4,772 research outputs found

    Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) analysis of the transmittance of off-axis energy due to scattering and diffraction

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    Stray light transmittance is analyzed. Mathematical models are evaluated. The results of scatter and diffraction are considered separately, and the combined transmittance values evaluated

    The Distribution of Metallicity in the IGM at z~2.5: OVI and CIV Absorption in the Spectra of 7 QSOs

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    We present a direct measurement of the metallicity distribution function for the high redshift intergalactic medium. We determine the shape of this function using survival statistics, which account for both detections and non-detections of OVI and CIV associated with HI absorption in quasar spectra. Our OVI sample probes the metal content of ~50% of all baryons at z~2.5. We find a median intergalactic abundance of [O,C/H]=-2.82; the differential abundance distribution is approximately lognormal with mean ~-2.85 and \sigma=0.75 dex. Some 60-70% the Lya forest lines are enriched to observable levels ([O,C/H]>-3.5) while the remaining ~30% of the lines have even lower abundances. Thus we have not detected a universal metallicity floor as has been suggested for some Population III enrichment scenaria. In fact, we argue that the bulk of the intergalactic metals formed later than the first stars that are thought to have triggered reionization. We do not observe a significant trend of decreasing metallicity toward the lower density IGM, at least within regions that would be characterized as filaments in numerical simulations. However, an [O/H] enhancement may be present at somewhat high densities. We estimate that roughly half of all baryons at these redshifts have been enriched to [O/H]>=-3.5. We develop a simple model for the metallicity evolution of the IGM, to estimate the chemical yield of galaxies formed prior to z~2.5. We find that the typical galaxy recycled 0.1-0.4% of its mass back into the IGM as heavy elements in the first 3 Gyr after the Big Bang.Comment: 23 pages in emulateapj, 19 figures. Accepted to ApJ, pending review of new changes. Revised comparison between our results and Schaye et al (2003

    Evidence for Rotation in the Galaxy at z=3.15 Responsible for a Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption System in the Spectrum of Q2233+1310

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    Proof of the existence of a significant population of normal disk galaxies at redshift z>2 would have profound implications for theories of structure formation and evolution. We present evidence based on Keck HIRES observations that the damped Lyman-alpha absorber at z=3.15 toward the quasar Q2233+1310 may well be such an example. Djorgovski et al have recently detected the Lyman-alpha emission from the absorber, which we assume is at the systemic redshift of the absorbing galaxy. By examining the profiles of the metal absorption lines arising from the absorbing galaxy in relation to its systemic redshift, we find strong kinematical evidence for rotation. Therefore the absorber is likely to be a disk galaxy. The inferred circular velocity for the galaxy is >200 km/s. With a separation of ~17 kpc between the galaxy and the quasar sightline, the implied dynamic mass for the galaxy is >1.6x10(11) solar mass. The metallicity of the galaxy is found to be [Fe/H]=-1.4, typical of damped Lyman-alpha galaxies at such redshifts. However, in another damped galactic rotation is evident. In the latter case, the damped Lyman-alpha absorber occurs near the background quasar in redshift so its properties may be influenced by the background quasar. These represent the only two cases at present for which the technique used here may be applied. Future applications of the same technique to a large sample of damped Lyman-alpha galaxies may allow us to determine if a significant population of disk galaxies already existed only a few billion years after the Big Bang.Comment: AASTEX, 2 PS figures, accepted by ApJ, 6 pages total, replaced on 1-22-97, the only change is the enlarged figure

    Numerical investigation of the quantum fluctuations of optical fields transmitted through an atomic medium

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    We have numerically solved the Heisenberg-Langevin equations describing the propagation of quantized fields through an optically thick sample of atoms. Two orthogonal polarization components are considered for the field and the complete Zeeman sublevel structure of the atomic transition is taken into account. Quantum fluctuations of atomic operators are included through appropriate Langevin forces. We have considered an incident field in a linearly polarized coherent state (driving field) and vacuum in the perpendicular polarization and calculated the noise spectra of the amplitude and phase quadratures of the output field for two orthogonal polarizations. We analyze different configurations depending on the total angular momentum of the ground and excited atomic states. We examine the generation of squeezing for the driving field polarization component and vacuum squeezing of the orthogonal polarization. Entanglement of orthogonally polarized modes is predicted. Noise spectral features specific of (Zeeman) multi-level configurations are identified.Comment: 12 pages 9 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Steady-state Ab Initio Laser Theory: Generalizations and Analytic Results

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    We improve the steady-state ab initio laser theory (SALT) of Tureci et al. by expressing its fundamental self-consistent equation in a basis set of threshold constant flux states that contains the exact threshold lasing mode. For cavities with non-uniform index and/or non-uniform gain, the new basis set allows the steady-state lasing properties to be computed with much greater efficiency. This formulation of the SALT can be solved in the single-pole approximation, which gives the intensities and thresholds, including the effects of nonlinear hole-burning interactions to all orders, with negligible computational effort. The approximation yields a number of analytic predictions, including a "gain-clamping" transition at which strong modal interactions suppress all higher modes. We show that the single-pole approximation agrees well with exact SALT calculations, particularly for high-Q cavities. Within this range of validity, it provides an extraordinarily efficient technique for modeling realistic and complex lasers.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Orientation of Nd3+^{3+} dipoles in yttrium aluminum garnet: A simple yet accurate model

