177 research outputs found

    Nilai Budaya Kahua di Negeri Saleman Kabupaten Maluku Tengah untuk Pendidikan Karakter

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    Pembinaan karakter masyarakat melalui budaya lokal Kahua memiliki manfaat ganda yang mana selain masyarakat Saleman memahami nilainya, juga dapat menerapkan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam budaya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai budaya Kahua di negeri Saleman, Kecamatan Seram Utara Barat, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini berupa lima nilai budaya Kahua, yaitu hakekat hidup manusia, hakekat karya manusia, hakekat waktu manusia; hakekat alam manusia, dan hakekat hubungan antar manusia. Karakter dari budaya Kahua adalah mandiri, tanggung jawab, menghargai prestasi, kerjakeras, peduli lingkungan, demokratis, bersahabat, dan toleransi

    A New Fault Detection System Using Wireless Communication – Assisted With Analog Relays For Grid Electrical Lamp Pole Network

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    This paper explained about the functionality of designed and developed fault detection system for an electrical pole’s components. The proposed system aims to accelerate the maintenance process when any component attached to the electrical pole is detected faulty. Hence, the designing and development of the proposed project includes integrating of a fault sensing circuit, control switching and optimization which derives the complete methodology for the proposed system. The fault sensing circuit provides a HIGH output signal when any failure is detected at any component attached to the system. Tough the HIGH signal is to detect the fault of a component; this HIGH signal also identifies the respective failed component which provide information and analysis of the failed component. Hence, this newly formulated integrated system is consists of a smart microcontroller which simultaneously process a number of signals from the fault sensing circuitry to enable fast fault managing and reduce the outage time. Integrating the fault detection system which performs as fault detection tasks, fault classification and location, the maintenance team can achieve the fault repairing task in shorter time

    Survey of Barriers to Rural Women Economic Empowerment in Iran

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    Women play an indispensable role in farming and in improving the quality of life in rural areas. Also rural women play a key role in agricultural sector production by working with full passion in production of crops right from the soil preparation till post harvest and food security activities in developing countries. In addition, for reaching development and progress goals of developing countries such as Iran, considering women rural ability promotion are vital. Also, the important role of women rural empowerment in promoting more agricultural productivity and development in rural areas is now widely recognized. The purpose of this study was identifying barriers to rural women economic empowerment. A descriptive–correlation survey approach was used in this study. The population consisted of women living in rural areas of Ardabil County. The questionnaire and interview were used for data collection in this study. The researcher developed the survey instrument. Validity of the instrument was established using a panel of experts. Reliability of the instrument for various questions varied from 0.83 to 0.86. Results showed that the most important barriers to rural women economic empowerment are: less skill of women, lack of men confidence to women, Sexuality, much busy to work at home, lack of employment opportunity to rural women, lack support of government from women entrepreneurship, lack of ability of talking in public. By factor analysis, factors for barriers to rural women economic empowerment were reduced to four main factors, named as individual-psychological, economic participation, infrastructure and social-institutional

    Survey of Barriers to Rural Women Economic Empowerment in Iran

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    Women play an indispensable role in farming and in improving the quality of life in rural areas. Also rural women play a key role in agricultural sector production by working with full passion in production of crops right from the soil preparation till post harvest and food security activities in developing countries. In addition, for reaching development and progress goals of developing countries such as Iran, considering women rural ability promotion are vital. Also, the important role of women rural empowerment in promoting more agricultural productivity and development in rural areas is now widely recognized. The purpose of this study was identifying barriers to rural women economic empowerment. A descriptive–correlation survey approach was used in this study. The population consisted of women living in rural areas of Ardabil County. The questionnaire and interview were used for data collection in this study. The researcher developed the survey instrument. Validity of the instrument was established using a panel of experts. Reliability of the instrument for various questions varied from 0.83 to 0.86. Results showed that the most important barriers to rural women economic empowerment are: less skill of women, lack of men confidence to women, Sexuality, much busy to work at home, lack of employment opportunity to rural women, lack support of government from women entrepreneurship, lack of ability of talking in public. By factor analysis, factors for barriers to rural women economic empowerment were reduced to four main factors, named as individual-psychological, economic participation, infrastructure and social-institutional


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    This paper is focused on improving the drivability of busses for preventing accidents. Bus accidents are not as frequent as car accidents but each bus accidents puts at least forty human lives in risk which is equivalent to eight saloon cars with the maximum allowable passengers. While there are many parts of the busses which can be looked into for improving the safety this paper is focusing on the steering systems. Nowadays, many automobile manufacturers have integrated safety systems into the steering systems for saloon cars and the results shown are positive. They are proven to be effective as the manufacturers have successfully commercialised their technologies. Similarly, a framework will be developed to implement steering system integrated with safety systems for busses. The suggested framework will be focused on overcoming a specific emergency scenario which bus drivers will encounter most commonly

    EMD Electricty monitoring device for user awareness

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    Electricity bill charges usually dependents on the amount of electricity usage. The increment in the electricity usage will cause the users to pay more. This situation always happens when users are not aware about their growing usage. Hence, a system is needed where it can monitor and measure the electricity usage and update users on the increasing electricity utilization. This paper will discuss about EMD research methodology and process development of a device to monitoring real-time electricity utilization. This system will indirectly help the users to monitor the amount of electricity usage which will help them to control and overcome wastage of electric power

    Water pressure loss analysis of mobile machine for fire figthing purpose

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    Fire fighting is risky profession. They arc not only extinguishing fires in tall buildings but also must drag heavy hoses, climb high ladders and carry people from buildings and other situations. There arc many fire fighters lost their lives in the line of duty each year throughout the world. The stntistics of the fire fighter fatalities are still maintain at high level every year and it may continue to increase if there is no improvement in fire fighting techniques and technology. The paper describes the water pressure loss analysis of mobile fire fighting machine prototype

    Water Pressure Loss Analysis of Mobile Machine for Fire Fighting Purpose

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    Fire fighting is risky profession. They are not only extinguishing fires in tall buildings but also must drag heavy hoses, climb high ladders and carry people from buildings and other situations. There are many fire fighters lost their lives in the line of duty each year throughout the world. The statistics of the fire fighter fatalities are still maintain at high level every year and it may continue to increase if there is no improvement in fire fighting techniques and technology. The paper describes the water pressure loss analysis of mobile fire fighting machine prototype

    Off-Grid System Development for House Car Pouch Lighting

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    Practically to electrify lighting system electricity supply is a necessity to power the light. Thus, solar energy is known as an alternative source to provide electricity. This paper presents an off-grid system development for house car porch lighting system. Development of the system is composed of photovoltaic panel, environmental sensors, charge controller, battery and lighting loads such as florescent lamp. The off-grid system focuses to supply electricity in small scale which is integrated with some energy saving characteristics. An auto timer and smart charge controller is integrated into the off-grid system to turn-on and turn-off the lighting at the house car pouch. Integration of some smart functions is an ideal solution for small scale electricity supply or particularly for location which cannot be accessed by grid supply
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