37 research outputs found

    Self-report dieting attempts and intentional weight loss in a general adult population : Associations with long-term weight gain and risk of type 2 diabetes

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    Obesity is a worldwide, major public health problem. It contributes to the risk of several noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), health conditions, and mortality; impairs functional capacity and the quality of life, and places substantial burden on health care systems and economies. Along with the obesity epidemic, dieting has become popular, and indeed successful weight loss has been demonstrated to decrease the risk of many NCDs. Weight loss, however, is difficult, and further, weight maintenance after weight loss appears to be nearly impossible for the majority of individuals. Accordingly, self-report dieting attempts and intentional weight loss (IWL) have been indicated to predict subsequent weight gain in the long term. Weight loss is not limited solely to individuals with obesity, but dieting is common among individuals within each weight category. Despite dieting being common at the population level, the research on its associations in general adult populations is scarce. The aims of this thesis were to study which factors (sociodemographic, lifestyle, metabolic, somatic health, and mental health) are associated with dieting; whether dieting modifies the association between quality of diet and obesity; whether dieting predicts long-term changes in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), and the incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D); and whether several background factors modify these associations. The study was based on data from the nationally representative Health 2000 Survey and on its follow-up, the Health 2011 Survey, 11 years later. The study sample consisted of participants aged 30 and older at baseline (n=8028). Of this sample, 6771 individuals participated in health examinations in 2000. Of the individuals invited to participate in Health 2000, 6319 were invited to participate in Health 2011. Of this sample, 4006 participated in health examinations in 2011. In Health 2000/2011, information on health, wellbeing and functional capacity was collected through health examinations (including measurements and blood samples), interviews and questionnaires. Information on dieting attempts (having tried to lose weight), IWL (having tried and having lost weight), and changes in weight during the previous year was collected via a questionnaire at baseline. A validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to measure the habitual diet of the participants, and dietary data were used to form a modified Alternate Healthy Eating Index (mAHEI), representing quality of diet. Height, weight and WC were measured during the health examinations in both Health 2000 and Health 2011. Information on incident T2D during a 15-year follow-up was drawn from national health registers. The statistical analyses were based on linear and logistic regression models, and on Cox's proportional hazards model. In all, at baseline, 39% of women and 24% of men had attempted to diet and 15% of women and 10% of men had achieved IWL during the previous year. The dieters (BMI 29.1 [SD 4.97] kg/m2) were more obese than the non-dieters (BMI 25.7 [SD 4.17] kg/m2). Dieting attempts and IWL were associated with several sociodemographic, lifestyle, somatic health and psychological factors. Most of the factors had parallel associations among both sexes. However, dieting and BMI showed a stronger direct gradient in men than in women. Moreover, dieting was positively associated with having diabetes, hip or knee osteoarthritis, and short habitual sleep only among men. Dieting attempts modified the association between quality of diet and obesity; while among the non-dieters, no association emerged, among the dieters, higher quality of diet was indicatively associated with a higher likelihood of overweight or obesity. Dieting attempts, weight loss, and weight fluctuation during the previous year were associated with an increase in BMI and WC during an 11-year follow-up. The increase was greater among dieters with normal weight than among non-dieters with normal weight. Conversely in those with initial obesity, the increases among dieters and non-dieters did not differ. During a 15-year register follow-up, 417 individuals developed T2D. IWL during the previous year predicted an increased risk of T2D during the follow-up. The association was indicatively accentuated in men, younger individuals, individuals with a lower educational level, individuals with some unfavorable lifestyle habits (low quality diet, low physical activity, and short habitual sleep), and in individuals with low energy intake. The results suggest that at the population level, self-report dieting may be associated with greater subsequent weight gain and an increased risk of developing T2D in the long term. These findings may derive from dieting-activated biological mechanisms (e.g. lowered resting energy expenditure and increased appetite) that promote weight gain. Failed dieting may lead to repeated weight loss attempts and thus, to weight cycling. Alternatively, it is possible that dieters differ from non-dieters and are initially at an elevated risk of weight gain and of developing T2D due to other factors. The results that the risk of T2D is tentatively pronounced among those with IWL and some unfavorable lifestyle habits suggest that poorly conducted dieting in conjunction with unhealthy lifestyle habits in particular may be associated with disadvantageous