12 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kultur teknis sistem tanam padi jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo dan membandingkan pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo di Nagari Kambang Timur Kecamatan Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pelaksanaan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo. Perbedaannya itu dilihat pada sistem tanam, jarak tanam, jumlah penggunaan benih penggunaan bibit, penggunaan pupuk dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Produksi yang dihasilkan sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar 5.435,27 kg lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem tanam non jajar legowo sebesar 4.646,32 kg. Pendapatan yang diperoleh sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar Rp. 18.329.968,39/Ha/MT lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem tanam non jajar legowo sebesar Rp 15.505.373,42/Ha/MT. Keuntungan usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo lebih tinggi daripada keuntungan usahatani padi non jajar legowo. Rata-rata keuntungan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo adalah Rp 11.903.093,63/ Ha/MT, sedangkan keuntungan usahatani padi sistem non jajar legowo adalah Rp 9.947.382,92/Ha/MT. Untuk R/C rationya kedua-duanya sama-sama menguntungkan dan layak untuk dijalankan. Nilai R/C Rationya usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar 1,78 lebih tinggi dari sistem tanam non jajar legowo yaitu 1,75. Berdasarkan uji statistik terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara produksi, pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo dengan usahatani sistem non jajar legowo, sehingga diharapkan petani padi sistem tanam non jajar legowo mempertimbangkan untuk beralih ke sistem tanam jajar legowo


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    The research objectives are to compare the cultivation technique of the Jajar Legowo and non-Jajar Legowo rice planting systems and compare the income and profits of both rice planting systems in Nagari Kambang Timur, Lengayang Pesisir Selatan District. This research uses a survey method. This study's results indicate differences in implementing Jajar Legowo and non-Jajar Legowo farming systems. The differences are in the planting system, spacing, the number of seeds used, the use of seeds, the use of fertilizers, and the amount of labor. The production of the Jajar Legowo planting system was 5.435,27 kg, higher than the non- Jajar Legowo planting system of 4.646,32 kg. The income obtained by the Jajar Legowo farmers is Rp.18.329.968,39/Ha/MT higher than the non-Jajar Legowo farmers of Rp. 15.505.373,42/Ha/MT. The profit of the Jajar Legowo rice farming system is higher than the non- Jajar Legowo. The average profit of the Jajar Legowo farming system is Rp. 11.903.093,63/ha/MT, while the profit of the non- Jajar Legowo farming system is Rp. 9.947.382,92/ha/MT. For the R/C ratio, both are equally profitable and feasible to run. The R/C Ratio value of rice farming Jajar Legowo planting system is 1.78, which is higher than the non-Jajar Legowo planting system, which is 1.75. Statistical tests show significant differences between the production, income, and profits of the Jajar Legowo farming system and the non-Jajar Legowo farming system. Therefore,  farmers of the non-Jajar Legowo should consider switching to the Jajar Legowo system.INTISARITujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kultur teknis sistem tanam padi jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo dan membandingkan pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo di Nagari Kambang Timur Kecamatan Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pelaksanaan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo dengan non jajar legowo. Perbedaannya dilihat pada sistem tanam, jarak tanam, jumlah penggunaan benih penggunaan bibit, penggunaan pupuk dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Produksi yang dihasilkan sistem tanam jajar legowo 5.435,27 kg lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem tanam non jajar legowo 4.646,32 kg. Pendapatan yang diperoleh sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar Rp 18.329.968,39/ha/MT lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem tanam non jajar legowo sebesar Rp 15.505.373,42/ha/MT. Keuntungan usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo lebih tinggi daripada keuntungan usahatani non jajar legowo. Rata-rata keuntungan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo adalah Rp 11.903.093,63/ Ha/MT, sedangkan keuntungan usahatani padi sistem non jajar legowo adalah Rp 9.947.382,92/Ha/MT. Untuk R/C rationya kedua-duanya sama-sama menguntungkan dan layak untuk dijalankan. Nilai R/C Rationya usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar 1,78 lebih tinggi dari sistem tanam non jajar legowo yaitu 1,75. Berdasarkan uji statistik terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara produksi, pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo dengan usahatani sistem non jajar legowo, sehingga diharapkan petani padi sistem tanam non jajar legowo mempertimbangkan untuk beralih ke sistem tanam jajar legow

    Improving EFL Students' Vocabulary in a Rural Area through Scrabble with Crossword Picture Puzzle

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    There are still many EFL students in Indonesia who face struggles in learning English, especially in memorizing vocabulary. This is prominent in particular to students who reside in rural areas, where besides school facilities are limited, motivation is also among the factors for their depleted motivation to learn English. The students in one of the senior high schools in Sabang island, Aceh, Indonesia, still strain when dealing with this subject. To solve the problem, a game insinuated to improve their  vocabulary is the scrabble with crossword picture puzzle. This game demands cooperation of students to work together with their peers in a group in an entertaining way. This research employed the quantitative approach by experimental teaching. The sample of study of were 25 students in the experimental class and 26 students in the control class. Purposive sampling was used in which these two classes had most students with the lowest English scores among the other tenth grade students. The results of the t-score showed that there was a difference between the scores of the pre-test and the post-test of the experimental (4.23) and control classes (3.59). This proved that the used of scrabble with crossword picture puzzle game gave a significant improvement on students’ vocabulary. The application of this game made the students in the experimental class be more active, communicative, and challenging during learning process compared to the control class. &nbsp

