7 research outputs found

    Optimasi Produksi Tanaman Kedelai Edamame (Glicine max. (L) Merrill) Dengan Pengaturan Jarak Tanam Dan Pemberian Kompos

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    Soybean plants (Glycine max (L) Merrill) are annual plants, have white or purple flower colors and have various shapes and sizes for leaf and seed characters. Soybean production in Lampung province in 2015 was 9.82 thousand tons of dry beans, decreased by 3.96 thousand tons (28.76%) compared to 2014. Crop productivity is strongly influenced by the environment and the variety of plants planted, and the spacing is also closely related to the plant population. Spacing arrangement is very influential on plant growth and yield. One of the efforts that can be done to improve soil fertility is by giving compost. Compost is the final substance of a fermentation process of piles of garbage / plant litter and sometimes also includes animal carcasses. This study used a randomized block design with 3 replications, the treatment was given 2 factors, spacing and compost application. The purpose of this study was to increase the yield of edamame soybean optimally with the treatment of spacing and giving organic compost. The results showed that based on least significant different show that the best interaction between spacing planting and compost application on all variable is J2K2 (15cm x 40cm + 12 ton/ha). While the lowest treatment on the J0K0 (15cm x 20cm + 0 ton/ha)

    Aplikasi Trichoderma sp. dan pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L.) varietas Grobogan

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    Soybean imports in Indonesia show that national soybean production is still low and efforts are needed to increase production. One way to increase edamame production is the application of Trichoderma sp. and NPK fertilizers. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the application dose of Trichoderma sp. and NPK fertilizers and their combinations on the growth and yield of soybean plants. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of two factors, namely Trichoderma sp and doses of NPK fertilizer, repeated 3 times so that there were 30 experimental units. The treatment consisted of: factors (a) Trichoderma sp. dose: a0= 0 g/plant; a1= 5 g/plant; a2= 10 g/plant; a3= 15 g/plant; and a4 = 20 g/plant. Factor (b) NPK fertilizer dosage from 2 levels, namely: b1 = 250 kg/ha and b2 = 300 kg/ha. The results of this study are: (1) administration of Trichoderma sp. independently affects the growth observation variable in the vegetative phase of the plant, but does not significantly affect production; (2) NPK fertilizer independently affects plant growth in the vegetative phase and production yields; (3) combination treatment of Trichoderma sp. 15 g/plant and 250 kg/ha of NPK fertilizer gave the highest seed weight per plant, namely 30.95 g; and (4) there is an interaction effect between the Trichoderma sp. treatments. and NPK fertilizer on seed weight per plant.   Impor kedelai di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa produksi kedelai nasional masih rendah dan dibutuhkan upaya untuk peningkatan produksi. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi edamame yaitu aplikasi Trichoderma sp. dan pupuk NPK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh dosis aplikasi Trichoderma sp. dan pupuk NPK serta kombinasi nya terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor  yaitu Trichoderma sp dan dosis pupuk NPK, diulang sebanyak 3 kali ulangan sehingga terdapat 30 satuan percobaan. Perlakuan tersebut terdiri: faktor (a) dosis Trichoderma sp.: a0= 0 g/tanaman; a1= 5 g/tanaman; a2= 10 g/tanaman; a3= 15 g/tanaman; dan a4= 20 g/tanaman. Faktor (b) pemberian dosis pupuk NPK dari 2 taraf yaitu: b1= 250 kg/ha dan b2= 300 kg/ha. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: (1) pemberian Trichoderma sp. secara mandiri berpengaruh terhadap variabel pengamatan pertumbuhan pada fase vegetatif tanaman, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap hasil produksi; (2) pupuk NPK secara mandiri berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman pada fase vegetatif dan hasil produksi; (3) kombinasi perlakuan Trichoderma sp. 15 g/tanaman dan pupuk NPK 250 kg/ha memberikan bobot biji per tanaman tertinggi yaitu sebesar 30,95 g; dan (4) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara perlakuan Trichoderma sp. dan pupuk NPK terhadap bobot biji per tanaman


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    Permasalahan sosial yang banyak terjadi di masyarakat adalah kaum marjinal yang terpinggirkan seperti anak terlantar, anak jalanan, pengemis, dan sebagainya. Salah satu upaya mengatasi masalah kaum marjinal yaitu dengan didirikan lembaga sosial berupa panti asuhan anak. Sejak masa pandemi, anak di Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara Surakarta jarang mendapat layanan kesehatan dan ada keterbatasan ruang gerak anak-anak. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk membantu panti asuhan dalam memantau pertumbuhan dan perkembangan penghuni dan pengelola Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara di Surakarta. Metoda pelaksanaan berupa pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang anak, Penyuluhan Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, pemeriksaan Status Gizi Anak, penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi yang benar, pemeriksaan kesehatan pengelola panti asuhan serta pelatihan penanggulangan bencana. Hasil pemeriksaan Kesehatan pada penghuni dan pengelola panti didapatkan sebagian besar (52,6%) penghuni panti berjenis kelamin laki-laki, hampir setengahnya berusia rata-rata 21-60 tahun, Sebagian besar (68,4%) tekanan darah <140/90 mmHg, Sebagian besar (73,1%) berstatus gizi normal, hampir seluruhnya (94,4%) glukosa darah <126 m/dL dan asam urat <8 mg/dL. Secara umum keadaan warga panti asuhan dalam keadaan baik Social problems that often occur in society are abandoned children, street children, beggars, disabled people, neglected elderly, poor families, families with social problems, and so on. Children and poor people should have their human rights fulfilled by the State of Indonesia. However, in reality there are many children whose needs are not met, such as parents who are unable to provide for the child's needs or the child does not have parents. One effort to overcome this is to establish social institutions in the form of orphanages. Since the pandemic, children at the Mission Nusantara Surakarta Orphanage rarely receive health services and there is limited space for children to move. The purpose of this community service is to assist the orphanage in monitoring the growth and development of residents and managers of the Mission Nusantara Orphanage in Surakarta. The implementation method is in the form of examinations on child growth and development, Counseling on Clean and Healthy Living, checking on the Nutritional Status of Children, counseling on how to brush their teeth properly, health checks for orphanage managers and training on disaster management. 6%) of the residents of the orphanage are male, almost half of them are aged 21-60 years, most (68.4%) have blood pressure < 140/90 mmHg, most (73.1%) have normal nutritional status, almost all (94.4%) blood glucose < 126 m/dL and uric acid > 8 mg/dl. Similar activities are needed to see general body health and must be monitored periodically, so that the residents of the orphanage can find out their health status, especially now that they are still in a pandemic condition Covid-1