consequences. In spite of these results, individuals with obesity and medical needs for weight loss should not avoid dieting. Dieting, however, should be conducted properly with evidence-based strategies and an emphasis on weight maintenance after weight loss. Among individuals with normal weight, on the other hand, unnecessary dieting attempts should be avoided and instead, focus should be targeted to learning healthy lifestyle habits in order to maintain normal weight and to prevent weight gain in the future.Lihavuus on merkittävä maailmanlaajuinen kansanterveysongelma. Lihavuusepidemian myötä myös laihduttaminen on yleistynyt, ja onnistuneen laihtumisen onkin todettu olevan yhteydessä useiden kansantautien pienentyneeseen riskiin. Laihduttaminen ja laihduttamisen jälkeinen painonhallinta on suurimmalle osalle kuitenkin haastavaa. Havainnoivissa pitkittäistutkimuksissa on osoitettu, että laihduttamisyritykset ja tarkoituksellinen laihtuminen ovat yhteydessä myöhempään lihomiseen pitkällä aikavälillä. Laihduttaminen ei rajoitu pelkästään ylipainoisiin ja lihaviin, vaan se on yleistä myös normaalipainoisilla. Vaikka laihduttaminen on yleistä, sen yhteyksiä eri tekijöihin on tutkittu väestötasolla melko vähän. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli tutkia, mitkä taustatekijät ovat yhteydessä itseraportoituun laihduttamiseen. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia, eroaako ruokavalion terveellisyyden ja lihavuuden välinen yhteys niiden välillä, jotka olivat laihduttaneet ja eivät olleet laihduttaneet edellisen vuoden aikana. Lisäksi tutkittiin, ennustaako laihduttaminen painoindeksin (BMI) ja vyötärönympäryksen muutoksia ja tyypin 2 diabeteksen (T2D) ilmaantuvuutta pitkällä aikavälillä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, onko taustatekijöillä vaikutusta laihduttamisen ja lihavuusmittareiden muutosten tai T2D:n ilmaantuvuuden välisiin yhteyksiin. Tutkimus perustui kansallisesti edustavaan Terveys 2000 -tutkimukseen ja sen seurantatutkimukseen, Terveys 2011 -tutkimukseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin Terveys 2000 -tutkimuksessa 30 vuotta täyttäneiden otosta (n=8028). Tieto laihduttamisyrityksistä (yrittänyt laihduttaa), tarkoituksellisesta laihtumisesta (onnistunut laihduttamisessa) ja painonmuutoksista edellisen vuoden aikana kerättiin kyselylomakkeen avulla lähtötilanteessa. Validoidun frekvenssityyppisen ruoankäyttökyselyn (FFQ) avulla arvioitiin tutkittavien tavanomaista ruoankäyttöä ja ravintoaineiden saantia. Näihin tietoihin pohjautuen muodostettiin ruokavalion terveellisyyttä kuvaava ’terveellisen syömisen indeksi’ (modified Alternate Healthy Eating Index, mAHEI-indeksi). Tutkittavien pituus, paino ja vyötärönympärys mitattiin molemmilla tutkimuskerroilla terveystarkastusten yhteydessä. T2D:een sairastuneet 15 vuoden seurannan aikana tunnistettiin käyttäen kansallisia terveyttä koskevia rekistereitä. Tilastolliset analyysit perustuivat lineaarisen ja logistiseen regressiomalliin sekä Coxin malliin. Lähtötilanteessa kaikkiaan 39 % naisista ja 24 % miehistä oli yrittänyt laihduttaa ja 15 % naisista ja 10 % miehistä oli laihtunut tarkoituksellisesti edellisen vuoden aikana. Laihduttamisyritykset ja tarkoituksellinen laihtuminen olivat yhteydessä useisiin sosiodemografisiin, elintapa-, terveyteen liittyviin ja psykologisiin tekijöihin. Laihduttamisyritykset vaikuttivat ruokavalion terveellisyyden ja lihavuuden väliseen yhteyteen; ei-laihduttajilla yhteyttä ei ilmennyt, kun taas laihduttajilla terveellisempi ruokavalio oli yhteydessä suurempaan todennäköisyyteen olla ylipainoinen tai lihava. Laihduttamisyritykset, laihtuminen ja painon vaihtelu edellisen vuoden aikana olivat yhteydessä BMI:n ja vyötärönympäryksen kasvuun 11 vuoden seurannan aikana. Kasvu oli suurempaa alun perin normaalipainoisilla laihduttajilla verrattuna normaalipainoisiin ei-laihduttajiin. Sen sijaan lihavien kohdalla samanlaista eroa ei havaittu. T2D:een 15 vuoden rekisteriseurannan aikana sairastui 417 henkilöä. Edellisen vuoden aikainen tarkoituksellinen laihtuminen oli yhteydessä suurentuneeseen riskiin sairastua seurannan aikana. Tarkoituksellisen laihtumisen ja T2D:n ilmaantuvuuden välinen yhteys oli suuntaa antavasti korostunut mm. henkilöillä, joilla oli epäterveellisiä elintapoja. Tulosten perusteella itseraportoitu laihduttaminen voi olla väestötasolla yhteydessä suurempaan riskiin lihoa ja sairastua T2D:een pitkällä aikavälillä. Tuloksia voivat selittää laihduttamisen aktivoimat biologiset mekanismit (mm. madaltunut aineenvaihdunta, näläntunteen lisääntyminen), jotka pyrkivät ehkäisemään laihtumista ja edesauttamaan lihomista. Epäonnistunut laihduttaminen voi johtaa toistuviin laihduttamisyrityksiin ja painon ”jojoiluun”. Vaihtoehtoisesti on mahdollista, että laihduttajat eroavat ei-laihduttajista ja ovat alun perin muista tekijöistä johtuen suuremmassa vaarassa lihoa ja sairastua T2D:een. Tarkoituksellisen laihtumisen ja T2D:n ilmaantuvuuden suuntaa antavasti korostunut yhteys henkilöillä, joilla oli epäterveellisiä elintapoja viittaa siihen, että etenkin kehnosti toteutettu laihduttaminen voi olla yhteydessä haitallisiin seurauksiin. Huolimatta tämän tutkimuksen tuloksista, henkilöiden, joille on laihtumisesta terveydellistä hyötyä, ei tule välttää laihduttamista. Laihduttaminen tulee kuitenkin toteuttaa suunnitelmallisesti myönteisiin elintapamuutoksiin perustuen painottaen laihduttamisen jälkeisen painonhallinnan tärkeyttä. Normaalipainoisten henkilöiden tulisi välttää turhia laihduttamisyrityksiä, ja sen sijaan keskittyä terveellisten elintapojen omaksumiseen säilyttääkseen normaalipainonsa ja ehkäistäkseen painon nousu tulevaisuudessa

