovagina, repair ruptur perineum total lam
Persepsi Guru Kelas Terhadap Penerapan Model Student Team Achievement Division pada Pelajaran Sains di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
This study aims to provide an overview of the perceptions of fourth grade teachers on the application of the STAD Model in Science lessons at the elementary school 47 of Jambi city. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The informants of this study were class teachers, principals and IV elementary school students. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses steps of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this study can be concluded that in implementing the STAD model the teacher performs the material presentation phase, group work, individual tests, individual development score calculations, team awards and in preparing the STAD model by preparing activity sheets and answer sheets, assigning groups, presenting material , doing group activities, evaluating, rewarding group achievements, recalculating the group's initial score. As for the obstacles faced, lack of student interest, insufficient class hours, constraints in the division of groups and students are not familiar with the STAD model
Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Isi Rumen Sapi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)
The purpose of this research was to know the effect of giving compost contains cow rumen and get a dose of composted cow rumen content on seedling growth of the cocoa plant(Theobroma cacao L.). This research had been conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from April to August 2015. This research was conducted in the form of non-factorial experiment arranged in the form of completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 5 treatment with each dose of composted cow rumen contents that (K0 ): without composted cow rumen contents, (K1): 25 g/plant (K2): 50 g/plant, (K3): 75 g/plant and (K4): 100 g/plant. Each unit treatment was repeated 4 times to obtain 20 units of the experiment and the experimental unit comprises three plants, two of which are used as plant samples. Parameters measured were seedling height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, root volume, the ratio of crown roots and dry weight. Results of the analysis will be followed by a test of Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5%. Giving Composting cow rumen content with a dose of 50 g/plant, 75 g/plant and 100 g/plant gave outgrowth good cocoa crop seeds in the parameter leaf area, root volume, the ratio of crown roots and dry weight of seedlings
Analisis Pengaruh Kebijakan Pendanaan dan Laba Ditahan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Set Kesempatan Investasi sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi pada Perusahaan Lq-45 yang Terdaftar di Bei Periode 2009-2013)
This study aims to know the analysis of direct and indirect effect in financing decision and retained earnings mediated by the investment opportunity set to the value of the company at the company LQ-45 listed the Indonesian Stock Exchange in period of the 2009-2013. There were 45 companies in this study that become the population LQ-45 and the sample consisting of 22 companies with the number N of data as much as 110. The sampling technique is based porposive sampling. Analysis of the data use descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of this study indicates that financing decision effects significantly to investment opportunity set directly, retained earnings influences significantly to investment opportunity set directly, financing decision influence significantly to the value of the company directly, retained earnings effect insignificantly on firm value directly, Investment opportunity set effects significantly to firm value directly. It means that investment opportunity set is capable of mediating the relationship between financing decision and retained earnings to firm value.Keywords: financing decision, retained earnings, investment opportunity set and firm valu
Formation of feather shells (Anadara antiquata) which has been carried out the characteristics of amino acids and fatty acids obtained the highest amino acid yield is Arginine 10293.28, and the lowest histidine is 136.91. The highest saturated fatty acid is palmitic which is 1.20 and the lowest lauric acid is 0.09, the highest monounsaturated fatty acid is glutamic acid 17257.96, and the lowest is alanine 312.56, the highest polyunsaturated fatty acid is linoleic 0.58, linolenic acid 0.58, and the lowest arachidonic acid 0.29.Bekasam kerang bulu (Anadara antiquata) yang telah dilakukan karakteristik asam amino dan asam lemak didapatkan hasil asam amino tertinggi adalah Arginin 10293,28, dan yang terendah histidin 136,91. Asam lemak jenuh yang tertinggi adalah palmitat yaitu 1,20 dan yang terendah asam laurat 0,09, asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal tertinggi adalah asam glutamat 17257,96, dan yang terendah alanin 312,56, asam lemak tak jenuh ganda tertinggi adalah linoleat 0,58, linolenat 0,58, dan yang terendah asam arakhidonat 0,29
Efektivitas Pemberian Olive Oil Dan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Topikal Untuk Mencegah Striae Gravidarum Pada Kehamilan Trimester II
The objective of study to analyze the differences in the effectiveness of Olive Oil, VCO, and topical placebo to degree of Striae Gravidarum. The research was clinical trials (randomized controlled trial) with a parallel design study for 8 weeks . The samples totaled 54 respondents were randomized with a random permutted blocks technique to allocate the same amount of groups A, B, and C. Analysis of the data to examine differences in the degree of SG group olive oil, VCO, and placebo used Kruskal-Wallis test, significancy p < 0,05 with 95% confidence intervals. There were significant differences in the degree of striae gravidarum pengolesannya between the two groups using olive oil, VCO, and topical placebo (p = 0.025), are the Olive Oil and VCO (p = 0.031), the VCO and placebo group (p = 0.005). There was differences effects of topical olive oil, VCO, and placebo to SG. The suggestions proposed is the VCO can be used as an alternative in preventing of Striae Gravidarum
Skripsi ini membahas tentang peningkatan kemampuan Listening The Story melalui Media Animasi Audio Visual siswa kelas III MIN 4 Muaro Jambi dengan menggunakan media video animasi pada mata pelajaran tematik Tema 7 pembelajaran ke 2 subtema 3. Adapun Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK).
hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dari tahapan Pra Siklus, Siklus I dan Siklus II yaitu dapat diketahui bahwa setelah dilakukannya Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media video animasi bisa meningkatkan pemahaman kemampuan siswa dalam listening the story melalui media animasi audio visual pada Tema 7 pembelajaran ke 2subtema 3. Yang mana bisa kita lihat dari tabel hasil presentasi ketuntasan nilai siswa yang ada pada tahapan pra siklus (sangat kurang), saat dilakukan tahapan siklus I yaitu sedikit mengalami peningkatan (kurang), dan kemudian setelah dilakukannya tahapan kegiatan pada siklus II terjadinya peningkatan hasil yang diperoleh menjadi (baik)
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh penggunaan media interaktif animasi
terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa pada MI An Nizham Kota Jambi pada
pokok bahasan operasi hitung pecahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian yaitu Pre-Experimental Design
karena pada penelitian ini tidak ada variabel kontrol dan sampel tidak dipilih
secara random. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design.
Dalam desain ini terdapat satu kelompok yang diberikan dua perlakuan berbeda.
Kelompok ini akan diberikan pre-test untuk mengetahui keadaan awal sebelum
diberi perlakuan. Kemudian akan diberikan post-test untuk melihat adakah
perbedaan yang signifikan setelah diberi perlakuan pada kelompok tersebut.
Sampel penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V MI An Nizham dan instrument
penelitian berupa tes dengan soal essay berjumlah lima butir soal. Analisis pana
penelitian ini menggunakan uji t, Dari hasil uji βtβ maka diperoleh harga titik βtβ
pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan 1% secara berturut-turut adalah 2,06 dan 2,79.
Maka atau 2,06 2,79. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan
bahwa penggunaan media interaktif animasi berpengaruh secara signifikan
terhadap hasil belajar siswa