9 research outputs found


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    Speaking in foreign language is a productive skill that requires not only sufficient language input and communication strategy, but also a lot of practices and experiences. Students who cannot fulfill all those requirements might get problems during speaking, especially those who have low confidence level, insufficient communication skill, lack of vocabulary and lack of automaticity. Students often hesitate during speaking too because they are afraid of making mistakes, losing face and criticism. Such problems are commonly found among English learners in Asia, especially where English is a foreign language and access to English natural environment and English daily practices is extremely limited. Certain teaching strategies are then needed to overcome these obstacles; one of them is movie production. This study views teenage students in Asia as digital natives that can take a lot of benefits from technology to improve their English and make English language part of their life even though they do not live in natural English environment. Through movie production, students get freedom of expression without feeling anxious that they are being formally graded. It is fun and challenging and explores their language creativity; they can rehearse as much as they want; consult the dialogue to their teachers; and correct their mistakes and learn from it. In brief, this task integrates many communication skills needed in speaking, improves their confidence, and gives them real experience and a lot of practice. The movie can as well be evaluated to assess students' progress in speaking


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    The language of Indonesian politics is quite interesting. There are many phenomena of language abuse such as language manipulation and meaning reduction, which often occur. This research is meant to find 1) the form of the polity register, 2) the kinds of meaning polity register and 3) the characteristics of the polity register. Dealing with the research method, the writer applies qualitative method. The writer takes the data from the Indonesian newspaper “Suara Merdeka” which contains register polity. She collects the data by reading, scrutinizing, and listing them. To analyze the data, the writer uses semantic analysis based on Poedjosoedarmo theory to determine the changing meaning of the register. Having analyzed the data, the writer finds two forms of polity register namely: word and phrase. The words are in the form of simple word (26, 7%), compound word (26, 7%), and complex word (24, 4%), abbreviation and blended, each has 2,2%. In the form of phrase (17, 8%) Related to the meaning, the writer finds five kinds of changing meaning, namely: narrower than the real meaning (8, 9%), share some features whereas each of them has different meaning (24, 5%), identical to the real meaning (13,3%), and different from the real meaning (53,3%). Meanwhile, the Language styles of Indonesian polity register are euphemism (57,7%), metaphor (6,7%), hyperbola (13,3%), and metonymy (22,2%). The result of this research shows that the biggest amount of the register meaning of the Indonesian polity is different from the real meaning and tends to be euphemism. Those phenomena indicate that the polity register used by Indonesian politician tends to hide the real meaning. These may happen since there are some interests behind the Indonesian polity register, among others are to maintain and to retain power. In sum, the register is used to keep the authority goes on


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    This research is aimed at find out the character education values in reading materials of English textbook which is published by Yudhistira and Tiga Serangkai. This research used the textbook that is used by the eleventh grade of Senior High School as a handbook. This study is a descriptive qualitative research by doing content analysis. In conducting the research, the researchers analyzed the reading materials provided in the textbook by analyzing the material and determined the genre and character education value of the text. Throughout the analysis, the researchers found 15 character education values are inserted in reading text material, involve: Friendly, Social Care, Love Peace, Curiosity, Religious, Joy of Reading, Tolerance, The Spirit of Nationality, Love Homeland, Creative, Discipline, Rewarding Achievement, Hard Work, Environmental Care, and Responsibility. The teachers assess the character education values directly and joined with other evaluation, in the form of Affective. Therefore, the finding of this research is expected for the teacher to come up with the moral education which inserted in reading materials. Furthermore, in the future character education is intended can be developed and fully realized in the school practices

    The Implementation of English Teaching and Learning Process to Students with Visual Impairment

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    This research aims at (1) describing the implementation of English teaching and learning process to students with visual impairment including: (a) teaching and learning documents; (b) implementation of teaching and learning process, and (c) the supporting components on the English teaching and learning implementation; (2) finding the problems encountered by the English teacher during teaching and learning process; (3) finding proposed solution given by the English teacher to overcome the problems; (4) investigating students’ achievement in the implementation of teaching and learning process.The research was conducted at SMP YKAB Surakarta, Central Java. It was a qualitative research in the form of case study. The subjects of the research were 7 students in the ninth grade of Junior High School. The data analyzed through the researcher conducted three things namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion/verification. The curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan applied in English teaching and learning process to students with visual impairment were equal with regular school. The result of the research revealed four major findings which consist of: (1) the curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan applied in English teaching and learning process to students with visual impairment are equal with regular school; (2) the difficulties found out from students perspective are the lack of textbooks in Braille, time limitation for students to do examination test and the long sentence of question text. Then, the difficulties viewed from teacher’s perspective are the lack of teaching media and classroom management; (3) proposed solutions by the teacher to overcome the difficulties are printing the material in Braille, providing English course to prepare students in national examination, providing alternative teaching media, and arranging classroom management; and (4) the level of IQ was more beneficial to students’ achievement rather than visual acuity

    Maximizing English Speech on YouTube Videos to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary

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    Learning vocabulary is essential in language learning since it will help students to master a language as well as communicate with others effectively using various words. This classroom action research, which followed Kemmis and McTaggart’s model, aimed to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing English Speech on YouTube Videos to enrich students’ English vocabulary. The participants of this study were the seventh graders of the Language Class in SMP Muhammadiyah Banjarbaru. The results revealed that maximizing English Speech on YouTube Videos can effectively boost students’ vocabulary building since the scores of the pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2 showed different and significant improvements. Moreover, the classroom environments and the students’ enthusiasm improved as well. The classroom became conducive and interactive, and the students were excited and enthusiastic and genuinely paid attention to the videos and the teacher’s explanations

    ‘I Can Teach English More Confidently’: How Madrassas’ and Pesantrens’ English Teachers Perceived ELTT Program

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    The study sought to investigate the perception of English teachers in madrassas and pesantrens toward the English Language Teacher Training (ELTT) program they underwent for five months. A convergent mixed-method research design was used, comprising a set of questionnaires administered to thirty-two teachers across three cities, namely Banjarmasin, Metro, and Palembang. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with twelve teachers who participated in the study. Interactive data analysis was employed to analyze the results obtained from the questionnaires and interviews. The study found that numerous teachers reported receiving significant benefits in their teaching and learning skills after participating in the ELTT program, including a boost in self-esteem when delivering English language instruction and enhanced English teaching abilities. However, participants also highlighted internet connectivity and time management as major hurdles that required attention. Hence, it is recommended that the Ministry of Religious Affairs continues to implement the program since it provides teachers with opportunities to enhance their English teaching skills. Consequently, this will enable students to receive greater exposure to the English language, facilitating their learning process

    Claims of policy in editorial column of “The New York Times” newspaper

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    ABSTRACT In term of academic writing, claim is used in argumentative essay. It is essential and have significant role. It can be a tool for distinguishing between what is true and what is false, what is valid and what is invalid. For this research, I focus on the claims of policy in which the specific policies should be stated as solutions to the problems. The purposes of the research are to identify the method used by the writers of editorial column on The New York Times Newspaper in presenting their claims of policy and the ways of the writers defending their claims of policy. The claim analysis is limited to the text in editorial column from March to May 2010 on educational issue. The design employed is descriptive qualitative analyzing the way of the writer presenting and defining their claims of policy. To get the convenient and systematic data, I as the researcher become the main instrument by browsing the internet, reading and classifying the data. Then the data are presented and analyzed by using Rottenberg’s theory of claim. The finding shows that the writers rarely state the claims explicitly in introductory paragraph. None of the essay used the method of quotation, question, paradox, definition and humour in introducing the claims of policy. They often use funnel type to give general statements about the subject in order to attract reader’s attention before coming to the thesis. The way the writer’s defense their claims of policy are as following: first, the data are not always stated explicitly in introductory paragraph. Second, the writer establish the changing of phenomenon happened in all data by order some suggestions and solutions to face the problem. Third, the writer considers the opposing argument then gives his opinion how to solve the problems. Fourth, the readers get distinct benefits from the solution given by the writer. Fifth, the writer gives some facts, interpretation and opinion as the solid data, moral consideration and common sense reason to support the policy. Moreover, the writer had shown using all patterns in ordering of the evidence. One uses chronological order, two use climatic and topical order. Based on the findings above, it is suggested to be valuable source or reference for the students, lecturer, and also further researcher who need to sharpen their argumentative writing skill. The students can be trained to respond critically the writer’s argument and analyzed how to urge readers to follow a course of action. In addition, the result of this research is hopefully can help to cope the bewildering issue and used as a source to analyze claims of policy deeply

    A A Photovoice Study on Teacher's Emotional Experiences and Challenges in Applying the Dictogloss Technique for Teaching Listening

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    The challenge in applying a learning technique must be one of the difficulties faced by the teacher in teaching English as a foreign language. This study’s aim is to discover the teacher's emotional experiences and challenges in applying the Dictogloss technique for listening class. The PhotoVoice method was used in this study as the research design. The research regarding the challenges and emotions of teachers in implementing the dictogloss technique for teaching listening has not been carried out much by other researchers, especially using the photovoice research design. The data in this research were analyzed using thematic analysis based on Braun and Clarkes. Based on the findings of this study, the participant has an average positive emotional experience. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that there are a variety of difficulties in implementing each stage of the Dictogloss technique in teaching listening


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    This paper aims to investigate English teachers’ perceptions of teacher professionalism. A qualitative method with a descriptive design was employed in the present stud. The researchers employed a set of adapted questionnaires on teacher professionalism (Tichenor & Tichenor 2009), consisting of five critical typologies of teacher professionalism. The questionnaire was distributed to 14 English teachers of senior high schools in Pangkal Pinang and the Blangkejeren district. They were chosen as the sample through the purposive sampling technique. Furthermore, a semi-structured interview also has been completed to support the data. The findings of this study indicated that most of the teachers agree with the characteristic of a professional teacher proposed by Sockett (1993). The study also revealed that professionalism is one of the critical aspects that teachers should possess