561 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Characterization, and Investigation the Inhibitory Impact of Thiosemicarbazide Derivative toward the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Acidic Media

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    ركزنا في هذه الدراسة على تحديد تأثير مشتق الثيوسيميكاربازيد المحضر و الذي يمكن تسميته ’’ 2- (2-هيدروكسي-3-ميثوكسي بنزيليدين) هيدرازين كاربوثايميد ‘‘ (HMHC) على تثبيط تآكل الفولاذ الطري في محلول حمضي من حامض كلوريد الهايدروجين بتركيز 1 مولاري كمحاولة جديدة للحفاظ على تركيب المواد المعدنية من خلال الحفاظ عليها من التآكل. تم تشخيص المثبط المحضر باستخدام تقنية تحليل العناصر و مطيافية الرنين المغناطيسي النووي. ثم تم دراسة قدرة المركب المحضر (HMHC) على تثبيط تآكل الفولاذ الطري في الوسط الحمضي بتقنية فقدان الوزن ضمن المتغيرات ]درجة الحرارة و تركيز المثبط و الوقت[. حيث تراوح مدى درجات الحرارة بين (303 الى 330 ) كلفن و استخدمت تراكيز مختلفه من المثبط المحضر [0,00 و 0,001 و 0,05 و 0,1 و 0,15 و 0,2 و 0,25 و 0,5] غم/لتر ضمن فترات غمر معينه و هي [1:00 و 3:00 و 5:00 و 10:00 و 24:00 و 72:00 ] ساعة. اظهر المشتق المحضر قدرته على تثبيط التآكل و من خلال النتائج لوحظ أن معدل التآكل يتناقص مع زيادة تركيز المانع المحضر و يزداد مع زيادة درجة حرارة المحلول  و ان اعلى كفاءة لعمل المثبط هي عند استخدام  التركيز 0,5 غم / لتر حيث بلغت 90,2% و وجد أن عملية امتزاز المثبط HMHC تخضع لنموذج ايزوثيرم لانكماير. تم دراسة الخصائص الالكترونية  للمثبط نظرياَ باستخدام نظرية الدالة الوظيفية للكثافة DFT  حيث تم الحصول على نتائج نظرية مقاربة بشكل كبير للنتائج العملية لهذه الدراسة.        In this study we focused on the determination of influence the novel synthesized thiosemicarbazide derivative "2-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene) hydrazinecarbothioamide" (HMHC) influenced the corrosion inhibition of mild steel (MS) in a 1.0 M hydrochloric acid acidic solution.This is in an effort to preserve the metal material by maintaining it from corrosion.The synthesized inhibitor was characterized using elemental analysis, and NMR-spectroscopy. Then the corrosion inhibition capability of (HMHC) was studied on mild steel in an acidic medium by weight loss technique within variables [temperature, inhibitor concentration, and time]. The immersion periods were [1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 10:00, 24:00, and 72:00] hours and the temperature range was (303-333) K. Various concentration of (HMHC) were used and the immersion periods were [0.00, 0.001, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, and 0.50] g/L. The prepared derivative has shown the ability to inhibit corrosion. It has been observed that the rate of erosion decreases with the increasing concentration of the prepared inhibitor and increases with the increasing temperature of the solution. The most promising inhibitor action is at 0.5 g/L with an inhibition efficiency of 90.2%. Where it found that the adsorption process of HMHC obeys the Langmuir isotherm model. The electronic properties of the HMHC molecules were obtained from density function theory (DFT) quantum chemical approach. The experimental approach and theoretical results were found to have impressive correlations

    Reviewing Social Life in Eastern Jordan through Burckhardts Tour in 1812 AD

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    Historical travel books are important and rich sources of information, as they describe the different aspects of life in a specific geographical area and within a specific time. One of these crucial travel books is Johann Ludwig Burckhardts Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. He recorded, through his travels in southern Syria, important details of life in the east of Jordan region at the beginning of the nineteenth century. He shed light on an important period in the history of the region, and succeeded, through the strength and accuracy of his observation, in covering rich information about social elements in the region, including values, customs, traditions, lifestyles, clothing, and food. The importance of this travel comes as a crucial source for the student of the history of East Jordan at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Indeed, it presents useful, varied, and rich information in a period characterized by scarcity of information and writings. One of the most important results of Burckhardt’s travel was the rediscovery of the Arab capital of the Nabataeans, Petra, in 1812 AD. The study also concluded that a large number of urban centers retained their names. Another important outcome of this study is that there is clear evidence that life returned to many previously deserted areas. The study also showed that the region did not witness any interest from the Ottomans in terms of education and culture since there was no mention of any school or newspaper in the region rather, the Ottomans focused only administratively on the southern region because of the pilgrimage route

    FOXP3+ T cells in uterine sarcomas are associated with favorable prognosis, low extracellular matrix expression and reduced YAP activation.

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    Uterine sarcomas are rare but deadly malignancies without effective treatment. Immunotherapy is a promising new approach to treat these tumors but has shown heterogeneous effects in sarcoma patients. With the goal of identifying key factors for improved patient treatment, we characterized the tumor immune landscape in 58 uterine sarcoma cases with full clinicopathological annotation. Immune cell characterization revealed the overall prevalence of FOXP3+ cells and pro-tumor M2-like macrophages. Hierarchical clustering of patients showed four tumor type-independent immune signatures, where infiltration of FOXP3+ cells and M1-like macrophages associated with favorable prognosis. High CD8+/FOXP3+ ratio in UUS and ESS correlated with poor survival, upregulation of immunosuppressive markers, extracellular matrix (ECM)-related genes and proteins, and YAP activation. This study shows that uterine sarcomas present distinct immune signatures with prognostic value, independent of tumor type, and suggests that targeting the ECM could be beneficial for future treatments

    Using artificial intelligence to improve body iron quantification: A scoping review

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    This scoping review explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing the screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of disorders related to body iron levels. A systematic search was performed to identify studies that utilize machine learning in iron-related disorders. The search revealed a wide range of machine learning algorithms used by different studies. Notably, most studies used a single data type. The studies varied in terms of sample sizes, participant ages, and geographical locations. AI's role in quantifying iron concentration is still in its early stages, yet its potential is significant. The question is whether AI-based diagnostic biomarkers can offer innovative approaches for screening, diagnosing, and monitoring of iron overload and anemia.Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Poly ionic liquid nanovesicles via polymerization induced self assembly and their stabilization of Cu nanoparticles for tailored CO2 electroreduction

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    Herein, we report a straightforward, scalable synthetic route towards poly ionic liquid PIL homopolymer nanovesicles NVs with a tunable particle size of 50 to 120 nm and a shell thickness of 15 to 60 nm via one step free radical polymerization induced self assembly. By increasing monomer concentration for polymerization, their nanoscopic morphology can evolve from hollow NVs to dense spheres, and finally to directional worms, in which a multilamellar packing of PIL chains occurred in all samples. The transformation mechanism of NVs internal morphology is studied in detail by coarse grained simulations, revealing a correlation between the PIL chain length and the shell thickness of NVs. To explore their potential applications, PIL NVs with varied shell thickness are in situ functionalized with ultra small 1 amp; 8764; 3 nm in size copper nanoparticles CuNPs and employed as electrocatalysts for CO2 electroreduction. The composite electrocatalysts exhibit a 2.5 fold enhancement in selectivity towards C1 products e.g., CH4 , compared to the pristine CuNPs. This enhancement is attributed to the strong electronic interactions between the CuNPs and the surface functionalities of PIL NVs. This study casts new aspects on using nanostructured PILs as new electrocatalyst supports in CO2 conversion to C1 product