    Poor suitability for psychotherapy : a risk factor for treatment non-attendance?

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021Background: Patient suitability has been suggested to predict treatment non-attendance but information on its effect is limited. Aim: To study the prediction of the Suitability for Psychotherapy Scale (SPS), on occurrence of treatment non-attendance. Methods: Altogether 326 outpatients, with depressive or anxiety disorder, were randomized to short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (SPP), long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (LPP), and solution-focused therapy (SFT). SPS was based on seven components from three suitability domains: nature of problems, ego strength, and self-observing capacity. Treatment non-attendance was defined as refusal of engaging therapy and of premature termination. The Cox model and logistic regression were used. Results: Treatment non-attendance was significantly more common in LPP patients with poor SPS (RR = 2.76, 95% CI = 1.45-5.26). This was mainly due to poor flexibility of interaction, poor self-concept, and poor reflective ability. Premature termination in SFT showed a similar trend but due to other SPS components: absence of a circumscribed problem, poor modulation of affects, and poor response to trial interpretation. On the contrary, individuals with good values of SPS were more prone to premature termination in SPP. Limitations: The prediction of suitability on refusal could only be studied in the LPP group due to few refusals in the short-term therapy groups. The sample consisted of patients who participated in a trial. Thus the findings may not be directly generalized to unselected patients in the public mental health setting. Conclusions: Poor suitability, apparently, predicts non-attendance in LPP and SFT, but not in SPP. More studies on large cohorts are needed.Peer reviewe

    Self-Report Dieters: Who Are They?