    Perbedaan Brand Equity Coal Processing Equipment Merek Stamler, Flschmidt Dan Gundlach Di Kalimantan

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    Industri pertambangan batubara di Indonesia merupakan industri yang menarik karena pertumbuhannya sangat signifikan. Konsumsi batubara dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami kenaikan. Meningkatnya konsumsi batubara tidak terlepas dari tingginya permintaan energi dunia, batubara merupakan sumber energi kedua terbesar setelah minyak. Batubara yang diambil dari bawah tanah (ROM) harus melalui beberapa proses agar sesuai dengan permintaan pasar. Peran coal processing equipment sangat penting dalam menentukan hasil akhir produksi. Terdapat 3 merek coal processing equipment yang di persepsikan kuat oleh konsumen di Kalimantan yaitu Stamler, FLSchmidt dan Gundlach. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan brand equity coal processing equipment merek Stamler, FLSchmidt dan Gundlach di Kalimantan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif konklusi dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode nonprobability sampling, dan convenience. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yaitu para decision maker diperusahaan pertambangan yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan coal processing equipment merek Stamler, FLSchmidt atau Gundlach minimal 6 bulan terakhir di Kalimantan. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 27 responden. Data penelitian ini diolah menggunakan menggunakan program SPSS 18.0 for windows yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, Kruskal-Wallis test dan uji berpasangan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan brand equity antara ketiga merek coal processing equipment tersebut. Merek FLSchmidt dan Gundlach tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Secara keseluruhan merek Stamler lebih unggul dalam semua elemen brand equity yaitu brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty dibanding kedua pesaing


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    The purpose of this research was to explain how the influence of understanding the concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika towards social relationships of students with different tribe at SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampung. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative method. The subject in this research was the student of grade VIII in SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampung, amounted to 302 students with 30 students as the sample. The technique of collecting data was using questionnaires and then the data were analyzed by using Chi Square formula. Based on the result of the research, it showed that the influence was strong and significant between understanding the concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika towards social relationships of students with different tribe. It means that, the more student understand the concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the more good social relationships of students with different tribe, so the social relationships of the students will be harmonious.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimanakah pengaruh pemahaman konsep Bhinneka Tunggal Ika terhadap hubungan sosial siswa berbeda suku di SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian ini siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampungberjumlah 302 siswa dengan sampel 30 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan rumus Chi Kuadrat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang kuat dan signifikan antara pemahaman konsep Bhinneka Tunggal Ika terhadap hubungan sosial siswa berbeda suku. Artinya, semakin siswa memahami konsep Bhinneka Tunggal Ika maka semakin baik pula hubungan sosial siswa yang berbeda suku sehingga akan terjalin hubungan sosial siswa yang rukun dan harmonis.Kata kunci: bhinneka tunggal ika, hubungan sosial, suku

    Penerapan Pengendalian dengan Agens Hayati Lokal untuk Solusi Permasalahan Serangan OPT pada Tanaman Padi Organik di Desa Bumi Agung, Tegineneng, Pesawaran: Aplication of Control with Local Biological Agents to Solve OPT-Attack Problems on Organic Rice Plants in Bumi Agung Village, Tegineneng, Pesawaran

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    OPT problems are still a major obstacle to organic rice cultivation due to limited understanding and control skills. The aim of implementing community service activities is to provide additional skills and insight regarding OPT control technology with local biological agents to solve the problem of organic rice farming in Bumiagung village, Tegineneng, Pesawaran. Technology transfer activities regarding the application of control with local biological agents to solve the problem of pest attacks on organic rice plants were carried out in Bumiagung Village, Tegineneng, Pesawaran which were carried out in June - October 2022 to the Progressive Organic Farmers Community. The stages of the activity are carried out in stages through conducting surveys, providing material, pre-testing, training and mentoring, post-testing, monitoring, and evaluation at the end of the activity. Before the activity begins, a survey is carried out to analyze conditions and problems and analyze the solutions needed for these problems. Farmers need to gain more knowledge and skills in managing pests that attack their land. The controls that are often used are vegetable pesticides and refugia. From the final evaluation results, the analysis shows that farmers realize that control with biological agents is effortless, inexpensive, and synergistic in supporting organic farming. Farmers also feel that control with local biological agents is very cheap so that they can reduce production costs. Biological agents are very host specific, so they do not kill natural enemies