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    We report an experimental study of the 1064nm transition dipoles in neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd-YAG) by measuring the coupling constant between two orthogonal modes of a laser cavity for different cuts of the YAG gain crystal. We propose a theoretical model in which the transition dipoles, slightly elliptic, are oriented along the crystallographic axes. Our experimental measurements show a very good quantitative agreement with this model, and predict a dipole ellipticity between 2% and 3%. This work provides an experimental evidence for the simple description in which transition dipoles and crystallographic axes are collinear in Nd-YAG (with an accuracy better than 1 deg), a point that has been discussed for years.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Theory of the spatial structure of non-linear lasing modes

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    A self-consistent integral equation is formulated and solved iteratively which determines the steady-state lasing modes of open multi-mode lasers. These modes are naturally decomposed in terms of frequency dependent biorthogonal modes of a linear wave equation and not in terms of resonances of the cold cavity. A one-dimensional cavity laser is analyzed and the lasing mode is found to have non-trivial spatial structure even in the single-mode limit. In the multi-mode regime spatial hole-burning and mode competition is treated exactly. The formalism generalizes to complex, chaotic and random laser media.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Large-Scale Correlations in the Lyman-alpha Forest at z = 3-4

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    We present a study of the spatial coherence of the intergalactic medium toward two pairs of high-redshift quasars with moderate angular separations observed with Keck/ESI, Q1422+2309A/Q1424+2255 (z_em = 3.63, theta = 39") and Q1439-0034A/B (z_em = 4.25, theta = 33"). The crosscorrelation of transmitted flux in the Lyman-alpha forest shows a 5-7 sigma peak at zero velocity lag for both pairs. This strongly suggests that at least some of the absorbing structures span the 230-300/h_70 proper kpc transverse separation between sightlines. We also statistically examine the similarity between paired spectra as a function of transmitted flux, a measure which may be useful for comparison with numerical simulations. In investigating the dependence of the correlation functions on spectral characteristics, we find that photon noise has little impact for S/N >~ 10 per resolution element. However, the agreement between the autocorrelation along the line sight and the crosscorrelation between sightlines, a potential test of cosmological geometry, depends significantly on instrumental resolution. Finally, we present an inventory of metal lines. These include a a pair of strong C IV systems at z ~ 3.4 appearing only toward Q1439B, and a Mg II + Fe II system present toward Q1439 A and B at z = 1.68.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap

    V819 Tau: A Rare Weak-Lined T Tauri Star with a Weak Infrared Excess

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    We use Spitzer data to infer that the small infrared excess of V819 Tau, a weak-lined T Tauri star in Taurus, is real and not attributable to a "companion" 10 arcsec to the south. We do not confirm the mid-infrared excess in HBC 427 and V410 X-ray 3, which are also non-accreting T Tauri stars in the same region; instead, for the former object, the excess arises from a red companion 9 arcsec to the east. A single-temperature blackbody fit to the continuum excess of V819 Tau implies a dust temperature of 143 K; however, a better fit is achieved when the weak 10 and 20 micron silicate emission features are also included. We infer a disk of sub-micron silicate grains between about 1 AU and several 100 AU with a constant surface density distribution. The mid-infrared excess of V819 Tau can be successfully modeled with dust composed mostly of small amorphous olivine grains at a temperature of 85 K, and most of the excess emission is optically thin. The disk could still be primordial, but gas-poor and therefore short-lived, or already at the debris disk stage, which would make it one of the youngest debris disk systems known.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    One dimensional chain of quantum molecule motors as a mathematical physics model for muscle fibre

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    A quantum chain model of many molecule motors is proposed as a mathematical physics theory on the microscopic modeling of classical force-velocity relation and tension transients of muscle fibre. We proposed quantum many-particle Hamiltonian to predict the force-velocity relation for the slow release of muscle fibre which has no empirical relation yet, it is much more complicate than hyperbolic relation. Using the same Hamiltonian, we predicted the mathematical force-velocity relation when the muscle is stimulated by alternative electric current. The discrepancy between input electric frequency and the muscle oscillation frequency has a physical understanding by Doppler effect in this quantum chain model. Further more, we apply quantum physics phenomena to explore the tension time course of cardiac muscle and insect flight muscle. Most of the experimental tension transients curves found their correspondence in the theoretical output of quantum two-level and three-level model. Mathematically modeling electric stimulus as photons exciting a quantum three-level particle reproduced most tension transient curves of water bug Lethocerus Maximus.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, Arguments are adde