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    Dieting attempts have become popular worldwide. Dieting, however, seems to have both positive and negative health-related consequences. So far, only a few studies have focused on the determinants of dieting in detail. This study explores the association between self-report dieting attempts and intentional weight loss (IWL) during the previous year and several demographic, lifestyle, health, and psychological factors in a cross-sectional study design using data from the representative Finnish Health 2000 Survey. The sample comprised 2147 men and 2378 women, aged 30–69. Information for potential determinants was assembled via health examinations, interviews, and questionnaires. Approximately 24% of the men and 39% of the women reported dieting attempts and 10% of the men and 15% of the women reported IWL. Dieting attempts were associated with younger age, education, BMI, formerly smoking, more favourable values in lifestyle variables, and unfavorable values in serum HDL and triglycerides, a worse sense of coherence, concerns about one’s appearance, and concerns about one’s health. Among men, diabetics and those sleeping ≤6 h a night more frequently reported dieting attempts and those with osteoarthritis reported IWL. Moreover, the gradient between BMI and dieting attempts was significantly stronger in men than in women. Men seem to attempt dieting when they have actual health-related reasons, while such reasons are not so strongly associated with dieting in women. These findings can be used for determining subpopulations with obesity and real weight-loss needs and, alternatively, subpopulations with normal weight unnecessarily attempting dieting

    Family socio-economic status and childhood adiposity in Europe

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    Childhood obesity is a considerable public health problem worldwide. In Europe, lower parental socioeconomic status (SES) relates to higher childhood adiposity. This scoping review strives to discover, which SES indicators are the most commonly used and meaningful determinants of childhood adiposity (greater level of continuous adiposity indicator, e.g. body mass index z-score, or overweight or obesity categorized by established definitions). The review focused on studies about European general populations from the 21st century (January 2000–April 2021) considering children and adolescents aged 0–17 years. PubMed and reference lists of articles were searched in February–April 2021. Total of 53 studies with 121 association analyses between different SES indicators and adiposity indicators, were identified and reviewed. Different SES indicators were grouped to 25 indicators and further to six indicator groups. The most used indicator was mother's education (n of association analyses = 24) and the most used indicator group was parental education (n of association analyses = 51). Of all association analyses, 55% were inverse, 36% were non-significant, and 8% were positive. Composite SES (80%), parental education (69%) and parental occupation (64%) indicators showed most frequently inverse associations with obesity measures (i.e. lower parental SES associating with higher adiposity), while parental income (50% inverse; 50% non-significant) and property and affluence (42% inverse; 50% nonsignificant) indicators showed approximately even number of inverse and non-significant associations. Instead, majority of parental employment (60%) indicators, showed non-significant associations and 33% showed positive associations (i.e. higher parental SES associating with higher adiposity). Despite some variation in percentages, majority of the associations were inverse in each age group and with different outcome categorizations. In girls and in boys, non-significant associations predominated. It seems that children with parents of higher SES have lower likelihood of adiposity in Europe. Parents' employment appears to differ from other SES indicators, so that having an employed parent(s) does not associate with lower likelihood of adiposity. Positive associations seem to occur more frequently in poorer countries. Criteria for uniform childhood SES and adiposity measures should be established and used in studies in order to be able to produce comparable results across countries

    Self-Report Dieters: Who Are They?

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    Dieting attempts have become popular worldwide. Dieting, however, seems to have both positive and negative health-related consequences. So far, only a few studies have focused on the determinants of dieting in detail. This study explores the association between self-report dieting attempts and intentional weight loss (IWL) during the previous year and several demographic, lifestyle, health, and psychological factors in a cross-sectional study design using data from the representative Finnish Health 2000 Survey. The sample comprised 2147 men and 2378 women, aged 30–69. Information for potential determinants was assembled via health examinations, interviews, and questionnaires. Approximately 24% of the men and 39% of the women reported dieting attempts and 10% of the men and 15% of the women reported IWL. Dieting attempts were associated with younger age, education, BMI, formerly smoking, more favourable values in lifestyle variables, and unfavorable values in serum HDL and triglycerides, a worse sense of coherence, concerns about one’s appearance, and concerns about one’s health. Among men, diabetics and those sleeping ≤6 h a night more frequently reported dieting attempts and those with osteoarthritis reported IWL. Moreover, the gradient between BMI and dieting attempts was significantly stronger in men than in women. Men seem to attempt dieting when they have actual health-related reasons, while such reasons are not so strongly associated with dieting in women. These findings can be used for determining subpopulations with obesity and real weight-loss needs and, alternatively, subpopulations with normal weight unnecessarily attempting dieting

