3 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Pembiayaan Mudharabah, Musyarakah Dan Murabahah Terhadap Profitabilitas Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil Muamalat Jumapolo Tahun 2015-2017

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    Baitul Mal wa Tamwil has existed since the time of the Prophet as a treasure house gained during war or shadaqah, infaq and zakat, distributed directly by the Prophet for his people. Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil is a nonbank institution or a cooperative that can reach finances in remote areas. To assist in the finances of medium to small businesses both in business financing, personal needs, leases, profit sharing, deposits and other. This research is to know the effect of mudharabah, musyarakah and murabahah financing on profitability of Baitul Mal wa Tamwil Muamalat during period 2015-2017. This test is done by using multiple linear regression with ECM method (Error Correction Model). Based on the estimation results can be seen that murabahah financing has a negative and significant impact on BMT profitability in the long term and no effect in the short term. While mudharabah and musyarakah financing has no effect in long term and short term to BMT profitability. Keywords: Profitability, mudharabah financing, musyarakah financing and murabahah financing

    Greenhouse Potential based on Ecotourism and Education for Sustainable Village Economic Resilience

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    Indonesia has many rural areas with diversity and uniqueness in each region that have developed into eco-tourism. The village that is being developed as an eco-tourism destination is expected to improve the welfare of the surrounding community. Developed eco-tourism can provide jobs for residents in the village. Eco-tourism is also one of the developments to preserve ecosystems in rural areas. This eco- tourism sector can support community welfare and sustainable rural development. One approach to the development of rural areas is through village ecotourism. Village Ecotourism is a rural area with several special characteristics that can be used as a tourist destination. One way to improve the development of village ecotourism is by adding new facilities that lead to educational tourism, i.e., greenhouse facilities. The existence of this greenhouse can be used as a means of science education about a more advanced agricultural system with a controlled environmental system. Greenhouse technology can improve the quality and quantity of plant productivity, thereby increasing people's income, and producing healthier organic plant products. Greenhouses can also be used as educational tourism facilities for various science education activities and simple agricultural training. Training for residents can also be carried out, for community empowerment, such as training in planting, fertilizing, nurseries, processing plant products, and the process of packaging plant products. This review summarizes the various potentials of Greenhouse development for the development of education-based village ecotourism and provides references for further research that focuses on community service, which is increasing sustainable village economic resilience

    Studi Efektivitas Berbagai Konsentrasi Bahan Penyalut Alginat dan Nutrijell terhadap Enkapsulasi Spora Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskular (CMA)

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    Permasalahan lahan kritis masih menjadi permasalahan utama di Indonesia. Salah satu teknologi untuk mengatasi lahan kritis adalah dengan penambahan pupuk hayati yaitu Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskular (CMA). Namun, inokulum CMA ini kurang efektif karena spora tidak terindungi secara khusus dan bercampur dengan berbagai media pembawa lain (tanah, pasir, dan zeolit). Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu cara yang praktis untuk mengemas CMA dengan tujuan untuk melindungi spora CMA tersebut. Salah satu caranya yaitu melalui enkapsulasi menggunakan bahan penyalut. Bahan penyalut yang sering digunakan yaitu Na-alginat. Kapsul yang terbuat dari Na-alginat kuat dan sedikit kenyal. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka bahan enkapsulasi perlu dikombinasikan dengan bahan pengenyal lainnya. Salah satu bahan pengenyal yang dapat digunakan yaitu Nutrijell, karena Nutrijell mengandung konjak dan karagenan yang dapat membentuk kapsul dengan kuat, dan kenyal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kombinasi konsentrasi bahan penyalut Na-alginat dan Nutrijell yang menghasilkan morfologi kapsul yang paling baik, serta untuk mengetahui persen infeksinya. Kapsul dibuat dengan mengambil satu spatula suspensi Na-alginat – Nutrijell dengan berbagai konsentrasi kemudian ditambahkan potongan akar (pupuk MycoVir) sebanyak 5 akar dan diteteskan pada larutan CaCl2.H2O 3%. Kapsul yang terbentuk kemudian diaplikasikan pada tanaman kedelai. Parameter pengamatan meliputi pengamatan morfologi kapsul (ukuran, warna, bentuk, dan kekenyalan) serta persen infeksi. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi konsentrasi bahan penyalut 75% Na-alginat : 25% Nutrijell memiliki morfologi kapsul yang baik yaitu diameter 5,63 mm, warna keruh, bentuk seragam, dan tekstur kapsul kenyal, serta menghasilkan persen infeksi akar tertinggi sebesar 58% (kelas infeksi tinggi). ====================================================================================================== The problem of critical land is still a major problem in Indonesia. One of the technologies to overcome critical land is the addition of biological fertilizers, namely Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF). However, this AMF inoculum was less effective because the spores were not specially protected and mixed with various other carrier media (soil, sand, and zeolite). Therefore, we need a practical way to package AMF in order to protect the AMF spores. One way is through encapsulation using a coating material. The coating material that is often used is Na-alginate. Capsules made of Na-alginate are strong and slightly rubbery. Based on these conditions, the encapsulation material needs to be combined with other thickening agents. One of the chewing ingredients that can be used is Nutrijell, because Nutrijell contains konjac and carrageenan which can form capsules with strong, and elastic. This study aims to determine the combination of Na-alginate and Nutrijell coating concentrations that produce the best capsule morphology, and to determine the percent infection. The capsules were made by taking one spatula of Na-alginate – Nutrijell suspension with various concentrations then adding 5 root pieces (MycoVir fertilizer) and dripping on 3% CaCl2.H2O solution. The capsules formed were then applied to soybean plants. Observation parameters included observation of capsule morphology (size, color, shape, and elasticity) and percent infection. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the combined concentration of 75% Na-alginate: 25% Nutrijell had a good capsule morphology, namely 5.63 mm diameter, cloudy color, uniform shape, and elastic capsule texture, and produced the highest root infection percentage of 58% (high infection class)