    Improving EFL Students' Vocabulary in a Rural Area through Scrabble with Crossword Picture Puzzle

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    There are still many EFL students in Indonesia who face struggles in learning English, especially in memorizing vocabulary. This is prominent in particular to students who reside in rural areas, where besides school facilities are limited, motivation is also among the factors for their depleted motivation to learn English. The students in one of the senior high schools in Sabang island, Aceh, Indonesia, still strain when dealing with this subject. To solve the problem, a game insinuated to improve their  vocabulary is the scrabble with crossword picture puzzle. This game demands cooperation of students to work together with their peers in a group in an entertaining way. This research employed the quantitative approach by experimental teaching. The sample of study of were 25 students in the experimental class and 26 students in the control class. Purposive sampling was used in which these two classes had most students with the lowest English scores among the other tenth grade students. The results of the t-score showed that there was a difference between the scores of the pre-test and the post-test of the experimental (4.23) and control classes (3.59). This proved that the used of scrabble with crossword picture puzzle game gave a significant improvement on students’ vocabulary. The application of this game made the students in the experimental class be more active, communicative, and challenging during learning process compared to the control class


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    Objective: Inflammation can be induced by microbiological, chemical, physical factors and plays roles in inflammatory diseases. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) has been widely used to provide a diverse array of biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, also antioxidant. The Turmeric extract (TE) anti-inflammatory potential was conducted using a Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced RAW264.7 macrophage cell line by inhibiting inflammatory mediators especially IL-6, PGE-2, IL-1β, COX-2, TNF-α, iNOS, also NO level. Methods: The TE safe concentration in LPS-induced macrophage cell line was measured using MTS assay for further assay. The inflammatory markers (IL-6, PGE-2, COX-2, IL-1β, TNF-α, iNOS, NO) were measured using ELISA assay and NO by the nitrate/nitrite colorimetric assay in LPS-induced RAW264.7 cell line. LPS induced inflammatory marker by increasing inflammatory marker (IL-6, PGE-2, COX-2, IL-1β, TNF-α, iNOS, NO). Results: TE with 100 to 25 µg/ml, caused a significant reduction of cells viability, reaching only 30.27 % live cells. TE with lower concentrations (7.5; 5; 2.5 µg/ml) had no cytotoxic effect on macrophage cells (viability 117.31-131.08 %). LPS induction caused an increase in inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, PGE-2, IL-6, COX-2, TNF-α as well as iNOS and NO. Turmeric extract caused the reduction of the inflammatory cytokines in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: The research resulted that TE has anti-inflammatory activity by decreasing IL-6, PGE-2, COX-2, IL-1β, TNF-α, iNOS, and NO level on LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells


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    Om Swastyastu, Namobudaya, Salam Kebajikan, Rahayu, Terima kasih dihaturkan ke hadapan Hyang Widi Wasa atas asung kertha wara nugraha-Nya, pelaksanaan Nata Citta Swabudaya (NCS) Desa Gadungan dapat terlaksana dengan lancar, sukses, dan bermakna. NCS merupakan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diselenggarakan Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LP2MPP) Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar bermitra dengan Desa Gadungan, Kecamatan Selemadeg Timur, Kabupaten Tabanan. Desa Gadungan dipilih sebagai mitra NCS karena potensi desa yang layak dikembangkan dalam bidang seni budaya. Adapun kegiatan NCS di Desa Gadungan terdiri atas penciptaan tari dan iringan (Murdha Nata Sekar Gadung), video profil Desa Gadungan, peletakan prasasti NCS ISI Denpasar dan buku monografi Desa Gadungan. Kegiatan NCS dilaksanakan dengan saling bersinergi dan bekerja sama dengan seluruh elemen masyarakat yang ada di Desa Gadungan. Buku monografi Desa Gadungan dengan judul Yeh Ho-CittakramaAbyudaya memberikan gambaran mengenai Desa Gadungan dengan potensi sumber daya alam yang dilintasi sungai Yeh Ho sebagai sumber kehidupan bagi masyarakat Desa Gadungan. Sungai Yeh Ho memberikan manfaat bagi lahan pertanian dan perkebunan warga sehingga potensi agro di Desa Gadungan menjadi potensi terbesar. Cittakrama berkaitan dengan latar belakang sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan RI 1945. Desa Gadungan menjadi basis perjuangan dengan menghadirkan pejuang-pejuang tangguh yang membela persatuan dan kesatuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya monumen perjuangan. Abyudaya terkait dengan kemakmuran dan semangat hidup masyarakat. Potensi Desa Gadungan dikembangkan melalui program NCS sebagai upaya mendorong pemajuan perekonomian masyarakat setempat sejalan visi NCS, yakni mewujudkan ekosistem seni budaya berkelanjutan Seluruh tim NCS Desa Gadungan menghaturkan terima kasih kepada seluruh elemen masyarakat Desa Gadungan yang telah berkontribusi dalam pelaksanaan NCS ini. Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om

    Laporan praktik kerja profesi apoteker Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118, Surabaya 15 Juni 2022 - 17 Juni 2022

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    Laporan praktik kerja profesi apoteker di Bidang Pemerintahan Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Surabaya di Jl. Karang Menjangan No. 20 Surabaya 27 - 29 Juni 2022

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    Laporan praktik kerja profesi apoteker di Bidang Sumber Daya Kesehatan Seksi Kefarmasian dan Seksi Alat Kesehatan dan Perbekalan Rumah Tangga Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118, Surabaya 13 Juni 2022 - 14 Juni 2022

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