    Intentional weight loss as a predictor of type 2 diabetes occurrence in a general adult population

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    Introduction Observational and intervention studies have verified that weight loss predicts a reduced type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk. At the population level, knowledge on the prediction of self-report intentional weight loss (IWL) on T2D incidence is, however, sparse. We studied the prediction of self-report IWL on T2D incidence during a 15-year follow-up in a general adult population. Research design and methods The study sample from the representative Finnish Health 2000 Survey comprised 4270 individuals, aged 30-69 years. IWL was determined with questions concerning dieting attempts and weight loss during the year prior to baseline. Incident T2D cases during a 15-year follow-up were drawn from national health registers. The strength of the association between IWL and T2D incidence was estimated with the Cox model. Results During the follow-up, 417 incident cases of T2D occurred. IWL predicted an increased risk of T2D incidence (HR 1.44; 95% CI 1.11 to 1.87, p=0.008) in a multivariable model. In interaction analyses comparing individuals with and without IWL, a suggestively elevated risk emerged in men, the younger age group, among less-educated people and in individuals with unfavorable values in several lifestyle factors. Conclusions Self-report IWL may predict an increased risk of T2D in long-term, probably due to self-implemented IWL tending to fail. The initial prevention of weight gain and support for weight maintenance after weight loss deserve greater emphasis in order to prevent T2D.Peer reviewe

    Intentional weight loss as a predictor of type 2 diabetes occurrence in a general adult population

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    Introduction Observational and intervention studies have verified that weight loss predicts a reduced type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk. At the population level, knowledge on the prediction of self-report intentional weight loss (IWL) on T2D incidence is, however, sparse. We studied the prediction of self-report IWL on T2D incidence during a 15-year follow-up in a general adult population. Research design and methods The study sample from the representative Finnish Health 2000 Survey comprised 4270 individuals, aged 30-69 years. IWL was determined with questions concerning dieting attempts and weight loss during the year prior to baseline. Incident T2D cases during a 15-year follow-up were drawn from national health registers. The strength of the association between IWL and T2D incidence was estimated with the Cox model. Results During the follow-up, 417 incident cases of T2D occurred. IWL predicted an increased risk of T2D incidence (HR 1.44; 95% CI 1.11 to 1.87, p=0.008) in a multivariable model. In interaction analyses comparing individuals with and without IWL, a suggestively elevated risk emerged in men, the younger age group, among less-educated people and in individuals with unfavorable values in several lifestyle factors. Conclusions Self-report IWL may predict an increased risk of T2D in long-term, probably due to self-implemented IWL tending to fail. The initial prevention of weight gain and support for weight maintenance after weight loss deserve greater emphasis in order to prevent T2D.Peer reviewe

    Dietary magnesium intake, serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein and the risk of incident knee osteoarthritis leading to hospitalization-A cohort study of 4,953 Finns

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    Objectives To study whether low dietary magnesium (Mg) intake and serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) predict the development of clinical knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods The cohort consisted of 4,953 participants of a national health examination survey who were free of knee and hip OA at baseline. Information on the incidence of knee OA leading to hospitalization was drawn from the National Care Register for Health Care. During the follow-up of 10 years, 123 participants developed incident knee OA. Dietary magnesium intake was assessed on the basis of a food frequency questionnaire from the preceding year. We used Cox's proportional hazards model to estimate the strength of the association between the tertiles of dietary Mg intake and incident knee OA, adjusted for baseline age, gender, energy intake, BMI, history of physical workload, leisure time physical activity, injuries, knee complaints, the use of Mg supplements, and serum hs-CRP levels. Results At baseline, dietary Mg intake was inversely associated with serum hs-CRP even after adjustment for all the potential confounding factors. During the follow-up, the adjusted hazard ratios (with their 95% confidence intervals) for incident knee OA in dietary Mg intake tertiles were 1.00, 1.28 (0.78-2.10), and 1.38 (0.73-2.62); the p value for trend was 0.31. Serum hs-CRP level at baseline did not predict incident knee OA. Conclusions The results do not support the hypothesis that low dietary Mg intake contributes to the development of clinical knee OA, although Mg intake is inversely associated with serum hs-CRP level.Peer reviewe